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What changes to fishing you would like to see in future?

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I wanted to start fishing achivements and after 2 hours I can say that fishing in GW2 is tedious. So I need to go to wiki to see when I can find correct fishing spots, I need to go to wiki to check what fishing power I need for that map and after that depend on fish I need to wait for correct "time". Let's not forget about lures and baits which are in your inventory and take too much space. Also who in their right mind put some fish on dusk/dawn time frame.


So what changes would you like to see for fishing to improve it?

Here are mines:

  1. Store lures and baits in fishing tab so it does not take space in inventory bags
    • Lures and baits stack limits are same for other items so 250 – if you have more than 250 of lure/bait, then it go to inventoy bags
  2. Rework night/day/dusk/dawn as requirement for fishing
    • Maybe remove dependency on day/night cycle completly and focus more about baits/lure
  3. Remove or replace fishing minigame – current one is simple and boring
    • Is it there to fight against AFK farming? If yes, then can it be something like "minigame" for SOTO's arcane chest?
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Everything fishing related should be account wise and not character bound. This way I could fish spontaneously with any character, not like now when I need to bring my fishing character. 

Also when you have max masteries + food + bait & lure all the fish should be green. I'm not even bothering stacking fishing power anymore on yellow fish. Actually I'm not even bothering fishing at all anymore. But I might do it if it would be changed like I proposed.

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1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:
  • Is it there to fight against AFK farming? If yes, then can it be something like "minigame" for SOTO's arcane chest?

Nah, don't do it.
If that's what you want, keep opening soto chests or go to arborstone casino for a variation of that mechanic.

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If the current fishing minigame is to fight AFK farming (which I'm not sure how people could AFK fish, since fishing spots disappear pretty quickly and you need to cast the lure, as well as reel it in), they could probably still make the minigame a bit easier/more relaxing to play.

I basically ignore fishing (except if it shows up as a daily) - like most of EoD content, it feels like some of the decision of 'we need to add new features - lots of people asked about fishing, so lets do that' - its basically forgettable as an interesting activity, but requires too much activity to be something to chill out to.  I guess the folks farming ancient ambergis might be happy, since that still has good value - probably partly for all the reasons the OP mentioned.


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3 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

I need to go to wiki to see when I can find correct fishing spots, I need to go to wiki to check what fishing power I need for that map and after that depend on fish I need to wait for correct "time".

use BlishHUD and install Fishing Buddy module, and pray to rng god to catch those rare and exotic fish, in my experience they are more rare than ascended and legendary fish

I've already recommended made some QoL GW2's fishing needs based on my experience with BDO's fishing system (guru tier fisher in BDO)


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First things first: Fishing was a mistake and it's filler non-content, a waste of resources that should have been spent on something else.

Now with that out of the way, things that really annoy me or things that could be improved:
- Dusk/Dawn fish were a bad idea, I'd remove them and add them to day or night or anytime list of fish.
- Either make the minigame harder, because now the only hard to catch fish are the first 10, after that the minigame becomes trivial, 
- Or make the minigame easier (or remove it completely), so that fishing can actually be semi afk'd. Right now it sits in that middle ground of engagement for me where I kinda want to do something else while fishin, but can't really because there's a trivial minigame to play and I need to switch fishing spots every 6min.
- I'd either remove the system around fishing spots. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me that you can only fish 3 things in very select locations and then you have to move on. Instead I'd rather have no limit on fishable things/fish and maybe replace the fishing holes with larger areas where certain fish are more common than others. Like this, each spot/area would still be special.
- I'd remove fishing from SotO maps because it's just dumb having to fish from 3 ponds with a single fishing spot. It's just dumb and whoever thought of putting it there should seriously question some of their life choices.
- Just for convenience, I'd makeit so, that skiffs and people fishing from said skiffs can't be hit or agro'd by enemy mobs. As soon as the people aren't fishing or steering the skiff they're fair game, but having to put aways the fishing rod, jumping into the water, killing the mob that's bothering you just isn't fun.

