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Am I the only one not enjoying this expansion?

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Honestly, I stopped playing actively mid s1 re-release, looking for a game that's more centered around raiding, but it was also the only MMO I didnt "entirely quit", mostly out of appreciation for the mounts & my guildmates (to whom I gave my daily rewards to help them with their legendary weapon goals), but also because despite the fact I wasnt the core target audience, it still felt like a good game.

However, SotO doesn't only prevent my donos unless I'm active again with the new daily system, but its also the first time ever I feel like I'm not playing Guild Wars, Guild wars is playing me.
And by that, I especially mean the way they released Relics. Making them character bound. Trickling down variety - so you dont only have to farm it for every character (and possibly every spec it plays) but also possibly have to change them once or twice when more choices are available. And ONLY THEN releasing legendary ones. This feels purposeful 😕 It is a literal loot treadmill in a game that used to pride itself on the fact your gear is never obselete. There's so many goldsink and I can somewhat understand the need for it given the amount of mats you can farm daily but meddling with gear you earned feels extra dirty to me.
The fact the entire roadmap is basically finishing the expansion features really makes it underline its essentially early access. This wouldnt be nearly as bad if it all released feature complete. Like we can hate skiffs / fishing as much as we want but it was functional and fully developed on release.

this whole situation discourages me to play at all now I'm done "checking the expansion", I'll just hoard and afk for months I guesss. See how things go from here through patchnotes

Edited by Taclism.2406
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On 8/23/2023 at 4:47 PM, GingeraleDragon.5804 said:

I had a sinking feeling upon logging in today that there really was no leadup to this expansion. No big trailer, no promotional period, no obvious open plot thread in-game. Upon starting the story, I'm given fetch quests on maps I've already been on, only to be treated with a slog of a prologue instance, then patronized as if this weren't a ten-year-old game and we've been doing this sort of stuff for that long. Upon completing the first chapter, I'm thrown into the first map of a new paid expansion that's made up entirely of reused assets from other maps that I've spent countless hours on. I get the context, but as a first impression, it's not a great one.

I began having my doubts with it once I thought about how good End of Dragons was. And my doubts turned out to be just how I felt. I mentally checked out and closed the game when they told me to learn about skyscales. The same skyscales I grinded out PvP and maps for currencies to get, the same skyscales the Commander themself witnessed coming into the world, the same skyscales I've been riding for like a year now.

It's pretty obvious the writing team got fired again, but this one couldn't even be bothered to do more than skim whatever recap they were given. The characters treat the Commander like some new guy, some rookie who hasn't fought like 3 different wars and killed six elder dragons. If this was placed before Heart of Thorns, it would make sense, but it isn't. This doesn't feel like a Guild Wars expansion, this feels like a completely different game, but there's charr in it. I can look over a lot of flaws with the way this game handles keeping players busy, but when you're asking me to grind out a mastery on what is essentially a map that's just maps I've seen before but smaller snippets of them, it feels like a dishonest slap in the face. That's not even bringing up how the expansion isn't even finished yet. I couldn't shake the feeling of "This feels like Metal Gear Survive" while playing before I just logged out.


If this is the new standard of quality for expansions, I'm really worried about the future of Guild Wars 2, and if half-baked maps, overly long and fairly boring instanced content, and patronizing and confusing dialogue is what we have to look forward to, I won't be pre-ordering the next expansion.


This is just disappointing.

The writing team got fired? 

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After I made peace with the daily, I got the expansion. It didn't take long for the colorful metaphors to start, ah, metaphorizing. Colorfully. Hated that first mission. But then again I hate anything with 'guard rails'. Quickly came to hate all the unending exposition. These guys make Trahearne seem like a shy wallflower. We need more characters like Gladium. Silent. But deadly.

