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The endgame makes me want to quit (new player)

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2 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

I have a question. Maybe older forum users can answer. This person says they are new, but they use the same "kitten" censor that I see other posters use regularly. If you were new you probably would not use such language. 

So does the forum change any swear into kitten? Or are they just an obvious troll account from an existing player posting to rile people up? ^^ 

The forum does automatically censor out swearing as "kitten." It's not voluntary on part of the user. Doesn't matter how old your account is, when you joined the forums, or how long you've played the game - if you cuss on the forums, the kittenizer gets turned on, and all your swears get turned into cute baby cats. 😄

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19 hours ago, Hermes.8159 said:

In WoW I know at endgame I will be doing dungeons and raids, this game has so many kitten, so many kittening currencies, and you only know this because of videos not because any of this is explained in the game.

Well in wow we have the auto-lfg to easy guide you as long at you meet the lvls .(played from 2005-2012 , Vergin- Resto Druid -Deathwing)

For now  we cant implant this here ,  because people will afk (wasted money) and the majority are "ok" without doing instances  ( we tried with creating new systems in end of PoF... but afkers happened) .

i would't say no , to consilidate everything under Fractal , with being 5man + chance que up to 10man + hybrid of new fractals where people but manually create group and when they steepped into the portal , they will be  teleported into the exactly same   DRM-OW-fractal (replace current dungeons) that exist in OW, where solo-new players are doing their "story"/dailies  for for some 6-8man action and scales  . Essentially when new people step into the OW-solable-fractal  , a daily icon from the normal  Fractal Ui comes up , so Fractal people can create as fast as posible groups for the extra rewards + meet the new guy


Edit: no more HP sponges  bosses ... ony dps meters is specific areas.....and plz we  need Kangaroo-fight-mounts

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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4 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

The forum does automatically censor out swearing as "kitten." It's not voluntary on part of the user. Doesn't matter how old your account is, when you joined the forums, or how long you've played the game - if you cuss on the forums, the kittenizer gets turned on, and all your swears get turned into cute baby cats. 😄

Thanks! I was wondering. It was quite odd to me. Pretty funny though.

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You have run into the main issue with GW2 endgame, you have to decide what it is the game does not say go do this until you get the gear that will allow you to go do the next thing, repeat until you get caught up and then stop playing until the next release so you can start the grind again.  You just need to pick a goal, as someone said find a legendary that works for you and start working on it.  There are so many things needed for that goal you will discover many parts of the game.  That is just one example, plenty of other things you could pick if you want/need a goal, or you could just start randomly trying content.  WvW and PvP do not require you to have a premade group.  For fractals and dungeons just start a group in LFG, mention you are new and are trying to learn.

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20 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

I have a question. Maybe older forum users can answer. This person says they are new, but they use the same "kitten" censor that I see other posters use regularly. If you were new you probably would not use such language. 

So does the forum change any swear into kitten? Or are they just an obvious troll account from an existing player posting to rile people up? ^^ 

Every banned word is changed to kitten.

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17 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

okay, cool

As Crono previously mentioned 'Endgame' covers a lot of content "map completion, achievements, world bosses, dungeons, strike missions, raids, pvp, world vs world" to name a few. 
you can happily play all that content in Exotic gear and don't need Ascended equipment to perform you role
the exception to this is Fractals of the Mists which have a scaling mechanic as you progress called Agony, this will eventually require you to switch to over to using Ascended in order to socket it a special type of upgrade called 'Agony Infusions', BUT if you're getting into fractals and enjoying it, you wont need to get ascended for a little while, and will be earning currency to purchase the required gear, have it drop as loot, or earn the materals to craft it if you prefer.

