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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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7 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Even that isn't so easy for some of us - I own EoD but am only up to HoT. I'm quite story focused so I don't even want to exist in Cantha for another few months...

The dailies needs to take into account your actual story progress and avoid giving you any dailies in maps you haven't visited yet.

Then you can simply select WvW or PvP dailies. 

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10 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

It’s hard to get more efficient than logging in and instantly claiming valuable rewards.  That’s part of the problem.  And since when is empathy important for an objective discussion about video game mechanics?


I feel the positives far outweigh the negatives of this new system.  The truth is, people just don’t like not being able to instantly get free valuable things, which makes sense, but it also should make you question why you’re playing the game if it upsets you that much.  

This new system will help alleviate the issue of some players buying tons of accounts to make thousands of gold per month just by logging in.  It also gives you access to infinitely more rewards than the previous system and it’s not time gated.  If you want the same rewards as the previous system, they are all there for you to choose.  

Bottom line is, people are upset that they have to actually play the game to get rewards.  I don’t see that as a valid argument in any way.  

Empathy is important since it enhances the understanding between speakers, which you obviously don't want to do (it's your right).

I'm happy you like the new change, but you're not alone. What you really don't understand is that getting free things through the old system was above all a way for players to still be bound to the game, even while not playing it actively or while having an interest in another hobby. And despite the rewards given, it was still super hard to access the highest items like legendary weapons or gears, so why change it?

Your reason of players buying tons of accounts  is invalid on all levels, first of all because this must be a very very low amount of players doing it and second of all, because Anet still gets benefit  by having several games bought for one person. But again, this must be a very low number of players and cannot be used to justify the punishment for a big majority of users.

The only valid reason is, that people will be more likely to spend real money for buying stuffs they can't get through the old system anymore.

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For players that actually play the game and do more than just logging in the new system is way better than the old system. And I want Anet to focus on them. 

9 hours ago, Lanfear De Noir.9127 said:

I have a question, (relatively new player here)... How do you get Laurels now? You used to get laurels every so many days, but now? 

Laurels anyone?

You can buy them with the currency and you get them from the weekly chest. 

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The rewards for just logging in aren't that much, but they made the dailies easier to work with. Dailies that most people would skip are now weeklies. The easiest of the old dailies seem to be what remain, with easy to do new dailies mixed in. Like today I have a daily for using a sharpening zone while killing 10 enemies. You can do that in a starter zone against level 2 moas that you can 1 shot! Don't get me wrong, it's not as easy as using a 3rd party program to open up several instances of the GW2 application and auto-logging in, but it's pretty kitten close to not needing to do much for your average player.

Edit: LOL! I just tested the daily by hitting a rabbit critter. I got kill credit for the daily! LOL!

Edit 2: They merged a topic about login rewards into this topic about dailies and weeklies. Just a heads up to the readers.

Edited by Quench.7091
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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

Then you can simply select WvW or PvP dailies. 

Huh? That's outright wrong. Once you see today's dailies you are stuck with them, there is no way out of them.

If you change the tick boxes to say you want WvW or PvP dailies then that will ONLY take affect from tomorrow when dailies are rerolled.

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12 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Huh? That's outright wrong. Once you see today's dailies you are stuck with them, there is no way out of them.

If you change the tick boxes to say you want WvW or PvP dailies then that will ONLY take affect from tomorrow when dailies are rerolled.

Nowhere did I write that the change will take affect immediately. 

Edited by vares.8457
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On launch day one of my four daily PVE quests to get the Daily Completion chest was in Cantha. I needed to complete a mini dungeon/puzzle. I still haven't started Cantha story and didn't have any map unlocked.therefore I was required to use a teleport to friend to get there.

Yesterday the daily quest is about a Secret of the Obscure Kryptis Bounty Event. I also didn't even start Secrets of the Obscure story or maps yet.

Today I just checked and 2 of the 3 PVE quests are also in Canta! I don't want to explore Canta just yet... 

So from now on do I have to rush all the story content and unlock all the maps just to be able to complete all the PVE dailies?
Doesn't seem fair or fun to me forcing players to rush all the content they haven't completed yet....

At least give us more options and not just 3 forced PVE quests.
In the previous daily system I could choose between PVE, PVP and WvW. 3 of each. so we had more options...

I'm playing with 3 friends and we're experiencing the story together and exploring maps at our own pace... We could all do dailies before because almost all were in Central Tyria, and the ones in Heart of Maguuma (that popped out from time to time) we just turned to PVP dailies instead.

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The thing is, they definitely track some internal set of achievement "slots" separate from the actual achievements, and can swap them out at will -- I bought the expansion yesterday with partial completion of dailies and weeklies, and it swapped them out for new ones, but still kept their completion state (expect for one that was done but unclaimed, which was mildly annoying). So, there is no reason they can't do the same thing on demand with PvE, PvP, and WvW if players change their checkboxes.

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There is one more negative aspect of new dailies that I have discovered yesterday. You can't change the categories for them.

