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Expansion: Pre-Order, Wail Till Launch to Purchase or Not Purchasing

Expansion: Pre-Order, Wail Till Launch to Purchase or Not Purchasing  

400 members have voted

  1. 1. Expansion: Pre-Order, Wail Till Launch to Purchase or Not Purchasing

    • I am Pre-Ordering.
    • I am waiting till launch to see if the expansion is good.
    • I am not purchasing.

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17 hours ago, Alin.2468 said:

I am totally with you on this one. You are absolutely right. We needed a focus on WvW (which is still beta development, even though it was promised at release of EoD expansion). We need a lot of focus on PvP which is stalling in the same state and same mechanics for way too long. Instead we get a bit of casual PvE with a repurposed previous content and same stuff reforged.

I miss the old days when a game or an expansion was released with all content available in first day. I miss the days where people got a demo of the game for free, so they can be drawn in buying the full version. But content nowadays is released in steps, bit by bit, and players must trust the company to release that promised content at some point in the future when company decides to deem like it, while driving sales through promises. I am sick and tired of this. I shall not buy the next expansion until much later.

- I want my PvP, my battlegrounds, my promised mechanics, my fighting in pre-established teams, my teamwork without enforced soloQ, my promised balance without some overpowered meta.

- I want my WvW without focus on some random allocation of guilds. I want a sense of belonging to a specific server, a sense of unity between players.

- I want my GvG which was promised at release, on the old forums which got deleted.

- I want my PvE which brings new content, adding things to the game without recycling anything from the old stuff (not even a graphical design).

To punctuate my point: I don't even particularly have a preference as to what content gets attention. As it stands I don't have a particular affinity to PvP, WvW, raids, dungeons, underwater combat, DRMs, etc. Most of them are long-neglected and so revitalizing them isn't so much about giving love to things I care about, but the inverse: I don't care about them because they don't get any love, and I absolutely would if they did.

The bigger problem isn't which content isn't getting attention. It's that *so much* has been neglected, and apparently the devs would rather toss us a couple new weapons as their first "big change" than invest their efforts literally anywhere else.

My disinterest in so many modes of the game has now extended to the game as a whole, because the neglect and non-development is just so kitten pervasive. The game is now officially more unfinished, neglected, and cannibalzed content than not. I cannot be expected to care about a game that not even the devs/studio seem to care about.

Devs need to dev. This is not development; it is IP necromancy. Felicia Day is not a dev; she is just more of the PR smoke and mirrors.

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This xpac caught my eye so I'm wondering about the price. Right now the pricing scheme is reminding me of ESO. If you want xpacs+ extra dlcs (living story) it's freaking expensive. Which is a big turn off. If you are new you can buy the full catch up pack  but if you already own at least 1 xpac then you have to purchase the separate upgrades which are more expensive. It would be so much more enticing to buy more xpacs if the mega packs accounted for what you already own and gave equivalent discounts. 

And why is this one only $25, will it go up in price after coming out or is it really such a thin xpac? The prepurchase rewards don't seem that enticing on their own. 

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9 hours ago, Syn Faal.5027 said:

This xpac caught my eye so I'm wondering about the price. Right now the pricing scheme is reminding me of ESO. If you want xpacs+ extra dlcs (living story) it's freaking expensive. Which is a big turn off. If you are new you can buy the full catch up pack  but if you already own at least 1 xpac then you have to purchase the separate upgrades which are more expensive. It would be so much more enticing to buy more xpacs if the mega packs accounted for what you already own and gave equivalent discounts. 

And why is this one only $25, will it go up in price after coming out or is it really such a thin xpac? The prepurchase rewards don't seem that enticing on their own. 

Well the good news is that's changing: in future you won't have to pay any extra for the releases in between expansions, and apparently that's permanent (unlike the living world which was only free if you logged in during each episode's release window), they're considered part of the expansion so buying SotO gets you the 3 updates that follow it as well.

There's been a lot of speculation that they'll change it for the previous ones as well, maybe reducing the price of the Elder Dragon Saga Collection and Complete Collection packs. We don't know for sure yet, but it would fit with previous changes; they made the base game free and bundled it with HoT, then sometime after PoF was released they bundled HoT and PoF together for the same price as 1 expansion on it's own, now they're offering HoT + PoF + EoD for slightly less than buying them separately, but more than the cost of 1 expansion. It seems likely that when EoD is no longer the most recent release they'll adjust it again.

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Thanks that helps with the decision making. Although I still think the collections should be prorated. We may go ahead and get the new xpac now and get the Dragon xpac when there is a sale. Although there are some elite specs in Dragons that I would like to use.

