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Showcase of new flight masteries from ThyWeepingWillow

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We worked with Guild Wars 2 community member and S-Tier Griffon Rider @Thy Weeping Willow.6851 for a video preview of the new flight masteries coming with Secrets of the Obscure.  Take a look

Psst: Make sure you check the description in the video linked above. They've got a giveaway going on too!

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I am not affiliated with the creator or anything. Just wondering why Arenanet is not showcasing this themselves. I think people would want to see as much preview as possible.

The area looks amazing! As if Dalaran Hogwarts Flying Magic Academy themed city not exciting enough. 

EDIT: I posted this thread just as the Mod created their own. Apologies.

Edited by phandaria.4891
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  • ArenaNet Staff
8 minutes ago, phandaria.4891 said:


I am not affiliated with the creator or anything. Just wondering why Arenanet is not showcasing this themselves. I think people would want to see as much preview as possible.

The area looks amazing! As if Dalaran Hogwarts Flying Magic Academy themed city not exciting enough. 

EDIT: I posted this thread just as the Mod created their own. Apologies.

No apologies needed--so glad you like it! 


3 minutes ago, Vissarion.6509 said:

Now this is excellent promotion material for SoTo. More of this kind please!

Stay tuned... 

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That is best promotion video I saw for SOTO.

Would be great to have it here https://www.guildwars2.com/en/secrets-of-the-obscure/ or here https://www.guildwars2.com/en/, because that is what ppl want to see. If you can do some more collab stuff and make it like "Spotlight of the week(month): Mounts", "Spotlight of the week(month): Fractals", "Spotlight of the week(month): Strikes", "Spotlight of the week(month): World bosses", "Spotlight of the week(month): Legendary weapons".

Sometimes you just need to reach out to content creators and discuss with them their already existing content like Lord Hizen did preview for all EoD legendary weapons.

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That music gave me goosebumps in IBS and it still does here.

Someone asked what they'd be doing on Day 3 in this expac. This, this is what I'll be doing every day. kitten, I may actually finally be excited


GW2 shown at its finest

Edited by Randulf.7614
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42 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:


My questions is, will flying mounts be required to fully participate in and complete SotO's content?

Yes, but you will get a skyscale automatically while in SotO, according to one of the gamesite articles. And you'll have a streamlined path to getting skyscale for use elsewhere.

3 minutes ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

Do updrafts refill the Skyscale's endurance? 

Yes. They do.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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This video is awesome, but it also makes me kind of sad seeing the fantastic boosts griffon and skyscale are getting while the poor siege turtle isn’t benefitting from any of the new flying masteries (based on the wording of the mastery previews so far).

 Can you confirm whether this is the case (and, if so, whether it’s something that’ll ever be reconsidered)?

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19 minutes ago, Manpag.6421 said:

This video is awesome, but it also makes me kind of sad seeing the fantastic boosts griffon and skyscale are getting while the poor siege turtle isn’t benefitting from any of the new flying masteries (based on the wording of the mastery previews so far).

 Can you confirm whether this is the case (and, if so, whether it’s something that’ll ever be reconsidered)?

Siege turtle doesn't fly. It jumps with style.

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