I'd recommend trying a little bit of everything and see what kind of content gravitates you in.
in the meantime, i'd recommend watching some guilds like Mukluk's 'What now' video


And this is the problem How much you wanna bet he's getting bad info from those youtube content creators that all modern mmo suffer from? And it is the game's fault for not really explaining how things work. No one ever say's that playing in exotic gear is good enough for most of the content in the game. Ascended gear is for fractals. It's the same thing with elite specs being the end all of everything. Most of the player base just use the core specs and are fine with that. I would tell new players to stop watching most of those you tubers.

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7 minutes ago, wmtyrance.3571 said:

And this is the problem How much you wanna bet he's getting bad info from those youtube content creators that all modern mmo suffer from? And it is the game's fault for not really explaining how things work. No one ever say's that playing in exotic gear is good enough for most of the content in the game. Ascended gear is for fractals. It's the same thing with elite specs being the end all of everything. Most of the player base just use the core specs and are fine with that. I would tell new players to stop watching most of those you tubers.

Only watch Mukluk for your gw2 content.

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Another option for endgame is to just open up your achievement panel, and start working through them. once you hit 80, its totally up to you at the pace you work at. I would only warn you to NOT farm for a legendary of any kind immediately, that will burn you out the instant you make the item. some things you can only work on during the various festivals, but otherwise everything can be done at any time, and if you are having trouble finding others to do meta events with you, alot of people tend to do them at the daily reset. 

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23 hours ago, Hermes.8159 said:

I manually leveled up to 52 and made the story up to that point before I decided to use the 80 boost...

They gave me a kitten weapon that I am forced to use because it has very good stats...

And I just don't udnerstand the kittening endgame, its too complicated and for no good reason, nobody bothers to explain to you what the kitten are you supposed to be doing, and I watched many videos of what the kitten am I supposed to be doing but its overwhelming to the point that it feels like a MASSIVE CHORE. 

Who thought this endgame was a good idea?, I bet this is one of the reasons this game has bad retention of new players.

Now... what the kitten am I supposed to be doing?

In WoW I know at endgame I will be doing dungeons and raids, this game has so many kitten, so many kittening currencies, and you only know this because of videos not because any of this is explained in the game.

First off you would’ve been able to select any weapon when you used your level 80 boost except an Elite Spec Weapon and the 80 boost/NPC you talk to explains this. This game has a variety of different endgame options, some people choose an Ed game they like, such as Raids/Strikes, Fractals, Dragon Response Missions,WvW, sPvP. Open World Event and the game explains these things when you progress through content ie if you would’ve done HoT story you would’ve been told of Raids etc after completing certain things. There’s also the endgame of Achievement hunting which most are stated on what you need to do to do those things. 

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For OP, lots of good suggestions in here so I'll just say...your right!...game does a horrible job of explaining anything. I think I quit in 2013 cause i didn't know what the frances was going on. Im just recently back and sank a ton of hours into the game. Forunately we have 10 years of youtube to find what we need. Yesterday after I got frustrated over a LW3 mechanic that took me an hour to figure out searching for a video that explained what the saint claus I was suppose to do. I wound up finding an archive forum post and after a few more attempts it clicked. 

As you can see game is very deep and sometimes I'm scratching my head...what should I do right now. With so much to do ...its very hard to focus...and when you do very easy to get trapped in some map meta event. I use my acheivement tab sometimes to help organize me. I usually try to hit my dailies from there. I like legendary crafting but its such a slog!

Just do whatever you like and the rest will eventually click.

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I skipped almost all other replies so if this is a duplicate, sorry.

On 7/8/2023 at 4:18 PM, Hermes.8159 said:

The problem also is I don't know where to go to do this activities.

I have still 3 chapters left of the story would those introduce me to those activities or not? Someone said here in a response that they would.

-Wiki will help you, a lot. And since this is an old game, many old video tutorials already available. Example, if you get lost during a Jump Puzzle, there is most likely a youtube video about it like 5 years ago - which is still valid.

For other end-game, press H (by default) and look up Achievements. It will list you all the things you have not done yet (and completed). You can select what you want to do, and if you need help - map chat or wiki, or here in forums.

