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Changes to Cakes Feast Behaviour


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Up until today, I regarded them as a bug, despite rumors, but it turned out the changes were really intentional. Ok, so it was intentional. But why? Was this feature really so widely requested?

Why shouldn't I be able to overwrite my nourishment buff with cakes? If my current buff has the remaining duration considerably shorter than the upcoming fight it only makes sense for me to overwrite it, even if only with cakes. Why is my resulting inconvenience so less important than one of a person pressing Eat button at the wrong feast, that it warrants an implementation of a unique feature on one single feast in the entire game and one that breaks behavioural consistency of feasts?

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A segment of the GW2 community seem to hate Birthday Cakes with a passion. Guessing they're a small, vocal, perhaps even elitist minority? The issue they seem to have is how it can override the meta ascended food they're currently using.

While they'll say things like I don't want to see Birthday Cakes, they're trash, or we'd be better off without food. The stats they provide are actually quite good. Almost as good as Oster Soup (Ascended Hybrid / All-Attributes Food). This sentiment seems more prevalent in the Raiding community, never came across it until I started raiding, but heard it quite often in raid groups.

The only time I've had issue with food on the ground was when I was trying to resurrect someone, only to pickup food instead. It's honestly been more of an issue with commanders laying down a feast of different types of ascended foods. Sometimes right where we end up fighting the boss.

Solution: Why not make it so you can only interact with food & utility items on the ground while out of combat?

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22 minutes ago, uberduber.7368 said:

A segment of the GW2 community seem to hate Birthday Cakes with a passion. Guessing they're a small, vocal, perhaps even elitist minority? The issue they seem to have is how it can override the meta ascended food they're currently using.

While they'll say things like I don't want to see Birthday Cakes, they're trash, or we'd be better off without food. The stats they provide are actually quite good. Almost as good as Oster Soup (Ascended Hybrid / All-Attributes Food). This sentiment seems more prevalent in the Raiding community, never came across it until I started raiding, but heard it quite often in raid groups.

The only time I've had issue with food on the ground was when I was trying to resurrect someone, only to pickup food instead. It's honestly been more of an issue with commanders laying down a feast of different types of ascended foods. Sometimes right where we end up fighting the boss.

Solution: Why not make it so you can only interact with food & utility items on the ground while out of combat?

I spent a long time getting my chef to 500, and have since really enjoyed being able to make and carry with me a ton of different ascended foods.  I am one of those people who at meta time will, whether I am the tag or not, put down a bunch of feasts for people since I enjoy helping.  The "ty for noms!" always start flying and people leave the cake platter in the dust.  I am also always mindful to place them somewhere I know the mobs don't spawn since one of my biggest pet peeves are food plates and/OR cakes, spinning in the middle of combat areas.

I like your idea.  I think it would be a lot more sensible to make them all not clickable during combat.  Throw in turtle mount ups while you are at it.  I have landed in an invisible turtle by mistake, more often than I care to count, since my remapped key binds for combat do include an F! 😆

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I don't know where else to put this, but I'm upset about the Cake change. 

OK I get some people couldn't figure out to click on the food they wanted and fell for "troll" cake.  Fine.  Fair enough.  Put an option in the menu to not let cake overwrite other foods for them.

I can't be the only player who uses characters for a variety of roles. If I'm healing and just ate ascended heal food, now i'm switching to a DPS role, I would like to eat cake to override this now useless food effect. Now I can't.  I'm stuck with useless stats for an hour.  Who didn't think this through?

Can you not punish everyone for a few people who were falling for the troll cakes?

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As a general rule, I've never been a fan of solutions like they gave. A guy puts not-so-nice things in his shoe 'one time' and walks on a plane, now everyone has to take their shoes off. In the NBA, someone gets a cut, and it's treated far differently from getting a cut in any other professional sport. I'm sure there are parents out there who have declared, "There will be not touching of anyone else, ever again!"

I know they don't want to develop anything, but it seems like they could just make a quick interface when you interact with something, to pop up and let you select what it is you'd like to interact with. Let it be toggled on and off by the player base, and allow a hot key to be assigned to that toggle, should some players need to flip it on and off on the fly. As everything you interact with must have some 'type' to it (bad guy, good guy, thing (thing subtype: food, ?, ??), you could add a setting for how granular you want it to be.

I've always wanted  something like this for:

1) When someone drops 37 banners all the the same spot. (F, Hero, F, Spirit, F, etc)

2) Fun boxes and old-timey-airplane box. (I would like to open the chest please)

3) I want to hit F and pick the guy that will take me to Dragonstorm (and not have to cycle through 40 friendly targets using my elected shortcut of Ctrl-Tab to cycle through 'friendlies') "Dang, went buy it...Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Tab...) <- added an ellipses in there to drive that person that hates ellipses crazy.

