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Too late now, but an idea.

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2 hours ago, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

A fun idea would be for Anet to give all players a  new character slot.

This way, when the floodgates open to all the new steam players, the vets could be leveling along with the new players.

Just an idea I had.

I like the idea, and I agree that taking your level 80 to the starter zones isn't the same as leveling alongside a buddy. The vets also have the challenge of not using the many insta-level opportunities they have -- tomes, scrolls, etc. So just giving away the character slots isn't really a solid solution to getting vets to play alongside newbies.

It's really up to the players to do so.

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39 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

It's just not even worth engaging with you. It's a shame that any idea is just met with "WHY". Oh well, I'm looking forward to the new users that come from Steam. Hopefully they won't come near here.

Is asking for more freebies even qualifying for being an "idea"?

I mean sure, give me a free slot, I'll level it with tomes and park it somewhere for easy daily loot. And whenever I'll want to help new players, I'll just go with a downscaled character anyways like I can already do. 😄  I just don't really see a reason for why we need to "level up new character" or "get another slot" in order to help new players. Maybe it's not false reasoning, maybe it's completely 100% honest. I just don't see the correlation between a "gimme" and "it's to help new players".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The problem is we've had months of topics that claim to be about helping new players on Steam but amount to "give existing players free stuff". Some may be genuine suggestions, but it still always seems to revolve around freebies for people who are already playing rather than anything for the new players the ideas are supposed to help. 

Encouraging existing players to meet up and play with new players isn't a bad idea but an additional character slot isn't necessary to do that and won't be used that way by anyone who isn't already planning to help newbies, so it comes across like just another ask for free stuff. 

Like the recent topic about rewarding commanders I'm also not sure it's something Anet could or should incentivise. It would be better if the people volunteering to help genuinely want to help (and there's no shortage of them) rather than doing it for the rewards. 

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How many vets, given a free slot, would avoid using tomes to level up?  Even if that is a goodly number, I see two problems.  One, although I know they've experimented with xp gain levels for new players, a veteran account is simply going to level faster.  All those achievement chests include accumulating account wide xp bonuses.  Two, ok, you get your free slot, you level up alongside the new players, you keep yourself to about the pace the wave of new players are gaining levels, you help a few of them in a dedicated fashion or you just keep finding players around your level to assist.  Annnnd ... you get to higher levels.  You hit 80.  Do you reroll the character so you can help with more new players?  Or are you just one and done?

I intend to help the new folk by doing nice things for them in starter zones.  I don't need to be starter levels to do that.

OP, you are a kind soul.  I always enjoy seeing you post.  But I think your kindness is fuzzing your vision on this one.

Edited by Donari.5237
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Honestly you're assuming that people are going to just go level a char normally if they get given a free slot... but I can't think of anybody I know that would. They'd either use it as a storage char/key character, or just level it with one of the many stacks of tomes in their bank, or well... anything other than level a character from scratch.

And of those that would level a character, who's to say that they wouldn't just blitz through events with their mounts and not actually help new players?


I think you have a nice sentiment, I don't think this idea works and I can't see it happening.

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4 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

Such a tonal difference between here and subreddit. The sub is mostly looking forward to showing new people the game while here it's a bunch of debbie downers complaining. Hopefully new players will avoid the official forums.

On reddit bad posts are often downvoted to oblivion and disappear. Here they stay up. There's plenty of bad stuff posted on the reddit. It just doesn't stay around as long. It's a difference in the mechanics of the system.

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In the spirit of  'too late now' ideas, it will be interesting to see how many people don't understand why there isn't a channel drop down selector, so you don't have to rely on advertised raid/parties to move around. My earliest recollection of this was EQ2. Missed yet another Shatt (<- probably kittened, the little dragon in blazeridge) b/c the new FE went a little long, and no one was advertising. 😞

Having said that, no one comes closing to touching their server tech, to the point where I'm baffled at 4-6 hour down times that every other game seems to have. Licensing that alone would pay for lots of stuff, one would think. 🙂

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15 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

It's just not even worth engaging with you. It's a shame that any idea is just met with "WHY". Oh well, I'm looking forward to the new users that come from Steam. Hopefully they won't come near here.

Not sure if this was directed at me?  At any rate, most ideas that are proposed on the forums have no consideration for how they would benefit Anet.  If the studio can't make a profit, or loses money due to resource re-allocation, then what possible reason would Anet have for implementing things?

A free character slot?  True, since they already exist then Anet wouldn't be losing any money by giving something away that is already available, but they wouldn't be profiting either.

So, one should ask, what or how would Anet benefit from the proposal?  What is Anet's incentive?

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45 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I'm pretty sure that everything ArenaNet implements isn't revenue/profit-based.  Sometimes, things are just QoL.  One QoL suggestion that was implemented long ago was 'Deposit All Materials'.  Not sure how much revenue that created.

To be fair, I did say most ideas and not all of them.

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22 hours ago, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

A fun idea would be for Anet to give all players a  new character slot.


This way, when the floodgates open to all the new steam players, the vets could be leveling along with the new players.


Just an idea I had.

In theory this sounds of course like a good idea but I am pretty sure many veterans would just use Tomes of Knowledge or the birthday booster to get to lvl 80 or use the character slot for key farming. Very few would level a new character to lvl 80. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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21 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

some people enjoy starting a new character from scratch.

Then players can buy a new character slot. There are plenty of players who are looking forward to helping the new folk without a free 800 gems.

20 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

The sub is mostly looking forward to showing new people the game while here it's a bunch of debbie downers complaining people asking for free stuff.


20 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

It's a shame that any idea is just met with "WHY". Oh well, I'm looking forward to the new users that come from Steam.

Ah, the old you're-wrong-if-you-don't-agree-with-me technique. A forum classic. 

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