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What would be you dream addition to GW2?

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Let's think about this. For me...

1) In Blood Tide coast, when you have Marsh frogs in your inventory, change the option to remove them from Destroy to Free. That will free up an inventory slot on all my characters.

2) In the event Escort a Vigil bomb to the tower's weak point and related events, change name of Sylvari from Vigil Crusader to AKA Cattail. She deserves it.

3) In Rata Sum, Fluppa should have heterochromia.

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43 minutes ago, GreenZap.1352 said:

I don't feel that Guardians are at all the same as paragons.

You mentioned that both classes have shouts and wear heavy armor, but that's not why I liked the Paragons.

Just like the Dervish and Ritualist, it was about the lore and culture of the classes.

The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that when they streamlined the classes, which was positive to open them up to all races, they also removed the continent-based classes.

Now, for example, all the humans, including my character, who is supposed to be a Mesmer from Elona, begin as Krytan.

So, my character, who has an Elonian name: Archivist Dalzbeh (I like having titles in my character names, as with NPCs), has a transmog that looks Elonian, is not actually an Elonian according to the game rules, and is a "visitor" when I hang out in Path of Fire, even though he is supposed to be born in Vabbi.

For me, Nightfall was the first time I kinda felt really engrossed not only for the African/Egyptian themes, but also because it was something new and more grounded in the sea of Tolkien-esque, Warcraft and JRPG MMOs.

In short: I like that they opened up race/class combinations so that everyone can play whatever they want to, but that also comes with a drawback; human characters could have either been designed to be from anywhere, but ArenaNet screwed up and made everyone a Krytan through the personal story, unless you pick "don't know my parents" which is a huge cop-out IMO.

Hey, when you're right you're right.

Mechanically, which was the purrspective I was using, the Paragon and the Guardian really aren't that different...except for throwing spears. But from a lore perspective, can't argue with that.

Here's the real issue there: It's not that it was streamlined. Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall were all standalone games. Each one of them had a starting hub, a tutorial, and its own independant storyline. It was considered a BONUS that if you owned Prophecies that you could take a boat between Tyria, Cantha, and Elona. In order for them to have replicated that, well, Path of Fire and End of Dragons would have had to been standalone games as well. And they could have done that but they wanted to have a more character focused, story based campaign. It was less about the game, and more about the plot. And so you have to fit into the plot. I'm not defending them on this. Myself and my fiance are doing a playthrough on youtube and because of that we're somehow BOTH commanders and both the champion of Aurene. The game is rather inflexible in that way because, in a way, it's not about you. You might be the main character, but you're still just a character in their story.

For what it's worth I'm sympathetic. When I played through I was thrilled to take my tyrian mesmer through factions and nightfall, so I never gave it a second thought. I'm going to guess that not a single person in the dev team did either.

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if we're talking a new system to the game, and not a rework of what currently exists

- Player Housing.

I Think anet has pretty solid concepts

we got Raids, Strikes, Dungeons, Fractals, Events they just need updating realistically, Dungeons faded in core and was never built on, Raids have existed for so long they've become quite stale. Core game could use a Update to bring uptoo par to todays standards, and i think Power creep needs to be addressed either from buffing the content or dealing with nerfs. 

I dont think it needs anything brand new however

so i'd run with player housing. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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I want the weapon mastery to expand more. Since day 1 the idea of just adding more weapons for classes has been around, and some weapons are woefully underutilized. How many classes use swords or greatswords? It may actually be all of them.  3 use a rifle. We gotta get those numbers up.   


And I've wanted to build The Predator  for years and don't have a class to use it on. I'd really like to use it on an elementalist some day.

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On 10/17/2023 at 11:10 AM, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Okay, I'm gonna throw in Assassin since you left that one out, but lets talk about that.

Assassins are thieves. I'm not gonna get too much into it since I'm sure that's why you left it off the list. But they did come with Cantha, so I'm keeping it in.

Paragons I'll cover next. So Paragons were a ranged soldier support class. They wore heavy armor, threw spears, but their real kit was all about the shouts. Paragons got lots of shouts that buffed party members and debuffed enemies. And they did this from the front with their heavy armor to keep them safe. That role has been adequetely filled by the Guardian now, wearing heavy armor and having many shouts and other abilities to spread both boons and conditions. And they have several ranged options if you want to use them.

Dervishes. The scythe-wielding dancers of death. SO they wore light or medium armor, I think it was light, and they were a martial class with the unique abilities to hit multiple enemies at once. The scythe was a PBAOE every time it was swung. Very cool. Unfortunately for you though that now applies to ALL melee weapons so their main draw is already gone. Beyond that they had AIr magic for speed, Earth magic for defense, but all that basically comes down to anyone can play a dervish if they just grab a two-handed weapon and go to town. I'm a mesmer and I can do a reasonable job with a sword.