Another end-game is getting Legendaries. Some are easy, most are not.

Then in-between those activities, join a world-meta, do HP trains. Go to gw2timer to check boss timers and join the train.

Then there is WvW and PvP - which I really don't know much sorry.

Just remember, everything you know about WoW, drop it. There are no dungeon runs to get better gear and stuff like that. Exotics are perfectly fine end-game.

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On 7/8/2023 at 12:43 AM, Hermes.8159 said:

I manually leveled up to 52 and made the story up to that point before I decided to use the 80 boost...

They gave me a kitten weapon that I am forced to use because it has very good stats...

And I just don't udnerstand the kittening endgame, its too complicated and for no good reason, nobody bothers to explain to you what the kitten are you supposed to be doing, and I watched many videos of what the kitten am I supposed to be doing but its overwhelming to the point that it feels like a MASSIVE CHORE. 

Who thought this endgame was a good idea?, I bet this is one of the reasons this game has bad retention of new players.

Now... what the kitten am I supposed to be doing?

In WoW I know at endgame I will be doing dungeons and raids, this game has so many kitten, so many kittening currencies, and you only know this because of videos not because any of this is explained in the game.

The story journal is constantly showing you where a new PvE thing-to-do is. You don't have to do the story in order if you don't want to (you can start any expansion / seasonal story you have bought without doing the ones before it), and you don't have to finish the core story if you don't care, but the story will constantly direct you to the next level-appropriate zone and the expansion storylines all include missions that act as tutorials for stuff you unlock via expansion masteries. The majority of the game world is level 80 areas, built up over more than a decade of incremental releases, and most of those areas are far more lively and challenging than the level 0-50 zones you've spent your time in so far.

If you really really really want to improve your gear asap, here you go: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:How_to_Gear_a_Character (You should have a set of level 80 exotic Celestial gear from your boost thingy, though, as others have pointed out. That can last you a good long while depending on the class.)

If you hate your weapon, just buy an exotic (orange) or rare (yellow) one on the Trading Post for a few gold.

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11 hours ago, wmtyrance.3571 said:

And this is the problem How much you wanna bet he's getting bad info from those youtube content creators that all modern mmo suffer from? And it is the game's fault for not really explaining how things work. No one ever say's that playing in exotic gear is good enough for most of the content in the game. Ascended gear is for fractals. It's the same thing with elite specs being the end all of everything. Most of the player base just use the core specs and are fine with that. I would tell new players to stop watching most of those you tubers.

Speaking of bad info.  While you can complete all content in the game on a core spec, they're objectively at a disadvantage when compared to elite specs.  Elite specs have access to everything the core specs do, but additionally they have access to an exclusive weapon unlock, trait line, and a complete set of utility skills as well as an altered version of the core class mechanic.  In order for a core spec to be the better option, its worst options have to be as good as the elite spec's best options as, presumably, you've already chosen the best options from the core selection of traits, weapons, and utilities.

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14 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

This hit on the core issue with gw2 end game, anet's consistent inconsistency in development of the end game. Instead of just sticking dungeons and eventually raids, they have at least 4 varients of 5 man content and 3 variants of 10 man content. Each of these were developed then abandoned soon after. 


Lets be real here. Most of the community here do not care about raids, strikes or fractals so the focus on this is low. The open world is the endgame for most of us.

That's the endgame people from generic MMORPGs look for since they know nothing else.

GW2 is a lot more varied in that regard, you have a lot different type of endgames. 


What I would suggest for the OP to do is continue the story, it will reveal new maps pretty quick moving forward and those maps contain the big part of the endgame. Another suggestion is to open the achievement tab and choose some goal there to pursue (GW2's quest system)

The game is very casual friendly, but it doesn't expect you to be "stupid" FFXIV does which is very handholdy and WoW is even more confusing (story progress) apart from the LFG system

Edited by Jin.8501
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On 7/8/2023 at 1:20 AM, Hermes.8159 said:

You are making a red herring fallacy. I know this game progression is different, I'm not complaining about that, I am complaining that the game doesn't explain the endgame activities at all!

