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Disable Emotes in WVW

Glass Hand.7306

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2 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Ah long ago There was once a time I dawned my marriner's horn and would play taps over my defeated foes and promptly salute them. If the battles were well fought and on the verge of Legendary status I would dawn the defeated foe with a marker of siege to let all know that a glorious battle had once occured there. But I've  changed.  https://youtu.be/HyytJyAHDJI?si=rasBMF0c7G2T0byF


Prototypedragon, you have my Gratitude

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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on the merits of this topic, as has already been said, and I want to reiterate it, we are talking about a game. a great game I would say. and if you are passionate about wvw and pvp the truth is that go online and you will have fun like crazy doing and undergoing all these things. Precisely because it is a game, as long as you enjoy it, it means that you are in the right place in the right way.

otherwise, if it's no longer fun, for any reason you get bored or worse, you're disturbed by these things, it's better to change the game and find your own fun again. the golden rule in games is only 1: have fun.✌️

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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22 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

I found this article in Learning Works For Kids website [...]

Kids' personalities are still being formed, but what you posted doesn't necessarily apply to adults. 😉 As an adult, your personality, including your self-esteem, has already been formed -- and if you have had a healthy personality development during your childhood, you should have enough self-esteem to not get triggered by silly in-game taunts. Also, as an adult you possess the capability to reprogram your low self-esteem to allow it to reach a healthy level (e.g., through therapy).

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8 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Kids' personalities are still being formed, but what you posted doesn't necessarily apply to adults. 😉 As an adult, your personality, including your self-esteem, has already been formed -- and if you have had a healthy personality development during your childhood, you should have enough self-esteem to not get triggered by silly in-game taunts. Also, as an adult you possess the capability to reprogram your low self-esteem to allow it to reach a healthy level (e.g., through therapy).

The Learning Works for Kids game info link that was posted is meant for parents of children with learning and executive function disabilities.  These disabilities left undiagnosed and untreated can be a source of various negative automatic/reactive thinking patterns and other cognitive distortions.

I suspect that Burnfall didn't truly understand what he was linking.  It's not a site advertising the game for kids as he represented.  It's a site that's educating parents on how to use the game to help their neuro-divergent child learn how to deal with things like feeling bad because someone emoted in a video game.  It's probably used in conjunction with CBT or another type of psychotherapy.  It appears that you need to sign up for a membership to access further "how to use" information.

Most 13 year olds don't need specific help with these sorts of things while at the same time neuro-divergent adults who may have gone undiagnosed probably do.

"As with any game played with others, Guild Wars 2 offers many opportunities for thinking about one’s own choices and thought processes and attempting to understand the points of view and preferences of others.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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On 12/18/2023 at 3:52 PM, Burnfall.9573 said:


Burn, I am part of [OLD]. We have players with kids, and grand kids. We have players that have been in 3 wars that the USA has been in. Gaming is not an issue in behavior, its a matter of what the parents pass to the kids. What they learned and passed on. If games are encouraging kids to have bad behaviors, that is a parental issue.  Most older gamers I know call out their kids when they are being a kitten in game and when their kids call out that they were taunted have heard the parents say, so show me your wounds. I agree younger players may feel more about situations they have not faced, but that is a teaching options for parents. This game overall is quite mild and if anything provides parents more options to teach their kids on what to ignore and what to pay attention to.

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9 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

The Learning Works for Kids game info link that was posted is meant for parents of children with learning and executive function disabilities.

I admit I should have read the whole post, but I was so flabbergasted at someone posting something on how to educate children and form their psyche that I had to get straight to the matter. 😄 Seriously, this topic has taken a weird detour. 😉

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where there are emotes and pvp there is taunting. (Fortnite, smash bros, Rocket league, even Minecraft (added emotes not to long ago and you could already do pvp) and others)

You can get rid of the pvp and no one likes you.

You get rid of the emotes and no one will give you money.

Getting rid of the taunting is for the person to decide.

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First of all, I find it Insulting that some accusing me of creating a narritive to make a case. I know exactly what articles I post and have vigourously done my research and homework.

My post wasn't targeting children including individuals with ADHD, it was targeting the negative emotional pyschological impact of Taunting. 

Next time instead of calling someone out pubicly on the forum, Send a personal message to clarify things especially when it comes to sensitive matters like children with ADHD etc.. 

I Am Not Posting This Serious Matter For My Personal Amusement nor "creating my own psychological narrative" or for my personal Agenda. Taunting is Toxic 


"Is your child disorganized, unfocused, forgetful, or not reaching their full potential? Are they diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, or a Learning Disability? They may be struggling with their executive function skills. Take our comprehensive, free assessment by clicking below!"

Help your child succeed!



Two Questions are being asked, "Is  and Are" There is nowhere that makes claims that every children who are struggling have ADHD. Even adults struggle with being unfocused, forgetful, anxiety, depression, stress and not able to reach their full potential. 


I will leave with this article



"Taunting is a textbook tactic for bullies. It cannot be disguised under playful behaviour or a litmus test to examine someone’s sense of humour. It is damaging to psychological wellbeing and cannot be folded under ‘light teasing’ – it is a cruel tactic and its only purpose is to only harm someone else.

Taunting is a choice to subject someone to emotional and mental violence out of contempt and disrespect. It is demeaning and it is a one-sided action. There is no guarantee that one will be able to defend themselves against people who are taunting them. Taunting is a display of power to grant oneself a superior position in whatever space that they are in. It is also a tactic to control someone’s behaviour by wearing them out.

Direct, provocative commentary to hurt people can be disguised as light-hearted joking. Except, there’s nothing funny about it. When it comes to a competitive arena such as sports and workplace goal fulfilment, taunting has been normalised as a ‘part of competition’. Taunting will not motivate our colleagues or team members to do better. They will be alienated."