Hunting for rifts got old quick. Pretty much everything about it, but mostly the hunting part. And the rifts. First zone was okay, but kind of went by in a blur. Even though I got map completion before moving on. The tower zone/hub was okay. I like it better than the hub place in EoD. Didn't like Amnytas, at first. Later on, still didn't like it. Too kitten busy, too much of a struggle to get where I wanted to go IN TIME for it to matter. Maybe it's less annoying with all the new flight masteries, ah, mastered. Dunno. I finished the story (and mapping the zone) long before finishing mastering them all. And the ones I did finish didn't seem all that impactful. Maybe I just played it all wrong.

Especially hated some of the conversations with Zojja. See the previous comment re 'guard rails'. Somebody (cough anet cough) wouldn't let us do what a real friend would have done. No matter how much 'constructive criticism' was offered up. Funny how that works.

Also, and not for the first time, I kinda felt like anet was trolling us. See all these cool races running around here? Wouldn't you like to play some of them? Huh? Wouldn't you? Well, you can't! Hah. Hah hah. Hah hah hah hah! NEENER NEENER.

All in all, well, I'm not sorry I got it, wouldn't ask for a refund at this point even if I could, but I'd rather not see more of the same in the future.


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Mixed bag for me. I enjoyed the story and most of the open world events, but I'm already burned out with doing rifts, and rifts seem to be the only way to get stuff. I didn't even do a lot, mostly the ones needed to keep the story going and a few besides. There's just not a whole lot to them.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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On 8/23/2023 at 9:47 AM, GingeraleDragon.5804 said:

I had a sinking feeling upon logging in today that there really was no leadup to this expansion. No big trailer, no promotional period, no obvious open plot thread in-game. Upon starting the story, I'm given fetch quests on maps I've already been on, only to be treated with a slog of a prologue instance, then patronized as if this weren't a ten-year-old game and we've been doing this sort of stuff for that long. Upon completing the first chapter, I'm thrown into the first map of a new paid expansion that's made up entirely of reused assets from other maps that I've spent countless hours on. I get the context, but as a first impression, it's not a great one.

I began having my doubts with it once I thought about how good End of Dragons was. And my doubts turned out to be just how I felt. I mentally checked out and closed the game when they told me to learn about skyscales. The same skyscales I grinded out PvP and maps for currencies to get, the same skyscales the Commander themself witnessed coming into the world, the same skyscales I've been riding for like a year now.

It's pretty obvious the writing team got fired again, but this one couldn't even be bothered to do more than skim whatever recap they were given. The characters treat the Commander like some new guy, some rookie who hasn't fought like 3 different wars and killed six elder dragons. If this was placed before Heart of Thorns, it would make sense, but it isn't. This doesn't feel like a Guild Wars expansion, this feels like a completely different game, but there's charr in it. I can look over a lot of flaws with the way this game handles keeping players busy, but when you're asking me to grind out a mastery on what is essentially a map that's just maps I've seen before but smaller snippets of them, it feels like a dishonest slap in the face. That's not even bringing up how the expansion isn't even finished yet. I couldn't shake the feeling of "This feels like Metal Gear Survive" while playing before I just logged out.


If this is the new standard of quality for expansions, I'm really worried about the future of Guild Wars 2, and if half-baked maps, overly long and fairly boring instanced content, and patronizing and confusing dialogue is what we have to look forward to, I won't be pre-ordering the next expansion.


This is just disappointing.

Regardless of how it has played out, with business model changes, getting less for your money, even getting less in post-expansion Living World Episodes for EoD prior to SotO... it is pretty obvious that money is being channelled elsewhere in ArenaNet to other projects. We'll get these mini updates at extortionate fees every so often and people will lap them up because of a steadfast sense of duty to remain with something they've "supported" for a long time (or because they genuinely enjoy it and don't care about the cost), but before too long the game will be in maintenance mode. This is a winding-down period.

