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Discover the Wonders within the Wizard’s Vault in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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Another option for you all guys with Alt accounts (me included)....

Park all your Alt accounts at the end of the Kaineng JP for the Jade Runestones.  Login daily, hit F, get a JRS + 5AA.  Should net 18g/account/28 days (at current rate) + 140 AA.  No idea what AA will be worth yet but you'll get 33% of the gold value you were getting, without any effort just from the Runestones.

If you come up with any better options, pop 'em in the chat and we'll see how long it takes Anet to nerf them too!

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On 8/15/2023 at 4:05 PM, Demeth.5816 said:

Aren't weekly a bit.. Easy?

From the French blogpost we have:

Finish 5 PvP games 

Heal for 50 000 hp on others or yourself

Complete Jumping Puzzle X

Complete Jumping puzzle Y

Am I the only one finding this undertuned? 

My biggest hope for this system is that it finally directs players to the massive amount of content the game has or incentives to switch their game style like heal etc. 

People flocking to Orr because we have to do X Events in there or finish some meta events, this kind of thing. 

But healing 50k is note pretty quickly, it's about 3 person's full health bar. For a weekly. 

Any thoughts? 

They do seem kind of easy for weeklies, but I know that the current daily system has an issue with encouraging these activities. Many of these weeklies seem like the dailies that people actively avoid. For example, you can complete 2/3 or 3/3 dailies in the current system within 1 match of PvP a lot of the time. People still don't go into PvP with that kind of incentive! There are some really easy to do WvW and PvE dailies, which often allows for players to skip over the time consuming objectives or do any PvP. Things like jumping puzzles or killing X amount of players are things that can take more than 5 minutes to do. These are things that people are usually only willing to do on their days off work, which makes them good weekly objectives.

The only odd thing really seems to be that healing objective. There are professions that don't take any effort to complete such tasks and ones that are just terrible at it! I fart heals as an engineer. Oops! Did I heal you? Can't be helped. Just happens, you know?\

I do hope that they give us a weekly for doing events per zone and for doing meta events, though.

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On 8/15/2023 at 4:05 PM, Demeth.5816 said:

Am I the only one finding this undertuned? 

My biggest hope for this system is that it finally directs players to the massive amount of content the game has or incentives to switch their game style like heal etc. 

People flocking to Orr because we have to do X Events in there or finish some meta events, this kind of thing. 

But healing 50k is note pretty quickly, it's about 3 person's full health bar. For a weekly. 

Any thoughts? 

This is how BP's work. They do not add content and are a massive waste of resources, only warranted by having paid level skips and a paid pass. This has neither, so Anet just wasted resources on nothing.

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6 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

This is how BP's work. They do not add content and are a massive waste of resources, only warranted by having paid level skips and a paid pass. This has neither, so Anet just wasted resources on nothing.

Maybe they hope that some people will be be so annoyed from seeing locked sections in the Vault's UI that they choose to pay up for the "mini" expansion to unlock those sections.

I personally hope these people will be very few and very far in between.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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8 hours ago, Stygian Abyss.7203 said:

Another option for you all guys with Alt accounts (me included)....

Park all your Alt accounts at the end of the Kaineng JP for the Jade Runestones.  Login daily, hit F, get a JRS + 5AA.  Should net 18g/account/28 days (at current rate) + 140 AA.  No idea what AA will be worth yet but you'll get 33% of the gold value you were getting, without any effort just from the Runestones.

If you come up with any better options, pop 'em in the chat and we'll see how long it takes Anet to nerf them too!

I don't want hundreds of objectives to earn gold, I'm not in the game for the gold. I'm in it to play and entertain our selves. I want the hundreds of objectives so I DON'T get "board". I also don't agree with their philosophy "we're in it for the long haul" that they put in game goals that take RL weeks, months and years to do (when NOT using $$)  If thye take a year to build 3 maps, story, and other XPac content then but the time they are ready to release another XPac I should just be finishing up ALL the content rewards so that I can use them in the next XPac and enjoy my REWARDS in the new content. Once I have 100% legendary my goals turn to exploration and crafting. There should MASSIVE maps (every map in the game is MASSIVE we only get a portion of them to play in) with tons of areas to find hidden events or story or bosses. There should "Obscure" rewards dropped from a specific baddy hidden high in the skies or down in the depths of the sea or the tops of mountains or floating cities. Nothing like that is going on. I'm fine with repeating content multiple times, it's fun Who else recalls playing SW for 9 MONTHS strait There was and still is SO much potential. But we'll see

If this system is a means of stopping alt-accounts it should have PLENTY of REWARDS to earn FAST enough we don't NEED to resort to a loop hole. Just say'n. And to be honest, I hope it does I hope it is fraught with things that I will enjoy doing again and again and again (each time earning Astral Aclaim) and again

Edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710
added alt-account death hopes
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Some people are really getting upset over nothing. Either for the lack of reading the blog posts themselves but relying on second-hand information instead, or just for the sake of complaining. 😄

I, for one, am looking forward to try out this new system. The only login rewards in the current system that are of value have been Mystic Coins and the Chest of Loyalty. Now we will (hopefully) have not only a wider range of rewards but also the opportunity to acquire what we like/need. Doesn't sound too bad to me. 😉

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On 8/20/2023 at 2:56 AM, Stygian Abyss.7203 said:

Another option for you all guys with Alt accounts (me included)....