Normally, I would login into the game, check what dailies I have and depending on how much time I have to play today I choose dailies that would suite me. With new system when I login I already get a fixed number of dailies that are based on previous day selection of areas (PVP, WVW, PVE) that i have pre-selected. So if today I don't have time for WvW - I can't remove it from today's daily list. I can only remove WVW from tomorrows list. I have no idea how much time and in what mood I will be tomorrow. Maybe I will have time to capture towers and escort Dollies - or maybe I wont. This new daily system forces you to PLAN AHEAD what type dailies you would like to do tomorrow. This is ridiculous. Why not pop up this selection window when you login for the first time!? "Hi, what type of dailies do you want to do today?". Then I could remove WvW from my selection if I know that I can't or not in the mood for WvW. Instead I can only remove WvW from tomorrows selection.

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The Daily Activities they had from the old system could have literally stayed and it wouldn't have affected Wizard's Vault.

The only thing that would have been heavily affected is the login bonus item, but even then they could have added that to the daily login bonus for Wizard's Vault if they're not gonna give us the full 10 AA per login

Feels like whoever thought this Wizard's Vault thing through didn't think about how the old system was beneficial. Instead of working with the old system, they just outright abandoned it in favour of a terrible Season Pass like system 

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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Maybe as some background for why this change was somewhat necessary.

Login rewards were so good that the best long-term investment of real money into the game was to buy an alt, get login rewards and then get more gems with gold-to-gems than you could get with buying gems with your real money directly.

Now where anet really messed up was a while ago when there was a basically unlimited give-away of GW2 Heroic edition keys at nvidia or something, letting people to get pretty much as many keys for alts eligible for login rewards as they were willing to create (fake) mail addresses for. That pretty much jumpstarted a lot of people to go for mass alt logins since there was no longer an "investment" necessary to start seeing returns and honestly, it was really starting to ruin the game's economy because of how extremely lucrative it was in comparison to actually playing the game.


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This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.

First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.

The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.

In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.

The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.

SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.

The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.

Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.

Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.

The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.

The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.

Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

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7 minutes ago, Endaris.1452 said:

Maybe as some background for why this change was somewhat necessary.

Login rewards were so good that the best long-term investment of real money into the game was to buy an alt, get login rewards and then get more gems with gold-to-gems than you could get with buying gems with your real money directly.

Now where anet really messed up was a while ago when there was a basically unlimited give-away of GW2 Heroic edition keys at nvidia or something, letting people to get pretty much as many keys for alts eligible for login rewards as they were willing to create (fake) mail addresses for. That pretty much jumpstarted a lot of people to go for mass alt logins since there was no longer an "investment" necessary to start seeing returns and honestly, it was really starting to ruin the game's economy because of how extremely lucrative it was in comparison to actually playing the game.


I think its to stop people botting accounts. Making big money.

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Agreed. Initially I thought it wouldn't be so bad but being forced to do all the dailies never being able to choose which ones are easier for one's abilities at the time it's it's awful. It feels like it's there's no choice left it's not based on preference and honestly it feels because from my perspective I'm pretty sick it feels really ableist because there's some dailies that I literally cannot do and, and being able to do them and being able to choose made it so that previously I could do to dailies even because I could always choose something that was within my capabilities at the time. But now this is just like it's just it feels like a slap in the face and it feels also like personally for me it feels like it's rubbing my illness in my face too so I really hope that this change is back also a lot of people do a mix of dailies like they don't just do so like locking people into PVE world versus world etc PVP is tough. Please allow us to pick like before. I enjoy the wizards I enjoyed a new daily whatever otherwise I think it's a great system but I would much rather if we could pick out of a set something rather than be mandated to do things. As it is it's so upsetting to get my illness rubbed in my face that I just don't even want to play to dailies. Because there's absolutely no choice. If this is unclear I'm using voice to text sorry about that

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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I like not having the dailies list annoyingly in the corner of my screen.  I don't mind not having to run to a vendor for something...I will agree in the flow of the game, it doesn't make sense because everything else is at a vendor.  Of all the things in the game, I think for immersion breaking, this may not be it.   I didn't get storefront vibes off of it, since I can't use my credit card there.  Would it satisfy you if there were also a vendor, i.e. the black lion store can be accessed at trading posts, not just the interface?  No issue, add a vendor. 

I'd rather have that than get another repair canister or chest of profession gear that I just turn into a couple of mats.  Does it need some tweaks, probably.  Is it new and different, yep that's the big thing.  

