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Set Off Chain Reactions with the Engineer Short Bow Proficiency

Rubi Bayer.8493

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10 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Did I read that right... basically the skills 2-5 are all these canisters with just different effects in their AoE?

That.... sounds extremely underwhelming. kitten, am I glad that I stopped playing this game.

Its so sad there's only one class and no new content was released for several years.

Guess the game is just doomed to fail.

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I was expecting/hoping for 'trap & mine' arrows so pretty close I guess. XD

Wasn't expecting virus arrows with support goo though. This one I'll have to see for myself in-game to know how much I like it. Mixing combinations for different effects sounds cool but hopefully there's volatile combinations like throwing fire into poisonous gas in Divinity Original Sin.

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7 minutes ago, Sensations.9507 said:

Extremely underwhelming.  But keep the obligatory cope posts coming... I just hope they dont screw up Necro weapons

First of all, no one has tried it yet, so you shouldn't be making that statement based off of a video, if the video isnt what you wanted, too bad, it's suppose to be a teaser, not a launch trailer.

Edited by vrauns.3215
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The mechanic seem fine but the gameplay will be boring... another aoe spawm... on engi... Im not hype at all... It look to be another tool that play excatly like grenade kit and mortar... WE DONT NEED MORE AOE SPAM ON ENGI... Did I really lost my golem for that? Lame... I hope Im wrong but I feel it gonna play excatly like mortar and grenade kit...

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Who is this weapon for? It's a support weapon so it's damage will likely be on the low side, so Holo is out. Scrapper can't use it as he has to do blast finishers to support the team, which means him stuck with mace.

Mechanist seems like the only pick but the mech does all the real support work so... what's the point. You are better off sticking with rifle or hammer.

I wasn't expecting much from this weapon, but I'm still disappointed. I was really hoping it would have been a condi weapon, as least then it would have some use for the other classes.

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This looks like the mortar kit but you get to decide when the effect field is applied. I will have to test this before I play it in game.

Is it just me or are they going for more weapons that require thought and planning to get the best out of them? The last three reveals have skills that make you think when and where the attack has to go. Not just randomly spamming skills as they come off of call down.

Edited by Flaming.4250
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I like it.

I wonder if I can work this into a holo build. It seems pretty obvious that itll probably be best suited for mechanist since you can hand off damage to the bot, but depending on the canister effects this might make for a pretty intricate holosmith build that shelves damage in forge and buffs itself with canisters where it expects to be in the next 5 or 10 seconds.


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First impression ...
WOW... JUST WOW... and not the good wow

Really questionable combat design decisions.

- More slow flying projectiles on engi like we dont have enough with Mortar and Grandes. Always nice to have this kitten in a fast paced wvw/pvp enviroment
- Yay we have to stack 4 Skills before activating them for maximum effect... and they are pinned on a specific ground location... also really nice in a fast paced wvw / pvp environment

- Another weapon/kit with 4 ground target skills... We got way toan of those
- I guess this is just another pve support weapon then, maybe also a good one, but not really needed. maybe with some okayish in wvw zergs if the delay isn't that rough as the video suggests, not sure if you want to give up shield tho.
- Okay at least the initial projectil cant be blocked, I give you that 🙂

As an engi main with nearly 4k Hours on Engi, i'm really disappointed. 

What is this weapon for? We don't need it!
An main Support weapon additional to Med Kit, Elexier Gun and Mortar Kit might be nice to have. But not really something we are in need of.

Engi lacks in single handed ranged power options for Main- and Off-Hand for more flexibility with dual wielding weapon choices. And a relyable 1200+ Range Weapon that deals damage, condi wise and power wise.
- Pistols Max Damage on Short Range thanks to pistol 4. 
- Rifle Max Damage on Short Range thanks to 2 and 5.
- Grenaded and Mortar dont relyable hit on range in a fast paced environment
- Hammer, Sword and Mace are already Melee Weapons


Animation/Design Team, you can do that better!

I appreciate that you added a new animation, but overusing it on 4 out of 5 new skills, is really lackluster. Yay just like bombs, mortar and nades 😞 This really looks unimpressive and boring, really sad for an creative class like an engineer who should come up with more fancy new inventions and other stuff.


Hopefully the weapon actually feels and is better than what the video looks like and article reads like... but i dont expect anything now.

Edited by Nero.7369
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4 minutes ago, Calen.8945 said:

Who is this weapon for? It's a support weapon so it's damage will likely be on the low side, so Holo is out. Scrapper can't use it as he has to do blast finishers to support the team, which means him stuck with mace.

Mechanist seems like the only pick but the mech does all the real support work so... what's the point. You are better off sticking with rifle or hammer.

I wasn't expecting much from this weapon, but I'm still disappointed. I was really hoping it would have been a condi weapon, as least then it would have some use for the other classes.

Considering that you detonate the canisters, there is a slight chance that all the arrows produce a blast finisher. But if that is not the case, then yeah, won't get played on scrapper support.

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