Park all your Alt accounts at the end of the Kaineng JP for the Jade Runestones.  Login daily, hit F, get a JRS + 5AA.  Should net 18g/account/28 days (at current rate) + 140 AA.  No idea what AA will be worth yet but you'll get 33% of the gold value you were getting, without any effort just from the Runestones.

If you come up with any better options, pop 'em in the chat and we'll see how long it takes Anet to nerf them too!

Something tells me that you will be forced to minimize time played on main account to dailies/weeklies and switch focus on completing dailies on alt accounts to maximize outcome. It will be more efficient overall if you are working towards goals. Runestones will drop in price if everybody will start selling them, plus you actually need to buy EoD on alts to do this which will not be worth at the end.

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On 8/15/2023 at 9:59 PM, yumi.5170 said:

They are not answering if we will get the same amount, because we won't. Changes like this have always been worse! Get ready for mc to go up in price. 

Well if I wasn't right there. Clover, mc and Laurents have a stupid price tag.

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16 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Any idea how much AA we need to equal what we were getting monthly before?

I dont know the maths but:

9 tokens = 1 mystic coin (max 60 in stock)

6 tokens = 1g (max 90 in stock before it goes to 30 tokens)

60 tokens = 1 mystic clover (max 20 in stock)

10 tokens = a bag of laurels (150 in stock)

1000 tokens = 1% accouint gold find. Which they price the same as a mount skin which is ludicrous

1000 tokens gets a legendary starter kit. Contents unknown


It's very anti-Guild Wars 2. It's designed by people who want to change the game to something else. There's still no real fomo which is the positive, but it's a messy, grindy, un-fun looking system designed for mobile systems. If I was being fair, I'd say it would be OK if we knew nothing else, but the system we had was simpler and more organic to the game.


Edited by Randulf.7614
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15 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I dont know the maths but:

9 tokens = 1 mystic coin (max 60 in stock)

6 tokens = 1g (max 90 in stock before it goes to 30 tokens)

60 tokens = 1 mystic clover (max 20 in stock)

10 tokens = a bag of laurels (150 in stock)

1000 tokens = 1% accouint gold find. Which they price the same as a mount skin which is ludicrous

1000 tokens gets a legendary starter kit. Contents unknown


It's very anti-Guild Wars 2. It's designed by people who want to change the game to something else. There's still no real fomo which is the positive, but it's a messy, grindy, un-fun looking system designed for mobile systems. If I was being fair, I'd say it would be OK if we knew nothing else, but the system we had was simpler and more organic to the game.


This does look like a mess. Fairly un-intuitive.

For the Leg Starter kit, you can preview it (saw it on a Stream)....it's about half the contents needed for said legendary I think (precursor, Weapon Gift and either might or magic gift). From memory, they're for Quip, Bifrost, Bolt and Meterologicus.


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10 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

This does look like a mess. Fairly un-intuitive.

For the Leg Starter kit, you can preview it (saw it on a Stream)....it's about half the contents needed for said legendary I think (precursor, Weapon Gift and either might or magic gift). From memory, they're for Quip, Bifrost, Bolt and Meterologicus.


Theyve also removed the community aspect of doing them with friends. Not everyone will want to pigeon holed to a tight criteria and may skip a jumping puzzle or mini dungeon.

The dailies were a fun thing to relax and do as part of a routine. For some reason new-Anet didn't want that anymore


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Well, I was right to be skeptical that they'd be able to do this right. It's a complete pigs ear of a system. Repeating mistakes that GW2 already made, realised were wrong, and fixed years ago.

You need to do 4 dailies from a choice of.....4. I mean come on guys, did nobody on your team stop to think that was going to be a bad idea? Literally no choice for the player? We've gone from needing to do 3 from a possible 12, across all game formats, to needing to do a fixed 4 with no choice?

That level of stupidity shouldn't have made it past the first review. It's insane it's made it live. At least it explains why they were so reticent to provide details of this system before it went live. Because it would have caused an uproar and led to pre-order cancellations. This way it only provokes an uproar.

The only question now is how quickly they can fix this. If they turn around and say it'll be done in their first content drop at 3 months, they are going to have a lot of unhappy customers.

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17 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Theyve also removed the community aspect of doing them with friends. 


This right here is my HUGE beef.  My Significant Other and I did our dailies TOGETHER. All the time. Now we have to be split apart and do things solo? What is the point. We play GW2 to do these things TOGETHER.  There are a lot of couples in this same boat. This was very, very poorly thought out, ANet! 

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1 minute ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

they are going to have a lot of unhappy customers.

I really hope they won't have unhappy customers, but less customers after this "mini" expansion.

If the people keep playing, despite being unhappy, it won't affect Arenanet enough.

These players should just leave for games that make them happier.