Taunting harms another person’s self-esteem and confidence. It is damaging to workplace performance when you tear someone down for the heck of it. In previous workplaces and during college, I was subject to years of fat-shaming or being rundown for the way I dress. I did not find an iota of that funny – it only made me feel terrible about myself and I convinced myself that I was frumpy and ugly. The only way I got over it was by frequently reminding myself that these people were taunting me to hide their own insecurities and complexes.

To conclude, taunting someone is subjecting them to systematic violence. Acknowledge that sometimes words can leave behind deeper emotional/mental scars than physical wounds. Let us address it for what it is – it’s bullying. While we are at it, let us also take a moment to call out someone if they are taunting another person. If it has happened to you, you know how terrible it feels – so take a moment to prevent someone from going through the same phase where they feel bad about themselves. The repercussions of taunting are such where the phase of feeling worthless can translate into a permanent pattern."


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If I couldn't /laugh at all the ppls who run from fights as if there's something to lose by losing I'm not sure I'd have any reason left to play the mode . . .

Not sure the purpose of taunting someone in downstate tho, they're likely already mapped out waiting for wp . . .

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You know people have way too much time on their hands with nothing to worry about in life when their main problem is people emoting in a video game.

I can't imagine the reaction of anyone complaining about emotes or forum reactions being "offensive" trying out pretty much any other game. 10 years ago getting tbagged was the least of the things that could happen when someone killed you and now there are complaints about forum icons hurting feelings... Seriously.

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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

it was targeting the negative emotional pyschological impact of Taunting.

So I did get your post right, then. Well, I stand by my statement that comparing the psychological effect of taunting on children with that of grown-ups being taunted in WvW is downright ridiculous (and that one needs therapy if one's self-esteem as a grown-up is that low).

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57 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

accusing me of creating a narritive to make a case

Attacking the supporting evidence of your assertion is not accusatory against you personally.  You presented one link highly out of context and pasted text in from another that wasn't even written by any professional.

59 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

My post wasn't targeting children including individuals with ADHD, it was targeting the negative emotional pyschological impact of Taunting.

And your links did not support it.  You make a giant leap of logic between the impact that taunting can have and a video game.  None of your links talk at all about the effects of video games or their use in therapy despite there being many studies available.  It looks like cherry-picking your sources.

1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Next time instead of calling someone out pubicly on the forum, Send a personal message to clarify things especially when it comes to sensitive matters like children with ADHD etc..

No, because I believe readers deserve to read clarifying information especially when it comes to matters like ADHD, a condition where people still have to fight against all the public myths about the disability.   And as a parent with personal experience in this matter, I'm in a position to share on that subject.

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3 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

No, because I believe readers deserve to read clarifying information especially when it comes to matters like ADHD, a condition where people still have to fight against all the public myths about the disability.   And as a parent with personal experience in this matter, I'm in a position to share on that subject.

I'm sure burnfall is in good faith. and we can all agree that we are not all the same. Fragile people exist and must work harder than others to overcome their difficulties (physical or mental) . because life is made up of difficulties to face, accept, sometimes overcome and other times endure etc etc.

the wrong part of all this reasoning here, is the context. because we are in a video game here. Here you just have to have fun. because here you have the power to choose, to change, because here you are the one who decides everything. while in real life it's a completely different story. if by chance you are a person who is too fragile/sensitive to tolerate that another player was more skilled or luckier, you always have the possibility to choose.

change guild, change server, you don't even have to change game if you're passionate about gw2, just move on to the pve part and you've overcome any type of comparison that makes you uncomfortable.

my personal wish and wish for burnfall is that you can really enjoy yourself in gw2. because I assure you that there are every possibilities to do so.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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4 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

First of all, I find it Insulting that some accusing me of creating a narritive to make a case.

Not quite. You're being accused of failing to make your oft-repeated case on its own merits: that the game/community is toxic (with your most vigorous complaints usually being reserved for stealthed Thieves).

In this particular instance you have chosen the rhetorical tactic of hiding behind children, in a transparent attempt to hijack the thread, change the subject and put others on the defensive, thus hoping to short-circuit any debate in your favor. It's both a red herring and a non sequitur; were they having a 2-for-1 sale at the fallacy store?

If a video game animation offends you so much, and the game is so toxic to you, feel free to leave.

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I feel like we all have to have some understanding.

It is very easy to be judgemental. You see a player that has complained about various issues for the last 10 years. It seems like literally everything kills them. In fact, it'd be hard to list anything that doesn't kill them. Imagine you walk out of Queensdale for a chill walk and come across a neutral moa for some easy loot  but the moa suddenly glows red eyes and starts pecking the kitten out of you. You try to hit it back but it is so tanky that it is probably cheating or something and despite your best effort, you see the "You are defeated" message for the 600th time this day. 

Then someone walks near you and asks "how did you die?". Now if you were actually adept at the game you'd just laugh and brush it off, but it only serves as yet another reminder of the most recent L the game gave you. You would just feel the game itself is bullying you, and even playful emotes suddenly grow fangs and cele gear.

Of course, you may think this is absurd and you would be right.  But perhaps you learned from your mistakes and took that for granted. Not everyone does that. And yes, it's their fault, but then again what we should really do is look at the fact they have persevered for nearly a decade when they probably should have picked up something else to do.

Is it smart? No. Is it reasonable? No. Does I have a point?  Probably not. But whether you think this is some form of tenacity in the form of hardship, or plain old gaming addition, one should at least attempt to frame it in a way that assumes the best from others.

Actually I can't. But I tried!

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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