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Alliances when?


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Best not participate in the Alliance Beta(s) then.  Could be a shock to the system.  :classic_tongue:

We’re targeting early to mid-summer to run the first World Restructuring beta with alliances. Functionality will be straightforward, but it should give guilds and alliances everything they need to manage their communities: creating alliances, inviting guilds, kicking guilds, and leaving. All players that have selected a battle guild in an alliance will be placed on a team together after the World Restructuring event.

Prior to that, we plan to run one more World Restructuring test without alliances so we can test recent fixes to matchmaking, team assignments, queues, and some backend work we’ve done to support the alliances feature. This will be our first multiweek World Restructuring beta test, meaning that we’ll also be able to verify that teams are properly moving into different matchups and tiers using the one-up, one-down system. We’ll follow up with a date for this test once it’s been confirmed.

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2 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/studio-update-spring-2023/ maybe read a blog post every once in a while

Yes, Sept 2021;


"Player population balance is a critical component of any competitive game or game mode, and imbalances can have a marked, negative impact on gameplay to the extent that the experience no longer reflects design intent. As such, World Restructuring is going to remain our top priority until we feel that it’s been satisfactorily addressed. This will likely remain our focus through the release of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons™."



Alliances were first announced in Jan 2018


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No worries, disgruntled players don't stay up to date. There was a studio update not even 1 week ago which Parasite.5389 linked to. In case you missed it, here:


The progress or at least current plans for alliances and WvW restructuring are covered. They are also found on the WvW forums, but I understand if you had no time to check there given it's faster just to troll in general.

Given current assumed timelines, your take from late January this year:

On 1/24/2023 at 12:01 AM, Artemis.8034 said:

Lets see it took them how many years from pof to eod? Dont hold your breath .

concerning the next expansion, or in this case mini-expansion, drop is also a tad off. The content plans are also covered in the recent studio update.

Feel free to check back in a month or 2 and drop a complain post in general again. Us longtime MMO players know how hard it is to let go.👍

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Op, there was no company statement that alliances would come with EoD. However, you are correct to be skeptical now. ANet cancelled the project, without notice or informing the playerbase, shortly after it was announced five years ago. Leaving players waiting for alliances in order to keep them playing and paying in the absence of knowledge that the update was no longer being worked on (this was a cancellation, not a matter of a project being placed on the back burner) means that any  statements on the subject from the company should be taken with a grain of salt. The most recent post from ANet, lacking commitments to specific dates (particularly since they missed the Q1 update for wvw) is just words in an environment where words have been demonstrated to lack substance.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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3 hours ago, floppypuppy.5789 said:

Realistically you're going to get that anyway. Would you rather live on hope or bugs+uncooked meal?

Rather they spend time on new maps, mechanics, reasons to win, siege, tactics, ground combat, water combat, aerial combat, mobile siege, water siege, aerial siege and the other things that got put on hold due to the WR system. But if they are going to do it, do it and test as they are to work out the issues before they trash all the servers and people that have gotten used to just saying, 'Morning Bob, how is it going Sammy, what's up Wabbit Hunter.'.

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by now you will know how I think, but I want to try once again to reason with you. I am writing to you, but clearly the recipient is anet, and even better someone who has decision-making power within anet.


we know that the new system of alliances and wr will lead us to a great result in terms of balance. of this we have no doubt. the problem is that we will get this fantastic result at the expense of the very concept of this modality.

to obtain this result we are going to empty all servers, we will lose all traces referring to the server. one up and one down I will no longer have any meaning. same thing for the server ranking, which you can see in the community section of this forum. practically the mode itself is based on the server concept. Do we really want to pretend to see this?

alliances and wr alone are not enough. we need to build a whole frame around it so that it is contextualized in our modality, which is once again world vs world.

and don't do this, if we don't talk about this, you will soon find that while you finally solve one big problem of this mode, you are at the same time bringing about another probably even worse problem.✌️

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25 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Just add pips in EotM and delete normal wvw. No need for alliances. 4 hours in same match up should be max. 3 hours would be best

I would like it. with some changes:

  • Put all 4 different maps under eotm-matchmaking, to choose from.
  • Start a new match with T2, such that you have something to loose.
  • And you still need alliances to determine teams (no WvW, no WvW-color, no assignement in eotm 😉 ) just relink the alliances into 3 teams (red, blue, green) every match.
  • Compute a Glicko-Score per Alliance (publish e.g. via https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/de/eu) , such that there is some long term competition.
Edited by Dayra.7405
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