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Update on Legendary Relic when?

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4 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

when u check the achievements it has ? as to the items youre missing from the collection, and the page that you linked clearly shows sentences like this "The roadmap says that Tier 1 legendary armor is coming in the 2nd patch and that the map will be "completed" in the 3rd patch. The gift might be obtainable before the map is complete." as well as "This page contains information about a Guild Wars 2 element, mechanic, or feature which is still in development.
The information on this page is subject to change prior to release."

So we dont know really for sure until its fully released, and since its not released its subject to change, potentially radical change, so again we dont really know,which was my point, which means its not nonsense.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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5 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

when u check the achievements it has ? as to the items youre missing from the collection, and the page that you linked clearly shows sentences like this "The roadmap says that Tier 1 legendary armor is coming in the 2nd patch and that the map will be "completed" in the 3rd patch. The gift might be obtainable before the map is complete." as well as "This page contains information about a Guild Wars 2 element, mechanic, or feature which is still in development.
The information on this page is subject to change prior to release."

So we dont know really for sure until its fully released, and since its not released its subject to change, potentially radical change, so again we dont really know,which was my point, which means its not nonsense.

Yeah, we don’t know for sure until it is released but we already know most of the components and can work towards the legendary armor.
 So saying “we still pretty much have no idea how to get it” is simply wrong and not true. It stays nonsense. 

Edited by vares.8457
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Just now, vares.8457 said:

Yeah, we don’t know for sure until it is released but we already know most of the components and can work towards the legendary armor.
 So saying “we still pretty much have no idea how to get it” is simply wrong and not true. It stays nonsense. 

yah well what if they change it?  Or do something weird with it, especially if people complain and want it changed or dont like it as is prior to release.  I mean we can work towards it, but you cant get it lol.  I think its a terrible decision.

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16 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Sure, doesn't change what I said though.

Since when has "I need to know everything about something before it releases" become the baseline?

I mean in the end, you'll know ahead of time anyway due to datamining of game files. Still doesn't mean the developers owe you any info. 🤷‍♂️

It does change the context of what you said since it was a strawman as that was never even implied in my original post.

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2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I don't recall them ever saying that, only that we would get "significant progress" towards the related collection(s) if we possess all 6-7 Legendary Runes.

They also stated that we would know in advance what that recoup was.

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Step 1.) Look at Legendary Rune requirements
Step 2.) Look at Legendary Sigil requirements
Step 3.) Infer from that + all other Legendaries what is normally required for them and apply this to the Legendary Relic
Bonus Step: Prep some Kryptis Essences and Map Currencies just in case

You now have an extremely high likelihood of knowing what will be required and are just as likely to have everything at hand.


Giving out specific information right now would be absolutely insane because it'd make all associated items skyrocket in demand immediately, but we all have functioning brains and many examples to look at in order to get a good idea of what'll be needed.

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22 hours ago, Loctar.3987 said:

it's basically easy to deduce why we don't know. We don't know because Anet himself doesn't know either, they didn't expect such a backlash with relics. they thought they'd take away our sixth bonus like it was nothing, so people would reinvest gols or gems for something they'd already paid for once and everyone would be happy.


Sorry but not everybody backlashed relics , it's still in devellopment and while i understand everybody (me include) was kind of angry to get a nerf on the 6th rune slot , many ppl can say this kind of stuff will be for the greater good in the future.

The first set of relics are kind of meh , but you can already see nice interaction relics with the 2nd load , like the karakosa one who give healing whenever you blast combo , neither to speak about some spec who were obliged to run very weird rune composition (warrior berserker power playing thief runes only for the precision bonus and the +10% damage from hiting behind coupled with +100 condition damage who was useless...).

With this kind of stuff  we can run any stats runes we want and have the effect of the chosen relic , i personnaly use the speed relic on the healscourge whenever i see there is no speed covered in my sub , and that happens quite often , if not i change to more healing or rez faster with +30% hp .

We can expect (i hope) to have nice interaction relics , like giving aura to a player heals him, they can even add specific relics for a direct class , like fantasm deal more damage and split into two clones instead of 1 for mesmer only , necro shroud skills costing less life force or dimishing the drain each second by 25%, elementalist triggering a spell whenever he change an attunement , warrior adrenaline/flux charge up 20% faster and have less loss out of combat , pet being more effective and soulbeast bonus pet fusion increased by x % for ranger , revenant less energy cost for skills by x % for each maintenace point active , engi giving more boons when blasting combo , thief having more damage when hiting with a stealth ambush skill , symbol from guardians giving boons to allys or appying condition to enemies. The possibility are infinite , i just hope anet make  good ones and not boring ones like thief relic.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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3 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Really? Cause I had it in 2023, it got removed and I'm still waiting for it to be re-added, even hoping for scraps of information on it. 2024 gaming culture alright, being annoyed with the studio not stating anything whatsoever about the n-th mess they've produced.

