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Mystic Forge "Upgrade" - "Bank Access" [Merged]

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The mystic forge update just put in today is the worst possible way to answer years long requests for bank access in the forge. The bank items are mixed in with the character inventory (small icon to show in bank) making it hard to find anything, exponentially worsened by having more bags and more bank tabs. And Material storage is not included, so it doesn't even address the request, as you still have to go back to the bank and get things in inventory to forge with.


It makes the mystic forge worse to use while providing nearly no benefit. We needed the bank and materials accessible in the same way they are in the crafting screens, as separate and easily navigated tabs. I hope this is either not the change they meant to do, or that this change is reverted, as it has now made the forge worse, not better.

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Sorry, but this change was not good. My bank is where I keep items I DON'T want to lose. My own stupidity is going to make me destroy some things I did not mean to, through the mystic forge. Partially because the UI really sucks, and now you made it noisier. Please revert this change or give the UI a full makeover with a search bar and good filtering options. Thanks.

Edited by StevenL.3761
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I was thinking the same, I keep stuff in the bank because I don't want to do anything with it right now, including putting it in the Mystic Forge.

It does at least put items from the bank at the bottom of the list, but it still means the menu is full of stuff I definitely don't want to use, which is pretty annoying.

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I agree, in theory this was a great idea in some aspects, but for others it complicates the process.

Two suggestions I have would be to:
1) implement a search feature, just like inventory and bank UI's have. This would make searching the 350+ items that are showing up from my bank easier to forge correctly.
2) Add a toggle for the bank items so that players can choose if/when they want the items from their bank to show up while forging.

For reference, forging exotics is a very particular process and I do not want things from my bank to be accidently included. 

Edited by jaymin.1785
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I didn't realise this was something anyone had requested. I'm not a fan of the change though, I keep stuff in my bank specifically because I don't want to use it now and this will make it harder to avoid accidentally using those items and harder to find and use the ones I do want.

For example when I'm deleting a tempoary character if they have anything which can't be salvaged and I don't want to keep I'll put it in the Forge, but now the handful of items I'm trying to get rid of will be in with several bank tabs of equipment I definitely want to keep.

The best "fix" I can think of now is to rearrange my bank so things which in theory can go into the Forge but I can't actually use, like the Emblem of the Avenger are at the top so they form a kind of barrier between things I want to use and things I don't want to touch at all (and then close and re-open the menu each time I forge something, because new items go to the bottom) but that's not necessarily going to work and means messing up my bank.

(This reminds me of when they added the 'deposit' and 'compact' buttons to the inventory, which was a genuine improvement for some people and reintroduced the problem of accidentally pushing the compact option for others, who never, ever want to do that. It wouldn't surprise me if it's a similar situation of the person who made the change wanting this and not realising other people use the Forge and their bank differently.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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3 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I didn't realise this was something anyone had requested. I'm not a fan of the change though, I keep stuff in my bank specifically because I don't want to use it now and this will make it harder to avoid accidentally using those items and harder to find and use the ones I do want.

For example when I'm deleting a tempoary character if they have anything which can't be salvaged and I don't want to keep I'll put it in the Forge, but now the handful of items I'm trying to get rid of will be in with several bank tabs of equipment I definitely want to keep.

The best "fix" I can think of now is to rearrange my bank so things which in theory can go into the Forge but I can't actually use, like the Emblem of the Avenger are at the top so they form a kind of barrier between things I want to use and things I don't want to touch at all (and then close and re-open the menu each time I forge something, because new items go to the bottom) but that's not necessarily going to work and means messing up my bank.

What has been released is NOT what anyone requested. What has been requested is bank and material access LIKE IT IS AT CRAFTING STATIONS, not this mess. That this is both not what was asked for AND hugely bad is the point of this thread.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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This is not what anyone wanted. It's absolutely horrible and renders the forge more difficult to use WITHOUT ANY MATERIAL BENEFIT. You still have to go the bank due to needing to get things from mat storage and it's such a mess you can't find things to forge with in the huge pile of garbage now shoved in the interface. Most things in the bank are NOT for the Mystic Forge. I should add that people who have lots of bag slots and bank tabs will find this exponentially worse based on how many they have as it makes the list to slog through huge.

We want bank and material storage access AS IT IS AT THE CRAFTING STATIONS, not this. Change it back to how it was. This is so bad I am will be actively avoiding the forge as much as possible until this is reverted.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Why would this change anything about it? Those bags are not upgraded through mystic forge...

cough thats right well maybe they can do the cafting thing next =P


Just noticed things in the bank do have a bag icon top left corner on them tho so should not be that hard to see what you got in bank or not

Edited by Linken.6345
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21 minutes ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

This is not what anyone wanted. It's absolutely horrible and renders the forge more difficult to use WITHOUT ANY MATERIAL BENEFIT. You still have to go the bank due to needing to get things from mat storage and it's such a mess you can't find things to forge with in the huge pile of garbage now shoved in the interface. Most things in the bank are NOT for the Mystic Forge. I should add that people who have lots of bag slots and bank tabs will find this exponentially worse based on how many they have as it makes the list to slog through huge.

We want bank and material storage access AS IT IS AT THE CRAFTING STATIONS, not this. Change it back to how it was. This is so bad I am will be actively avoiding the forge as much as possible until this is reverted.

To be fair, people having been asking for bank - forge ui for many years. I can’t criticise the implementation here because I haven’t seen it, although it sounds like it might need to separate or highlight bank items. Or a filter as the op suggests. 