But then you mention Ritualist and admittedly there is no equivilent in the game for that. But there's a reason for that. We don't have monks either, and both of them filled roughly the same role. GW2 was build with every profession being entirely self-reliant meaning there is no place for a "Healer", as it were. Yes, there are some support classes but support in GW2 is more about boon spreading than actual healing. So just like we never got our monk profession, no ritualist either. But there is a caveat. The whole kit of the Ritualist was summoning powerful spirits from the dead or powerful spiritual artifacts that you could hold and we did, kinda, get that in the Revenant. All Revenants channel powerful spirits from the dead and Vindiators even got a skill pulled directly from GW1.

So, as much as it pains me to say this, you kinda already got everything you wanted. Maybe not in the exact way you wanted but you did get it. Now would it be cool to have a class that was a scythe-wielding angry ball of spinning death? Hell yes. Or a spear thrower in heavy armor? People have been asking for throwing spears forever. But it's not likely to happen since all the important stuff is already here.

Someone who has never played Paragon as shouts existed since prophecies long before the Paragon was introduced. While its true they used their voices the Paragon used skills that worked with shouts the echos, chants, and many music based skills. They had leadership and kept their song up over a party. Buffs that occur when shouts are placed and when they ended. Triggers on the party such as the party will inflict X on Crit, next melee, attack, refill mana, and many things not covered with standard buffs. They were the commander class that ordered the flow of battle as the party needed to fulfill the commands the Paragon issued in order to receive the benefit. They needed to stay with range to receive the buffs which would combo and interact with the other buffs the Paragon gave out.


Playing Paragon was like playing  Pikmin and sadly I tried the class last since most of its gw1 armor had nipples. Mained it since and would have mained it GW2 but fell back to mesmer which is also nothing like ita gw1 counterpart since skills are no longer shared and skill bar manipulation isnt a thing.

Edited by Doam.8305
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An option to turn off all particle effects and sounds originating from other players' equipment.

If I'm doing low-key OW stuff, I can leave it on. For group content, I want all that noise OFF.

One person swinging Dusk/Dawn/Eternity can easily block a quarter of your screen.

Someone else's cosmetics should not infringe on my ability to play the game.

Just once in a while, it might be nice to see what I'm attacking.

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Soloable story dungeons.

Hey, here's a letter from Rytlock:  he's going to go fight Flame Legion Shamans in some hole somewhere.  Guess I'd better gather a group and go help him.

Kitten that:  I haven't set foot in a dungeon since AC, way back on my first character, when I had to go in with a pug.  Didn't enjoy:  never did it, or any story dungeon, ever again.

Soloable story dungeons.  I'd start a new character, just to experience the story in order...

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If we're talking big, 'buy our expansion' features, then yeah, I'll out myself as one of the 'a new race would be cool' crowd. Almost doesn't matter what the race is--just about anything would give me an excuse to make a new character--but tengu, kodan, or largos would be nice.

Other than that, I'll echo a couple others mentioned here: the ability to hide other players' infusions--and just the infusions; I still want to see spell effects, I just don't want to deal with the Christmas Tree crap. And the story modes of the dungeons, at this point, should be soloable--ideally, they would also get fully integrated into the Personal Story, as they are fairly important to the narrative.

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On 10/17/2023 at 8:30 AM, Daeth.8912 said:

, healers actually exist now.

As elite specs of existing classes, not normally a deafault function of core specs. This is so that all classes start as self sufficient damage dealers, with healing builds as an add on for specific content.

That said, GW1 rit playstyles could very well work as a new core class (with specs for support or damage) or as an elite spec for either necro or rev.

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As suggested many times before: I would love to see a personal, account-wide museum for displaying all your major achievements, items and collections. A bit like GW1's Hall of Monuments but with more content.

This would combine perfectly with fully decoratable player housing with a garden and a stables where your mounts live.

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After mulling it over for a while I'm going to second the OP's wish. Meaningful solo content should be a major part of any game that has creative build making. I'm also just so tired of zerg life I wish there was more small group content in general like the dungeons from GW1 where you could solo em or bring a friend or two. And probably have shared rewards so there would actually be incentive to do things on your own, without it necessarily being a feat of strength.

I just replayed the final fight in the EoD story. Story missions are some of the few things really designed for soloing which is kinda sad considering they are actually impossible to fail. There's a lot of chaos and visual noise, so it's basically just "epic fight" cosplay...

Edited by Resident.7421
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I'd even be willing to pay a reasonable amount for a "ZERO new content" expansion that was instead a full-speed-ahead Bug Hunt with a second-stage Balance Pass, with no other content distractions for devs to focus on. 

Use the initial release to:

Fix all the bugged skills, traits and mechanics which do not currently function as intended. Don't change anything else, balance or whatever.

Fix all the episodes, instances and events that have progress-stopping bugs.

The only criteria is "does X do exactly what it's supposed to do, and nothing else?" If YES, move on to the next one on the list. If NO, then make it do what it's supposed to do without any other modifications.

Don't forget or neglect also doing the above for PvP and WvW!

Considering the game's current state, that's a pretty huge project. After that's completed, launched and stable, then and only then do a Balance Pass as stage 2, with all skills, traits and mechanics actually working as described before starting it. The idea being that you can't really balance something that's not working as intended in the first place.

I doubt such a thing would ever happen, though. I suspect that not many players would be willing to pay for that kind of thing, without any shiny new content to complain about.

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