As I've said before this is the first expansion I've avoided. All the others, I pre-ordered (something I don't enjoy doing, generally), the deluxe edition. This one? I probably won't even get Standard. And given enough time, if that time passes and Standard Edition is reduced in price... if I have to buy episodes with gems? I still won't buy it. The existing content will have to suffice, and given that I am struggling to complete a lot because so much content is barren now, I won't need SotO - unless they start taking away from those who don't own it.

There are plenty of non-circle... erm... people (starts with j ends in k), pointing out what the expansion really is and why it isn't so great. There's PLENTY of yes-men everywhere Anet has had a hand in media, affiliation, partnerships, etc, which can and has ramped up hype and driven more sales, but remember, if you want honest opinions, go to places where the people aren't paid to sing the same tune.

And do be careful now, this place is usually a pit of vipers, where any negative word, no matter how justifiable or slight against Guild Wars or Arena Net will result in mockery and ridicule and lots of confused and laughing reactions to imply you're stupid or incorrect. Nobody can effectively debate online... or anywhere for that matter, regardless of topic, - regardless of GW2. Sure people can sing the same tune and pat each other on the back and nod, but disagreements and conflicts of interest will always get someone's back up.

You can't change people's opinions if they're enjoying something you're not and this applies to everything in the world. HOWEVER... one thing I have noticed with SotO is due to the change in business model, the obvious drop in quality, etc, is the increasing number of ❤️'s in topics that discuss SotO negatively (or realistically) and it shows that some people are starting to wake up to the fact that the wool is being pulled over their eyes.

Guild Wars 2 players remind me of the hard right in the movie Don't Look Up - "They lied to us!" - finally realising they've been screwing you over the whole time.

And as always... businesses are not your friends.

Peace o/ - your friendly neighbourhood BS detector.

Edited by Holgarf.6581
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On 8/23/2023 at 1:58 PM, Makuragee.3058 said:

I dont get why people are mad. So far on my side, this expansion as been amazing! I really enjoy the first map, its such an original concept! Even lore wise, I have the feeling the world of gw2 is now 100x bigger and mysterious than it use to be! I loce the vibe, I love the visual! The new enemy are a lot of fun to fight! The new daily system is way better than what we use to have! Loving it so far!

My only issue is... they... they took away my golem!?!?! NoooOooOooooo...

It owuld be original if it wouldnt consist of random copy pasted parts of previous maps.  You love the visual? what visual? This are nintendo switch visual levels at best. 

What exactly makes the new enemies fun to fight pressing F2? 

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26 minutes ago, HiImZ.4316 said:

It owuld be original if it wouldnt consist of random copy pasted parts of previous maps.  You love the visual? what visual? This are nintendo switch visual levels at best. 

What exactly makes the new enemies fun to fight pressing F2? 

This is the kind of point I often make. I think some people are so caught up with newness and excitement, they excuse the fact that widespread recycled components (which is a common trope employed by Arena Net) is acceptable - or goes completely unnoticed. And if @HilmZ.4316 had followed what has been going on there's plenty of reason to be "mad".

The new daily system, while somewhat welcomed, is another perma-ad for those who haven't bought SotO.

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honestly alot of things and changes with the expansion feel rushed, untested and not well thought through. i remember all the other expansions having proper beta tests, this one only had one to test the new weaponsmaster stuff iirc. I think if anet actually got feedback from players through a beta test, some broken systems like the dailies and relics wouldn't have been this bad.

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3 hours ago, Holgarf.6581 said:

Regardless of how it has played out, with business model changes, getting less for your money, even getting less in post-expansion Living World Episodes for EoD prior to SotO... it is pretty obvious that money is being channelled elsewhere in ArenaNet to other projects.

That's NCSoft in a nutshell these days. Guild Wars 2 is their cashcow and rather than actually making GW2 into something even more successful, they just suck the resource out of it in an attempt to make new IP. And last I checked those new IPs they tried basically failed to materialize and they laid off a huge chunk of ANet's staff that worked on EoD hence they opted for these smaller expac releases.

