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Streamlined Skyscale? Not cool.

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I'm not down with a streamlined system for getting a skyscale. Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one and now ANet is just going to hand them out? Not cool, not cool at all. It's such a badge of honor. If you want to give casual players a flying mount, then make it something different, don't make it the same thing dedicated fans worked REALLY HARD to get. I'm not happy.

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I am generally of the same sentiment, same as Open World leggy armor.

The game is totally playable without Skyscale, the point of the thing is as a capstone achievement and status symbol.

I understand that GW2 has a lot of accessibility issues because of how grindy a lot of masteries/QoL feature are, but also catering to the casuals gave us the abominations that are Mech and the EoD specs so "catering to noobs" really doesn't have much of my goodwill anymore.

EDIT: I know I'm getting downvotes. In all honesty the change makes sense and is *fine*, inasmuch as the game has largely abandoned the idea of "horizontal progression" in favor of reusing/recycling past successes. This is mostly just me whinging about the trajectory of the game generally since EoD released.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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I earned my Skyscale the hard way as well, and while I understand your frustrations first hand - completing both tracks gives the Skyscale extra functions that one or the other doesn't have - I assume according to what we know so far. 


Also, complaining about something becoming easier for all players to earn that was once only for those who could complete the difficult tasks is silly entitlement. Man, I have come across so many players saying "I wish I had a Skyscale". It never made feel elite or better just kinda sad someone couldn't experience what I can. And yeah, they could go the distance like I did, like you did, but not everyone is equipped for it. Period. 

I have no problem with this - especially with added functionality of having both tracks.


No one assisted me earning my Skyscale either. I did mine 100% all by myself.

Edited by Jianyu.7065
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At some point catch up mechanics are necessary for the game to keep going forward because it needs to account for new players it wants to keep getting. On the other hand, it will be dumb if it will be suddenly basically given out (although "streamlined acquisition" doesn't mean it will be "given out"). In other words: I don't think I can judge it before we know how it's acquired.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I was wondering how long it would take the "Skyscales are my status symbol" people to complain on here. This is faster than I would have thought.

I like that legacy skyscale earners will get bonus functionality. This is a good change. Which is surprising given all of the bad changes lately/in this patch.

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It's pretty obvious that the Skyscale will be required to explore much of the new zones, since they're - shock of shocks - suspended in the air.

Look, I got a skyscale after a lot of work too.  And I got SEVERAL YEARS of use out of it.  Now they're baselining the skyscale, because it's something they want everyone to be able to utilize in the new expansion, which is their right to do.  That doesn't take away the years of use you got out of it.  And they're even giving you extra mastery bonuses that the newbies won't have, just because you unlocked your skyscale already.

Times change, guys.  The game has to move on.

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Also - there is no good reason for a mount to be a status symbol. In my opinion, the best anyone should get if they want to appear better than or above others is a pvp title. Otherwise stop acting like we can't play nice together. I've been here since beta and worked hard solo for every little piece of the game I have. I have no problem sharing that with others so they can enjoy the game the same way I have and still do. It's okay, guys. No, it really is okay.

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I have a skyscale and I think this is good for those that don't have it and either weren't interested/didn't have the time or were simply too lazy to get it before. Why would I be upset that it will seemingly be easier for people? Because it took longer for me to get? So what. It's the best mount in the game and I like the idea more will experience it.

Being upset at this is IMO, incredibly childish.


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At least we won't have to put up with the monthly "sKysCaLe is tOO hArD tO gET, WAAAAAAAAAH" threads. 🙄

...oh what am I saying: even if we get it instantaneously, for free, just by logging on, people will still complain. Well, this'll be entertaining. *popcorn*

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2 minutes ago, loregnum.3619 said:

Being upset at this is IMO, incredibly childish.


Indeed.  If it stays as a prestige symbol, then they can't design any content around it.  That's why they handed out raptors at the beginning of End of Dragons, because they wanted to be able to design content around the use of the raptor.  

It's obvious they want to design content around the skyscale this time, and they can't do that if it remains a status symbol to a chosen few.

Edited by Cameryn.5310
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I am newer so it wasn't that long ago I got my dragon and I am glad they are adding this. I have a guild mate that is playing far longer and he couldn't hack the collection. With how game changing the skyscale is I think it's good to be more readily available. It was not great struggling to keep up in places like dragon fall on my bunny during the champ runs. 


And I squealed to see they are finally adding open world leggy armour. All the people being incredibly rude over the subject are bound to be quite salty and it frankly makes me giggle a bit. If the pictures shown below is the armour that medium set is gonna be the first one I make!! 

Overall loving what is coming, I just wish ele got a longbow and not a pistol. 

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I got my Skyscale as soon as I could when it was first released, although I found the acquisition a pain.  Just because I suffered through it doesn't mean everyone should, and I'm fine with a different path for new players or for players who just didn't want to go that route.  I know how it feels -- I hated the Siege Turtle original acquisition and refused to do it until they changed a couple of things.

