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Rate the new Legendary armor

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Based on the concept art, that can be found here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/new-rewards-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/ 

Rate the legendary armor sets. I am going to start.

Heavy set - 8/10
Seems on par with the current heavy set in the game. Maybe a little bit better.

Medium set - 10/10
Looks absolutely insane. Definitely getting it when it comes out.

Light set - 1/10
Tbh the light set looks like complete trash. 

Edited by Chrysaliss.8720
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Tongue in cheek analysis (not actually serious, though that light armor is something else) :


Heavy: 8/10.  A solid set, believable, looks like it would actually protect the user, but falls apart under closer inspection.  Upper body mobility would be pretty heavily restricted, shoulders would have to be attached to the arm, not the cuirass, yet they have an opening for side arm movement like they are cuirass attached.  Obvious weakpoint from a central thrust to the midsection would be deflected to the side and directly into a slot that could channel the blade into internal organs  (it's a little unclear if the underlayer covers this.  However it is highly unlikely that any blade caught this way would ever be fully deflected to the side).  Would be better if the armor extended to cover that piece. 

-2 for potentially killing the user if they ever get stabbed in the intestinal region.


Medium: 8/10.  Torso and shoulders might protect the user, oddly little protection on thighs (though perhaps the leather straps are considered disposable).  Would prefer if it didn't have the garish blades on the shoulders.  I am tempted to add +1 for lack of buttcapes.

-1 for notable weakpoints
-1 for putting shiny gaudy spikes on a set clearly going for stealth.


Light: 2/10.  What tha...  Okay, a lot to take apart here.  The underlying armor appears to be a vaguely tough cloth, as you can see that the material under the vest and jacket is the same as that of the pants.  However, the cut and seams on the pants would at least imply that this is a tougher material, tailored to be a more functional, all-usage wear, though the exact material characteristics are perhaps hard to determine.  This would be a serviceable under garment, though additional features would be required to protect the user, and those are utterly missing.   Instead, we have seemingly random armor pieces positioned on the wearer.  Some, such as the leg armor could at least be fastened, though the choice of guarding the lower leg when the upper legs and torso are completely unprotected is questionable to say the least.  But even if we disregard armor's function as protection and instead focus on the clothing and style standpoint, I call out the shoulders.  While no greater in weight than the heavy armor, clearly, the heavy armor has the advantage of rigid armor structure to assist the bearer.  This light armor, has no such assist.  Since the armor is clearly attached to the arm (or the user wouldn't be able to lift their arm in the slightest), all of that weight is just constantly trying to fall off, with no rigid structure to attach it to, just *cloth*.  Perhaps it is loosely mounted on a swivel from the neck, but this would barely be better as there is still no support other than the wearer's neck.   We have a large amount of cloth-mounted weight, protecting irrelevant portions of the user's body.  If we possibly allow that the vest has boning to help support and provide rigidity (reminiscent of a corset) then this becomes barely functional, though any combat movement would render all that unsupported weight unstable.

There are no redeeming qualities to the crown.

-4 for leaving the main portions unprotected and needlessly focusing on areas of least concern.
-2 for cloth supported metal, whose only function could possibly be to set a new record in the bedroom for fastest undressing.
-2 for headwear that is more likely drive spikes into the wearer's face than provide any protection.


Edited by PixelHero.5849
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I like them all quite a bit more than the raid armor.  Note though that as best I can tell these are concept art drawings, not screenshots, so all the analysis of how functional they are may not apply once the "production models" are available to view.  Also these are still images and I imagine there will be some sort of effects on them which may enhance or detract from their appeal.

That said, despite the excellent breakdown by PixelHero, I absolutely adore the heavy, am fine with the light (can hide bits that don't appeal), and find the medium a bit odd but am happy at the lack of buttcape.

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Heavy one - "I'm the post june 27th herald. Ten ppl dpsing me is but a flesh wound!" - 9/10.
Medium one - "I'm here to kill you. Yesturday." - 10/10 but... it's clearly a thief lege. What of rangers and engies?
Light one - if Lord Fahren was offered to wear that - he's excused for running around half naked. 4/10.

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I would want capes on all of them 😀

But otherwise, I really like - just based on the picture - Medium armor. That's very lucky coincidence, because that the only weight I would still need 😆 9/10 because I would probably want to hide shoulders. Maybe 10/10 if shoulders would gain cool transformation in combat. 11/10 if shoulders would remain hidden out of combat and appear transformed in combat!

It's interesting to see what visual effects this armor will offer. As owner of very simple-looking PvP Heavy and Light legendary sets (which are transmuted on all my characters to different styles), I am not spoiled 🙂

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1 hour ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Light one - if Lord Fahren was offered to wear that - he's excused for running around half naked. 4/10.

Yeah, I don't know what ANet's fetish with crowns is all about. None of us wants to be a Prince or a Princess, we are ADVENTURERS for crying out loud! 😄

1 hour ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Medium one - "I'm here to kill you. Yesturday." - 10/10 but... it's clearly a thief lege.

Yes, on a Thief it will probably look pretty cool.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Personally, I think they all look way too busy and impractical. But I'm the sort of freak that loves realistic armor design. In my opinion,. the greatest expression of beauty is the marriage of form and function.

I look forward to getting them but I'll definitely transmog them to something else.

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The medium and light sets looks exactly like two specific gem store outfits. Only this set you can wear what pieces you want.

Even though I'm halfway through WvW legendary heavy, I'm fine with abandoning that and starting from scratch on a full set. I will likely get them all, as long as we won't have to suffer the decisions that gave use jade runestone and memory of aurene farm.

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