As much as I like GW2 its current state is definitely a shell of its former self

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8 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

That's NCSoft in a nutshell these days. Guild Wars 2 is their cashcow and rather than actually making GW2 into something even more successful, they just suck the resource out of it in an attempt to make new IP. And last I checked those new IPs they tried basically failed to materialize and they laid off a huge chunk of ANet's staff that worked on EoD hence they opted for these smaller expac releases.

As much as I like GW2 its current state is definitely a shell of its former self

It is always interesting watching people realize that NCsoft is a business and the point of a business is to make a return on their investment by taking money out. Gw2 is an 11 year old game, it wont get any bigger than what it is. It will only slowly lose players over the years and eventually end up like everquest. Same as WOW, same as FF14.

Th expansion still isn't great, but I think it had more to do with player expectations of what a miniexpansion is. I think that the living story should have been this model in the 1st place.

In any case, Arena Net is working on Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG. That is probably why Colin was brought back.

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19 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

*spoiler* The death of a certain character is nonsense, you've no time to develop any sort of attachment, so this is just like "who cares?"  *spoiler*

Totally agree. I still find it hard to believe that some people don't see that creating a character you just met and then killing them doesn't create excitement or drama. When this death happened I said: "Okay, I don't care"

Edited by Krajtin.8956
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On 8/23/2023 at 7:56 AM, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I'm not particularly fond of the first new map. It seems to be all skyscale all the time except for a bit of combat here and there. I've only got it to 50-ish % completion and I wonder if there's any place where one of the other mounts would be useful.

Maybe it'll grow on me.

the griffon is very useful even more so when you can use the updrafters. you'll beat everyone to rifts. u can even bypass the need for updraft generators. by going across the map to a higher place one dive boost you'll be there in a couple of seconds  on the last map you will be doing more climbing over walls then you will be flying with skyscale. i just got the skyscale and it isnt very impressive its extremally slow. griffon might have to find a high point to get started but thats it on a skyscale you have to constantly find something to grab on to. with a griffon find one high point and your done go anywhere without slowing down. skyscale is nothing more to me then an elevader to get high enough to use griffon

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I pre-ordered the exansion and I'm really regretting it. I was reading through some of the other posts in the forums and it is not making me optimistic. I don't think I want to pre-order another expansion. The past couple days, I've often just shut the game down and gone to do other things. The new content feels less playing and more like working, and just LOOKING at the new daily system makes me feel like I'm burnt out and want to go do something else.

I got skyscale because it was an easier way to get around and a way to avoid annoying navigation issues. The whole first map feels like it's just designed to BE navigation issues, and it doesn't really feel "new".

I really enjoy being able to do solo PvE content and the expansion content isn't enjoyable to play like that.

The masteries that I can't see repeat some stuff that I have already and are otherwise things I'm not interested in.

The new daily structure was insult to injury. Not only do the special ones rely on the expansion content, there's less freedom with them. I really liked that a lot of aspects of the game were very open and you could complete achvs and gain exp in different ways. The old dailies had that too, so you could choose what options worked best for you. The new ones have a much bigger focus on PvP, which pushes me to be more involved in a toxic part of the game that I would prefer to avoid. The new daily structure also has more accessibility issues. If combat options were harder for you, the old dailes tended to have at least a few non-combat options. Now, the focus is incredibly combat heavy. The dailies were a nice excuse for me to run around and explore the game more outside of the events I usually help out with, and now I don't have that.

Does this get better? Are they planning any patches to make it better?


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34 minutes ago, trunks.5249 said:

the griffon is very useful even more so when you can use the updrafters. you'll beat everyone to rifts. u can even bypass the need for updraft generators. by going across the map to a higher place one dive boost you'll be there in a couple of seconds  on the last map you will be doing more climbing over walls then you will be flying with skyscale. i just got the skyscale and it isnt very impressive its extremally slow. griffon might have to find a high point to get started but thats it on a skyscale you have to constantly find something to grab on to. with a griffon find one high point and your done go anywhere without slowing down. skyscale is nothing more to me then an elevader to get high enough to use griffon

Yeah, griffon is fine, but not while you're still working your way across the map for the first time, like I was doing when I made my first post. Going from higher to lower ground is much easier and faster than working your way up, especially without the two updraft masteries.