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Guild wars 2 is one of the few games that even with my limited capabilities I'm able to play and so being locked out of this because of health issues because  don't let you choose just feels really awful


Also looks like some of the dailies and weeklies are time consuming really time consuming and that means that not only people like me who are sick are locked out people who have busy work lives are also locked out so basically you're by making it impossible to choose now like a whole bunch of players feel really discriminated against because we're all locked out from this great feature completely like it's been a lot of people and I think that I'm not me for say but I do know that a lot of players you know they'll go in they'll do their dailies with you know they have a busy work life but they'll do their dailies you know they'll do it quickly and now this feature because you can't choose that's impossible for them too so now all these people who really likes dailies and would do them or busy can't do them because you forced everybody to choose to not be able to choose a dailies and forced on people like really time consuming ones that might be very difficult for people to do with busy work lives. Like some of these dailies like require maybe you know some of these dailies require like a long drawn out hours doing like an activity or something and that's I mean it's not only like me sick people like me I guess it's like that's really bad

And it would be somewhat okay I guess if your main clientele were like I don't know teenagers who don't have who have more time but since guild wars 2 is a game for adults like adults have illness and busy lives and things going on and I just don't I just think that we should be able to choose because it just doesn't make very much sense. Like just you know you don't need to change the wizard's wall you just need to add like pic 8 out of these objectives and then like that would you know or something I don't really remember you know and then like out of these objectives for the weeklies and then pick certain amount out of these objectives for the dailies and then everyone's happy I think

You here is directed towards arena net, since I've been having some difficulty typing so I'm using voice to text

I I just checked as of Thursday August 24th 2023, at 11:38 a.m., there is a concurrent Reddit thread of complaining players about this no choose daily problem and it seems that it has 504 up votes so that's 504 fellow upset players (I not have access to a Reddit account so this is not including me) 

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
How to do head count of upset players added in the headcount of upset players from Reddit
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19 hours ago, Eckee.4038 said:

People are missing the part that dailies are worth more now. You don't have to do all of them but if you do, you get much more in return. 

Edit: Someone tell Anet PvE != jumping puzzles. For some reason half of GW2 is Jumping Puzzle-walled. Anet and their beloved jumping puzzles. Please make another category of Jumping Puzzles and let me uncheck that. I don't want to see any jumping puzzles in my life and I'm getting those left and right.

Now I'm forced to miss out because of my health issues. When I wasn't before. Yeah do you get more rewards except I literally can't get more rewards and so cannot people who are super busy and don't have time to devote dailies or weeklies that require a huge amount of time being spent in the game. Like it's not an issue of it being more rewards it's an issue that now they're re locking people out of content they previously enjoyed

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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They just need to have the same dailies as before, but only give AA for the first 3(4) you do (four if you count login)  no need to choose, aside from simply filtering .

Same applies for weeklies.  I hate feeling limited that I have to do these specific things, would rather just simply play the game.  I may want WvW one day, but I have to decide what I want to do the next, I might not feel like WvW the next day.

I'm not one for the concept of dailies, but at least as long as it doesn't feel like it's in the way, I don't mind.

Honestly, if anything just change it to simply gaining XP and/or Ranking   3 points worth of each (pvp, wvw, pve) (you can get any combination)   that way it's something that can be from doing nearly any activity, so you're not bound to specifics, while still incentivizing the play of the game how you want.

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Dislike the new daily, I'm getting some chest, has too many choices for items I have no idea about, looks like some cooldown or something to help me fight?

Collecting a daily laurel or something would be better than this information overload. I just login and logout anyways.

I'm interested in racing, I just come back to see if they do anything for racing, the holidays are fun to me too. I have no interest in going to someplace and doing meta events or Wvw, PvP atm.



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I do not play open world MMORPGs how anyone else tells me to do so, I won't even listen to the Devs on how they "mandate" how we play. I never do dailies, weeklies, or anything similar in GW2 or any game, and I won't be starting now... older games ruined that experience with me. I only play open world/PvE now. This new system, as I understand it right now, will not benefit me in the least, it is simply different without benefit to me. I sincerely hope it hasn't changed the open world/PvE experience. This new Xpac is a diminishing of content I enjoyed (no I do not multibox; I oppose multiboxing in ALL games). I enjoyed the free log-in rewards and I also played the game to have fun. I as a player am not skilled enough to play content above 70-75ish or so, so I will never see this new Xpac's new regions/game zones or story. Have fun with this new Xpac for those that think it's grand.

Time to play GW2 and have some fun. See you in Core Open World. I still intend to enjoy this game.

Edited by Gardavil.1762
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some of these new dailys are not new player friendly .- take example gettin top score on u team in pvp.. i mean u are forced to do as there are no alternative options as the old system had.. i dont think this is good design and is not new player friendly. Add more options for people who dont have skills to be top score in pvp to do daily. That will make more sense

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10 hours ago, Majstk.7986 said:

I want the OLD DAILY SYTEM BACK. I liked picking what dailies to do based on the time I had to play the game. I don't like that Anet tells me what ones I need to complete for my dailies. If they don't change it back guess I won't be doing dailies any more. So PLEASE ANET BRING BACK THE OLD DAILY SYTEM ASAP.

The old system should not be back. But this one needs to be improved. 

I like how we can pick my rewards based on my demand. If i want to craft legendary i can pick more rewards voor legendary crafting instead of things i don't need. 

Edit: i also dont like only few options for dailies. So if that is improved im glad. 

Edited by Cronospere.8143
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