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Equality for ALL accounts!!

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't think "most players judging you by your ap" is anywhere remotely close to the reality. If anything, judging someone by their ap is barely met.
Apparently you're joining guilds and then expect those guilds to change to fit specifically your needs -but that's not how it works. Not that I ever experienced guilds like that, but if you somehow managed to find 3 unicorns like that at once then just move to different guilds.

Not everyone join guilds because they need something from them 🙄 

Just one of the many examples, when two persons gave the same opinions (on different days) on certain gameplay mechanics and meta tagging, they got very different reactions from some of the guild members. One was bombarded with disagreements and rebuttals, the other no noise, no rebuttals  and a few members even agreed with him. I was liked, what? Didn't this was debated recently? The sudden sway of member opinions? I checked the guild rank thinking maybe this guy is one of our GLs. But not. The different is, the first one has a AP of 8k+ and the second one has almost 39k, so what he said can't be wrong even it was just a repeat of what the other poor guy commented two days ago 😄

Edited by Min Min.9368
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4 minutes ago, Min Min.9368 said:

When two persons gave the same opinions (on different days) on certain gameplay mechanics and meta tagging, they got very different reactions from some of the guild members. One was bombarded with disagreements and rebuttals, the other no noise, no rebuttals  and a few members even agreed with him. I was liked, what? Didn't this was debated just recently? I checked the guild rank thinking maybe this guy is one of our GLs. But not. The only different is, the first one has a AP of 8k+ and the second one has almost 39k, so what he said can't be wrong 😄

That's not a high ap problem, it's character/misinformation problem (or plenty of other reasons which could influence their response at the time). Even moreso: from what you've just said, you were the one who went to check their ap to build your opinion about them based on it, right? For all you know the person with 39k could be exactly the same while having 5k ap. Just because someone who gave bad feedback had high ap doesn't mean that they gave it because of the ap. Similarly about the lower ap, good feedback player.

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Oh i remembered one thing. Which i have confirmed with other players aswell. Old or maybe older, more payed or whatever accounts do not get kicked for afking. I have tested on 4 accounts and so have others. Their main accounts don't get kicked to character select screen at all if they have a skill on autocast (shift rightclick). 
They NEVER get kicked. But other accounts do. 
So agree or not with the OP, there are hidden perks to old accounts. So old account privilege is a thing. Obviously it's not as bad as asian mmo's but it's not what you would expect from a western developer. And yes there is discrimination against some game types. Some people, myself included would not touch those kind of games. I came because of what i heard of ARENANET. And im glad i did. They did not dissapoint.... Except of this stuff.

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21 hours ago, Stafilis.2015 said:

Oh i remembered one thing. Which i have confirmed with other players aswell. Old or maybe older, more payed or whatever accounts do not get kicked for afking. I have tested on 4 accounts and so have others. Their main accounts don't get kicked to character select screen at all if they have a skill on autocast (shift rightclick). 
They NEVER get kicked. But other accounts do. 

False, 10+ year account, I get the "move or byebye" lines in chat and "kicks" to character select as I should.

21 hours ago, Stafilis.2015 said:

So agree or not with the OP, there are hidden perks to old accounts. So old account privilege is a thing.


Edited by Sobx.1758
my brave -but apparently deeply hurt- followers got to me once again! :D
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3 hours ago, Stafilis.2015 said:

Oh i remembered one thing. Which i have confirmed with other players aswell. Old or maybe older, more payed or whatever accounts do not get kicked for afking. I have tested on 4 accounts and so have others. Their main accounts don't get kicked to character select screen at all if they have a skill on autocast (shift rightclick). 
They NEVER get kicked. But other accounts do. 
So agree or not with the OP, there are hidden perks to old accounts. So old account privilege is a thing. Obviously it's not as bad as asian mmo's but it's not what you would expect from a western developer. And yes there is discrimination against some game types. Some people, myself included would not touch those kind of games. I came because of what i heard of ARENANET. And im glad i did. They did not dissapoint.... Except of this stuff.

My account gets kicked to character select under those circumstances and predates launch. I have similarly veteran friends and guildies who also experience this. You are going to have to try harder if you want to claim some sort of "veteran privilege" over this.

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7 hours ago, Stafilis.2015 said:

Oh i remembered one thing. Which i have confirmed with other players aswell. Old or maybe older, more payed or whatever accounts do not get kicked for afking. I have tested on 4 accounts and so have others. Their main accounts don't get kicked to character select screen at all if they have a skill on autocast (shift rightclick). 
They NEVER get kicked. But other accounts do. 
So agree or not with the OP, there are hidden perks to old accounts. So old account privilege is a thing. Obviously it's not as bad as asian mmo's but it's not what you would expect from a western developer. And yes there is discrimination against some game types. Some people, myself included would not touch those kind of games. I came because of what i heard of ARENANET. And im glad i did. They did not dissapoint.... Except of this stuff.

I can confirm that this is complete nonsense.

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Oh yes! I paid $60 for the base game back in the day, and I paid full price for each expansion as it came out. I am a veteran player who has had the free-ist of rides!  You don't get to be "veteran" by jumping in years later just so you can get a discount.  The word choice in the op is ridiculous.

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15 hours ago, Stafilis.2015 said:

Oh i remembered one thing. Which i have confirmed with other players aswell. Old or maybe older, more payed or whatever accounts do not get kicked for afking. I have tested on 4 accounts and so have others. Their main accounts don't get kicked to character select screen at all if they have a skill on autocast (shift rightclick). 
They NEVER get kicked. But other accounts do. 
So agree or not with the OP, there are hidden perks to old accounts. So old account privilege is a thing. Obviously it's not as bad as asian mmo's but it's not what you would expect from a western developer. And yes there is discrimination against some game types. Some people, myself included would not touch those kind of games. I came because of what i heard of ARENANET. And im glad i did. They did not dissapoint.... Except of this stuff.

