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Getting in a squad?


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Haven't played in years so this is all basically brand new to me again. I prefer running around with a large enough group to claim and take positions. How can I participate? I'm spending all my time hopping maps hoping to find Tags as they jump around and hoping w/o a mount I can catch up.

It's not going well.

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Give a shout out in teams chat of open tags. Another option is give a shout out new player and working on mount and you might get some battle buddies. You can also seek a WvW guild that can help out. If you are not familiar the Warclaw, it does have a skill that will pass a run speed boost out so if you can get in range of a group they can carry you along. If they double jump to max capacity they can leave you behind but they should also see a debuff on you that you don't have a mount so they should be able to tell that you might need a boost. Third option if all that fails, pre-tag objectives your side might be taking next so that you have credit to earn points to unlock the mount. Lastly, I think on most servers your best option to get a tag is EBG, would prioritize that map first when looking. Hope that helps!

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If the squad is not open and you cannot join by clicking the commander tag on the map, they're most likely discord only and only looking for fights.

To have fun in fights, you have to be on discord and have impactful build. Find those. I wouldn't recommend mesmer, like your forum icon indicates. It is ok class but very niche and difficult.

Anyways, there aren't many strong public commanders these days anymore. People just wanted to break away from the everlasting cycle of clueless new players. It just feels like changing strangers diapers and teaching them how to walk.

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12 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Anyways, there aren't many strong public commanders these days anymore. People just wanted to break away from the everlasting cycle of clueless new players. It just feels like changing strangers diapers and teaching them how to walk.

That's completely understandable. Raid groups, Fractal groups, etc., all end up with the same problem.

Which is why I figured there weren't any open squads. Oddly enough those open groups were some of the best fun I've had in PvP mode for any game.

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Give a shout out in teams chat of open tags. Another option is give a shout out new player and working on mount and you might get some battle buddies. You can also seek a WvW guild that can help out. If you are not familiar the Warclaw, it does have a skill that will pass a run speed boost out so if you can get in range of a group they can carry you along. If they double jump to max capacity they can leave you behind but they should also see a debuff on you that you don't have a mount so they should be able to tell that you might need a boost. Third option if all that fails, pre-tag objectives your side might be taking next so that you have credit to earn points to unlock the mount. Lastly, I think on most servers your best option to get a tag is EBG, would prioritize that map first when looking. Hope that helps!

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try some of these out. The guild option is sounding like the most likely. But I will see if I can find some folks to help me get the Warclaw by asking in chat.

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13 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Have you tried asking in map chat where any com is? 

I mean it's what we normally do.

Certainly, but having been there for over an hour only one Tag popped up. But maybe there are Parties running about w/o a Tag.

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3 hours ago, Oriens.5630 said:
16 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Anyways, there aren't many strong public commanders these days anymore. People just wanted to break away from the everlasting cycle of clueless new players. It just feels like changing strangers diapers and teaching them how to walk.

That's completely understandable. Raid groups, Fractal groups, etc., all end up with the same problem.

Which is why I figured there weren't any open squads. Oddly enough those open groups were some of the best fun I've had in PvP mode for any game.

It was fine back when you dealt with your own server mates and the pugs experienced some progress. With linkings, half of the server are randoms, and transfers are super cheap. With World Destructuring it will almost all be randoms. If 80% of people around are randoms with no clue what to do, it just too high of a percentage to have fun.

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20 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

If the squad is not open and you cannot join by clicking the commander tag on the map, they're most likely discord only and only looking for fights.

To have fun in fights, you have to be on discord and have impactful build. Find those. I wouldn't recommend mesmer, like your forum icon indicates. It is ok class but very niche and difficult.

Anyways, there aren't many strong public commanders these days anymore. People just wanted to break away from the everlasting cycle of clueless new players. It just feels like changing strangers diapers and teaching them how to walk.

Sadly until Anet stops locking the 2nd legendary ring and gifts of battle only in WvW you're going to have people there who are probably about as happy about it as you are.  I don't relish grinding tickets and GoBs but needs must.  At least some of us are trying to participate instead of just idling and taking up a slot, perhaps a more universally charitable attitude to people trying to help would benefit.  The rise of raid training guilds has really revitalized the mode over the past few months.

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If you don't have a mount yet, you should get it first above all else. Nothing else really matters.

