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How the new daily system in Wizards Vault reduced my enjoyment of GW2 [Merged]

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4 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I miss my 3/day spirit shards from the dailies. I don't understand why that was taken out as part of the daily completion chest. And there is no current replacement for those shards.

Getting spirit shards is really not a problem. I don’t even notice that the daily spirit shards are gone. 

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4 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Getting spirit shards is really not a problem. I don’t even notice that the daily spirit shards are gone. 

It's one of the things I track daily/weekly. Like I'd said earlier sometime. I know filling out the masteries has put a huge dent in my shard acquisition. 2 weeks prior to SotO I accrued 143 spirit shards. 2 weeks after I've gotten 78. Both numbers include converting all ToK gotten, from log-ins previously and from the Vault afterwards. 

My biggest/most reliable source of spirit shards this month is going to be from character birthdays.


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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I miss my 3/day spirit shards from the dailies. I don't understand why that was taken out as part of the daily completion chest. And there is no current replacement for those shards.

Doesnt spirit shards have a chance to drop from basicly everything? 

And most things require tiny amounts. There's probably people with 100K+ shards lol.

The vault gives 35 guaranteed at least (tomes) for a whooping half weeklies worth of work.

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Doesnt spirit shards have a chance to drop from basicly everything? 

And most things require tiny amounts. There's probably people with 100K+ shards lol.

The vault gives 35 guaranteed at least (tomes) for a whooping half weeklies worth of work.

There are certainly people with that much laying around. This doesn't affect those players at all. I don't think they actually drop from everything. You get spirit shards for every 254k XP you gain after maxxing out mastery tracks (at level 80), so it can seem like that though. Crafting legendaries takes about 300 or so shards (200 for the Bloodstone shard, another 74-150 for mystic clovers), which is where the majority of my shards go now.

35 is basically nothing in comparison to before. Right now, you can get 35 from ToK and another 20 possible from mastery coffers (if you don't want the gold). Per quarter.
Monthly used to be 20 ToK and another 84 spirit shards from the daily rewards.

Mostly, I just wish there was some sort of replacement in the current setup. I guess the increased xp from meta events that rolled out today might do something along those lines, but I'd have to test it out to see. I'm guessing it's not any sort of replacement for this issue.

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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

There are certainly people with that much laying around. This doesn't affect those players at all. I don't think they actually drop from everything. You get spirit shards for every 254k XP you gain after maxxing out mastery tracks (at level 80), so it can seem like that though. Crafting legendaries takes about 300 or so shards (200 for the Bloodstone shard, another 74-150 for mystic clovers), which is where the majority of my shards go now.

35 is basically nothing in comparison to before. Right now, you can get 35 from ToK and another 20 possible from mastery coffers (if you don't want the gold). Per quarter.
Monthly used to be 20 ToK and another 84 spirit shards from the daily rewards.

Well it's a chance to drop from pretty much every single loot chest. But granted I have never checked how much I get "passively" per day/week.

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I don't really understand the mismatch between wizard vault rewards and objectives (the ones in the UI opened from the top left of the screen, I haven't gotten to the in-game vault yet).

They offer things like ascended items.

But they require stuff like raids and fractals.

I mean, if I'm going to do raids and fractals, I probably already have ascended gear (these are the main places in PvE where ascended drops, or drops can be used to buy ascended).

If I'm not doing raids and fractals much, there's probably a reason, and having a daily there won't solve the reason (it's broken, there's an accessibility issue, for some people just not enjoying that specific content, etc).

So why is there such a mismatch?

Edited by willow.8209
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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No. This is a misconception. You sometimes see shards "dropping" from a random mob, but what really happened is that you have "leveled up" on that mob, and that's where the shard came from.

According to the wiki a gazillion different chests contain them. But yeah the droprate seem low.

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12 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

I don't really understand the mismatch between wizard vault rewards and objectives (the ones in the UI opened from the top left of the screen, I haven't gotten to the in-game vault yet).

They offer things like ascended items.

But they require stuff like raids and fractals.

I mean, if I'm going to do raids and fractals, I probably already have ascended gear (these are the main places in PvE where ascended drops, or drops can be used to buy ascended).

If I'm not doing raids and fractals much, there's probably a reason, and having a daily there won't solve the reason (it's broken, there's an accessibility issue, for some people just not enjoying that specific content, etc).

So why is there such a mismatch?

I don't need any ascended gear on my main account. I've crafted or had drop what I need. But on my alt accounts, I only started doing crafting with the recent level-up achievements, and now the daily tasks, so they are nowhere near making ascended. So I've been getting the ascended chest rewards. Not that those characters really need ascended armor and weapons, but why not?

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24 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

Weekly for me is kill 10 champion rank enemies, I only really see these in large group events and helping kill it doesn't count. I need to last hit it? Why is it like this. I don't like having to worry about last hitting for  these 'kill x' daily/weeklies.

Yeah, something definitely wrong here.  I thought I'd get this easy on the world boss train.  Sometimes I got credit; other times not with no rhyme or reason.

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I really hate that is doesn't just give the reward. I have to go click on it which is the opposite of all the other rewards in the game and feels like a regression.

I also really like being able to choose from all over the game from a dozen options. I did much more of a variety. How long before the Veteran in WwW are gone? Not on daily. Lots of things will not be done because not on list.

Also can't do things together as easily. I am in a small group and we often did bosses, fractals or dungeons together as part of the daily.

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You have to click the reward so the system can determine if granting it would put you over the limit. So that's a good thing, better than losing AA if at or near 1300.

I agree with full choices. I haven't set foot in WvW since switching to PvE for the WV.

Edited by DeanBB.4268
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Adding my $0.02, as a casual, experienced MMO player who started last year. I haven't finished all the content I have purchased on my account yet. I hadn't even started the EoD story yet (still working through PoF). As a result, now I'm getting a daily PvE (since that's the mode I've been playing most recently) quest to view a vista in Cantha. I don't want to go there, but the rewards system is now encouraging me to. I don't need ANet's suggestion that I abandon where I am in my story and jump ahead into a bunch of dialog about who dies, just so I can try to view my first Canthan vista. Before this change, I had other options to finish my dailies. Additionally, this makes me less likely to buy the newest expansion, since I don't want to start being given more tasks I'm not prepared to take.

Meanwhile, I wholeheartedly agree that being required to select what content you will feel like doing the following day or week makes the game less fun. I used to enjoy hopping into PvP matches or WvW when I was in the mood and being rewarded for completing dailies. Now, I get rewarded less for playing the game a way I was enjoying, which just feels bad.

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