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Artisan Zharra's Cape And Hood Combo Feedback

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There's a new cape/hood combo in the shop today, and it looks fairly nice, but I'm noticing that it is currently priced at 1,000 gems.

That's a hike of 400 over what is usually charged for hood and cape packages.

As a refresher, we've had combos like this released recently at 600 (Battlelord's, Forest Archer), so I may not buy this one even though I like the look of it. How does everyone else feel about it? Will you buy it at its current price? Would you accept this being the new price point for similar offerings?

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I've come to expect high prices on new types of items (the initial premium mount skins, jadebot skins) as they feel things out, but we've had bundled cape items before for years, non-cape back skins for even longer. A 100 gem jump would still be noticed but shrugged off if the skin was good enough but going from $7.50 to $12.50 (using Anet's ratio of $1.25/100 gems) is far too much of a jump. If they wanted to do that, it would have been better to have the cape and hood as separate items but also have them bundled together either at the same price or at a slight discount. The cape's nice, don't get me wrong, but I have zero interest in the hood and at 1000 gems, it's out of my impulse buy range.

It's like they looked at other back items costing 500 gems and helm skins costing 400 gems and put them together and added another 100 gems just because. Sure the Forest Archer cape costs 600 so maybe they were pulling from that, but you get 3 options with it compared to the 1 option for the other skins.

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Looks like they are testing the limits for all those people that say they "might not buy it because it is 1000 gems".   If enough people that feel they might not but then buy it anyway welcome to a new pricing point on capes in the future.   If it sells poorly at the price point then maybe Anet will go back to a more modest price in the future.  So if you really want the cape but disagree with the price point best to vote against it now by not buying and waiting for a sale down the road even if you feel tempted. 

Edited by Nine Inch Snails.7963
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Realizing how much it was in comparison to the price of the Battlelord Cowl & Cape (600 gems, which came with 2 head pieces and 1 cape) - I ended up asking for a full refund. While I don't mind my character being bald, and the physics on the cape and hood is nice - by comparison with other combos, it isn't worth the price. Let alone - this is 1000 gems, which makes it cost more than the $10 USD price for 800 gems that's available as the lowest tier of gems you can buy on the store. In order to get this, you would have to pay $20 USD for 1600 gems - and that doesn't feel ok. Especially in comparison to the other items we've seen in the past.

I've paid a lot of money to this game. I've bought a lot of skins and what not at 1600 gems and bought many of the cape/headpiece and cape/glider combos.

This is not worth 1000 gems. 1000 gems is an Identity repair kit (Makeover kit + name change). Name Changes and character slots are 800 gems ($10). This is higher priced than a new character.

Not buying gems, this is about 300+ in game gold to convert to gems.

I encourage everyone to please speak out against this (and encourage your friends), and to resist buying this.

The best way we can prevent a price hike from this in the future is to hit them in the analytics by making the sales data very low, and speaking out against this.

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Credit where credit is due: every piece of gear that doesn't mutilate non-humans' racial features is a welcome addition, as are textures which take dyes as advertised - with no overlapping base paint or parts that are outright not dyeable.

Sadly enough, the holy crusade against hair raves on and the cape looks like something that would drop from a random mob at around level 40 some 15 years ago.

But the price tag certainly steals the show and any chance of me spending a single coin - virtual or real - on these items, no matter how much I love hoods or support variety and eye kitten-less gear design.

IF there were hair, I'd most likely reconsider.
IF there were tech for the hair to vary according to the hairstyle currently worn by a character, signaling an end to the rule of king Edward Scissorhelms, I'm positive even that 1k wouldn't look like much to a community you've been starving for more than a decade.

As it stands, though?
GOG claims I'm able to get the entire Final Cut of Disco Elysium for 800 Gems within the next 20 hours.
Like comparing apples to oranges, but it makes you wonder if a single piece of the former is really worth the price of twenty kilos of the latter just because somebody else said so.

Even had the Gems already prepped, counting down the hours before the Store restocked, spending the time dancing through all the characters who could use the hood immediately; that's how much I looked forward to the thing.
Guess you saved me from a severe lack of t-charges and also from potential playtime.
[sarcasm] Much appreciated! [/sarcasm]

Bonus meme:
Imagine getting your item pricing reported as a bug in a game which has been for ten years conditioning its players to expect all worthwhile rewards to be sold almost exclusively in its cash shop.

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They can do hair with some hats/hoods. Since they started doing that with some of the EoD hats and the cat ear hood, I figured that was the new normal. Guess I was wrong.

I was so wrong, in fact, that I didn't even check the preview to confirm hair or not. I just did some gold to gem conversion and got it, and regret it deeply.

I understand not going back and adding hair to all the old baldness-inducing hats. But releasing a new hair-eating hat when they've already released hair-friendly ones? Bad call.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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11 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

The price is higher because the quality is amazing, it’s not some stupid throwaway catsuit.

It's clearly not a lore-breaking cat suit, but it's still plain and removes hairs... At that price, we would expect more

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12 hours ago, Batel.9206 said:

Wow. Lovely cape and hood, but there's no way I'm buying it at that price.

"Lovely" ... hmmm. Have you noticed how all promo pics avoid to show a human wearing it from the front? That's because it completely removes the hair -- reason enough for me to not buy it😞 , regardless of the (incorrect?) pricing.

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1 minute ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

"Lovely" ... hmmm. Have you noticed how all promo pics avoid to show a human wearing it from the front? That's because it completely removes the hair -- reason enough for me to not buy it😞 , regardless of the (incorrect?) pricing.

...maybe I'm completely blind, but - doesn't every hood do that? (Barring the cat-ear hood, I think.) They all tend to be pulled fairly low so you don't see your character's big shiny bald forehead (*cough* looking at you, SWTOR hoods)...is this one different? I previewed it in-game and didn't think it was that big of a deal. Am I missing something?

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1 minute ago, Batel.9206 said:

...maybe I'm completely blind, but - doesn't every hood do that?

Yes, which is why most aren't as "open" as this one. When you create a wider hood, you should at least find a way to preserve a character's visible hair parts. This, to me, is just as bad as some helmets removing a male character's beard or a charr's horns and an asura's ears.

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Why is it that Japanese and Korean games manage to keep the hair under the helmets, hoods and so on? It's always the Western games failing with this specific attention for detail. 


Maybe they care more. I don't want to generalise but nobody likes bald women 🥴

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8 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Yes, which is why most aren't as "open" as this one. When you create a wider hood, you should at least find a way to preserve a character's visible hair parts. This, to me, is just as bad as some helmets removing a male character's beard or a charr's horns and an asura's ears.

Yeah...that's why I said, in the latter half of my post, that I didn't notice it being a big deal with this hood. Maybe that's just my personal opinion, but there you have it.

In any case - I do like the simple design of the cape. I wish we had more of those simple, elegant designs instead of the flashy eyesores that are lately in the game. (Like shoulderpads in the form of holograhpic books, who came up with that??)

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