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1st ever GW related release since Factions I don't preorder. The direction they're taking (monetizing LS content, fubar the whole relic thing) coupled with a complete fall back to their worst times when it comes to communicating with their players (complete silence besides thes usual PR talk), made me rather spend my money on Baldur's Gate 3. 😞

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I bought the ultimate for PoF because hot kitten that expansion had it all and everything about it was pure hype. When it came to EoD I bought the base because none of the "gifts" added per tier felt that special (I still use my invitation to Lily of the Elon), and just skins weren't enough to peak my interest. I feel like announcing the expansion right when they released that balance patch is what killed all interest for me, I'm still a little bitter about the class changes in general so that was a big reason for me personally not to support it. Even if that hadn't been the case, I can't imagine paying full price for an expansion that isn't even finished and is going to be released piecemeal over the next year and a half. I understand and agree with the decision to do away with living seasons because they always became a hot discussion about the price vs people who got it for free, but treating an expansion AS a living season you pay for wasn't the right direction.

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

As mentioned previously I was undecided about buying SotO but today's update regarding the skyscale's place in the expansion convinced me to not buy the expac.

What about the skyscale post convinced you? (I'm genuinely curious)

Personally, I pre-ordered a copy for my (main) account. I don't see the need to do so for any of my family member's accounts. At this point, I don't know if I will get the additional copies at all or how far down the line it will be if I do. With several characters coming up on their 11th birthdays, not being hyped for the expansion is kind of sad.

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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

What about the skyscale post convinced you? (I'm genuinely curious)

Personally, I pre-ordered a copy for my (main) account. I don't see the need to do so for any of my family member's accounts. At this point, I don't know if I will get the additional copies at all or how far down the line it will be if I do. With several characters coming up on their 11th birthdays, not being hyped for the expansion is kind of sad.

The post makes it clear that a Skyscale will be necessary to participate/complete expansion content. I do not like Skyscales and do not want to use one, and so am not inclined to pay for an expansion that requires it.

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Actually, the more I look at it the more I'm likely to go ahead and get the Ultimate version instead of waiting. I don't like an incomplete game so I would have bought at least the $25 expansion anyway, but price-wise ULT is basically STD+4k gems with some other stuff thrown in to sweeten the pot. I just considered the price of the STD version plus how many gems I'm likely to buy over the next few months, especially with Halloween and Wintersday coming up. 

As for the rest of the package, I don't care about the raptor skin or the emote, but they're nice to have I guess. Same with the the ID repair kit, it's a nice thing to have in stock even if it's not something I'm likely to use soon. I definitely would have wanted another character slot though, so with expansion + slot + gems, the cost works out OK.

I guessed at the emote and skin prices based on similar-type items in the gem shop, the other items are actual BLT list prices. No idea for the value in other currencies. Apologies in advance for any table-layout chaos ($- means item is included):

                                     STD        DLX        ULT
Price (USD)                $24.99    $49.99   $74.99
Added char slot        $10.00    $-            $-   
Raptor skin                $20.00?   $-            $-   
Emote                         $5.00?     $-            $-   
ID repair kit               $12.50    $-            $-   
4000 gems                 $50.00    $50.00    $-   
TOTAL                       $122.49  $99.99    $74.99

It was just a matter of "would I buy 4000 gems anyway over X period of time to justify the ULT package" and in my case it turns out the answer is Yes. A utility here, an upgrade there, the occasional skin etc, it adds up over time. YMMV.

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Honestly if you don't care about any of the pre-order bonuses it's perfectly acceptable to wait until after release to see what people are saying about it, especially this close to release. Mount skins for a raptor are whatever when you'll have access to an easier skyscale, and that magical juggling emote is just plain awful, it isn't even juggling.

Hat and title are the pre-order bonuses I think across all tiers, and a weapon skin you will be able to get after release anyways so if any of those are particularly important to you then I understand your consideration. If they aren't just wait till release and see.

Edited by Acheron.1580
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2 hours ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Honestly if you don't care about any of the pre-order bonuses it's perfectly acceptable to wait until after release to see what people are saying about it, especially this close to release. Mount skins for a raptor are whatever when you'll have access to an easier skyscale, and that magical juggling emote is just plain awful, it isn't even juggling.

Hat, title, and a weapon skin you will be able to get after release anyways are the pre-order bonuses I think across all tiers, so if any of those are particularly important to you then I understand your consideration. If they aren't just wait till release and see.

I mean they do say prepurchase for the hat skin, weapon choice  skin and title.

But since weapon is a choice pretty sure you can get that later, the hat and title on the other hand is uncertin.

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Guys think it's the first time since 2006 I won't buy the 'expansion' upfront since I play other games atm (Horizon Forbidden West, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Final Fantasy 16 and some independent games). Also it's summer and I have lot to work and do other stuff in my free time like travelling, concerts, friends, parties, girlfriend etc etc. Live is great.


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I fully admit to playing an unhealthy amount of GW2 for a long time (I'm talking 6-8 hour days). Since their balance patches, I've

- Finished Persona 5 (all 4 endings)

- Finished FF Theatrythem

- Finished Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon

- Finished 13 Sentinels

- actually played other games with friends like dying light 2, deep rock galactic, table top simulator.