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In my opinion, it's got stunning graphics, good voice acting, and the story is compelling in its own right ...but it does NOT feel like a guild wars game to me. 


I have to admit, I have a soft spot for some (not all) of the "friends" the Commander made over the past years. I get that the purpose that motivated everyone throughout the game up to this point has been largely fulfilled, characters change and some will move on. That said, I'm not exactly ready for the bulk of those characters to be relegated to nothing more than infrequent voicemail soundbites on the Commander's comm device. A couple, maybe, but this was a bit much.


I'm not done with the game entirely; I'm not going to throw in the towel after 18 years with this franchise over one expansion not being to my liking. I'm a big fan of the rest of the game, so I'll likely take a short break and return to play through the content leading up to it. Was thinking of making another mesmer anyway...

Edited by Stubbylegs.8067
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  • 3 weeks later...

No I am not.  Having written a few things in my days, understanding plot and story, the whole plot of Secrets of the Obtuse can be summed up by playing Star Control 3. 

1. Players were so desperate to see Zojja again that they are all parroting "She's suffering from depression."  "She's suffering from her trama" 

We want to see our favorite characters on the screen.  We want to watch their story and see them in action.  But for the last 15 years, characters that have been brought back or given a new story have lost all their character's character.  There is a massive difference between a character change due to life altering events, and a character change that does not match their actions. Growth in a character is not an alteration of that character's core, but a legitimate effort to conquer what they realize is harming them and a fight it to bolster the attributes that make them better.
I have more 'respect' for Uenno than I do for what they are doing to Zojja.    From a narrative stand point, they should have used Uenno and Zojja as a counter conflict, Zojja drawn by the past and Uenno seeking more going forward.  Asking questions like, "Do you let go of all you were and are for something new?"  "Do you return to what you were and make it better?" "Am I doing this for me, or for others?"  But this isn't ever explored.  In fact, it's just bluntly forgotten and that's just bad writing. There is no counter point to Zojja's plight and I feel that's a misuse of her character.


We literally have a Zojja character now telling us, the audience, that Asura culture is simply wrong and broken.  Her "development" is essentially saying that Snaff was part of her problem without her actually saying it.  Do you see how that makes no sense?  You can't blame Asura culture then lament over losing it because of all your past achievements.   That's not an internal struggle, that's a contradiction. If the pain and suffering Zojja is as bad as you all keep telling me it is, then she would have no problem going forward.  It's like if you hated your parents because of a life choice you choose but they didn't.  You wouldn't lament over losing your parents or moving far away from them.  Sure it would be a dramatic experience, but you wouldn't constantly even think of going back to your parents, unless your original reason was indeed selfish and not well thought out.  My point is what Zojja is going though has NO counter.  No legitimate link to that past she is trying so hard to either deal with or leave behind.  There is no character that says, hey, maybe this is hurting you so much because deep down inside you want to go back but you don't know what you want any more?   When a character has made a conscience effort to put the past behind them they do not stress over making a new life.   When a person respects and reveres a person as much as Zojja did Snaff,  they incorporate that person into their change, not forget they ever existed.

I said so much about Zojja because that's all most talk about.  However when asked simple questions about why and how and just basic character reasons, all I get from most are, "She's depressed"  "She's traumatized. "    Look up the character of Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5.  THAT is how you write a dramatic, traumatic, warrior trying to find herself and in the end, still choosing to serve but in a different way.  I can tell you exactly why and how her choices, as a character were made.  I can lay out point by point why that character changed and developed.  I like the Character of Zojja, but they did the character and her possible finality a huge disservice. 

