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Set Off Chain Reactions with the Engineer Short Bow Proficiency

Rubi Bayer.8493

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1 minute ago, SeTect.5918 said:

So now that engi gets no second condi weapon, can we please finally make mace a proper condi one?

I m tired of having 3 power weapons and 1 condi option on engi

No, "anet proceed to nerf condi on mace"

But honestly I tough mace was our support weapon?

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1 hour ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

I think it looks potentially pretty neat. 

Yeah it looks pretty cool tbh. At least the idea...well the implementation looks like mortar or grenade kit 2.0

But if every skill does something different then it has no chance to fill any role properly (except maybe support because we dont have a support weapon, unless we count the trash weapon "mace" as support weapon).

Edited by SeTect.5918
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1 minute ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Yeah it looks pretty cool tbh.

But if every skill does something different then it has no chance to fill any role properly (except maybe support because we dont have a support weapon, unless we count the trash weapon "mace" as support weapon).

Mace / shield provides a lot of support through boons and barrier so…. If shortbow is a support weapon it will need to provide vigor/regen/protection and also have leap/blast finishers or scrapper can’t even use it.  

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32 minutes ago, Zzik.5873 said:

No, "anet proceed to nerf condi on mace"

But honestly I tough mace was our support weapon?

I mean...

it seems like they are not sure what mace should be either.

First it was a condi-support hybrid because confusion was still a good condition and both auto attack and skill 2 gave boons and barrier.
Then they removed barrier from auto attack so auto attack gives no support. Skill 2 is now the only skill that gives any support. Tbh thats not what i call a support weapon but since its the only weapon on engi that gives any kind of boons to the teammates, it is the best support weapon engi has, but only because its the only one.
And because that was not enough, they nerfed confusion for the sake of mesmer, which made mace 100% useless if you want to use it as a condi weapon because confusion is trash now.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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3 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

Mace / shield provides a lot of support through boons and barrier so…. If shortbow is a support weapon it will need to provide vigor/regen/protection and also have leap/blast finishers or scrapper can’t even use it.  

Scrapper will get area protection on 28th november.

But yeah the blast and leap finisher part would be kinda difficult to manage. I can only imagine a blast finisher on one of those "essences", but we dont know how many skills will get one or if even any skill will get one, but i m actually kinda sure it will because if both of the skills they wrote about in the text give boons, then its most likely to be used as a support weapon.
Also both of the skills they mentioned dont give any condis so it will probably be support because no condis and i doubt they give us a 4th power weapon.

And if they want it to fill the support role, then it needs blast or leap finishers, so I believe it will get at least 1 blast finisher, but since we dont know the cooldowns yet, idk if it will be enough.

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I think the chain effect is a really cool design, I don't think it's underwhelming at all. In fact, this and ele's pistol are probably the best in terms of design coherence and specificity. Warrior staff design is very dull on the other hand. 

But see how many supportive weapons we get in this preview, 5 out of 7, for now. I can under stand mesmer and warrior, since they didn't have any healing weapons at all, but it is a little bit questionable for the others.

I am really curious about necro now, because necro is also a class need healing weapon. DON'T TELL ME DUO SWORDS ARE FOR HEALERS!!!

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Honestly i love engi because of kitswapping and i like professions with tons of skills but pistols are so terrible, i waited so long for another good condi option and the day they gave us one, they nerfed it a few months later and didnt buff it back up.
And shortbow will be support, so tbh if mace gets no condi buff before shortbow releases i will probably collect gold and invest that in another class instead of my years old engi.

I really dont know what they were thinking. They wanted to fill the empty slot but they gave ele a 3rd condi weapon and ele still has no ranged power while the condi build for condi weaver is currently scepter, so they now have 2 ranged condi and no proper ranged power.
Engi gets 2 support weapons in expansions in a row while condi engi runs double pistols since kittening release.

That just makes no sense at all to me.
They really think we love glue shot so much that we want to "stick" with it forever right?

