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Considering some of the CS people have definitely been telling people, who were reported, who reported them? This would be nice lol

Maybe this is phrased in a confusing way because the English language sucks and I suck at English:

I report player -> Support investigates player -> Support tells player who reported them -> I get harassing whispers from the reported player across 3 of his accounts, even though he had 0 other way to know it was me.

So, yes, it would be nice for Support to go "Hey, we banned this potato, thanks, bye" to me rather than going "LMAO, bruh, this random reported you."

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
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I have never have reported that much people that i actually care.. 

Because it doesnt effect my gameplay at all. And if it does I will be away from the person within 10 to 30 min and forgot they even existed in the first place at all within the hour.

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44 minutes ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

Actually contribute to the discussion.  That offers absolutely no critique, whatsoever.  That's just pure gainsaying without any rationale.

Note that you did not provide any supporting rationale for your claim. Don't you think it is a bit odd to hold others to a standard that you are not willing to meet?

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47 minutes ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

Actually contribute to the discussion.  That offers absolutely no critique, whatsoever.  That's just pure gainsaying without any rationale.

They did contribute. It is a terrible idea. The real issue here is that people fixate on a discipline system in a game. Just report and move on. Your role goes no further than that and shouldn't. We pay to play, not to participate in game administration issues.

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The Support Team will not discuss the outcome of any player report. Each report is investigated by a Game Master, who will take the appropriate action if the report can be substantiated. The lack of a response does not mean there was no penalty for their behavior


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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Once...only once. 

that was something anet should also never do again. with social media and doxing nowadays it becomes online bullying fast or at least at risk of

Edited by Balsa.3951
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7 hours ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

It is when people are engaging in direct harassment, ruining other people's ranked matches, etc.  It is.

When there is no longer harassment, then something has occurred.  No need to contact the reporter. 

When it continues, it usually means the reporter engaged in the back and forth, which nullifies any report of ToS infraction(s).

In other words, block, report, and move on. 

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I love that "actioned" is just part of common parlance now. No, wait, i hate it even more.

Why not "mastered"? Surely a GM should have a stack of reports that need mastering, not "actioning".

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This would only encourage busy-bodies to patrol the maps looking for people to report.  They would walk up and hear phrases out of context and report players for no reason.  For every thorough detective, there would be a dozen terrible detecives who would report first and then ask questions later.   There would be bullies citing the terms of service as they harass players who had been having a regular conversation.  "If you don't stop right now I'm gonna report you!  Anet listens to me! I have gotten ten other people banned!"  Then you'll get rumors about GM's having "player deputies" and other harmful nonsense.

You aren't supposed to get satisfaction out of reporting players.  The report function is to inform the GMs about harmful conduct. 

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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13 hours ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

IT is not a violation of another user's privacy to know whether they have been suspended or not.  It really isn't

Then it also isn't a violation of your privacy, when each player you report get a notification that you reported them, right?
When it's okay that you know when a player got banned due to your report, then it's also okay that the banned player knows that you reported them.

Equal rights for all, right? 😉

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Support wouldn't want to confirm any bans because it's a waste of their time. If you contact them with clear evidence, it's not like they just ban the person, they queue up an investigation.

If they were going to do something, they would automate it like other modern games, where anyone who reported X would get a simple message that you were helpful. The reason to do this is to encourage reporting by showing they actually take action. This however inevitably turns into a reward system to encourage reporting and results in fully automated bans.


Edited by Healix.5819
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17 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

I love that "actioned" is just part of common parlance now. No, wait, i hate it even more.

Why not "mastered"? Surely a GM should have a stack of reports that need mastering, not "actioning".

I'm sure if we workshop that, we can architect a better messaging strategy.

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On 1/4/2024 at 4:50 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Why?  Why is it any other player's business? 

There are a few people I'd love to have confirmation on them getting removed or actioned due to pasta harassment and witchhunting, but, honestly, if you don't see t hem for a couple months, that's probably what happened anyways.

So I don't really see a reason for GMs to say if a report goes through.  Maybe for botting, however, because Bots aren't people.

Edited by Epsilon Indi.2031
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