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The World Restructuring is Fun and should be Permanent

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5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

We have no idea if players repping other guilds after affects things

I've been monitoring WvWIntel and there certainly are guilds not repping this week because they do not like where they were placed. For many reasons btw....

We need Worlds and choice to go where we want because they Dev's can never understand the interpersonal relationships, both positive and negative, that's formed over 11 years of WvW'ing. Some people should simply never be put on the same team. The Dev's proved how flawed their system will be by doing so in this beta. It's frankly arrogant to believe a couple stats on a spread sheet can build a World replacement.

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2 minutes ago, One more for the road.8950 said:


I don't know why anyone is surprised that there will be people who hate this? Either hating where they were placed, who they were placed with, or how thinned out their time zone may have become. 😂👍

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20 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

I don't know why anyone is surprised that there will be people who hate this? Either hating where they were placed, who they were placed with, or how thinned out their time zone may have become. 😂👍

Projecting much?
I have no idea what you mean with

47 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

I've been monitoring WvWIntel and there certainly are guilds not repping this week because they do not like where they were placed. For many reasons btw....

and why you would think it has anything to do with

6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

We have no idea if players repping other guilds after affects things--as we still have bugs where players are split off from the guild they chose to begin with. 

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The fun certainly depends on where people have been placed. As a returning player, it's a bit miserable. It's a Tower of Babel! Previous servers were largely set by languages on EU. Now, we got stuck on red with a commander that only uses chat in German. Great for German players, but not so much for the rest of us.

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On 1/18/2024 at 2:34 PM, hedix.1986 said:

The fun certainly depends on where people have been placed. As a returning player, it's a bit miserable. It's a Tower of Babel! Previous servers were largely set by languages on EU. Now, we got stuck on red with a commander that only uses chat in German. Great for German players, but not so much for the rest of us.

Yep, one of my accounts in the EU has two fairly big guilds, some German guild  alliance and a 25+ french guild,  so not much content to share around, during prime time.

Also 5 or so roaming guilds, who just end up on EBG usually. My Alt has a big German alliance, again with not much content for open tags, or even 20-35 person Guilds. Then you have the language barrier problem.

Stop spamming confused emoji's on everyone who doesn't enjoy the beta, whoever you are. It feels like Alliances/WR should of happened 6 years or so ago, when there was a more active playerbase, with more Guilds and even commanders.

Edited by RisingDawn.5796
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On 1/18/2024 at 7:46 AM, RisingDawn.5796 said:

It feels like Alliances/WR should of happened 6 years or so ago, when there was a more active playerbase with more Guilds and even commanders.

Hey better late than never. After a week or so I am still having fun and the folks I play with also like this beta. Btw we run fairly small (15-20 players) and fight outnumbered most of the time. Fights are still great win or lose.

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1 hour ago, aegris.3175 said:

awesome fun to sit hour+ in q  or fight 15 vs 50,because pve crabs is fit all map?XD dude (topic starter) you first year on wvw,isnt it?

Welcome to WvW! First time for you too? Hate to tell you that queues happen every other day and outnumbered fights… oh boy…

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In WvW, sometimes you're outnumbered, it's part of the game. You can mitigate by backcapping and slowing down enemy zergs with siege disablers and supply traps. I often like playing outnumbered because it creates an interesting challenge. It also means you're not feeding when you die so long as you don't get stomped.

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A system that reliably splits you up from the friends you like to play with...

In a mmo...

I can't think of a more backwards, poorly thought out idea.

I get trying to fix things.   But everything should take a back seat to the ability of being able to actually play with friends in a game genre that is entirely centered on the idea of being able to play with friends.   This beta/wvw deconstructionism system is going backwards, creating far worse problems than its attempting to resolve.

Its a terrible system and if this is implemented, many players will leave this game for good.  Myself included.

Edited by FrogBiscuit.6925
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You have to invite people to the same 'Community' Guild to play with friends, in this system without Alliances functionality, but the main problem is the distribution of players and Guilds, it's quite a mess.

No system can fix this problem, unless there's multi-layers of algorithm between size of guilds and players and guilds not in one big guild, an alliance or guild system and even a bigger more active population.

Edited by RisingDawn.5796
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2 hours ago, FrogBiscuit.6925 said:

A system that reliably splits you up from the friends you like to play with...

In a mmo...

I can't think of a more backwards, poorly thought out idea.

I get trying to fix things.   But everything should take a back seat to the ability of being able to actually play with friends in a game genre that is entirely centered on the idea of being able to play with friends.   This beta/wvw deconstructionism system is going backwards, creating far worse problems than its attempting to resolve.

Its a terrible system and if this is implemented, many players will leave this game for good.  Myself included.

WR has a way to being able to play with friends. It's called a guild. They're actually in quite many MMOs, under one name or another.

Many of those "friends" probably joined their own guild for WR and didnt give a charrs kitten about you.

Stopping the balancing on an entire game mode by using "friends" as shields sounds more like keeping hostages than having friends.

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23 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

WR has a way to being able to play with friends. It's called a guild. They're actually in quite many MMOs, under one name or another.

Many of those "friends" probably joined their own guild for WR and didnt give a charrs kitten about you.

Stopping the balancing on an entire game mode by using "friends" as shields sounds more like keeping hostages than having friends.

