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The BAD 'stunt' system among all MMOs

Iskras Femme.1693

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It would be comic if it weren't just tragic. GW2's Stunt system is, first, consecutive (you can be 'stunned' infinitely) as well as cumulative (they add up). Something seen exclusively in GW2. It's the 'anti-PVP'. And it's no use talking about codes and systems that could prevent a single stunt, they - literally - don't work because the stunt is consecutive/sequential and cumulative.


It would be good to change that, it's boring -_-

Edited by Iskras Femme.1693
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For example:


we were a group against another group, suddenly I was 'hooked' like a fish, ok... but then something pushed me consecutively like 3 or 4 times. I didn't even have time to react. This happened several times.


I REEDIT the title and content...i was VERY angry -_-

Edited by Iskras Femme.1693
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1 hour ago, Iskras Femme.1693 said:

problem is avoid it against small group or zerg -_-

Honestly, either gotta move from it or have a reactive plan. Break the stun and make sure to have a follow up to avoid following hits. Can't really explain it more. Gotta practice.

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You really shouldn't be able to break out of hard CC from a zerg lol.  

If you are for some reason fighting outnumbered (i.e. trolling zergs) then you better know your positioning extremely well.  As in be on a mobile spec that can disengage, or they will (rightly) run you over.

If the 'small group' you are facing is more coordinated than you and/or on comms, you are going to die, no matter what.  

It'd be wise to learn what is 'hooking you' before complaining about the CC system.  Not that it can't be egregious at times, but even when it is if you are running a few stunbreaks and not fighting like 4v1 you should be ok.  

Also, as others have said, hard CC overwrites, not accumulates.  If you doubt this, go near 99% of LB rangers and watch what happens when you lay a stun on someone...

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You really shouldn't be able to break out of hard CC from a zerg lol.  

If you are for some reason fighting outnumbered (i.e. trolling zergs) then you better know your positioning extremely well.  As in be on a mobile spec that can disengage, or they will (rightly) run you over.

If the 'small group' you are facing is more coordinated than you and/or on comms, you are going to die, no matter what.  

It'd be wise to learn what is 'hooking you' before complaining about the CC system.  Not that it can't be egregious at times, but even when it is if you are running a few stunbreaks and not fighting like 4v1 you should be ok.  

Also, as others have said, hard CC overwrites, not accumulates.  If you doubt this, go near 99% of LB rangers and watch what happens when you lay a stun on someone...

This. 110% this.

In short: not getting  chain cced can start before the first attack hits by knowing where you can stand and where you shouldn't stand (also if something hooked you, that attack must have hit you in the first place, meaning you where either not paying attention, out of dodges and out of position or some other factor which started this chain of events).

You can bring utilities (and often you should) to have reactionary skills to manage and react, but that is no replacement for proper positioning or experience for knowing how far you can expose yourself.

Does this make it any less frustrating being chain cced? Not at all, but it does explain how you can reduce those situations.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Você realmente não deveria ser capaz de escapar do hard CC de um zerg lol.  

Se por algum motivo você está lutando em menor número (ou seja, trolling zergs), então é melhor você conhecer seu posicionamento muito bem. Como estar em uma especificação móvel que pode desengatar, ou eles irão (com razão) atropelar você.

Se o 'pequeno grupo' que você está enfrentando for mais coordenado do que você e/ou estiver em comunicação, você vai morrer, não importa o que aconteça.  

Seria sensato aprender o que está 'enganando você' antes de reclamar sobre o sistema CC. Não que não possa ser flagrante às vezes, mas mesmo quando é, se você estiver executando alguns stunbreaks e não lutando como 4v1, você deve ficar bem.  

Além disso, como outros já disseram, o hard CC substitui, não acumula. Se você duvida disso, aproxime-se de 99% dos LB rangers e veja o que acontece quando você coloca um atordoamento em alguém...

I ll try it as a 'test', 🙂 (your words are translated to my language/portuguese - i really dont know why this is automatic when i 'cote'. Anyway, its just the translated text)

Edited by Iskras Femme.1693
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I believe he/she is asking why there is no diminishing returns on back-to-back stuns / knockdowns etc. I always though it was not the best design. But mechanically, stealth is a worse offender. Perma invis without proximity reveal just stands out like a lazy way to get less lag / culling

Edited by Loke.1429
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As many other pvp related things, DAOC had perfect solution...immunity lasting twice as long as CC

so 90 seconds long mezz was less annoying than GW2 short but annoying ones, and it added a lot

into strategic thinking...one bad aoe DOT as cabalist on cc-ed enemy would end your RvR career

forever 🙂

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I think that's what's so funny about this game, the CC are so hillariously low duration (the lowest I've seen in any RvR game to date), yet players complain about it instantly because there's essentially no way to stop it. There's Stability, but its a boon and can be stripped or corrupted, and only lasts for one shot.


There needs to be hard immunity to being CC chained.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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7 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

I think that's what's so funny about this game, the CC are so hillariously low duration (the lowest I've seen in any RvR game to date), yet players complain about it instantly because there's essentially no way to stop it. There's Stability, but its a boon and can be stripped or corrupted, and only lasts for one shot.


There needs to be hard immunity to being CC chained.

Having stability stacks adds more design depth.  It lets Anet determine how much CC protection a skill can give, instead being a blanket immunity for a fixed duration.  The highest one  can think of at the moment is Armor of Earth, which gives 10 stacks of stability.

Granted, I can't exactly argue that Anet has taken advantage of this system to the best of their abilities.  However, that design depth is still there.  

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On 1/7/2023 at 4:50 PM, Iskras Femme.1693 said:


It would be comic if it weren't just tragic. GW2's Stunt system is, first, consecutive (you can be 'stunned' infinitely) as well as cumulative (they add up). Something seen exclusively in GW2. It's the 'anti-PVP'. And it's no use talking about codes and systems that could prevent a single stunt, they - literally - don't work because the stunt is consecutive/sequential and cumulative.


It would be good to change that, it's boring -_-

Let's be real...this is a warrior complaint, isn't it?

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On 1/8/2023 at 12:20 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

I recall ESO being worse in terms of stunlocks.

I remember playing Aion Online years ago. The rangers there were the OP class. They could stunlock, had the furthest range, had high damage, had invisibility and high mobility. So they could shoot you from stealth, outside of your range and stunlock you. You effectively couldn't do anything against it and a couple of seconds later you were dead. And if your buddies wanted to chase them down, they usually couldn't because the rangers had high mobility and could go back to stealth as well. They never fixed that afaik.

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On 1/8/2023 at 12:20 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

I recall ESO being worse in terms of stunlocks.

Eso has infinite Stunbreaks and Diminishing returns....  

When your stunned you just press your left and right mousebutton simmultaneously and you immediately stunbreak. Right after that you have 4 seconds of CC immunity.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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