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Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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Wow. I'm surprised anyone is happy with this. Each of the 7 give further progress to get back what was already there? Which means there will be more to do/grind AND you have wait until sometime next year to pay more to get back what you have today. This is good?

As someone who was gathering the mats and was close to crafting 6 legendary runes... yeah, not happening. 

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7 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I suppose my question is if the 7 runes unlocked is needed. Or if you can craft the relic without having crafted runes. Either way, after work today I will craft the 6 runes I've been holding off on. I might as well craft the 7th too I suppose. It will just be easier.

From the wording of  "In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics", I'm taking that as the legendary relic will require legendary runes as part of a collection series, though I might just be reading too deep into it.

It'd make sense if that was the case though, with the loss of the main draw of legendary runes and especially with open world legendary armor coming, legendary runes are going to lose a lot of appeal, and they probably don't want that part of the economy to completely tank. Making them a literal requirement for the legendary relic will keep charms relevant. Obviously impossible to say for sure though.

Edited by Kanaima.2546
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1 minute ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm a strong advocate for both playing Guild Wars 2 and spending plenty of time outdoors. Everyone should do both things! Weather and Internet access permitting! 
I'm much less fond of arguing back and forth about who should and shouldn't be touching grass... especially when there's a whole relics blog to discuss!

Rubi, sorry to say but being vague in the blog post regarding the "significant progress" is disheartening, not to mention that we also need to wait at least 6 months if going by the 2024 quarterly update just to get that "significant progress" towards something that was taken away from us.

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Okay this is half a decent thing. Not enough to make me keeping playing the game atm since what is the point of grinding for legendaries when all the classes play the same DPSboonbrrr anyway. We are still several painful patches (if not longer) from the game approaching a state where class choice and gear choice actually carries some meaning.

The other half of this decent thing is now to fix the arbitrary non-choice that is elite-bonus-less runes. Why do we even have six rune slots when the sum effect of "stacking bonuses" always requires a full set of six? That eliminates meaningful choice and effectively inflates what could be a single rune like PvP into needing to arbitrarily buy/grind for six.

The clear solution after this change is to remove stacking bonuses and make runes fully modular.

And then, if they really want to go the extra mile, now that runes will just be boosted infusions, find a way to consolidate infusions away from ascended gear into a separate infusion pool thing so that players can access fractals more easily. Needing to grind for both ascended gear AND AR on each character just to run fractals T2 and beyond is just the biggest chore.


Edited by Batalix.2873
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The "significant progress" that the blog states better cover all costs of the legendary relic, with the only thing remaining to complete the legendary relic after this "significant progress" boost being some item that is easy enough to get.

If it requires grinding or spending gold, then you the GW2/Anet team have stolen something from players and expect them to buy it back.

@Rubi Bayer.8493 and the team need to make this clear long before the expansion and release of the legendary relic (at a random time in 2024.....which also isn't a good look)

Could you also let us know if you craft the legendary runes after the new expansion and release of the legndary relic, will it still provide the same progress or is the progress boost only for people who have crafted legendary runes before the expansion release?

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In the end, it seems that ANET does not prepare achievements or crafting recipes for Legendary Relic at all at this point. At least half a year to more than one year.

"players who craft Legendary Runes already will be rewarded with a portion of their progress toward obtaining Legendary Relic"

I'm pretty sure that is hurriedly prepared solution.
Honestly, it's so obvious and meager that it makes me laugh.

Think about if your level 80 character has 8 equipment tabs, and each has a different equipmet setting with a legend runes.

With the 3 core relics each character receives, rest 5 builds will be unusable right away.

I think ANET should give at least as many key relic boxes as the number of equipment tabs the character has.

Edited by shinvold.3618
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28 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Not the exact relic equivalent of the bonus we have now?

I mean that wouldn't really work?

Who would take +5% damage while above 90% health from current scholar runes when you can instead take unconditional +5% damage and +5% condition damage from current renegade runes?

Right, absolutely none. Many of the currently "diverse" 6-slot boni - especially for extra damage - only make sense in their diversity by being bound to their respective rune stats but with decoupling they become redundant.

I have 2 major hopes for this:

1. Don't make relics as busted as they sound in the preview. Both Zephyrite and Wizard Tower sound INSANE compared to everything 6th slot boni are offering right now.

2. Don't make any relic accountbound.

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2 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

:classic_blink: The first sentence in my post was self-explanatory and made it clear that I was talking about legendaries.

"I am confused by the use of the plural: Legendary Relics.  Won't we get to craft just one, since there is only one slot?"

Still kinda irrelvant though

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10 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

Yeah, I hope that that is supposed to be account bound at least and not soulbound. I don't care is it's just that initial Relic(s) you get, soulbound equipment is a pain in the butt.


Hopefully we can salvage it. Or at least not have to type out the name to delete them.

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2 minutes ago, shinvold.3618 said:

In the end, it seems that ANET does not prepare achievements or crafting recipes for Legendary Relic at all at this point. At least half a year to more than one year.