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Yikes. Apparently this is one of those things that sounds fine on paper, but is awful in practice. When I read the patch note, it sounded sensible enough. One I checked the mystic forge in-game, I realized I will now be spending way more time finding what I need and double-checking I'm forging the right thing than I would ever spend before going to the bank to get something.

This is gonna put more work on support when people inevitably forge the wrong thing more often. An important characteristic of it having been limited to your bags before is that a number of recipes share same materials and unlike crafting, there is no way to choose what recipe you are making on a surface language level. So in lieu of being able to actively choose what you are making, you can help ensure you are making the right thing by limiting what you have available to work with.

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2 hours ago, StevenL.3761 said:

My bank is where I keep items I DON'T want to lose. My own stupidity is going to make me destroy some things I did not mean to, through the mystic forge.

While I'd probably prefer it to be seperated in some way (even if by a horizontal lane) to show where the inventory ends and bank starts, the items in your bank have an icon on them, so it's not like we're unable to tell what's where. Could be better though, sure.

35 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

So in lieu of being able to actively choose what you are making, you can help ensure you are making the right thing by limiting what you have available to work with.

You can still make a bank stop before going to the forge, put the needed items in your inventory and just never use the items with the icon in their upper left corner.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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With the amount of stuff in my bank, it is not desired at all to see it all at the Mystic Forge. 

The single extra step of taking things out of the bank, to then use in the mystic forge, was also a moment where we could check if we got the right items.

This change solves no issue whatsoever, just makes the whole process a mess.

Please a toggle so I can permanently hide the bank at the forge. 

Or make a big seperation line, rather than just a tiny icon.  Like inventory bags: Inventory part - bank part, clearly and most of all unmistakenly seperated. 

Current way is just creating a mess where there doesnt  need to be one.

Edit to ad:

1. The order is Inventory - Bank - Shared inventory... why? I dont understand that.

2. The icons showing it is bank... Who designed those? For me, as a visual impaired player with also a mild for of color blindness, I cannot see the icon on a lot of items. At first glance I thought people were crazy saying it was inventory and then bank first, I though what you talk about? It's all mixed up? Untill I noticed some items without bank icon, which I was sure of, are actually in my bank. Took a screenshot... increased the contrast and ow hey! HIDDEN bank icon in my eyes

Edited by Tuna Bandit.3786
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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

To be fair, people having been asking for bank - forge ui for many years. I can’t criticise the implementation here because I haven’t seen it, although it sounds like it might need to separate or highlight bank items. Or a filter as the op suggests. 

Bank items have an icon in the upper left corner, it's rather clear what is in your inventory and what isn't. It could be better, but some of the reactions on the forum seem a little overdramatic to me.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Bank items have an icon in the upper left corner, it's rather clear what is in your inventory and what isn't. It could be better, but some of the reactions on the forum seem a little overdramatic to me.

The mystic forge is one of the primary game systems people are meant to engage with on a regular basis. Of course the reactions are strong, this isn't a rock being moved in the corner of a map.

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Bank items have an icon in the upper left corner, it's rather clear what is in your inventory and what isn't. It could be better, but some of the reactions on the forum seem a little overdramatic to me.

Unusual given the forum’s innate tendency towards moderation and placidity

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3 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

The mystic forge is one of the primary game systems people are meant to engage with on a regular basis. Of course the reactions are strong, this isn't a rock being moved in the corner of a map.

I don't need the explanation of what mystic forge is and how it's used, I am consistently using it as well. I'm confused what exactly is this supposed to be responding to? Did I write anywhere that nobody uses mystic forge or something along these lines? :classic_blink:

What I said is some people here keep CAPSING IT OUT how they now have no idea what is in their bags and what is in their banks -which is in their banks because they don't want to touch it or use in mystic forge!- but it's rather clear what's where because it's marked in the forge window.

2 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Unusual given the forum’s innate tendency towards moderation and placidity

hah, ok 😛

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't need the explanation of what mystic forge is and how it's used, I am consistently using it as well. I'm confused what exactly is this supposed to be responding to? Did I write anywhere that nobody uses mystic forge or something along these lines? :classic_blink:

hah, ok 😛

Are you for real? You called the reactions overdramatic.

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2 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Are you for real? You called the reactions overdramatic.

Edited in while you were already responding:

What I said is some people here keep CAPSING IT OUT how they now have no idea what is in their bags and what is in their banks -which is in their banks because they don't want to touch it or use in mystic forge!- but it's rather clear what's where because it's marked in the forge window.

So yes, I do think those reactions are a little overdramatic and "people using it!" have nothing to do with it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Edited in while you were already responding:

What I said is some people here keep CAPSING IT OUT how they now have no idea what is in their bags and what is in their banks -which is in their banks because they don't want to touch it or use in mystic forge!- but it's rather clear what's where because it's marked in the forge window.

So yes, I do think reactions are overdramatic and "people using it!" have nothing to do with it.

Um, a poster explained above how they are VISUALLY IMPAIRED AND LITERALLY HAVE TROUBLE SEEING THE ICONS. I guess people with impairments like that don't exist to you.

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7 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Um, a poster explained above how they are VISUALLY IMPAIRED AND LITERALLY HAVE TROUBLE SEEING THE ICONS. I guess people with impairments like that don't exist to you.

Did I somehow quote that person specifically? Or did I say "some of the reactions"? 🤦‍♂️ 

Also, in that specific case, that person was rather calm, so yeah, not talking about that post where they're simply asking to adjust it (or add a toggle). Obviously you instantly try to turn it into some weird "visually impaired people don't exist to you" as if that has anything to do with what I said above, oof.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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