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Astral Acclaim limit of 1300 in Wizard's Vault [Merged]


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6 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

So "buy something for 100 that you MAY NOT ACTUALLY WANT" is a solution? Forcing people to work around an issue that only exists because you haven't set the cap sensibly?

Jesus, GW2 players have been trained to work around ANETs bug and design issues so well, they can't even register them as actual problems any more.

This problem DOES exist. The fact that it needs a workaround to avoid it pretty much proves that, doesn't it?

Regardless of whether or not you want anything, you may as well spend your AA because there's nothing else you can do with it. There's no prize for hoarding it. Whatever you see in the Vault, that's what's on the menu. You're going to spend that 100 or so surplus AA anyway, might as well do it straight away instead of a few days later, and don't fuss about it.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Astral Acclaim limit of 1300 in Wizard's Vault [Merged]
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/30/2023 at 6:35 PM, PyaKura.4895 said:

That's the point though, they don't want you to hoard AA indefinitely so you have to actually engage with the system and keep playing to obtain the rewards you want for any given quarter.

No offence to you specifically, and the new rewards system definitely needs to be improved upon, but I find it funny that many arguments and complaints on these forums seem to promote as much inactivity as possible instead of just playing the game.

This makes no sense. There's no possible way that increasing the cap "promotes inactivity." If you got the AA, you were playing.

In fact, it's the opposite. If you can accumulate a currency, you're incentivized to play at any time, because you can always keep getting more and it'll be useful later, even if you don't want to spend it right now. But if the  currency is capped, you lose the incentive to play once you've gained that season's rewards that interest you. While yes, you can keep spending AA endlessly for a bit of gold, many players aren't going to be super eager beyond the seasonal skins and some of the limited-quantity items.

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On 9/11/2023 at 4:14 PM, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Regardless of whether or not you want anything, you may as well spend your AA because there's nothing else you can do with it. There's no prize for hoarding it. Whatever you see in the Vault, that's what's on the menu. You're going to spend that 100 or so surplus AA anyway, might as well do it straight away instead of a few days later, and don't fuss about it.

There was this one person's example of having 950 or so and completing the weekly would take them over the cap, so they couldn't do so, and the only remaining thing they wanted now was a 1K item.

What if you have bought all the stuff you want of the low AA items, and all that is left is Tomes of Knowledge, Revive Orbs, Obsidian Shards, Essences of Luck (I mean, who wants to waste their AA on those?).

Say, this is just before next quarterly update, and in a day or so, the Vault shop will replenish with new low AA items like gold, laurels, etc. so you'd rather save those 50-100 AA for that. Or if this is on Sunday before reset, and tomorrow your completed Weekly will be reset so you cannot do another daily for 40 AA to get that 1K item in time to claim your completed weekly objective.

Now there is a case for saving your few, excess AA instead of wasting on unneeded stuff from the Vault. They haven't said they're taking away your AA but because you didn't do the math you may stand to lose your weekly of 450 unless you waste some AA on trash.

Fully aware it's first world problems and just a matter of getting some trash so you can redeem the rewards you really want - but this is poor design.


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3 hours ago, Olvendred.3027 said:

This makes no sense. There's no possible way that increasing the cap "promotes inactivity." If you got the AA, you were playing.

In fact, it's the opposite. If you can accumulate a currency, you're incentivized to play at any time, because you can always keep getting more and it'll be useful later, even if you don't want to spend it right now. But if the  currency is capped, you lose the incentive to play once you've gained that season's rewards that interest you. While yes, you can keep spending AA endlessly for a bit of gold, many players aren't going to be super eager beyond the seasonal skins and some of the limited-quantity items.

I think I agree with what you're saying, and truth be told I'm not sure I recall the reasoning I had in my original post sooo... yeah.

Here are a couple things that spring to mind though:

Does AA carry over to the next quarter? They could uncap AA and wipe any leftovers at the end of the current quarter to avoid hoarding and prevent players from buying everything the next rotation offers in one go, but perhaps due to technical limitations that's the solution they came up with.

There's also the fact that stuff that you buy on a weekly basis has more chances to be used immediately and/or put back into the economy faster to keep it running smoothly. I don't currently see any items in the WV that could impact the economy that much, aside from selling legendaries perhaps? I'm admittedly not big on TP trends, let alone being a game economist, but you could see that as another preventive measure against unexpected economy changes.

Regardless, I still don't think there's harm in spending the AA as soon as you obtain it.

Edited by PyaKura.4895
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  • 4 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, Rafa.2178 said:

Please just remove the Astral Acclaim limit, leave us decide when we want do spent.

its designed to be spent, not hoarded to make every future new item trivial to buy.  I've bought everything I want and now convert to gold every day, so in effect i'm still hoarding value, its just gold not AA, and i get more gold now than i did before AA existed. Don't see an issue tbh.

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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Surprisingly I managed to get everything I wanted from the Wizard's Vault. I stopped going out of my way to complete the achievements, because there's no point farming for stuff I don't actually want but I've gotten some completed just from things I wanted to do anyway, so I've bought some stuff I didn't really want to be able to claim new AA, while trying to stay close to the cap.

I don't think there's a universally good solution though. This system reminds me a lot of Elder Scrolls Online's endeavours, except there the currency is uncapped, but takes much longer to accumulate (months to afford 1 of the most expensive items) and I've ended up in a very similar situation in that game. There's been nothing I want recently, so I've ended up with more than enough points to get several expensive items and having nothing to spend it on has pretty much killed my motivation to keep doing the tasks. (It's slightly different because there's a lot of rewards I don't have, just none I actually want.) I know I'm not the only one in that situation.