"players who craft Legendary Runes already will be rewarded with a portion of their progress toward obtaining Legendary Relic"

I'm pretty sure that is hurriedly prepared solution.
Honestly, it's so obvious and meager that it makes me laugh.

Think about if your level 80 character has 8 equipment tabs, and each has a different equipmetn setting with a legend runes.

With the 3 core artifacts each character receives, rest 5 builds will be unusable right away.

I think ANET should give at least as many key relic boxes as the number of equipment tabs the character has.

This. 👍

Proper comment on Reddit: "Well, we will give you a legendary relic... but next year. Have fun unlocking relics in the meantime :^) " 😅

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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17 minutes ago, Raykkaiz.6173 said:

No Arena Net, I will not accept your legendary relic solution being "just wait half a year for the functionality you have right now". This is disrespectful to me as a consumer of your product. 

If this goes through, I will just go play something else.

So what are you going to play then? I'm just curious, cause this will happen.

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A bit underwhelming to be honest, basically:

Basically: X rune offers as a 6th rune slot effect: "When using a heal skill, apply Protection.png protection to nearby allies (360 radius). (Cooldown: 10 seconds)"

Having a legendary set I can swap to this effect on all my 38 toons.

Now, even with this update:

- I still lose that flexibility

- I need to waste gold to buy back that effect for each toon

- I need to wait between 6 to 9/10 months to "farm" back that same flexibility to get THAT same effect?

I just want to understand how most of us should be excited about this? at best, I am using a lot of gold and energy to get THAT same effect, at worst? I am waiting for months to get it back!

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So, as we feared, Legendary Runes was completely forgotten and it's going to take them 6+ months to do something about it. I guess only 'plus' side to that is we are all stuck in the same boat.

As for the compensation when it does arrive, that sounds fine with a couple of tweaks.

Each Legendary rune up to 6, needs to unlock the progress to the legendary relic.

The 6th Legendary rune then COMPLETELY unlocks a legendary relic................

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One of the issues now is the precdent. The message is that progress is no longer valued by Anet and can removed at any time with it not being sorted for up to a year and even legendaries aren't safe and given the time and effort, they should be future proofed. 

The sensible thing would be to pull this feature and rework it over time for a future update. Right now, it's not ready to be released in four weeks time. It needs like for like transafer of current bonuses - relics (or the ability to select something close to from launch) and legendary runes - legendary relics the moment the update goes live. Then players can work towards new relic effects over time. 

If the relic system needs to happen, it needs to be rock solid from the go - not a part way system that only gives a couple of starter relics not relevant to current builds and no compensation for legendaries for months. Delay it and take the time needed.

EDIT: The clarification of any 3 not limited to a pool of 3 resolves one of my concerns. The other concerning legendary-whilst not affecting me-remains and the concern around setting a precedent


Edited by Randulf.7614
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I have 7 runes. I don't want that to be "Partial" progress towards a feature I currently have.

Anything less than the functionality I have now is unacceptable.

I'm beginning to wish this game had shards so we could play older, better versions.

Oh, and while the team may think they're opening the system up, I think they have misunderstood why rune special effects were combined with fixed attributes in the first place:

A six-rune bonus may be desirable, but it may come with an attribute combination that isn't optimal for your build. Therefore, if you really want the effect, you have to compromise your build (welcome to the real Warrior profession mechanic).

That compromise was the point.

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27 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

It's obvious this wasn't taken into account. But it looks like they actually listened to the forum feedback, and even though they can't implement immediately, they see the issue and are fixing it. I mean, if that's what they can do that's what they can do. Acknowledging the problem and saying they're working towards a solution for us is a pretty good response all in all.

They haven't. They announced that people with 7 runes will be refunded part of the progress towards legendary relic. In short, one will still need to grind for it, even if less than others. And that refund will come somewhere in 2024, so you will have to make do somehow for half a year to maybe even a year or more before you see any compensation received.

Not to mention the core issue remains. Legebdary assurance is now null and void. So is the promise to not invalidate your progress. A certain era in GW2 has just ended.

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2 minutes ago, Anthonev.6452 said:

Each Legendary rune up to 6, needs to unlock the progress to the legendary relic.

The 6th Legendary rune then COMPLETELY unlocks a legendary relic................

It's pretty dumb that the compensation is dependent on 7 runes because quite frankly why would I want to make an extra rune for a dead mechanic (underwater combat) that they are never going to address or expand on? Short answer, they have no idea how to properly compensate those people who built a 7th (Arguably the BIGGEST waste with the new changes)  so it basically just became an extra part of the requirement.

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Good ol' Anet.
Removing functionality from runes to sell it back to us.
Compensating people who have 7 legendary runes with 'significant' progress towards a legendary relic when there was literally no mention of them before this is asinine at best.
Especially since its going to take until 2024 for them to even exist and thus, forcing people who literally went out of their way to never have to worry about such things are made to do so again.
Extra progress for having 7 runes is cool and all but very few people actually want to make 7 of them due to the fact that underwater combat/content is practically nonexistent outside of a few maps/spots in PvE and WvW.

Edited by SadiraVolantes.2563
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