On my alt account with no mount access I usually stayed on our side of the map and recapped stuff or defended; EBG is usually good for this. Ideally, you should reserve a template for build with lots of mobility. Something like a Willbender build with only mobility skills would work and swap back to a normal zerging build when you get back. Alternatively, a build with lots of stealth would help you get around. Unfortunately, it is rather hard to get into squads as a thief; mesmer and Engi have better chances with decent stealth access.

If you have spare gold, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Speed

can turn any build fast as long as they can generate swiftness.

You're going to have to look up commonly used WvW builds and classes.

Also if you need keep capture to get mount, Edge of the Mists may be easier.

Failing all else, ask in map chat for help. It depends on the server, but don't use team chat because it usually has idiots trolling; map chat is generally better. You can often good results on your home borderlands which often is looking for bodies and you certainly can qualify.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 6/14/2023 at 2:52 PM, Oriens.5630 said:

Haven't played in years so this is all basically brand new to me again. I prefer running around with a large enough group to claim and take positions. How can I participate? I'm spending all my time hopping maps hoping to find Tags as they jump around and hoping w/o a mount I can catch up.

It's not going well.

/t is team chat. Its across all WvW maps. I suggest using it first. Private/Hidden tags may not respond. Look out for your fellow Guild Members on the map, They may already be following a hidden tag

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19 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

Tell people what you need. like getting the Warclam! I usually will try to help when that happens. remember to activate your Warclam reward track, that one takes the longest. 


This is a misspelling I would make so you beat me to it. The times I reread something I wrote and have to SMH. Maybe that's how the marbles got loose. 

8 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

There is a new underwater mount I've missed?!

OMG lol, I shouldn't have been drinking water while forum warring it, now I need to clean my monitor. Well at least no one will be asking for a speed nerf while on my new Warclam and SpongeBob won't be asking to have my Warriors nerfed since I never got to the target in the first place to engage. So all good, now where is that towel......

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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Join you server and link/host discord or TS. On the more active servers, comms often advertise in advance when they will tag up. Also you will get access to voice chat squads that are way more fun and also often run hidden tags so you cant see them on map. 

Ask in /t for discord links. 

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On 6/14/2023 at 8:52 PM, Oriens.5630 said:

Haven't played in years so this is all basically brand new to me again. I prefer running around with a large enough group to claim and take positions. How can I participate? I'm spending all my time hopping maps hoping to find Tags as they jump around and hoping w/o a mount I can catch up.

It's not going well.

gotta run faster, i guess

if u don#t have the warhamster yet, get it asap, and till then equp everything that gives u more speed (superspeed, swiftness, extra movement speed like signets, dll, bannerbuffs, blinks, launches, dashes etc)

gf hl

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
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On 6/15/2023 at 10:08 AM, Oriens.5630 said:

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try some of these out. The guild option is sounding like the most likely. But I will see if I can find some folks to help me get the Warclaw by asking in chat.

I hope you are aware that in your WvW Panel there is a tab for WXP (its WvW version of mastery for PvE) where you need to put WXP when you gain those points to unlock Warclaw, there is also achievement related to Warclaw which need to do.

Here is wiki about Warclaw: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw#Related_achievements

Here is wiki about how WvW works (with exception for changes related to World Restructuring event that ends in 28th of June): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World

(Here you can also see Wvw Panel explained and other important parts that might be useful to know for WvW).

Don't forget to at least put one point to unlock Gliding as that is also useful to fast get from Garrison to other parts of map or to avoid getting killed (as long your team/world owns keep, tower or objectives which is marked in the same colour as your team), then you you can glide from any higher ground. Just be aware that if you cross any border that isn't yours that you start to have birds attacking and will fast fall down to death (if you are too high up in air).

As for chat in WvW: Team chat (or channel) make use of chat command "/t" and you will see which borderland that channel is covering by having EBG, RBL (Red Desert Borderland), GBL (Green), BBL (Blue) after T for channel. If you are located in EBG (Eternal Battle Ground) and make use of team chat/channel you will only communicate with those player that are in the same borderland/EBG as yourself while using team chat. For making call out or talking to every player in WvW  at the same time  independent on which map you might be yourself you need to use "/m" before writing your message.

Edge of The Mist isn't part of this chat/channel system and is an overflow server. In EoTM you can not use team chat as there is no team (borderlands).


Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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