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Players running into walls in WvW, is it okay with you?


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I just had a discussion in my WvW squad, because the healer of my group ran for an hour afk into a wall and the map even had a queue. For me to block a map, if there is a queue, is an absolute no go, but for the squad leader and his guild (was widely a guild squad) it was ok.

The argument was, that this player is worth more to the squad than any randoms who want to get on the map and thus it was ok and my opinion was annoying. One literally told me to fk off if I've a problem with that. And so I left.


What is your opinion?
Is it only me who finds such a behaviour totally unfair to all players who are sitting in the queue?

I would like to report such antisocial players, but somehow no category fits.

Is it already botting if you have afk autorun active (just not to be logged out)?


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The only thing that would prevent this behavior, though, is a significant presence of in game moderators.

In addition to the afking, there’s an option to report the verbal abuse you received for pointing it out.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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5 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I just had a discussion in my WvW squad, because the healer of my group ran for an hour afk into a wall and the map even had a queue. For me to block a map, if there is a queue, is an absolute no go, but for the squad leader and his guild (was widely a guild squad) it was ok.

The argument was, that this player is worth more to the squad than any randoms who want to get on the map and thus it was ok and my opinion was annoying. One literally told me to fk off if I've a problem with that. And so I left.

That one is an easy one after the reply you got, would report the AFK as a bot. And the FK for verbal abuse, but you should have stayed on map after that.

As far as afk wall runs when queued. Its a sticky bit. If someone needs a few minutes to deal with real life its all good. But for an hour? If you are holding your own, might be fine, if you have a bunch of people doing and its impacting your map, report them its gone too far.

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4 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Well if they told you to kitten off you can report them for that. At least thats something they can act on quite easily.


It was on Discord, I didn't even look at which ingame character the voice belonged to.
Of the things I would report, that would be the least of it. It's very unkind but the ignorant matter of course behind it is what upsets me not the potty mouth.

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Would you rather they were healing your squad or continue running in a corner afk clogging up a space for a map queue?

I don't like that behavior either, people do it so they don't have to wait on a map queue whenever they get back to play, but there's nothing you or anyone playing can do about it (their guildmates obviously wouldn't kick them), there's actual exploiters/hackers around that get reported and never removed, so what are the chances an afker will be? no point fretting over it.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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8 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

What is your opinion?

Is it only me who finds such a behaviour totally unfair to all players who are sitting in the queue?

I don't think anyone thinks that is 'good' behaviour, not even the tag you talked to.

However, like many other things in WvW this is ultimately ArenaNet's problem to solve and it is relatively easy to solve. ArenaNet just do not want to do their job when it comes to WvW.


If people are running into walls to cash out rewards, they could easily just provide a cash-out option that lets you flush your bar for not being eligable to raise it again for 15 mins or so. If people are running into walls if they have to go to the bathroom, they needed a snack or the neighbours' house was on fire, not only is that a more understandable reason to not wanting to suffer a queue but it also says something about queues and the population balance in the first place. They can release Alliances to solve part of that problem. They can provide map-instancing to solve the queue issues. If the studio did its job on WvW we would already have all those things by now.

Until that is done, we all have to suffer these issues and if we're being honest here: Was that map not full thanks to that tag being there? See, your other option is that people do not tag or do not tag public for you instead, if you clog access to public content for members of a tag's guild. It may be poor form to run into a wall while having dinner and it may be poor form to tell you to like it or leave. However, it is also poor form taking that tag for granted. You see just as many threads here, if not more, that complain about private tags, groups forming up in spawn or that there are no tags in the first place anymore. They do not owe anyone a public tag while their members sit in queue. So it is not like there is any logical option where a tag will just benevolently be tagging public for you while his friends sit in queues and he has to like that situation. The tag can like it, but the tag can also leave it or shape it. The tag is the tag.


Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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12 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

What if they made it so that running into a wall stops autorun?

As per my post above.

The likely end result of that is even fewer public tags.

If that is what we want, we can adress branching issues like that rather than their root issues.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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1 hour ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

As per my post above.

The likely end result of that is even fewer public tags.

If that is what we want, we can adress branching issues like that rather than their root issues.

The complaint here isn't necessarily about being afk. You can idle for quite a bit of time; it seems to be about people using a method to bypass the afk timer to reserve a queue space for themselves.  I frequently afk to 0 partcipation and build it up fairly quickly. I'll go eat and stuff and have never seen the need to resort to a bug like this.

I don't think there should even be a afk timer (or it should be as long as in pve) if the map is not queued, and maybe it could be adjusted if it's queued. That way if people have to step away this wouldn't be a problem until it is.

I also don't really think most casuals/pve players are the ones to abuse anything like this. They're probably out in an hour. There are some guilds that pretty much just takes up the space on a BL for hours, but they call it being "passive" instead of afk I guess.

Pug tagging is dying because of the sheer difficulty of fighting an unorganized group vs an organized one and the lack of incentive to help contribute. I do think reworking how reward credit and cashing out could be beneficial though.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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