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4 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

I wanted to start fishing achivements and after 2 hours I can say that fishing in GW2 is tedious. So I need to go to wiki to see when I can find correct fishing spots, I need to go to wiki to check what fishing power I need for that map and after that depend on fish I need to wait for correct "time". Let's not forget about lures and baits which are in your inventory and take too much space. Also who in their right mind put some fish on dusk/dawn time frame.


So what changes would you like to see for fishing to improve it?

Here are mines:

  1. Store lures and baits in fishing tab so it does not take space in inventory bags
    • Lures and baits stack limits are same for other items so 250 – if you have more than 250 of lure/bait, then it go to inventoy bags
  2. Rework night/day/dusk/dawn as requirement for fishing
    • Maybe remove dependency on day/night cycle completly and focus more about baits/lure
  3. Remove or replace fishing minigame – current one is simple and boring
    • Is it there to fight against AFK farming? If yes, then can it be something like "minigame" for SOTO's arcane chest?

You can see al that info in the achievement panel


What I would like to see change:

1. Fishing stack should not be removed when leaving skiff. Just let it stay active untill you leave a map

2. A glyph system could be interresting for fishing rod's

3. More rewards. Maybe a skiff skin to work towards or an extremely rare fish that drop an infusion or smth. Just some examples.

4. A fishing bag that is independent of inventory.

5. Expanded fishing bait capacity

6. Would be nice if aggro would just dissapear when on a skiff. I don't know if this could be exploited for PVE content something, but it's annoying to deal with. But ofc fishing stack not being removed when leaving skiff would kind of fix this problem as well, so would rather just have that changed.

7. Some tweaks to some maps to make more maps appealing for fishing. Add more fishing holes etc. So far Crystal Oasis, NKC and Domain of Kurna is the most used fishing spots. Would be nice with more incentive to do other maps.

Enemies attacking you is a big reason why some maps are not visited much though, but again the fishing stack problem would also make this less of an issue.

So fishing stack fix is by far the biggest fix needed imo


Edited by jokke.6239
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51 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

First things first: Fishing was a mistake and it's filler non-content, a waste of resources that should have been spent on something else.

Now with that out of the way, things that really annoy me or things that could be improved:
- Dusk/Dawn fish were a bad idea, I'd remove them and add them to day or night or anytime list of fish.
- Either make the minigame harder, because now the only hard to catch fish are the first 10, after that the minigame becomes trivial, 
- Or make the minigame easier (or remove it completely), so that fishing can actually be semi afk'd. Right now it sits in that middle ground of engagement for me where I kinda want to do something else while fishin, but can't really because there's a trivial minigame to play and I need to switch fishing spots every 6min.
- I'd either remove the system around fishing spots. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me that you can only fish 3 things in very select locations and then you have to move on. Instead I'd rather have no limit on fishable things/fish and maybe replace the fishing holes with larger areas where certain fish are more common than others. Like this, each spot/area would still be special.
- I'd remove fishing from SotO maps because it's just dumb having to fish from 3 ponds with a single fishing spot. It's just dumb and whoever thought of putting it there should seriously question some of their life choices.
- Just for convenience, I'd makeit so, that skiffs and people fishing from said skiffs can't be hit or agro'd by enemy mobs. As soon as the people aren't fishing or steering the skiff they're fair game, but having to put aways the fishing rod, jumping into the water, killing the mob that's bothering you just isn't fun.

That's a fair opinion, but there's a community for it

I fish with people everyday who enjoy it

I find the collections a bit stressful to do sadly

But fishing in Crystal Oasis while being social in a squad while listening to a podcast is an activety I enjoy a lot.

I can take a break whenver I want etc, and yet it's a very good source of gold

And I find meta events to be more boring tbh after having played a map a couple times

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I was a big fan of the idea of fishing.  I cannot stand what they did to it.  The Pong mini-game is far from "relaxing" with friends.  Fishing is resource farming. There is no reason for some lame mini-game to mess it up.  The other day, I had to catch five fish for a daily, and was reminded how much I hate how they implemented fishing.