1. I have already taken actions to play with my friends.  It was called a server transfer which was accompanied by a price.  If this more unreliable system is released, can I get a refund on a service that is being made pointless?
2.  That isn't to say I had a problem paying for that service.  It reliably facilitated what I wanted from the game.
3. To the point above, the current system does NOT have a reliable method of playing with friends.  We had our guild marked and ready and we still got split up.  Many others are complaining about the very same thing.   Nor do all the people that I have enjoyed playing with share the same guild.   Its arbitrarily realigning people for minimal benefit at a much greater detriment.
4. Extra hurdles to play with friends of which I already took extra steps to achieve just that, even more so when those hurdles are incredibly unreliable and a crap shoot in the first place, are not a positive.  You want to restructure WvW in a meaningful way to solve the perceived problems at hand?  Fine.   I'd just suggest that your solutions doesn't leave the current system in a worse place that removes the very motivation to engage with it in the first place.

Most mmos destroy themselves with endless pursuit of 'balancing' in one way or another.   Its a ideal pursuit in some cases as completely lopsided games have their own problems.   But killing the drive to even take part of WvW isn't going to resolve WvW balancing problems.

Its hardly a case of using 'friends' as a shield.   I play this game with my friends.  When I don't have friends logged in, I don't find my self playing it.   This is hardly arbitrary.   I don't expect for everyone to play for the same reasons...   But I know for a fact that I am not alone in this position.

Its nice the new system works in ways you might like.   But that is no reason to casually dismiss how it negatively effects others.

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12 hours ago, FrogBiscuit.6925 said:

the current system does NOT have a reliable method of playing with friends

The beta before this one was pretty solid on this function while this one seems like something else broke.  It's been frustrating to see the step backwards, but the majority of players seem to have been placed on the correct teams.  Maybe my group of friends have been lucky, but through all these betas, it's been only 2-4 players in 2 different guilds I'm in that get placed on the wrong team.  Half the time it's because those players didn't meet the deadline or because they got confused between repping a guild and setting a guild.  For this latest beta though, it's been actual bugs.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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It was not fun this time around. The amount of times the map was full, but one team was always massively outnumbered was frustrating. There was little balance that I could see. Maybe this is the point but I have not enjoyed the beta this time around.

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I had fun, I could see an issue if you had a discord that hosts many players and using more than one guild not being able to join an alliance to all be in the same instance.

I feel like this is a guild management issue rather than a problem with the system.

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On 1/17/2024 at 11:05 AM, A Hamster.2580 said:

As someone who plays with an organized guild and uses discord for voice comm, I am having lots of fun with this beta. I feel there are way more epic fights than before.

I see some arguments against the beta in the forum here but they seem to be mostly from anti-social individuals that refuse to join guilds or discord but yet want to play with familiar faces. How do you even balance around that? After all, this is "Guild Wars 2" aka "War of the Guilds" aka "2 or more guilds duking it out". I think world restructuring is the best solution we have so far.

Another argument I see is "how unbalance the match up seems to be in this beta". Well duh. This is week 1. It should be mathematically impossible to have good balance on the very first week with no prior data to work with. It should take a few "WvW resets" to balance out the teams under this new system.

I suspect many Maguuma bandwagoners folks from NA or whatever the equivalent is from EU are unhappy and complaining here. Too bad so sad because that is precisely what World Restructuring aims to solve. No more omega stacking one server.


Please Anet let this go through.

I agree with this. Before the beta started I asked the guilds I was in if any of them were planning on setting the guild as their WvW guild to make sure I was in a guild that had an active WvW population, though I hadn't played much yet at the time I was interested in playing with my fellow guildies. However, very few guilds made any effort to coordinate or communicate that people needed to do this in order to keep playing WvW together or could be bothered setting their guild as the WvW guild. And after the beta went live so many of those same people complained endlessly they could no longer play with the other guild members they had previously played with. If you want to play with your friends, finding a guild together is really easy, there's just no reason why they couldn't have made the experience so much better for themselves.

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5 hours ago, spanky.4630 said:

new players without guilds will leave and wvw will lose players  that's all this beta boils down to 🙂 

Whats the reasoning though?

The main complaints seem to be from just unguilded people and unknowing “friends with benefits” over years and years that they don’t want leaving them. But new players wouldn’t know anyone. If the new method is “come join my guild and play with us!” would that be the first thing their new friends say?

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23 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Whats the reasoning though?

The main complaints seem to be from just unguilded people and unknowing “friends with benefits” over years and years that they don’t want leaving them. But new players wouldn’t know anyone. If the new method is “come join my guild and play with us!” would that be the first thing their new friends say?

Dawdler, wanna be frens with benefits? Im gonna carry you and let myself being carried by you.


All this crying is from people that was getting carried.

I was tilted by composition of our team, which is composed by ppt and pve players it seems, enemies somehow run with 50 man blobs and few dozen pug cloud, 3 hsc per sub, 24/7.

I was verh innactive, then we with few other players just started doing small scale, i had genuine fun, like genuine, even got in #10 lb of kills with no blobbing at all some matches, tmiss me with the blob stuff now, i cant go back.

People just need to be content they want to see and stop expecting to get rewarded for breathing.

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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