Absolute Bull kitten, I have a full purchase BWE account, and even with autocast I will get booted from the game if I am AFK too long.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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16 hours ago, Stafilis.2015 said:

Oh i remembered one thing. Which i have confirmed with other players aswell. Old or maybe older, more payed or whatever accounts do not get kicked for afking. I have tested on 4 accounts and so have others. Their main accounts don't get kicked to character select screen at all if they have a skill on autocast (shift rightclick). 
They NEVER get kicked. But other accounts do. 
So agree or not with the OP, there are hidden perks to old accounts. So old account privilege is a thing. Obviously it's not as bad as asian mmo's but it's not what you would expect from a western developer. And yes there is discrimination against some game types. Some people, myself included would not touch those kind of games. I came because of what i heard of ARENANET. And im glad i did. They did not dissapoint.... Except of this stuff.


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On 4/9/2023 at 10:28 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

I’ve been playing this game since beta, and I couldn’t confidently tell you where to even find this AP leaderboard.

Maybe they should just get rid of it, then everyone can approach APs like most do, as individual progression.

I'm all for getting rid of it and I'm in the top 100.  But I'll never catch up to my wife, so they can get rid of that kitten. lol

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played this game for almost 10 years, don't have every single thing in-game, still have a lot of achievements left undone, and there's still a lot of shiny in there that i want but don't have. but i'm pretty happy. i feel of all the mmorpg i've ever played gw2 has been the most progressive and rewarding. 🙂


don't think i've ever played an mmorpg where someone actually managed to get everything, even if they no-life it. more so in the old days, if you ever played some of those really old mmorpg's you'd find yourself playing for years getting nowhere fast. 🤔

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On 4/9/2023 at 2:28 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

I’ve been playing this game since beta, and I couldn’t confidently tell you where to even find this AP leaderboard.

Maybe they should just get rid of it, then everyone can approach APs like most do, as individual progression.


It's literally under the "Community" menu on the official guildwars2.com website. 😄

But of course, they don't say so anywhere...

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1 hour ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:


It's literally under the "Community" menu on the official guildwars2.com website. 😄

But of course, they don't say so anywhere...

Thanks for letting me know, I guess?

My post was an expression of how much the leaderboard matters to me, not an accusation ArenaNet was hiding it or anything.

Though I understand your confusion.


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11 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Thanks for letting me know, I guess?

My post was an expression of how much the leaderboard matters to me, not an accusation ArenaNet was hiding it or anything.

Though I understand your confusion.


No, I realised you weren't fussed about either its existence or location. But your post about its whereabouts seemed fitting to reply to with "directions" (a veiled PSA of sorts :P) - but my closing remark about Anet not saying anything about them speaks volumes how much they (probably you, me and the player base in general) care about them.

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14 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:


No, I realised you weren't fussed about either its existence or location. But your post about its whereabouts seemed fitting to reply to with "directions" (a veiled PSA of sorts :P) - but my closing remark about Anet not saying anything about them speaks volumes how much they (probably you, me and the player base in general) care about them.

Ah, then it’s my confusion. 

Thanks for the clarification!

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On 4/9/2023 at 10:32 AM, jerry.5017 said:

I 've had enough with this disgrace of a progression system in this game. Why do old account get more stuff than new ones? This looks like it was made by slave owners who only help their veteran friends. New players pay the bills and old ones play for free in a game others pay for them which is OK on it's own. But it's not ok when new players can't compete with old accounts because of removed content.
Lets analyze this. 
Old accounts have achivement points unobtainable by new. WRONG!! They should get the achivement not the points.The best solution would be to make those points a different category that DO NOT STACK with normal achivements. So people can compete on an even plain field.
Old accounts can have up to 72 character slots. Not only 69!

To sum up in only play 3 years but i got all the legendaries and done every content. So the only way to progress now is to compete with others on stuff. So if no matter how good i am i can not catch up i ll just move to another game which will be fair to both new and old players.
I want this to be fair. Even i have some old achivements like ftom tutorials and annual festivals. Please REMOVE THEM FROM ME!! Make them not count as points. Either as seperate rankings and leaderboards or no points at all.


Holy ****, 72 characters instead of 69... like it may make any difference when you can have multiple builds on single character. This game has bigger problem than this. 

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This game has bigger problem than this. 

because no one cares about the things that are important to others?
If you read the forums, it turns out that no one cares about pvp, no one cares about www, no one cares about fashion, no one cares about the difference in ap...
I think you got the point.

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@ op i think that this should go on your personal blog, or in a diary. you should re-read what you just wrote here, after you've calmed down. it might sound good in your mind but it doesn't look good on paper. this is how basically every MMO and most computer games, and life, tend to work. some people have stuff that you don't. you snooze you lose.


i really disagree with your points made and your claims. honestly if it's such a chore to play it's probably time for you to part ways with guild wars 2. the main reason i suggest that is because you've built all this legendary stuff and you're still not happy. there are players from 10 years ago that don't have those built yet.


should you lose your legendaries because they're not happy that you have them and they don't? 🤣 - this is the kind of logic you're using right now.


I'm just throwing this out there because i think you need to hear it - only you can make you happy, the devs won't be able to do that for you by updating guild wars 2.

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