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I think this is unfair

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The resolution of screen truly effects the game. As a person who has 2550x1440 monitor, i can only see a little area with it.


But check this screenshot-> https://i.imgur.com/nZDGJR0.png 


If i had the Odyssey NEO (YT video)  that probably would give me the vision before the enemies..  I know it has not effect in open world or raids etc. But in WvW or PvP who uses this screen will see us even 3-5 seconds before which gives them ambush chance. What do you guys think about it? I think it's the most P2W thingy in this game 🙂


Edited by Heroic.6740
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  • Heroic.6740 changed the title to I think this is unfair
21 minutes ago, Heroic.6740 said:

The resolution of screen truly effects the game. As a person who has 2550x1440 monitor, i can only see a little area with it.

If i had the Odyssey NEO (YT video)  that probably would give me the vision before the enemies..  I know it has not effect in open world or raids etc. But in WvW or PvP who uses this screen will see us even 3-5 seconds before which gives them ambush chance. What do you guys think about it? I think it's the most P2W thingy in this game 🙂

those 3-5 seconds is quite the exaggeration but if you want to test how much of an advantage it is:
play window mode -> resize window to be only upper or lower half of your screen changing it from a 16:9 ratio to 32:9.

you will also see further to the side but not as much on the upper side of the screen.  this could lead you to pan your camera lower, thus seeing less of your back. either way you gain some and lose some.

back when arrowcarts in WvW were more generous in where they could hit, some people used this to hit any spot they wanted behind a wall.

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Have you tried changing the field of view setting in the options menu? I think by default it's set to about 50% and that will probably make a bigger difference than an ultra-wide monitor.

I suppose both together would allow you to see a bit more to either side, and maybe if an enemy was coming at you from the right angle it would allow you to see them a bit sooner than other people, but it needs such a specific set of circumstances I definitely wouldn't consider it pay to win.

Also if you really want an ultrawide monitor I recommend shopping around. They were a big thing a few years ago and there's a lot available (including second hand) and some are relatively cheap. I'm not sure how much this specific model is but it's far from the only option.

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28 minutes ago, Heroic.6740 said:

If i had the Odyssey NEO (YT video)  that probably would give me the vision before the enemies..  I know it has not effect in open world or raids etc. But in WvW or PvP who uses this screen will see us even 3-5 seconds before which gives them ambush chance. What do you guys think about it? I think it's the most P2W thingy in this game 🙂

If you think buying better hardware is the most P2W in this game, it really shows that this game has no P2W. 😄 

All in all you can't really blame a game for someone using a better hardware. So I don't think it's unfair or even P2W.
Hardware will always be different among players. Someone will have less FPS, someone will have a wider screen, I personally have an MMO mouse and can control everything aside from WASD and jump with my thumb.

You can't really design a game so that no hardware have any advantage.

As for your specific case, the game has an option that allows you to change the Field of View. You you need, you can increase your FoV with this option, even without a different screen.
And if your FoV is on max, I don't think the difference a wider screen makes will make any change.


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4 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

If you think buying better hardware is the most P2W in this game, it really shows that this game has no P2W. 😄 

All in all you can't really blame a game for someone using a better hardware. So I don't think it's unfair or even P2W.
Hardware will always be different among players. Someone will have less FPS, someone will have a wider screen, I personally have an MMO mouse and can control everything aside from WASD and jump with my thumb.

You can't really design a game so that no hardware have any advantage.

As for your specific case, the game has an option that allows you to change the Field of View. You you need, you can increase your FoV with this option, even without a different screen.
And if your FoV is on max, I don't think the difference a wider screen makes will make any change.


I searched the net and yep;

 even lol has that Hardware PW2 

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As someone who plays both with extra wide screen on my pc and a small screen laptop I do not find hardware to be considered a tactical advantage to other players.

If my reactions are slow/bad or I play terribly with a smaller screen a bigger screen ain't gonna make much of a difference.

Also bigger screen can be hard to concentrate outside of a certain radius of your character/skill bar. Maybe it's a disadvantage instead!

Edited by Dibit.6259
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2 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:


You can't really design a game so that no hardware have any advantage.



That doesn't mean you should give up altogether. You absolutely can by implementing the measures that render many of those advantages meaningless. For example, do not render enemies until they are within the visual cone all machines with the minimum specifications can see.

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Having better hardware improves your ability to play better in all game modes and anyone who plays mmos competitively will eventually invest in some shape or form of it if they have the money to spend.  The first time I ever bought a mechanical keyboard for example,  I was astonished at the difference it made for me.  I was in heaven and never looked back. 

Now I suppose there are the tin hat types who will argue that game developers specifically plan to build their games around the best available hardware to run them optimally, but short of that being maaaaybe the case for a some single player title (the Witcher series comes to mind...), I am fairly certain that MMO developers are not looking to create games that can only be optimized by the latest bells and whistles, since they want to make bank and sell to the widest audience as possible.   Game engines and features they use will be those which can be run on the lowest common denominator - meaning on average hardware, to assure access to most people is there.

