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This game is going to look like Tera.


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Meh. Mmos have all kinds of players. Anet should cater to all of them. I don’t like plain (boring) or dark looking characters, but I won’t complain about them as we are all different. It’s all subjective.

There is a reason anet keeps creating cute stuff. It sells. And it sells cause players like them. Your subjective opinion is not making gw2 less of an mmo. Maybe it’s time to adapt and embrace the differences instead of screaming “muh immersion!!” Imagine how boring it would be if everything was brown and dull looking. No thank you. I enjoy looking at the creativity of the community when it comes to fashion. 

And as a former tera player, gw2 and tera can’t even be compared when it comes to these things. Tera was a good mmo as well. With flaws, but the characters and the “fluff” was not one of them. 

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13 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

This is a "muh immersion!!!" thread.


I don't like how they keep adding oversized cat pillows, arcade mounts, legendaries that shoot rainbow unicorns, and all that awful stuff. 


Immersion matters in MMOs. It just does. This isn't Fortnite.

Sorry, but you're wrong. FFXIV has all this trashy cat weeb stuff and it's super successful. If anything, killing immersion will bring in MORE players, as the high fantasy thing is no longer in vogue.

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12 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Not awful enough to lose your attention for the game. 

Just because it's not enough to make me leave the game doesn't mean it doesn't take away from the experience.


The point you're trying to make is ridiculous. You're dismissing any criticism of the game by stating: "If it's not enough to make you leave, then it's a non-issue and there's no point discussing it".

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...and female combatants running around in mainly bralettes and boob shaped plating probably hadn't broken your immersion.


All I'm hearing is "my preferences aren't exclusively catered to and I don't like it". This is a non-problem. This game was an eclectic fun-sense since day one.

Moreover, do you really think in a world as abundant in magic as Tyria, there wouldn't be a ton of silly cosmetic things like that to take the regular people's attention away from all the gloom and tragedy?

Edited by Frangild.1749
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9 hours ago, Tom.8029 said:

We’ve had this conversation before. Everything released on the gem store is developed by the Black Lion Trading Company and is thus canon. 

Gasp! You mean there's that chance the wacky things people create, invent, build and sell are novelty items meant to bring joy and wonder in a game rife with death and destruction? Wild.

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Nah you're absolutely right. I love Guild Wars 2 but their aesthetic decisions absolutely perplex and confound me. Why did they set out to make a MMO with such a distinctive, unique, carefully-thought-out art style, and then fill the game with hideous nonsense like people riding on giant fireballs, enormous cat pillows, etc? I just don't get it. I don't understand the design philosophy behind it, either from an art standpoint or a worldbuilding / lore standpoint. None of this stuff makes any sense in the game's lore or world whatsoever. I mean just take 75% of the mount skins for example. Kind of weird how we never see glowing neon raptors in the world anywhere, isn't it, even though the skin names suggest that they inhabit areas we can visit? 🤔


Not that I want to, mind you.


And every time they add another cat-related thing to the game a tiny part of me says "uninstall." I guess that's highly subjective but I absolutely detest cats and the last thing I want for the game I choose to spend thousands of hours playing — literally the very last thing — is for it to be filled with cats. Even when "catmander" was introduced I already felt like that was too much weird, soy nonsense being forced into the game's aesthetic. But now here we are years later with [reads notes] floating, winged cat bots? Anet, please stop. The toxoplasmosis has you.

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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people always laugh at FFXIV saying it's a weeb game but I've always found it to be at least visually consistent. Everything in the game generally looks like it fits in there to some degree. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand, well just look at the starting zones when the Steam launch happened. It was color/special effect vomit. There are some times when the game looks so good, but then you have these ridiculous cosmetics that just seem completely removed from the game world.

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11 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

people always laugh at FFXIV saying it's a weeb game but I've always found it to be at least visually consistent. Everything in the game generally looks like it fits in there to some degree. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand, well just look at the starting zones when the Steam launch happened. It was color/special effect vomit. There are some times when the game looks so good, but then you have these ridiculous cosmetics that just seem completely removed from the game world.


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21 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

This is a "muh immersion!!!" thread.

I don't like how they keep adding oversized cat pillows, arcade mounts, legendaries that shoot rainbow unicorns, and all that awful stuff. 

Immersion matters in MMOs. It just does. This isn't Fortnite.

I totally agree. It's pretty bad since EoD: ugly jade mechs, green dragon jade, grey concrete, a luminescent flora and sloppily placed assets. 😑 And now we are being overrun by noisy cutesy-wootsy ghosts, flying fat rainbow cats and Korean merchandise chairs in the shape of evenly "cute" cats. 🤢

Let's hope the horror ends with Cantha, when they stop catering to the Asian anime lovers.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I agree with the OP here. I played TERA for many years and one of the reasons I left was it became more and more cutesy. If I wanted to play Hello Kitty Online or Animal Crossing then I would have, but I don't. 

As someone said, at least run the cuteness through a Tyria filter not just blatant anime.

Edited by Evenge.4067
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2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

when they stop catering to the Asian anime lovers.

I’m curious. What does Asian anime got to do with cute stuff? Is everything cute and fluffy anime? Are everyone that likes cute and fluffy things anime lovers? I’ve yet to see anything directly connected to anime in gw2. Can you point me to it? 

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What do you exactly mean by 'immersion breaking'. Don't try to elevate your opinion to a statement of fact by trying to argue it is damaging the game. Just say you don't like the style of the plush cat bed and be content that is your personal taste.


