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Ideas for new bonus events


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So what bonus events would like to see in game similar to Fractal rush. Do not think about rewards just something you want to see a lot of ppl doing.

I think that GW2 is one of few MMOs where you can actually get a lot players together in open world and work to common goal.

PvE ideas:

  1. "Core game region" rush – you need to finish specific goals in one region like Ascalon, goals can be jumping puzzles, few random events, few specific group events, find specific Vista via hints, kill xx enemies, finish all path in dungeon/s and as optional goal add one of these tripple trouble, tequatl and karka queen;
  2. "Expansion game region" rush – similar to above with more focus of meta events on each map
  3. Strike missions rush – do strike missions
  4. DRM rush – do DRM missions
  5. Activity rush – activity is changed from daily change to weekly change and you get extra rewards for it and finish some old achivements
  6. Adventure rush – there is alot of Adventures in the game so lets use them

About rewards any "event" needs to have some good rewards or ppl will be not playing it. I think it is better to start small and do adjustment for next time you run event. Please no new currencies.

Rewards for PvE ideas:

  1. 1x Black lion key, 3x Black Lion Statuettes, 1x Supreme rune of holding, 1x rare drop from hard bosses
  2. 1x Black lion key, 3x Black Lion Statuettes, 1000x map currencies
  3. Increase rewards from strike mission, best would be multiplier for all rewards
  4. Increase rewards from strike mission, best would be multiplier for all rewards
  5. 1x Black lion key, 3x Black Lion Statuettes, 1x Supreme rune of holding, new Title
  6. 1x Black lion key, 3x Black Lion Statuettes, 1x Supreme rune of holding, new Title

As I see it 1. and 2. ideas are for span of several months and I know that ppl without expansion will miss out and that is reason why rewards should not be too high.

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Forgot about crafting and got ideas for PvP and WvW:

  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. Crafting event – craft items or lvl up crafting discipline
  8. WvW hunting event – goals similar to current weekly achivements
  9. PvP hunting event – kill certain amount of ppl, do "PvE" objectives on Conquest maps and so on


  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. Mats for crafting
  8. WvW specific rewards like Memory of battle, tickets and additional WvW exp
  9. PvP specific rewards like ascended shards, reward track progress and so on
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I'm not a fan of "events" which are just a prompt to do things that are in the game all year round anyway. I get that it works well for people who already do that - if you do Fractal dailies regularly than the Fractual Rush is basically some free bonus loot for example - but I don't see the appeal of what amounts to Anet setting a schedule of when to do things you could do whenever you feel like it.

So if they're going to add more I'd prefer them to be something different. It doesn't have to be anything big, I like the skritt event where we have to find them in various locations based on clues. I got enough to complete the first week's achievements in about an hour but it will still something a bit different to do. (My guild has done similar 'hide and seek' events where one player will post a screenshot and/or clues of where they're hiding and everyone else has to try to find them to win a prize.) I just want it to be an addition to the things we can already do rather than adding some extra rewards to existing activities and calling it and event.

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Most stuff that gets you to play content that is not played a lot ... should be fine. As long as it is not some "elitist" stuff that takes too long (like raids) - fractals are short so they are nice. For beetle racing stuff they should also include the griffon adventures of course and/or skimmer races in season 4 maps. And not making race winning or reaching gold a requirement. (That should be able to progress you the rewards bar faster - but it should still be possible to get all rewards just by participating and bronez maybe. To make it not unfun - since those events are meant to give easy rewards for playing content that is not played a lot. And not meant as a "give rewards to the top players that can get top times in some race or somewhere".)

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Dungeon Rush
World Boss Rush
HoT Meta Rush
PoF Meta Rush
EoD Meta Rush
SotO Meta Rush
Living World Rush

Where all of the above give increased drops of rares, exotics, and, map currencies where applicable. Double the XP and Karma as well.


No Downstate week, with or without the extra WXP and reward track gain
No Espec week
Objective Rush where all tower, Keep, and Castle lords give a chance to drop Gifts of Battle and Precursors
Instability week where certain mistlock instabilities affect each of the maps, I'm looking at you social awkwardness!


Rocket tag week, players can only use an experimental Jade rifle that OHKOs struck targets unless dodged, blocked, or reflected.
Berserk Week where only the Berserker Amulet is available to all players.

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Second searing, where crystal mortars rain from the sky, and you catch them and shoot them back at the space rock thats sending them.   then at the climax, you go on an Armageddon style event to deliver bombs to blow up the space rock.  But someone has to stay behind to trigger it while everyone else escapes.   Music by  Metal Legion. 