The devs need to go play Ultima Online to see what fishing is. You cast the line, you may get fish. There are sunken ships you can get loot from, there are sea monsters that may come up.

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The actual fish having some wider utility seems like an obvious one. To the best of my knowledge, the only cooking recipes that use fish are for foods that only serve to improve your fishing ability. So you catch fish to make food to improve your fishing so that you can catch more fish to make more fishing food.

There is such a thing as *too* closed a system.

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58 minutes ago, Randin.5701 said:

The actual fish having some wider utility seems like an obvious one. To the best of my knowledge, the only cooking recipes that use fish are for foods that only serve to improve your fishing ability. So you catch fish to make food to improve your fishing so that you can catch more fish to make more fishing food.

There is such a thing as *too* closed a system.

Dont forget the Ambegiris that is used for t3 legendary weapons.

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Losing the Fishing stacks when you get off the Skiff needs to go. Make it work like participation in WvW, where you need to build up stacks, but you don't lose them when changing maps. Make them drop to the next lower tier if you haven't fished once a day (so you have to show a little bit of care about fishing, should you want to keep a high buff).

Other things are very inconvenient, but that is the thing that keeps me from fishing. Fishing should not be an activity I have to build up from the ground every time, again and again to get reasonable results.

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9 hours ago, Randin.5701 said:

The actual fish having some wider utility seems like an obvious one. To the best of my knowledge, the only cooking recipes that use fish are for foods that only serve to improve your fishing ability. So you catch fish to make food to improve your fishing so that you can catch more fish to make more fishing food.

There is such a thing as *too* closed a system.

Very much this; fishing is so self-contained as to be virtually isolated from the rest of the game. It's almost like a fourth game mode for the dev team to neglect.

8 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Dont forget the Ambegiris that is used for t3 legendary weapons.

OK but is that all? I'd argue that the existence of a single required ingredient for completely optional equipment crafting doesn't justify an entire gaming system/mode just to provide that one ingredient.

Either fishing needs more broadly-applicable utility, like the fish themselves being useful for more than just fishing-power booster recipes, or that ingredient needs to be spread around to more aquatic enemy loot tables to decouple it from an otherwise useless activity.

9 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

None. I would prefer that no further development resources be spent on fishing.

I lean toward this myself. Fishing is largely pointless and niche; fix WvW and/or PvP instead.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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38 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

OP ask on how to improve fishing and the thread gets spammed with posts about how fishing shouldn't exist 

To be fair, there are several suggestions re a "tackle box" container, reworking how the power stacks function, etc. The issue is that those just add up to tinkering around the edges; the actual thing itself just doesn't seem all that useful. Like @Randin.5701 said, there's such a thing as a system being too closed.

Personally I just ignore fishing since it offers nothing of any interest to me. The skiff OTOH is quite useful, I just never use it for fishing. 😛

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18 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

So I need to go to wiki to see when I can find correct fishing spots, I need to go to wiki to check what fishing power I need for that map

Something I got told early on when I complained how little the game itself helps, that I have to use the wiki for almost every information was: Playing the Wiki is part of the game.

There may be addons for Blish HUD to help with information about fishing. I know they exist but I don't know what they offer in detail.
I use other addons though (for achievements, exploration, hp only runs, jumping puzzles and event timers) and they reduced my tabbing out to the wiki a lot.

18 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

So what changes would you like to see for fishing to improve it

I'd be happy to fish unbothered by mobs that are out to steal the boat under my feet. The boat should be a no go.

But I rarely fish and there's nothing to make fishing attractive to me.
Fishing is a mode for other people, not for me. I only do it like once a month for some rare fishes to trade. And for that I have to use my fishing character too since only that one has all the stuff.
(But that's the same reason why I only play wvw with 1 character. 4 rows of my inventory dedicated to wvw stuff is nothing I want my other chars to spam with.)

Edited by Lucy.3728
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