Tyria is a large interconnected world of multiple nations and cultures. They have pet cats in this world. Pets cats in the real world inspire thing like this in the real world. Pet cats in Tyria could reasonably inspire things like this in the fantasy world. Is it a bit of a decadent waste for the world to manufacture perhaps, but there are very rich people in this world who could indeed waste a bunch of resources to make something so luxuriously dumb and cutesy. Also Tyria is a world that is on the edge of a kind of techno magical industrial revolution, so is the production of frivolous comfort enhancing goods, isn't that big of a logical leap. I think this is the first time we have seen a textile product with a thickly flocked or piled surface, but I don't think that making a manufactured fur is beyond the tech of this world. Advanced textile manufacturing is indeed suggested by art surrounding the tailoring profession after all.


What is an immersion breaking part of gw2 chairs, in general, is being able to whip out and place the chairs wherever you want in the open. Dragging any large piece of furniture out into the middle of nowhere or a walkway and sitting on it is silly. All chairs can be immersion breaking because they materialize out of nowhere and can be put wherever anyone can stand. Any chair, used in random or poor situations will be immersion breaking in this game. Put an ice thrown in a fire pit, but a lava chair on a frozen lake, all silly things. You just choose to single out this chair, because you also don't like this chair's aesthetic in general. But that is just an opinion.


In any case, it isn't the design that breaks immersion, it is the fact that players have free reign to throw whatever furniture of whatever design they want into whatever location they want as long as they don't get knocked out of it by hostile mobs. Of course, you know complaining about other players is a loosing argument, but masquerading your opinion as a matter of fact to justify your arguments isn't much different.


9 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

If the cat chair had been a goofy stuffed Charr...


That would suggest cannon that there was an in game desire/fantasy of some Tyrians using charr as beds... Well I guess Snargle Goldclaw already confirmed it anyways.

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Even beyond the immersion stuff, it seems like all of the over the top gem store items are like 90% of the main offenders when it comes to performance hits in group content. There really needs to be a way to at least hide other player's backpacks and legendary effects, even if it's only because they're a legitimate graphics/performance/gameplay quality issue for a lot of players.

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1 hour ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Even beyond the immersion stuff, it seems like all of the over the top gem store items are like 90% of the main offenders when it comes to performance hits in group content. There really needs to be a way to at least hide other player's backpacks and legendary effects, even if it's only because they're a legitimate graphics/performance/gameplay quality issue for a lot of players.


Yes. I remember in some other games were features like this.

You could check the option to display all players wearing generic gear skins.

I wish it was implemented here so I could hide all plush or flashy mounts , stupid cats and chairs , etc. 

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2 hours ago, PseudoNewb.5468 said:

What do you exactly mean by 'immersion breaking'. Don't try to elevate your opinion to a statement of fact by trying to argue it is damaging the game. Just say you don't like the style of the plush cat bed and be content that is your personal taste.


Tyria is a large interconnected world of multiple nations and cultures. They have pet cats in this world. Pets cats in the real world inspire thing like this in the real world. Pet cats in Tyria could reasonably inspire things like this in the fantasy world. Is it a bit of a decadent waste for the world to manufacture perhaps, but there are very rich people in this world who could indeed waste a bunch of resources to make something so luxuriously dumb and cutesy. Also Tyria is a world that is on the edge of a kind of techno magical industrial revolution, so is the production of frivolous comfort enhancing goods, isn't that big of a logical leap. I think this is the first time we have seen a textile product with a thickly flocked or piled surface, but I don't think that making a manufactured fur is beyond the tech of this world. Advanced textile manufacturing is indeed suggested by art surrounding the tailoring profession after all.


What is an immersion breaking part of gw2 chairs, in general, is being able to whip out and place the chairs wherever you want in the open. Dragging any large piece of furniture out into the middle of nowhere or a walkway and sitting on it is silly. All chairs can be immersion breaking because they materialize out of nowhere and can be put wherever anyone can stand. Any chair, used in random or poor situations will be immersion breaking in this game. Put an ice thrown in a fire pit, but a lava chair on a frozen lake, all silly things. You just choose to single out this chair, because you also don't like this chair's aesthetic in general. But that is just an opinion.


In any case, it isn't the design that breaks immersion, it is the fact that players have free reign to throw whatever furniture of whatever design they want into whatever location they want as long as they don't get knocked out of it by hostile mobs. Of course, you know complaining about other players is a loosing argument, but masquerading your opinion as a matter of fact to justify your arguments isn't much different.



That would suggest cannon that there was an in game desire/fantasy of some Tyrians using charr as beds... Well I guess Snargle Goldclaw already confirmed it anyways.

But I play video games precisely to escape living in a real world where things like this exist.

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3 hours ago, PseudoNewb.5468 said:

What is an immersion breaking part of gw2 chairs, in general, is being able to whip out and place the chairs wherever you want in the open. Dragging any large piece of furniture out into the middle of nowhere or a walkway and sitting on it is silly. All chairs can be immersion breaking because they materialize out of nowhere and can be put wherever anyone can stand.

But, but, we got the chair pocket! Same as the horse pocket we put all our mounts in. 


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I agree. Anet should also delete all huge greatswords that look like paddles too. And every armor with spikes. And mounts too, because it's not realistic that they just appear out of nowhere. Where do the mounts hide? In out pockets!? Do the mounts follow us few meters off screen? Argh, my immersion is ruined!

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