And you know what I'll be doing after I craft it, hopefully day 1? Craft what I was planning to craft next before the studio decided to add another item slot. Woah, so 2024 man, really 2024.

Pretty much this.

Getting compensated for something taken away from you after you already paid for it is not a game's reward structure.

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1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Sorry but not everybody backlashed relics , it's still in devellopment and while i understand everybody (me include) was kind of angry to get a nerf on the 6th rune slot , many ppl can say this kind of stuff will be for the greater good in the future.

The first set of relics are kind of meh , but you can already see nice interaction relics with the 2nd load , like the karakosa one who give healing whenever you blast combo , neither to speak about some spec who were obliged to run very weird rune composition (warrior berserker power playing thief runes only for the precision bonus and the +10% damage from hiting behind coupled with +100 condition damage who was useless...).

With this kind of stuff  we can run any stats runes we want and have the effect of the chosen relic , i personnaly use the speed relic on the healscourge whenever i see there is no speed covered in my sub , and that happens quite often , if not i change to more healing or rez faster with +30% hp .

We can expect (i hope) to have nice interaction relics , like giving aura to a player heals him, they can even add specific relics for a direct class , like fantasm deal more damage and split into two clones instead of 1 for mesmer only , necro shroud skills costing less life force or dimishing the drain each second by 25%, elementalist triggering a spell whenever he change an attunement , warrior adrenaline/flux charge up 20% faster and have less loss out of combat , pet being more effective and soulbeast bonus pet fusion increased by x % for ranger , revenant less energy cost for skills by x % for each maintenace point active , engi giving more boons when blasting combo , thief having more damage when hiting with a stealth ambush skill , symbol from guardians giving boons to allys or appying condition to enemies. The possibility are infinite , i just hope anet make  good ones and not boring ones like thief relic.

Yes, I basically agree with you. But don't anyone get mad at me, this just isn't finished. They're not gonna take away people's working mechanics to replace them with something that'll be good in six months or a year. What kind of nonsense is that? If I don't have it done, I'm working on it, and when I'm done I'll put it out. This is nonsense and although as you wrote yourself the new relic sets are already interesting there are still quite a few missing, I mean enough builds don't have replacements for what anet took away from them. 

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6 minutes ago, Loctar.3987 said:

Yes, I basically agree with you. But don't anyone get mad at me, this just isn't finished. They're not gonna take away people's working mechanics to replace them with something that'll be good in six months or a year. What kind of nonsense is that? If I don't have it done, I'm working on it, and when I'm done I'll put it out. This is nonsense and although as you wrote yourself the new relic sets are already interesting there are still quite a few missing, I mean enough builds don't have replacements for what anet took away from them. 

Don't worry i am not mad , just having my thouhts here , Anet knows that having chosen the horizontal progression ends up with a lot of ppl wondering why they are still playing because the reward is basically cosmetics , more ap , money , nothing that make you stringer .

Its' a 2x edge sword ppl will like it because they know they can pause the game and come back 1 year later , and their build will mostly still be fine or untouched , and on the other hand vet players who play hardcore are sometimes wondering why they do stuff in this game.

Anet made this decison with a bit of marketing in mind , while you have basic relics in vanilla , the most interesting ones are in soto , they want player to feel somewhat playing the game empowers them. Relics are an intersting thing and the fact they are only unlock at the end make up for new players to reach the max level , little bit like elite specs.

I think in 1-2 years we will all agree relics were bad designed at the start , but ended up being a really good addition to the game , i really hope.

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3 hours ago, NovaanVerdiano.6174 said:

Step 1.) Look at Legendary Rune requirements
Step 2.) Look at Legendary Sigil requirements
Step 3.) Infer from that + all other Legendaries what is normally required for them and apply this to the Legendary Relic
Bonus Step: Prep some Kryptis Essences and Map Currencies just in case

You now have an extremely high likelihood of knowing what will be required and are just as likely to have everything at hand.