Edited by SeTect.5918
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2 minutes ago, Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:

.. also why is the animation the same as DH LB5 on an asura?
dont tell me you're making every single arrow root you in place while casting?

Didnt think about that... if 4/5 skill root you in place its gonna feal so awefull, it gonna feal like mortar but clunkier... guess thats something new..? 😞

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5 minutes ago, Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:

.. also why is the animation the same as DH LB5 on an asura?
dont tell me you're making every single arrow root you in place while casting?

This is what I'm the most worried about. They had the same thing on Mesmer rifle 2 skill. Rooting animation always feel really bad in this game.

I actually really like the concept of this new shortbow! But I'm really concerned about a weapon that has 4 skills that root you in place. Make the 2-5 skills usable on the move, and I think this could be a really cool weapon!

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Also just noticed that from the video it looks like a 1+ second delay after detonation command before it actually goes off. Hopefully that was just the auto-timer thing and the commanded detonation is instant. Otherwise this weapon could feel really clunky. That would be a shame because again I think it is a super cool concept!

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I wasn't hoping for much so I'm not disappointed, and won't expand on what we could have gotten instead. Maybe when they'll give us real non-support weapons in another year or so 🤷‍♂️

On a pure support PoV, since it is what it is, it will have to wait for the beta to see what the skills really cover - damage, cd, casting time, duration, movement cancel ? combo finisher ? what are the other boons ? are "essences" likened to elixirs trait-wise or not ? etc..

At worst it will help those poor zergs always in need of more boons 😂


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15 hours ago, Zzik.5873 said:

How can you range support on engi, scrapper has no range support, mech does not work at range. Also people complain because it look to play excatly like grenade kit and mortar... We dont need more support stuff, we already have mace+shield + elixir gun + med kit... If you dont play engi thats fine, but as someone who main engi since 8 years. This weapons as no space to exist, I dont need to try it to see how its gonna play... The trailer said it all...

PS. Anet gonna force it by nerfing mace and shield, or nerfing support kit 😛

Anet doesn't need to nerf mace because mace already sucks. Shortbow looks underwhelming sure, but it's already more interesting than nades due to the chain reaction mechanic. Its a couple steps beyond mindless nade spam already. It should play way more like necro staff, which is atleast twice as engaging as nades. If there are lets say 5 different chain reaction combos, that will be pretty cool.

Support engi needed a ranged support weapon, so I'm excited to atleast try it out. Playing X/shield on support engi feels awful in sPvP. Hammer is currently the best support weapon for PvP, which is a huge testament for a needed support weapon. This fills that niche. I'd rather have mesmer rifle on engi, but I'm playtesting shortbow none the less. 

I forgot to mention that shortbow also has Lingering effects. This is pretty cool cause it provides ranged zone control, which is pretty good for sPvP and probably WvW. 

I don't care how long you have played engi. I've played it since day 1 release. 

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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1 hour ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Honestly i love engi because of kitswapping and i like professions with tons of skills but pistols are so terrible, i waited so long for another good condi option and the day they gave us one, they nerfed it a few months later and didnt buff it back up.
And shortbow will be support, so tbh if mace gets no condi buff before shortbow releases i will probably collect gold and invest that in another class instead of my years old engi.

I really dont know what they were thinking. They wanted to fill the empty slot but they gave ele a 3rd condi weapon and ele still has no ranged power while the condi build for condi weaver is currently scepter, so they now have 2 ranged condi and no proper ranged power.
Engi gets 2 support weapons in expansions in a row while condi engi runs double pistols since kittening release.

That just makes no sense at all to me.
They really think we love glue shot so much that we want to "stick" with it forever right?

Scepter IS a power weapon on ele. Every single attunement does high power damage with it. Only fire and earth provide damaging condis on scepter. Its clearly intended for power. Pistol looks like it will deal condi damage in all attunements. Scepter synergizes with Fresh Air builds more than any other ele weapon. To say Scepter is a condi weapon is major cope. 

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