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8 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

If you think buying better hardware is the most P2W in this game, it really shows that this game has no P2W. 😄 

All in all you can't really blame a game for someone using a better hardware. So I don't think it's unfair or even P2W.
Hardware will always be different among players. Someone will have less FPS, someone will have a wider screen, I personally have an MMO mouse and can control everything aside from WASD and jump with my thumb.

You can't really design a game so that no hardware have any advantage.

As for your specific case, the game has an option that allows you to change the Field of View. You you need, you can increase your FoV with this option, even without a different screen.
And if your FoV is on max, I don't think the difference a wider screen makes will make any change.


Exactly, the next step will be blaming connection.

"Guy X" has better connection than me, that's an unfair advantage. Anet do something about that!

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10 hours ago, Heroic.6740 said:

I know it has not effect in open world or raids etc. But in WvW or PvP who uses this screen will see us even 3-5 seconds before which gives them ambush chance. What do you guys think about it? I think it's the most P2W thingy in this game

P2w? How and exactly how do you pin point it to this game?

someone who runs on a outdated graphics card cause see fps issues, is that a p2w issue?

having a mouse with additional keybinds on it can be seen as a advantage is that p2w also?.

ownjng a monitor could also be a advantage? Do we also consider that p2w….

welcome to pc, the specs of a pc unlike consoles are not standardised, I.e come on a huge spectrum in terms of power, therefore people’s pcs in many many cases will never be equal.

people with better fps, better quality keyboards and mouse’s, higher refresh rates on monitors and more will by default have a advantage in any game, that’s not something that the games responsible for, that’s just how pcs work.

Edited by Puck.3697
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11 hours ago, Heroic.6740 said:

The resolution of screen truly effects the game. As a person who has 2550x1440 monitor, i can only see a little area with it.


But check this screenshot-> https://i.imgur.com/nZDGJR0.png 


If i had the Odyssey NEO (YT video)  that probably would give me the vision before the enemies..  I know it has not effect in open world or raids etc. But in WvW or PvP who uses this screen will see us even 3-5 seconds before which gives them ambush chance. What do you guys think about it? I think it's the most P2W thingy in this game 🙂


You almost certainly have at least some part of the hardware you're using better than some of the other players. As such you've paid to win because your your hardware's performance is better than theirs. You better -somehow- fix it asap.

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9 hours ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

You absolutely can by implementing the measures that render many of those advantages meaningless. For example, do not render enemies until they are within the visual cone all machines with the minimum specifications can see.

Your suggestion is to limit the gaming experience for everybody with more expensive hardware and cut it down to the experience of the worst monitor/hardware possible?
Do you see the problem?

What's next? Giving everybody artificially a ping of 400, to make it "fair" for everybody in SEA and with bad internet connection?

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1 hour ago, kiroho.4738 said:

What's next? Giving everybody artificially a ping of 400, to make it "fair" for everybody in SEA and with bad internet connection?

By jove, that’s a brilliant plan!

It is so unfair that my ping from NZ is poor which makes pvp hard. This will totally solve it.

You’re my hero!

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Err I thought pay to win was where you buy stuff from the in game cash shop, or from that game's website, and you gain a competitive advantage over other players in that game.

Does Anet sell these extra wide monitors?  Do they get a commission from the manufacturer for each monitor sold?

For the term "pay to win" to apply you have to be paying Anet or NCsoft for the thing that is granting you a competative advantage.

The term "Pay to win" is being misused.  If this were a debate I would accuse OP of equivocation.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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3 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Err I thought pay to win was where you buy stuff from the in game cash shop, or from that game's website, and you gain a competitive advantage over other players in that game.

Does Anet sell these extra wide monitors?  Do they get a commission from the manufacturer for each monitor sold?

For the term "pay to win" to apply you have to be paying Anet or NCsoft for the thing that is granting you a competative advantage.

The term "Pay to win" is being misused.  If this were a debate I would accuse OP of equivocation.

That is what pay to win means. But like a lot of terms it gets misused and misinterpreted a lot. In this case I think it's a combination of people who may have never played an actual pay to win game (or only played one which managed to be subtle about it) assuming it applies to any situation where buying something gets you a better experience, or even just different, and people who think being able to call a game pay to win is a quick way to make any criticism valid.

5 minutes ago, Heroic.6740 said:

This dude is next lvl, just imagine in same monitor.. PogU

Multiboxing is a different complaint, and is against the rules regardless of how many monitors you're using to do it. Assuming the guy is actually multiboxing of course, meaning he's controlling all the accounts together so they all move and attack simultaneously. If he's only controlling one at a time and the rest just stand still until he switches to them that's technically allowed, although he can get into trouble for unattended gameplay if he's not very careful.

I know you're unhappy and want to find some way this is a problem, but this is like finding out what brand of keyboard a hacker uses and insisting it should be banned because it's been used for hacking.

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11 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Multiboxing is a different complaint, and is against the rules regardless of how many monitors you're using to do it. Assuming the guy is actually multiboxing of course, meaning he's controlling all the accounts together so they all move and attack simultaneously. If he's only controlling one at a time and the rest just stand still until he switches to them that's technically allowed, although he can get into trouble for unattended gameplay if he's not very careful.

Since when? 


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