4) Other... <- ! 

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15 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Solution: Right click on food effect. Click dismiss. Food effect gone and you're free to eat another food. (Not currently implemented)

Years ago, I was really surprised you can't voluntarily dismiss buffs on your character. This would be a relatively straight forward solution.

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2 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Solution: Right click on food effect. Click dismiss. Food effect gone and you're free to eat another food. (Not currently implemented)

And then copy this feature to finally allow us berserkers to voluntarily dismiss our berserker stance... 🤩

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On 11/29/2023 at 10:29 AM, uberduber.7368 said:

A segment of the GW2 community seem to hate Birthday Cakes with a passion. Guessing they're a small, vocal, perhaps even elitist minority? The issue they seem to have is how it can override the meta ascended food they're currently using.

While they'll say things like I don't want to see Birthday Cakes, they're trash, or we'd be better off without food. The stats they provide are actually quite good. Almost as good as Oster Soup (Ascended Hybrid / All-Attributes Food). This sentiment seems more prevalent in the Raiding community, never came across it until I started raiding, but heard it quite often in raid groups.

The only time I've had issue with food on the ground was when I was trying to resurrect someone, only to pickup food instead. It's honestly been more of an issue with commanders laying down a feast of different types of ascended foods. Sometimes right where we end up fighting the boss.

Solution: Why not make it so you can only interact with food & utility items on the ground while out of combat?

NO, sometime, I need to run into enemy territory to eat ground food. If I  have to be out of combat, I cannot do that.

I think it is "fix" because people are spamming ground cake. They are everywhere! Sometimes people drop it next to ascended food. not sure what their purpose is. but i think that is probably why they were fix.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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Whatever you do, please let me keep my ascended food buff, and be able to eat it with or without combat. Now for the sake of comparison...

Ascended food:

  (1 h): -10% Incoming Damage
+45 to All Attributes
+10% Karma
+5% All Experience Gained
+20% Magic Find
+20% Gold Find
+10% WXP Gained

The cake:

  (30 m): +40 to All Attributes
+10% Karma
+15% Magic Find
+15% Experience from Kills

Thoughts on possible solutions:
Writing an exception in code to prevent ascended food from being overwritten by anything but ascended food wouldn't be a solution as is since you might want to be able to do that if you're like >10 mins left with buff...

Pop-up asking the player to confirm eating could be bothersome too. But it might be one solution?
So, if you have no food buff, you get no pop-up making you confirm if you want to eat or not.
But if you do have food buff, you'd get the pop-up and you'd have to confirm to let the buff overwrite your current one. And if you move, it would go away so it's not stuck on your screen in the heat of meta.
What do you think of that?

Edited by Pockethole.5031
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Here's an idea, more of a dream really.

What if applying a food or utility buff didn't simply override your existing buff. Say you're doing raids and you're swapping between condi/power dps, maybe even between healing/tanking/dps, depending on the encounter. Currently feels wasteful to switch these from encounter to encounter. What if consuming different foods/utilities would store them. And allow you to switch between them.

More effort to implement. An idea for a future mastery perhaps?

 Petition to end food waste. 🍽️

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1 hour ago, uberduber.7368 said:

Here's an idea, more of a dream really.

What if applying a food or utility buff didn't simply override your existing buff. Say you're doing raids and you're swapping between condi/power dps, maybe even between healing/tanking/dps, depending on the encounter. Currently feels wasteful to switch these from encounter to encounter. What if consuming different foods/utilities would store them. And allow you to switch between them.

More effort to implement. An idea for a future mastery perhaps?

 Petition to end food waste. 🍽️

Just make more characters 1 for dps, cdps, tank etc.

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I’ve thought this was a bug…. This is intentional are you F’n kidding me???  

The biggest issue is that I can’t even refresh my cake when I have the malnourished debuff…. Like I guess it’s fine if I can’t refresh my cake buff early, but why the H can’t I eat my cake during the time I have no food buff but I have the purple ‘reminder to eat’ buff?

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3 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

The biggest issue is that I can’t even refresh my cake when I have the malnourished debuff…. Like I guess it’s fine if I can’t refresh my cake buff early, but why the H can’t I eat my cake during the time I have no food buff but I have the purple ‘reminder to eat’ buff?

You can, you're late with this particular complaint.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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While I think this change is one of the best they've implemented in a long time I guess a better way to do it would have interacting with feasts cause a popup with a preview of what it gives and a Y/N selection. Then you won't accidentally lose your real food for cake and you can see what a food gives in case you think it might be better than something you already have. 

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