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On 8/27/2023 at 4:19 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

We got three expansions over ten years.

Sure, SotO doesn’t match any of them. But if they can pull off a mini-expansion every year through 2024 and 2025, together they might come close.

Not really. That comparison works only if we ignore all the living story seasons released alongside expansions. From what we've seen of SotO so far, those new miniexpansions might be a replacement for living story releases we used to have, but without the expansions in between. In short, SotO is a continuation of what IBS aimed to be, just under a different name.

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the expansion is good but very thin if u don't go for legendary armor.

without any new Elites old content didn't got refreshed.

making metas so easy was a mistake as well. same goes for strikes.

if they go yearly now its okeish. bcs new content will flow in.

not doing anything for PVP was also a mistake.since its the cheapest content u can do. investment wise.

now its very open world and open world is a been there done that thing. 

another thing i feel Ap is quite low u get 1 ap here 5 there. 

last word not a veteran friendly expansion if thats good depends how many new player will join

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On 9/21/2023 at 5:26 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

the expansion is good but very thin if u don't go for legendary armor.

without any new Elites old content didn't got refreshed.

making metas so easy was a mistake as well. same goes for strikes.

if they go yearly now its okeish. bcs new content will flow in.

not doing anything for PVP was also a mistake.since its the cheapest content u can do. investment wise.

now its very open world and open world is a been there done that thing. 

another thing i feel Ap is quite low u get 1 ap here 5 there. 

last word not a veteran friendly expansion if thats good depends how many new player will join

I think that's a pretty good descriptions of it. 

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I feel sheepish saying this but I have been logging in less and less. 
The story for this expansion was not really engaging to me and some of it really lost me. 
The Relics  disappointed me.
The new Wizard Vault thing - I am not sure how to feel about it. When do they cycle in new rewards for it? Why is crafting of all things part of the daily rotation? 
Every release has had grind of some kind, but something about it this time around really loses my interest. 

I log in, decide if I want to do dailies, and then log out. 

Before the launch I spent about two weeks going through my roster of 30 characters preparing their builds, gear and appearance for the expansion. I could just be burned out. 
It has been 11 years after all. It might just be time for a break.

Edited by Obfuscate.6430
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I think it is okay.

What I complain about is that the story is unfinished and that I don't like that my skyscale now jumps backward off a wall and that ley-lines kidnap my griffon. And Peitha gets really on my nerves. I already disable the dialogue slider in my audio settings when I log in my SotO char that's somewhere chapter 9. And I've been playing rev for 3 years! But this is just too much.

I really like the Skywatch map. The first time I often picked the griffon over the skyscale. And the griffon can really spread its wings and just fly free.
It is small with very different maps/isles 💗, Asura events amusing as ever. Meta is ok.

Amnytas map is griffon fun as well but less fun in itself. Its structures always look the same and I did miss events because I didn't know how to get there (mostly some closed room).
I don't like the meta. I don't like to get interrupted by it, ported away while I actually do something else

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I think SotO is pretty good, but there are definitely room for improvements. All my major gripes with SotO boil down to rifts being the only way to obtain essences, and how repetitive rifts are. Despite only doing rifts once in a while, I'm already burned out on rifts, so I already have little left that I want to do in SotO since legendary armors are all I care about.

Metas are only good for the hero's choice chest, so once I'm done with both SotO metas for the day, I have no more reason to do them. SotO events are really only worth it for the mastery points. Now that I have all the mastery points from SotO events, I have no more reason to ever do any more SotO events. I would like to work on getting essences, but rifts are the only way to get essences and I'm already burned out on rifts.

I really wish Anet adds essences as rewards to a lot more contents (such as SotO metas, events, and currency trade-ins), and/or they would differentiate rifts so that every tier plays different. I'm starting to think it was a mistake buying SotO before at least the first content update.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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