Giving out specific information right now would be absolutely insane because it'd make all associated items skyrocket in demand immediately, but we all have functioning brains and many examples to look at in order to get a good idea of what'll be needed.

what's the difference of price skyrocket now or one day after anet release the information? 

honest question

reaction time is the same i imagine

personal note i don't care the mats just want back what anet took away from me

Edited by Balsa.3951
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My prediction on what it will require:

  • Gift of Craftsmanship
  • Gift of Condensed Might
  • Gift of Condensed Magic
  • Gift of Relics
    • Will require:
      • 15 Cases of Captured Lightning
      • 15 Pouches of Stardust
      • 15 Clots of Congealed Screams
      • 5000 Research Notes

If we're lucky those values on the Gift of Relics will be lower, but I suspect that Anet is going to Anet.

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2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

what's the difference of price skyrocket now or one day after anet release the information? 

honest question

reaction time is the same i imagine

personal note i don't care the mats just want back what anet took away from me

Reaction time isn't the same because they won't tell us on patch launch either; people will have to figure it out. They'll do so quickly, yes, but it matters. Patches launch at a specified time, a blog post can happen at "any moment", so to speak. If they say this now, people will begin to hoard excessively and buy up a ton of mats with the purpose of selling later; this being a two month thing is very different from having it happen when the patch launches.


Also, Anet hasn't "taken anything away from you", that's being overly dramatic. You still have your six rune bonuses as you had before, you now just so happen to have a new item that has (largely) new bonus effects. Mind you, I want my legendary relic too because I also find it bothersome to use a non-legendary one but it's really not that big of a deal.

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3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

My prediction on what it will require:

  • Gift of Craftsmanship
  • Gift of Condensed Might
  • Gift of Condensed Magic
  • Gift of Relics
    • Will require:
      • 15 Cases of Captured Lightning
      • 15 Pouches of Stardust
      • 15 Clots of Congealed Screams
      • 5000 Research Notes

If we're lucky those values on the Gift of Relics will be lower, but I suspect that Anet is going to Anet.

Thanks. I like that kind of specific prediction. Here's an added bit of speculation - Those who have 6 or 7 legendary runes already might be able to skip 2 or possibly all 3 of those first three gifts. While I would certainly like to know the details for sure now, it's really not that long till we find out.

EDIT: Hehe, I just checked and atm I have all the mats for the Gifts of Condensed Might and Magic, and can easily get the Provisioner Tokens for the Gift of Craftsmanship. It's just the predicted Gift of Relics that would give me pause. I only have 3 Captured Lightnings, 1 Pouch of Stardust, 3 Congealed Screams, and 4,600 Research Notes on hand right now. I hope my own prediction is wrong. It would be nice if having 7 legendary runes, which I do, meant you could skip the Gift of Relics. Sadly, it makes more sense to me that having all the legendary runes would enable you to skip only  the first three requirements. Ah well, this is all speculation. We'll know for sure next month.

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On 1/10/2024 at 4:06 PM, Omega.6801 said:

ANet has never given out recipes before release and I doubt they will start now. They don't owe us this information. Legendaries are long term goals where a few days more or less won't make a difference. You can still speculate though.

I know, that's why I made the legendary runes. Be nice to know ahead of time what I'm going to need to remake the thing I've already made. You know, the 6th rune set benefit that they ripped off runes and shoehorned into relics?

They've made a mess out of this from the start of this expansion. Be nice if they behaved a bit better as they try and sort it out. If for no other reason than to try and regain some of the trust they've lost.

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3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

My prediction on what it will require:

  • Gift of Relics
    • Will require:
      • 15 Cases of Captured Lightning
      • 15 Pouches of Stardust
      • 15 Clots of Congealed Screams
      • 5000 Research Notes

This prediction (which I think will be close to the final recipe, too) highlights the problem of "compensation for previously crafted Legendary Runes" and the difference between players owning SotO and those who don't.
Relics are kind of base game, so people not having bought SotO will be excluded from the full potential of Relics, when you include account bound map currencies into the recipe.
The way of compensating players who own 6 or 7 Legendary runes is still unclear and giving players (sticking with Lan's example) 2 of each item for each Legendary Rune could work (if it is code'able to hand out those items). That creates the follow up question whether future crafting of Legendary Runes will get you the legacy compensation, crafting will be cheaper or crafting will stay at the same material cost price.
Devs have created a ton of unnecessary problems with the creation of Relics and I don't think it was really worth that (especially in terms of balancing, because skill & profession balance is so off route in competitive gameplay and not addressed significantly for a long time).

