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What do you look forward to most during Wintersday


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On 12/10/2022 at 5:07 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

I Know, I’m hoping they put them back in. I guess we will see if they still care about player feedback on Tuesday, but my hopes are def not up given they’ve gone back to silence again


Have they said anything about the food they've removed? I might have missed it but I thought they removed it without even mentioning it in any patch notes.

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26 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:


Have they said anything about the food they've removed? I might have missed it but I thought they removed it without even mentioning it in any patch notes.

You haven't missed anything, unless they put it back in, then it's still removed.  Hopeful thinking.  

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Well ... but funnily one thing mentioned here got addressed: According to the patch notes some confirmation windows (for deleting) ... have been removed - for some tonics.

Edit: Other than that nothing new - besides the stuff that got added to the recent festivals as well. I'll do my dailies ... trying to get lucky with the new skins from the kodan vendor (not buying directly since still too much other stuff I need th currency for) + doing the annuals and the new daily. (Hopefully the other alternative to killing 3 champs won't be too annoying this time. But I still need to log in to see. :D)

Toypocalypse is one grinde thing ... and the Tixx Infiniarum also too loing. Doing the latter one only once. The Toypocalypse when it is on daily maybe. (And for the annuals.) The strike ... might try it when it is on daily. And at least once. But probably trying to buy some of the remaining skins on the trading post instead. Here I will not try to do every daily cause it usually can take a bit longer since there is lengthier stuff included and more than one sometimes.

But the bell choir, jumping puzzle, and gifts for the kids - at least once per day even when it is not in daily. Not too unfun and fast + some rewards. The snowball slinger always an easy daily + I think something with donating food and/or escorting the gift dolyaks where achievements might be done if on daily.

First I'll get the promised free items + activating my new 2 bag slots on the main though. And opening one of the black lion chests. (I only open one ... each time it changes.) The knife gang bond stuff ... I will ignore that one. The promotional event seems not too interesting for me - since it still is (after all) ... related to randomness and luck - those items.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I enjoy the start of the festival when the area feels well populated and the map chat is lively. I enjoy freezy, toypoc, and doing some JP. I like getting the new meta rewards and have a few of the upgraded gift-wrapped skins, etc also.


I do decorate the hall still but, honestly, that part always makes me a little sad because I never feel like many people see or appreciate the hall cause most people dont use GHs unless they still farm the nodes or want to change out a guild boon. Stil,l Wintersday has some really fun decorations so I always set some up anyway.

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13 minutes ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

I enjoy the start of the festival when the area feels well populated and the map chat is lively. I enjoy freezy, toypoc, and doing some JP. I like getting the new meta rewards and have a few of the upgraded gift-wrapped skins, etc also.


I do decorate the hall still but, honestly, that part always makes me a little sad because I never feel like many people see or appreciate the hall cause most people dont use GHs unless they still farm the nodes or want to change out a guild boon. Stil,l Wintersday has some really fun decorations so I always set some up anyway.

I feel the same on the decorations, so I put them on the side with the nodes lol.  You will see my decorations!  

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I enjoy the atmosphere and helping the orphans. Not a fan of jumping puzzles at all, I never make it very far. I want to know what happened to the candy canes???? I was hoping to collect enough to make fruit cake. I don't have enough to make one yet! Didn't their used to be mining nodes with candy canes?

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I tried the bell quire but kept getting some weird bounce/reset bug when trying to do anything so exited. May try again later. Then tried the infinitorium or whatever it is called, it said 5 players but I was the only person there so it turned out to be hard work, especially trying to keep the dolls house thing blue enough to complete it solo, that took aaaaages, got a lot of the way through it but had to go to bed after 3-4 hours and got nothing to show for all those hours playing LOL. I will probably miss that one next time unless more people are on there. Shame there isnt a halloween farm like the Mad Kings Labyrinth as that was great fun, could just LFG up and have a blast. Karma farming seems to be worthwhile though although that looks like it could get repetitive after a couple of days. Any reccomendations, am I missing something like the labyrinth somewhere, this is first winterday after a decade out of the game?.

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32 minutes ago, PsyManofWildtrouser.7930 said:

Then tried the infinitorium or whatever it is called, it said 5 players but I was the only person there so it turned out to be hard work

Did you consider forming a group before going in?

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Not so sure about the Snowball Maybhem. I think I now remember that I have not been looking forward to this. 😄

Yes: compared to stuff like Reaper's Rumble ... the game mode is more interesting. Everyone has mostly the same skills (balanced), it is not just combat - but also teamwork required.