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Charr and Sylvari do not have festivals, but we are pretty much covered on that side with 6 annual festivals.
Maybe they could get week-long special events that kind of work as their festivals:

  • Pale Mother's Day: happening between the first and second Sundays of May. 
    • Mender Aine sends players a mail with a request to go search the world for nice flowers to make the Pale Tree a blanket of flowers across the grove to celebrate her and cheer her up.
    • These flowers would be found all over the world at places that players rarely visit, like at the end of least popular jumping puzzles, appearing after certain meta events that are done less often, in rooms that are rarely visited in dungeons, in certain out of the way spots in replayable story missions, etc. 
    • This would be both a personal reward and shared reward World Event, with all participant players getting more rewards at the end of the event the higher the tier achieved across all players, and higher personal rewards with a tiered achievement the more each of them do individually.
  • Meatoberfest: happening sometime at the start of Autumn.
    • This weeklong event would be mainly an ingredient sink with some other fun stuff to do.
    • Meatobest Potluck: a massive cauldron would be placed in the middle of The Bane, surrounded by cooks from all legions and the Olmakhan, and guest cooks from several cities and cultures across the world.  Each cook would specialize in a kind of cuisine and request a list of ingredients daily. Some of the ingredients they request may be crafted ingredients, requiring players to have enough Cooking level to craft them or buy them from the trading post if they are not account-bound.
    • The shared event and personal tiered achievement would progress as players donate ingredients, but there could also be bonus rewards for participating in various kinds of content. 
      Certain champion, legendary, and world boss beasts across the world will temporarily drop unique ingredients that would also be requested daily by these cooks, and that would progress personal rewards faster than just donating cooking ingredients.
      • One of the cooks would be an awakened "cook" who wants dubiously edible ingredients like bloodstone dust, lodestones, and stuff dropped from dragon minions, undead, elementals, and other magical creatures. 
      • Players who enjoy fishing would also have their time to shine here, as one of the cooks would specialize in fish dishes, and request fish fillets or all rarities and crab meat, and also specific fish and ingredients dropped by bosses like champion shark liver or leviathan fillets.
    • The event would introduce a list of new level 80 food cooking recipes, and variations of existing level 80 recipes with different bonuses replacing +exp from kills,  like +Exp on all sources, +MF, +gold find, or +karma. 
      Each cook would offer new recipes to a player after they have donated enough ingredients to them.
      • For example, the sylvari cook would offer salad and juice recipes. 
      • The awakened cook would sell Enhancement recipes instead of Nourishment ones, since no one in their mind would eat what he cooks. But rubbing them on your weapon would enhance it.
      • The fish cook could offer expensive huntsman recipes to craft special baits that make it easier to catch specific fish like "Only catch night/twilight/day fish regardless of time of the day" or "Only catch basic/fine/master/rare/'exotic and rarer' fish".
      • A friendly centaur from Dry Top would also sell vegan variants of many popular animal-based recipes.
    • The Bane could open to the public. While the event is up, one of the NPCs that is year-long at the Bane would get a dialogue option to participate in The Bane event in a shared instance. The Bane would be the opposite of the Gauntlet: instead of facing a boss and having to come up with a build to defeat it, you are given random premade build of any of the 9 professions regardless of your current profession, consumable effects are removed, and a transformation replaces your skills with the build you were assigned, and you are sent on a battle royale until there's only one player left. Winners receive rare account-bound ingredients as rewards, including a chance for ascended herb and spice seeds.
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6 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I'm not a fan of "events" which are just a prompt to do things that are in the game all year round anyway. I get that it works well for people who already do that - if you do Fractal dailies regularly than the Fractual Rush is basically some free bonus loot for example - but I don't see the appeal of what amounts to Anet setting a schedule of when to do things you could do whenever you feel like it.

So if they're going to add more I'd prefer them to be something different. It doesn't have to be anything big, I like the skritt event where we have to find them in various locations based on clues. I got enough to complete the first week's achievements in about an hour but it will still something a bit different to do. (My guild has done similar 'hide and seek' events where one player will post a screenshot and/or clues of where they're hiding and everyone else has to try to find them to win a prize.) I just want it to be an addition to the things we can already do rather than adding some extra rewards to existing activities and calling it and event.

The appeal is the increased population. I have never waited around for a queue as there are tons of people doing them this week 

The disadvantage is the amount of speed running going on, but it’s otherwise been fun to get back into fractals for a bit. I always feel more motivated to do them during the rush

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  • 2 weeks later...

PVE Rush Week Idea:

So take a map and trigger a "fractal distortion" of it. In this version the mobs are replaced by harder versions of themselves. Normal->Vet, Vet->Elite, Elite->Leggy.  Advanced Idea:

Have a "distortion count" and "distortion level" as a map wide event based just on mob kills.  As the players kill mobs the distortion count grows, and distortion level advances from level 1 to level 4.   For each level mobs continue to advance in difficulty, however this "distortion decay" gets faster(how quickly the map loses distortion levels), reverting from level 4 back to level 1.    This would naturally balance itself

  • less kills put the world in a safer state
  • you have to have sustained groups to maintain Tier 4
  • prevents local(afk) farming as mobs would be easier to kill since you know the one you just killed will respawn as a more difficult versions of themselves.

I'm also just gonna say that.... this could also work in the upcoming festival 😉

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