But then if they could find a way to make it appealing enough that players wanted to keep doing the WV achievements every single day it would be annoying for people who can't do that.

I think the current system is a pretty good compromise, most people will probably be able to get at least the items they want most within a season, no one needs to stress about missing days when they need to or want to do something else and there's always something you can buy, even if it's just gold.

The big unknown is what will be available next season and whether AA will carry over. I assume it will because it would make no sense to cap it and reset it at the end of a season but I don't think Anet have said before. I suspect if the next season's rewards are much the same as this one more people will be comfortable with spending AA on gold and less exciting stuff because they'll know there's never going to be some super-amazing and expensive must-have item to save it up for, but we don't know that yet.

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On 9/20/2023 at 5:05 AM, Olvendred.3027 said:

This makes no sense. There's no possible way that increasing the cap "promotes inactivity." If you got the AA, you were playing.

I believe a currency cap makes it less likely that a player will disengage earlier from a system, when the primary attraction of a system is the rewards.

I run dungeons a lot, many of them solo, most of them speedrun style. I have currently 106K of the dungeon currency (which doesn't even include the stacks of dungeon currency chests I have laying around). If rewards purchasable via dungeon currency were what I cared about, I could have stopped running dungeons a long time ago.

The 1300 AA cap essentially guarantees I'll never reach a similar point with the Vault. If I'm ever interested in several high-ticket rewards in a Vault season, I will always have to actually care about farming up AA again. Thankfully it's not hard to cap out AA, which means Anet has come up with a great compromise - you will always be forced to have a level of engagement with the system to obtain the coolest rewards, but on the flip side the level of engagement demanded is quite easy to meet.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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this all comes down to two very simple questions, and two very simple answers;

Why is there a cap?
the cap is there because they don't want people hording AA for the next 11 years.

why is it 1300?
A smaller cap, means more engagement with the system.
1300 is just a little over the maximum amount of AA a F2P account can earn per week: making players are more incentivied to think in the short term on what they want to spend it on, instead of dwelling on how much they'll need to save up..
"I can get a legendary start kit THIS week" instead of "I'll need to play for 10 weeks to get it all"

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As other have stated, the cap is so that when the next set of desirable rewards come out, people will need to play the game and get the AA rewards for at least a few days to buy them, instead of logging in, spending some from the large amount they could have if there was no limit, then log out and not play again for 3 months.

This forces at least some minimal amount of engagement every 3 months or so, presuming the new offerings are good enough that people want them.  And Anet is presumably doing this so that players who have completed the previous new content/release will come back, and hopefully play (and spend money) for a bit with the new content release.


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The limit is lame and way too low.  I am basically being forced to buy items my bank is already full of or I simply do not want, just so I can click on the earning of the next item unlocked.

I even bought the legendary weapon chest just to spend Wizard bucks, I already had all the legendary weapons in that chest.

Edited by Quirin.1076
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5 minutes ago, Quirin.1076 said:

The limit is lame and way too low.  I am basically being forced to buy items my bank is already full of or I simply do not want, just so I can click on the earning of the next item unlocked.

I even bought the legendary weapon chest just to spend Wizard bucks, I already had all the legendary weapons in that chest.

Why don't you use your inventory?  I imagine that no matter what the limit is, you would hoard AA until you reach the limit.

Edited by DarcShriek.5829
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15 minutes ago, Quirin.1076 said:

The limit is lame and way too low.  I am basically being forced to buy items my bank is already full of or I simply do not want, just so I can click on the earning of the next item unlocked.

I even bought the legendary weapon chest just to spend Wizard bucks, I already had all the legendary weapons in that chest.

I already have all the stuff I want - so I am just buying gold.  I liked the 6 point gold better than the 30 point gold, but free gold is still free.  I am not interested in skins, emotes, or crafting.

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1 minute ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

I already have all the stuff I want - so I am just buying gold.  I liked the 6 point gold better than the 30 point gold, but free gold is still free.  I am not interested in skins, emotes, or crafting.

Bought everything but
- Transmutation Charges - Cannot use
- Black Lion Mastery Coffer - Cannot use
- Tome of Knowledge - Have stacks already
- Obsidian Shards - I have more than I will ever need
- Essence of Luck - Max Luck on my account,  currently the luck I get simply takes up inventory until Lunars New Years.
- Sanctified Weapons - don't care for them

The cap only hurts the players who play daily.  An increase to 2k or 3k would not hurt anything or allow players to buy more, like Crafting Medium Bags / Light Bags

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One of my other gripes is that when you complete the weekly chest, hovering over it no longer tells you how many AA it wants to deposit into your account but can't because of the cap, so you have to guess, research or remember that it's 450 AA in the chest to calculate how much you have to spend down to be able to collect it.  Why does the AA reward for the chest no longer display when it is ready to collect?  Another example of the whole system being rushed and not well thought out...

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10 hours ago, Rafa.2178 said:

Please just remove the Astral Acclaim limit, leave us decide when we want do spent.

Nah, the limit is fine.


1 hour ago, costepj.5120 said:

(...)It will get deleted when the next quarter starts in November.

1 hour ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

We know this now?

We don't know that -or at least I didn't see that stated by anet. I doubt the AA will reset, even moreso due to the existence of the cap.
In case it does reset though, hopefully they'll tell us that before it happens 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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