The achievements though ... don't really give any incentive to play it. Well ... still better than the activities in Festival of the for Winds ... where one almost might forget that they even exist. The achievement for participating ... takes a lot of participations. Gives only small rewards though.

For the repeatable daily (3 times for karma) a win is required. Also for the normal daily. So here it is best to ignore the karma + do other dailies for the normal daily where you need to do 3 (if Snowball Mayhem is required ignore it). Problem is with the big team sizes the hotjoin and no real matchmaking (I guess) - and people seem to just fight a lot (unless you get a good group). So time-wise it might take a lot of time ... or you can get lucky and directly get a win.

Preferrable - since I play all game modes - I would try to avoid such luck-based stuff. To optimize my time spent. Though ... for a bit of fun I still play one round every now and then. (Regarding the fun I still like normal PvP and there the season also just started - not that much time to spend in the festival event. I might play more dragonball arena early next year since that feels more fast/action paced. If this were at the end of a regular PvP season - I usually finish earlier about 2-3 weeks - I would try to play more Snowball Mayhem I guess. They maybe should consider giving out pips that count to your PvP league chest. :D)

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  • 2 weeks later...
54 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I have to say, since they reduced the Toy Rifle's skill 3's cooldown, I am having a blast at the Toypocalypse. 🙂

Doing it three times everyday.

I'm appreciating that little change as well!  It's my favorite event during Wintersday, and I've had fun using all the different weapons this year.  I think this was a very positive improvement.

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Yes the rifle in Toypocalypse felt much better. I usually place some catapults at the start. Then go for rifle and shoot mobs while trying to give scraps to the Skritt ... and then shooting, shooting. (Building is boring and the others spam already a ton of stuff. Still always completes with 5 Dolyaks at full health even with a bad start.)

So it felt more endurable to do it for the  3 Toxx for the new daily achievement ... and I more often even did the full playthrough for one of the repetitions for the daily karma. Still I never did 3 - would still be too grindy and I'd need them to include a fun factor to the game instead of only "paying time to get Karma".

I avoided the Snowball Mayhem totally - cause of the randomness (bad teams often). And Infiniarium (too long) and lair - only once for the annual. Then buying the rewards from the chest in lair from the TP.

Stuff nice to do daily 3 times (did it always - so speedy, fun and super super fast): The bell choir. Basically free karma.

JP and the race also okay. But I still decided to do them only once per day. (JP more at the last week for the weekly to qucickly do it.)

Toypocalypse could have real potential though - but I guess that had been suggested multiple times: They would need to make an additional mode do make it a lot more of a challenge. (Limited amount of obcects that could be build. Players forced to split and cover different areas.) Then again: If this were without achievements they probably would not consider it worth their time to develop it. If it came with achievements ... people that would not manage to complete them would start to complain.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 12/13/2022 at 7:48 AM, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

Wintersday knitted mittens/leggings/boots to conplete the sets

I'd especially like some warmer looking leggings. I made a practical Wintersday costume for my ranger, mainly as an excuse to use the saltspray dragon scarf from EoD, using the wintersday jumper, the panda hat and some reasonably warm looking gloves and boots (which I replaced with the meta-achievement boots when I got them) but I couldn't find any suitable leggings.

9 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

I enjoy the JP. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoy smoking norns and charr out the gate. It's an incentive to skip this jump and cut that corner, else I'll never see where I'm jumping!

I've found I don't need to see my character, because they're always in the same place on screen, which means I know where they are even if they're under or behind someone else and can gauge the distance from that point to the next platform.

Also I've done this jumping puzzle enough times now that I can do it without really thinking about it, even though I only get to do it for a few weeks each year. I actually find the two easier paths harder than the hardest one now because I always did that one back when it had better rewards so now I just know it, whereas the others I have to pay more attention to.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I'd especially like some warmer looking leggings. I made a practical Wintersday costume for my ranger, mainly as an excuse to use the saltspray dragon scarf from EoD, using the wintersday jumper, the panda hat and some reasonably warm looking gloves and boots (which I replaced with the meta-achievement boots when I got them) but I couldn't find any suitable leggings.

I've found I don't need to see my character, because they're always in the same place on screen, which means I know where they are even if they're under or behind someone else and can gauge the distance from that point to the next platform.

Also I've done this jumping puzzle enough times now that I can do it without really thinking about it, even though I only get to do it for a few weeks each year. I actually find the two easier paths harder than the hardest one now because I always did that one back when it had better rewards so now I just know it, whereas the others I have to pay more attention to.

I would love some proper mittens and winter pants or leggings.  Putting heavy leg armor with a charr in a sweater is just odd.  Made it work with some corsair gear and the new boots lol.  

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  • 11 months later...

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