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Next Balance Preview on Friday Feb 3rd


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Really hoping they spread out stability generation to a few other classes.  I hate that FB is effectively mandatory in every comped party.  With so many viable cleansers now, I'd like to see the same treatment with stability.  Doing it on mesmer would be fantastic, though probably on virtuoso, not chrono to avoid completely overpowering the CC.


Seems like with the reduction in overall stability, having equal numbers in fights is more important than ever.  I'd like to see zerg busting come back, though I'm not sure how they should accomplish that.  Past a certain point of numbers imbalance and you just get chain yanked till you're dead no matter how much stability you have.


Some incentive to actually winning your matchup would be nice, as would overhauling participation to make sure people are, you know, participating.


Would like to see tagging fixed so that we don't end up with dps pulling >100 bags while the FB gets 15-20 in the same period.  Also why support players level so much slower.  I had no idea this was a thing until I played dps for a bit and found I was gaining wxp at a several fold increased rate.

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Would be nice to see DE (wvw rifle build) as well as cata ele nerfs (pvp/wvw).  Buffs to war sustain on power war would be nice, but nerf on condi bunker would be welcome. Vindi , especially cele one is one offender to look at since its sustain is a bit over the top. And maybe look at engie nades , they are a bit , well quite a bit strong in wvw at least.

We could hope for cele gear nerf in wvw but i dont see that happening.

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I want to see catalyses F5 in earth get 2-3 stack of stab water should be the one with resistance. Catalyst seems like the best boon support ele has and its always better for balancing to mix boon support with dps NOT with healing. With that mind set i would love to see healing base classes over all lost boon support.

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4 hours ago, Xzygy.1452 said:

I'd like to see zerg busting come back, though I'm not sure how they should accomplish that.  Past a certain point of numbers imbalance and you just get chain yanked till you're dead no matter how much stability you have.

The only way you're going to get zerg busting back is if they go back to range damage or boon stripping. Both of which they've already nerfed throughout the past couple years to promote roll over melee combat instead.


Although the boon ballers will tell you zerg busting still exist, cause they can bust 50-70 pugs all night long in a keep, you just can't bust them with lower numbers is now the difference.


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On 1/31/2023 at 7:33 AM, Xzygy.1452 said:

Really hoping they spread out stability generation to a few other classes.  I hate that FB is effectively mandatory in every comped party.  With so many viable cleansers now, I'd like to see the same treatment with stability.  Doing it on mesmer would be fantastic, though probably on virtuoso, not chrono to avoid completely overpowering the CC.


Seems like with the reduction in overall stability, having equal numbers in fights is more important than ever.  I'd like to see zerg busting come back, though I'm not sure how they should accomplish that.  Past a certain point of numbers imbalance and you just get chain yanked till you're dead no matter how much stability you have.


Some incentive to actually winning your matchup would be nice, as would overhauling participation to make sure people are, you know, participating.


Would like to see tagging fixed so that we don't end up with dps pulling >100 bags while the FB gets 15-20 in the same period.  Also why support players level so much slower.  I had no idea this was a thing until I played dps for a bit and found I was gaining wxp at a several fold increased rate.

Delete stability from the game and add DR to CC's, increase the CD on stun breaks by 4x, lower CD on CC's and up durations.

If you do lowman or even 1v1, everyone is perpetually CC immune because stab and stun breaks are balanced around zergs. It's awful.

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I actually kinda hope they don't touch Spellbreaker.  I mean, I would argue that spec is in peak balance right now.  It has multiple build variants that play very differently with distinct trade-offs and it's strong, but not overbearingly so.  I feel like it's the best example of getting trade-offs right in balance design.  

It is strong in sPvP, but hopefully they can tune it there without breaking it in WvW.


Scepter Catalyst seems in need of some tuning though.  Catalyst was in a good position before of being an exceptionally strong duelist with limited mobility/range (or if you took d/d, it had better mobility, but limited dueling).  With scepter, it now has all the mobility from dagger offhand, but combined with massive ranged burst and it's a bit unhinged for something with so many defensive tools.

Edited by Dahkeus.8243
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            Tbh I expect that vindicator will not get fixed as did herald which took 7 years to address. In my opinion vindicator is going to stay buggy/clunky useless and many other things as its damage trade offs for being a mele power class is laughable with hardly any utility/cc the class is and was a straight mess but who knows maybe miracles do happen? Mainly comparing vindicator to any other dps spec it fails epically at being anything worthwhile except a meme since other specs offer more utility or cc for example want cc or utility as a firebrand or mesmer virtuoso mirage w/e you play thief necro etc can just slot random skill in \o/ wow cc utility achieved for hardly any trade off... meanwhile if you want to do decent dps as vindicator options are camp gs aka no utility/cc or gs/sw/sw basically same thing oh but then yeah take staff or use blue side saint victor well rip your dps you may as well have just trolled w/e group your in. So yeah In Conclusion the class is a mess and unless it is one of the top dps since its lacking in a lot or it gets actual useable utility/cc with similar benchmark numbers then the class is just a meme till then... but hey if asked if its fun sure concept wise feels fun but fun only lasts so long if it feels bad playable wise in groups etc fun at killing adds sure.. open world sure... content that needs teamwork yeah may as well say "hi am troll dps when joining groups.. or memedicator" 

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