I don't know what to do if I want to work towards better gear because even if you say the game isn't about that it actually is until you get your exotic gear and I don't have it yet so I don't know how the kitten am I supposed to get it, I actually like that there isn't a constant push for best gear like other MMOs is just that I don't even understand what the kitten am I supposed to be doing and the game doesn't explain the endgame content to me at all.

So instead of practicing patience and seeking out the knowledge you crave you come here and rage about it while expecting to be treated differently than the way you're behaving. 

I dont suppose you've ever played Warframe or Path of Exile? I wouldn't exactly put GW2 in line with them but the complaint is that none of what's going on in the endgame is being explained. 

If you RP, talk to NPCs - they have info about what is going on in the zones, even if it's only baseline stuff. Also, respectfully inquiring in the forum titled "Players Helping Players" is helpful. In that regard, asking players in game is also helpful. And when all else fails just about any question you could ever have about this game can be answered on the wiki, and you can do all of this without ever watching a YouTube video.

That said, getting all charged up and "kittening" around the forums is not very helpful at all.

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35 minutes ago, Jin.8501 said:

Lets be real here. Most of the community here do not care about raids, strikes or fractals so the focus on this is low. The open world is the endgame for most of us.

You =/= most of the community. Gw2efficiency shows at least 90% of accounts have at least dipped their toes in fractals, the lfg always is advertising groups even in off hours.  

And the inconsistent delopment is the same with open world. Core maps work completely different than hot maps which in turn work complete different than pof maps. And most have been abandoned by the community, or in the case of the maw of torment meta, abandoned by anet in its bugged state.

The OP probably wants to start doing t1 fractals, it is the closerest thing to the wow experience  they are used to with the only vertical progression in the game. 


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2 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

You =/= most of the community. Gw2efficiency shows at least 90% of accounts have at least dipped their toes in fractals, the lfg always is advertising groups even in off hours.  

And the inconsistent delopment is the same with open world. Core maps work completely different than hot maps which in turn work complete different than pof maps. And most have been abandoned by the community, or in the case of the maw of torment meta, abandoned by anet in its bugged state.

The OP probably wants to start doing t1 fractals, it is the closerest thing to the wow experience  they are used to with the only vertical progression in the game. 


And GW2Efficiency =/= a statistically significant portion of the playerbase

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8 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

You =/= most of the community. Gw2efficiency shows at least 90% of accounts have at least dipped their toes in fractals, the lfg always is advertising groups even in off hours.  

And the inconsistent delopment is the same with open world. Core maps work completely different than hot maps which in turn work complete different than pof maps. And most have been abandoned by the community, or in the case of the maw of torment meta, abandoned by anet in its bugged state.

The OP probably wants to start doing t1 fractals, it is the closerest thing to the wow experience  they are used to with the only vertical progression in the game. 


Someone "tipping their toes to fractals" doesn't mean its the main game mode for them. If it was as popular as you make it seem then it would be wise for A-net to capitalize on that. But they won't put much focus on it. 

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On 7/8/2023 at 8:26 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Have you tried what every new player is supposed to do, namely follow the story that will guide you through the game?

P.S. Using the f-word in every sentence is a pretty embarrassing way to communicate. Perhaps you might want to revert to proper language? Just as thought.

i am kind of shocked that more comments are not pointing out the fact he made the story up has he level to 52 lol

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you made up the story tell 52 then used a level 80 boost. did you not open your mail at level 10? the game hand holds you from that moment on tell 80 fallowing the green markers. all the other stuff you learn has you go. only thing about this game that is remotely complex is crafting. has far has end game goes to make it simple for you push H and a list of tons of things to be doing pop up

Edited by trunks.5249
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