My enjoyment of the Skyscale -- which I've happily used for, what?, years now -- is in no way dependent on how many other players get it or how they get it.

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3 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

I am newer so it wasn't that long ago I got my dragon and I am glad they are adding this. I have a guild mate that is playing far longer and he couldn't hack the collection. With how game changing the skyscale is I think it's good to be more readily available. It was not great struggling to keep up in places like dragon fall on my bunny during the champ runs. 


And I squealed to see they are finally adding open world leggy armour. All the people being incredibly rude over the subject are bound to be quite salty and it frankly makes me giggle a bit. If the pictures shown below is the armour that medium set is gonna be the first one I make!! 

Overall loving what is coming, I just wish ele got a longbow and not a pistol. 

Where's this information about pve legendary armor???

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I have had my skyscale since the first month it came out.  I'm assuming the streamlined one will have less masteries/skills/watered down abilities.   Games "give" things to players to get them up to speed or keep them interested.  So as long as it's very base, and not exactly what I put the effort into, then I'm fine with it.  I'll wait and see before I render judgement, and hopefully it helps the ground bound keep up a little easier for metas or events.

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If anyone thinks the skyscale is still a rare prestige item only the most dedicated hardcore players have I strongly recommend you join in with the treasure hunt during Festival of the Four Winds next month. Sometimes the biggest challenge is seeing the treasure bags or where you're going through all the skyscales.

14 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

The game is totally playable without Skyscale, the point of the thing is as a capstone achievement and status symbol.

It sounds like that's going to change with the new expansion and the skyscale is going to become a lot more important for navigating the new maps, so it makes sense they're adding another way to get it.

19 minutes ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

I'm not down with a streamlined system for getting a skyscale. Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one and now ANet is just going to hand them out? Not cool, not cool at all. It's such a badge of honor. If you want to give casual players a flying mount, then make it something different, don't make it the same thing dedicated fans worked REALLY HARD to get. I'm not happy.

There's a lot of space between "so hard some people nearly quit the game trying to get it" and "just handing it out". Streamlined acquisition doesn't mean given away. I suspect it just means a single, shorter collection instead of 4 or 5. (Which means we'll have both people complaining it's too easy and people complaining it's still too hard.)

I'm just glad the new method is going to be in addition to the old one and there will be incentives for doing both. It took me literally months to get the skyscale but I actually liked the concept of finding an egg and raising my own mount and I'd be disapointed if starting the game later forced me to miss out on that.

I think we'll have to wait and see what the new collection involves, but I'm glad players will have a choice and an incentive to eventually do both.

1 minute ago, Cameryn.5310 said:

Indeed.  If it stays as a prestige symbol, then they can't design any content around it.  That's why they handed out raptors at the beginning of End of Dragons, because they wanted to be able to design content around the use of the raptor.  

It's obvious they want to design content around the skyscale this time, and they can't do that if it remains a status symbol to a chosen few.

I think the raptor is a bit different, because they were 'just given out' at the begining of PoF as well. You get it free in the first story step. All adding it to EoD did was ensure new players didn't have to buy 2 expansions to be able to play the 1 they wanted.

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4 hours ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

I'm not down with a streamlined system for getting a skyscale. Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one and now ANet is just going to hand them out? Not cool, not cool at all. It's such a badge of honor...


4 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

I am generally of the same sentiment, same as Open World leggy armor.

The game is totally playable without Skyscale, the point of the thing is as a capstone achievement and status symbol...

This kind of thinking baffles me. Do people really imagine all the other players going Oooh and Aaah every time someone flies overhead on a skyscale? The only time I notice someone on their skyscale is when they are hovering low enough over my head that their flapping wings are taking up a good portion of my screen. At those moments I am not the least bit impressed by their badge of honor or their status symbol.

4 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I earned my Skyscale the hard way as well, and while I understand your frustrations first hand - completing both tracks gives the Skyscale extra functions that one or the other doesn't have - I assume according to what we know so far. 


Also, complaining about something becoming easier for all players to earn that was once only for those who could complete the difficult tasks is silly entitlement...

...I have no problem with this - especially with added functionality of having both tracks.


4 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

I already got my skyscale and I'm pretty happy about it. Back then if I had been given to option to get it in an easier way I would have accepted. So I'm glad others have that choice now 🙂 

My own reaction to this skyscale news is more along the lines of Jianyu's and TheLadyOfTheRing's responses. I also earned my skyscale the old way, though doing it with a couple of friends made the whole process pretty enjoyable. At this point I have no problems with Anet making it easier for new folks to get this mount. I'm just curious to see how the new masteries and such will play out.

Oh, and I got all three weights of legendary armor through WvW. To me, those aren't status symbols or badges of honor either. Like the skyscale I got them for my own use, not to impress random people I happen to pass ingame. Heck, as I transmute the armor to fit the look of the alt wearing it, no one else can even tell I have leggy gear on. So I also have no problem with Anet introducing new ways for folks to get their own leggy gear.

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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