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It's almost like the devs make decisions based on demonstrating how out of touch with the player base they are with the new daily system.  You market a system by announcing the ability to have options of pvp wvw pve but then make them random so everyone is working on different things and increase the amount you have to complete from 3-4 then reduce the rewards. And to top it off you don't have a list to choose from, if you want the daily rewards you HAVE TO DO the 4 listed.  This is BEYOND suck. (Not to mention all the people with 50 alt accounts can still log in daily for gold) 

If you are so dead set on limiting rewards and reducing ways to earn money in this game maybe actually deal with the huge afk problem or figure out a way to make your great crafting system useful for something other than making legendary (instead of making it easier to get ascended gear making the crafting system even more useless)


Seriously do better

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I've never really understood this trend where games companies no longer lcare about their audience and community and what's best for them. This was change for the sake of change - like the relics system. This feels more about gaining ownership by a new team and adapting to a different game system (ie mobile) than ensuring what is good for GW2 and it#s players. Community is one of the biggest aspects of an MMO. Part of that is understanding the players. Talking to them. Valuing the feedback. Not changing what works just for the sake of owning a feature and reselling it back. Was there even any discussion about whether this system would work first? The benefits? The drawbacks? Because the drawbacks should have been imeediately clear. Same with the relics system and forgetting about legendary runes (something I'm still confused by).

The old daily and login system worked. A Wizard's Vault system could have played out similarly alongside since in itself it has some merit, with adjusted rotating awards, but not replaced something that simply wasn't broken. Now we have less options, more grind and less community gaming. This is anti what GW2 stands for. I don';t care it's a new team downsizing what they can put out, but I do care about them changing it to something else. 


For now, the system needs changing so you can select more than 4 and have it so that pvp and wvw are always options even if doing pve. Remove the silly checkbox. That was a bad idea that shouldn't have been implemented. At least make it on par with how it was before in this regard. Then ensure we have the old login system back. Right now we have no login rewards since 5 points gives nothing.

Then don't design or add any more features without fully thinking it through!

I'll end on a positive. I like the story stuff so far. And the map bits Ive seen are gorgeous.

Edited by Randulf.7614
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B + for general idea; huge F- for execution. Others have said it, but it bears repeating; it boggles my mind how some of the backward decisions made on this system made it through an early brainstorming session, let alone into the final release. It's not even a terrible system overall, but the massive restrictions on daily task choice is ridiculous; it's a big step backward from the existing Daily system. Seriously, just give us 9-12 total options (plus login) while keeping the 3+ login requirement for the daily, maybe lower the costs on some of the limited-stock items, and it would be fine. And please increase the options for weekly as well; it's at least better than the daily set, but 6 out of 8 is still overly restrictive.

Edited by Effrafax.2734
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Adding my own perspective to the daily/weekly/special reaward system.

On top of all the issues listed by people I find a problem with how most objectives are story bound and require for you to have reached end of dragons or other far points in the story.

I have bought all expansions and living stories and I currently cannot complete either weekly, nor daily, nor special rewards because I'm still at living world season 4 with the story and I really don't want to rush it. The new system is giving me a sense of urgency. I feel like I really need to step up the rythm at which I do the story to not miss out on the rewards and that ruins my experience.

Tbh I think a reroll system, or the chance of being able to choose from a longer list of objectives should be implemented.

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Gotta agree, sadly.
I wasn't really a fan of the last pieces of EoD content already, but mostly of the direction the game was headed in in general (class balance, story design, latest tp items).
The current way the relic system turned out (as much as I liked the underlying idea) needs some tuning, but the highly advertised new Wizard's Vault is just garbage.

With the daily login rewards I could, you know, log in, get a small reward. Then do any 4 of 12 dailies to get an extra 2g if I wanted to, and after that go play the content I enjoyed. Make progress towards the gold bonus and some laurels. Or not play at all and watch a movie.
With the vault (and only one area of tasks selected) I am now forced to do 4 specific tasks for less rewards. Including stuff I do not like at all, zero choice.

As for the rest: Getting 3 free relics per character to chose from is great, if only there were more than maybe two I'd actually use. With one exception I personally don't find the Weapon Mastery stuff interesting either. Plus, if I wanted to play "Griffon Flight Simulator" I would have chosen a different game...


tl;dr  After the first hour of experiencing the new expansion, I'm not excited - I feel like I shouldn't have bought it.

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On 8/15/2023 at 6:49 PM, Vulture.9351 said:
  • Q: Are there still daily login rewards?
    • A: There will be one objective every day for logging in. This objective gives 5 astral acclaim (standard daily objectives give 10).

This statement means little when we don't know the prices of everything. I'm betting 5 astral acclaim isn't very much and definitely isn't enough to purchase most Daily Login equivalents.

Well, we got our answer and it's exactly what I expected:

5 Astral Acclaim is nothing. Can't buy anything with it, in fact the cheapest thing is 6 which is just a kitten move.

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3 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

Well, we got our answer and it's exactly what I expected:

5 Astral Acclaim is nothing. Can't buy anything with it, in fact the cheapest thing is 6 which is just a kitten move.

Yea....this sucks. And seems oddly (spitefully) petty that 5 can't actually buy anything.

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