It's heartbreaking to see GW2 going down the hole (and honestly it's been that way since end of IBS, I don't think I even bothered posting on the forums before EoD was announced and now I'd say I spend more time on here than actually playing the game), but I'll be damned if it hasn't helped me enjoy other things. Silver linings I guess. I'm still (stupidly) optimistic that maybe the release on the 22nd will have information or address concerns but it's pretty unlikely since the devs don't ever go back on their decisions, for better or worse. I'm unlikely to support Anet unless they turn things around, and by extension just in case this situation came from decisions made by higher up that goes for NCSoft as well.

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1 hour ago, Acheron.1580 said:

It's heartbreaking to see GW2 going down the hole

When Mists of Pandaria was announced in 2012 in WoW, a few friends of mine just had a feeling it was past its high point as a game and left, some to the 'upcoming' GW2. I honestly feel the same way now about GW2, I have started reading the MMO reddit looking for new games, considering different genres of games altogether after only playing MMO's for years. That kitten tunnel and the constant nerfing of the entire map rewards until you literally ended up with some blues and greens for your trouble ( i have never had a luxon chest drop) was the final nail for me. People talk about GW2 not being 'grindy' or not having vertical progression just have not noticed that it has been happening just in non traditional ways, but the game is grindy, tight fisted and the last expansion and this one are geared around getting legendaries.


Edit, i have no idea why some muppet is 'confusing emote' me on this, the game has become more grindy, lesser rewards, the main focus of EoD other than the maps/story was gen 3 legendaries, the coming one its PVE legendaries.  No wonder i spend no time on this forum.

Edited by Halcyon.8360
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I was the only person out of all my friends and like half my guild who pickup up pandaria because it went cheap super quickly after release, and it was by far my favorite WoW expansion (controversial opinion I know). The pandarian race was so expressive and opened up the desire for Blizzard to go back and update their other character models. The maps were lush and had lots to do, the dungeons and raids were particularly engaging and interesting with some wild mechanics and they were just fun, the story was amazing throughout, partially because it had become untethered from the stagnant story WoW had become (and ironically after Pandaria continued ruining each new expansion).

When it comes to GW2, the elite specs for EoD were very half baked on announcement, and on release were still a little underdone. The core concepts were cool, Revenant is always my go to example because I was suprised and genuinely excited when vindicator got the kurzick and luxon heroes (even though I really wanted a ritualist Togo), but then they made it this weird forced dps/heal swappy garbage that nobody would really ask for, and then on release they clawed it back but it still feels like 2 half-finished elites (though the dps side is fun and effective).

The story has been getting lazier and lazier though.


Every dragon up to IBS had been this massive threat, and the story and battles that not only lead up to it's final battle but the final battle itself was harrowing and epic. And then IBS began and it was basically destroyers and jormag's champion running the show and the dragons were background characters. Even in the final battle they are literally in the background. And that whole fight was built around mechanics and not story in any way. Team good guys were like lets just show up without a plan and stuff will happen and work out, but we better not let one side get power because if they do then... the other side will res with more health? How does that check out? It was just such a bad idea. If anything I think they should revisit IBS and do it proud but Anet has an allergic reaction to old content (even when that content is only months old). Maybe a CM version that actually makes sense? EoD story wasn't much better. You could have written out the aetherblades and Ankka and had the story go in the exact same direction (Gorrik gets called in to help as a leading researcher on dragons, Aurene goes, get's her mojo absorbed back into Soo-wan by getting too close since it is technically her's to begin with which results in the acceleration of Soo-Wan/void troubles, bingo-bango).

And now we are getting these micro expansions which I suspect will be detached little side arcs without a lot of depth. It sort of feels like a winding down of GW2 to maybe go forward with a GW3, but I've invested too much into GW2 to want to play a new game, and frankly if that is the case then they should have treated GW2 way better because GW1 had a really strong finish, and made me interested in 2, and in this case it's doing the opposite.

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34 minutes ago, Halcyon.8360 said:

Edit, i have no idea why some muppet is 'confusing emote' me on this, the game has become more grindy, lesser rewards, the main focus of EoD other than the maps/story was gen 3 legendaries, the coming one its PVE legendaries.  No wonder i spend no time on this forum.

Someone went through all my posts and confused emote me (I had like 10 notifications in less than a minute) and it made me really think about how I might be wrong and that I should be just be happy we get anything from Anet.

Just kidding it made me think they were a muppet too.

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33 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Someone went through all my posts and confused emote me (I had like 10 notifications in less than a minute) and it made me really think about how I might be wrong and that I should be just be happy we get anything from Anet.

Just kidding it made me think they were a muppet too.

Same happened to me the other day lol

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Bottom line, Anet is apparently trying really hard to make this a new player friendly expansion which is fine; however if new players come into this game expecting that they are going to only purchase the expansion and be happy (and many will) they are going to end up being frustrated and put off by the experience. This will discourage players, causing them to leave and not come back and as someone who is a huge fan of this game, that makes me sad.

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12 hours ago, WRay.2391 said:

Pre-ordered ultimate, re-funded after latest announcement about changes to login rewards (like legendary runes was not enough ...). Will wait for release to see if changes are not as bad as I expect.

I'm very curious. How does that work? Had you used any of the extras (gems/repair kit/boost/character slot)?

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