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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Suggestion: Hexed Outfit (Female) --> please give us the hat as a armor skin (preferably for all three armor classes). It's not fair that only females get to wear it, and it fits for Cantha. Either include the under-hood as is or give it fake hair (but don't make us bald). I love the moving dangly bits and the worn hole.

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Suggestion for new item: Hero points

For people who dont have too much time to play it is super annoying that the main benefit of the expansions (the specs) is hidden behind a grind wall. And several hero points are also hidden behind masteries you need to unlock first... It looks like you are supposed to get the espec after finishing the expansion which is just weird.

So if I was able to unlock an espec for a reasonable price I would do that.

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going into EoD, I really would like it if we can expand some of these fixed limited features in the game.


I would like more shared inventory slots to put more of the important cross characters items on here for use.


I want more bank tabs to store some of the new items coming with EoD.


Another Bag Slot would be a nice addition as well, especially if we get more non wallet currencies in EOD.


With new Elite Specs I would like more Build Templates for playing around with, so I dont have to scrap some of my current templates to do experimenting. 

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I suspect that shared slots were a money maker for them so there might be a technical limitation/hurdle on adding more.  Same for bank tabs.  With all the hoarders out there, people would buy those things up if they're made available.  


Templates were horribly implemented (IMO) and I would rather they replace it with something that's easier to use and less cumbersome. 

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Please add a necromancer theme pack we can buy that changes the models for necromancer minions/summons into actual skeletons, zombies, etc.  I hate the little meat blobs we have currently, and as this would be purely an aesthetic change the gem store seems like a good place for it.


Blood Fiend: skeletal thaumaturge

Bone Fiend: skeletal archer

Bone Minions: death hounds

Flesh Wurm: skeletal mage

Shadow Fiend: skeletal soldier

Flesh Golem: Bone golem

"Rise!" Shambling horrors: zombies



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I would love to see these as new gemstore items: (tl;dr in BOLD)


Lord Faren Southsun Swimwear Skin (red underwear that the mini southsun faren wears) - it would just be a single 'leg' skin and the underwear could be dyed any colour.


Dyeable skin colour options - I'd personally love to have blue skin for one of my human characters.


Prismatic / Rainbow themed crowns / partyhats. I'd love to have a rainbow partyhat / crown for my characters.


Regal looking Gold crowns / partyhats. I'd love to see regal shiny gold crowns for characters also. Maybe have a variation too, which has different coloured gemstones in each high point of the crown.


Tattoo skins. It would be neat to see tattoo skins, and they could be a separate slot altogether, so they would always be on the skin of the character (and could have a tick box option to hide it). These could also alternatively just be add ons to the total makeover kit instead, but it would be neat to have them as a separate slot item.


More skimpy male armour skins and slim leg skins (especially for light armoured classes) - there are some GREAT skimpy male outfits like the Daydreamer's Finery Outfit, the Elonian Elementalist Outfit, Mursaat Robes, Primal Warden Outfit, Raiment of the Lich Outfit, Ritualist Outfit, Jora's Outfit, and Braham's Wolfblood Outfit to name a few - but that's the thing - they're OUTFITS, not skins 😞

It was a great and refreshing change to see more skin on males with the Foefire Chestguard Skin, however we need more of these kinds of skins. I particularly like pieces that show the abs and pecs/chest completely. I'd love to see more skins like this for all weight classes actually - especially if I wanted to go for a '300' look for my warrior, or a skin that has just leather straps around the skin - roman gladiator style!!

As for slim leg skins, there aren't many light leg skins I enjoy using on my light armoured male characters, because most of them look too chunky or wide-hipped, and just look plain weird. It would be nice to see some slimmer leg skins for the light armoured classes - especially on males.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
Added more info / reasoning on skimpy armour suggestion
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I'd like to request that account-wide Build and Gear template slots (not the storage slots) as well as account-wide bag slot upgrades be added to the gem store.

I am 100% uninterested in buying these on a per-character basis due to my massive (and expensive) investment in character slots, but a reasonably priced account wide version would make it a justifiable use of my hard earned dollars.

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This isn't an item per se, but a comment on the current gemstore: I hate that it wants to save payment information, somewhere. Either I permalink paypal (which will also require saved payment information) or perma-link a credit card. Now I think there's ways to remove it, but i vaguely remember Anet somehow saving my payment information from PoF in its expansion sale page, permanently, with no way of removing through account management option. I basically don't trust Anet to hold my information well or give me the control to delete it properly. Not to mention, it's just tedious adding an extra step of deleting my card at the end, assuming everything did work. So that leaves me with paypal. Which I almost never use, and then i need to do the same process of removing payment information at the end because it has the same stupid implementation of requiring saved payment information. And requires me to go to that site, completely separately of my sale, to remove. Buying gems has now become very tedious as someone who doesn't like having my credit card info just strewn across the interwebs. 

I have been purchasing less gems because of this. I am making you aware. Allow one-time payments with a random card. Without saving said card. 

If you want information on the PoF payment bug, it was something like if I visited the expansion sale page while logged into my anet account, my credit card information was stored and available to use, but if I went to my anet account wallet, there was no credit card saved. And there wasn't any way to delete payment information from the expansion sale page. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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On 12/10/2021 at 7:09 AM, Firebeard.1746 said:

This isn't an item per se, but a comment on the current gemstore: I hate that it wants to save payment information, somewhere. Either I permalink paypal (which will also require saved payment information) or perma-link a credit card. Now I think there's ways to remove it, but i vaguely remember Anet somehow saving my payment information from PoF in its expansion sale page, permanently, with no way of removing through account management option. I basically don't trust Anet to hold my information well or give me the control to delete it properly. Not to mention, it's just tedious adding an extra step of deleting my card at the end, assuming everything did work. So that leaves me with paypal. Which I almost never use, and then i need to do the same process of removing payment information at the end because it has the same stupid implementation of requiring saved payment information. And requires me to go to that site, completely separately of my sale, to remove. Buying gems has now become very tedious as someone who doesn't like having my credit card info just strewn across the interwebs. 

I have been purchasing less gems because of this. I am making you aware. Allow one-time payments with a random card. Without saving said card. 

If you want information on the PoF payment bug, it was something like if I visited the expansion sale page while logged into my anet account, my credit card information was stored and available to use, but if I went to my anet account wallet, there was no credit card saved. And there wasn't any way to delete payment information from the expansion sale page. 

I had this same issue and was similarly bothered by it. I don't like that information being saved.


re: gem store items I'd like viper's armor (the medium skins) to be re-added. I need the pants for reasons that do not include the miniskirt.

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