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8 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

This prediction (which I think will be close to the final recipe, too) highlights the problem of "compensation for previously crafted Legendary Runes" and the difference between players owning SotO and those who don't.
Relics are kind of base game, so people not having bought SotO will be excluded from the full potential of Relics, when you include account bound map currencies into the recipe.
The way of compensating players who own 6 or 7 Legendary runes is still unclear and giving players (sticking with Lan's example) 2 of each item for each Legendary Rune could work (if it is code'able to hand out those items). That creates the follow up question whether future crafting of Legendary Runes will get you the legacy compensation, crafting will be cheaper or crafting will stay at the same material cost price.
Devs have created a ton of unnecessary problems with the creation of Relics and I don't think it was really worth that (especially in terms of balancing, because skill & profession balance is so off route in competitive gameplay and not addressed significantly for a long time).

Yeah, but their rollout and execution of the relics was not at all well thought out w.r.t. Legendary Rune holders to begin with. That the First three items are what they are will be given (Gifts of craftsmanship, Condensed Magic/Might). What I assume will be the Gift of Relics I can only see them locking behind SotO to fuel more sales.

For the 'compensation,' it could be anything. It could be any of the first three gifts, it could be the parts that make up the Gift of Relics. But watch this only be redeemable from Lyhr inside the Wizards Tower.

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I just hope wvw can get there own version. I kind of hope they make it so you must "charge" the legendary relic as well where you must at some point have the relic you want to switch to on your account something i wanted for all legendary.

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5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

My prediction on what it will require:

  • Gift of Craftsmanship
  • Gift of Condensed Might
  • Gift of Condensed Magic
  • Gift of Relics
    • Will require:
      • 15 Cases of Captured Lightning
      • 15 Pouches of Stardust
      • 15 Clots of Congealed Screams
      • 5000 Research Notes

If we're lucky those values on the Gift of Relics will be lower, but I suspect that Anet is going to Anet.

As someone else stated, I do wonder what will go into the theoretical Gift of Relics, and where or not the legendary rune compensation will play into that at all. It would be nice for people with 7 runes to not have to craft the Gift of Relics at all.

1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

I kind of hope they make it so you must "charge" the legendary relic as well where you must at some point have the relic you want to switch to on your account something i wanted for all legendary.

That's not how legendary items work. The whole point (or one of the major points anyways) of crafting legendaries is to not have to interact with the grind for new gear as it gets released.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

I just hope wvw can get there own version. I kind of hope they make it so you must "charge" the legendary relic as well where you must at some point have the relic you want to switch to on your account something i wanted for all legendary.

That isn't how legendaries work in this game...

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2 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

This prediction (which I think will be close to the final recipe, too) highlights the problem of "compensation for previously crafted Legendary Runes" and the difference between players owning SotO and those who don't.
Relics are kind of base game, so people not having bought SotO will be excluded from the full potential of Relics, when you include account bound map currencies into the recipe.
The way of compensating players who own 6 or 7 Legendary runes is still unclear and giving players (sticking with Lan's example) 2 of each item for each Legendary Rune could work (if it is code'able to hand out those items). That creates the follow up question whether future crafting of Legendary Runes will get you the legacy compensation, crafting will be cheaper or crafting will stay at the same material cost price.
Devs have created a ton of unnecessary problems with the creation of Relics and I don't think it was really worth that (especially in terms of balancing, because skill & profession balance is so off route in competitive gameplay and not addressed significantly for a long time).

I think they'll rule them out, they can use standard exo relics. It's the same example as the leg. accessory (vision,aurora), you are also forced to have maps of the new datadisks

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22 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That isn't how legendaries work in this game...

I am saying that how they should work its silly to just get every thing from one with out doing any added content. Legendary should be skins (that you can you move as well as effects) and storage space for your current account. Having the effects of updates day one with out doing any thing is a bit silly and takes away from having updates in the first place. (The un-legendary masses must play the game for the new effects gets a bit odd when the ppl who do have legendarys have no motivation to do new content.)

I want to see legendary food and enchantments as well that work like this and over all more different added effects from all of this even very noval effects that do not work well out side of very uniquet events.

Though i could see room for "fake legendaries" working like that but that maybe too much for anet to code in. We kind of of legendarie npc in wvw and i guess in pve that work like for relic but you must buy them over and over.

Edited by Jski.6180
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I haven't played since they announced Relics, and if they don't give me back the functionality I had before Relics, I doubt I'll ever play again. This is a serious breach of trust, and moves the goalposts on EVERYTHING.

Oh, so you think you've got a full set of Legendary trinkets?
Wait until they release new genital rings!

Full set of Legendary armour?
Just wait until they add socks!

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