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Achievs that deserve a Title

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 - Titles dont impact the game economy or something like this.
 - Titles dont give bonus or something like this.

Knowing about this, ok.

[WvW achievs]

Some Say It's Your Speciality - Capture 2100 special objectives in EoTM and Resourceful - Capture 1750 supply generators
In the actual state of WvW and dead EoTM is 2 achievs hard to complete, some titles is fair and can reopen the interest in the map while all maps have queues, especially at reset.

[PvE and Open World Achievs]

Special Ops Armor Collection
This one is the most frustrated case imo (reading about the skin I noticed the situation that gave rise to the topic), you spend hundreds of gold, you get a very cool skin but where's the kitten title "Special Ops" or "Spec Ops" or better "Special Ops Operator"/"Spec Ops Operator"? Sadness.

Specialization Collections
We deserve a new achievement here with a title after complete all specialization weapons, is fair enough.

Ambrite Weapon Collection
Any title based should be cool, doctor something or paleontologist, idk, is an underestimated achiev.

Inner Nayos in general
Non-titles, really? I can be a Palawa Joko Disciple but i cant get a cool title with Peytos Something, Knaebelag Terror? Nothing?

Looks ok, we got titles for almost everything here.

I will remember more achievs that deserve a Title, you want some title for a specific achiev too? The last patch showed how is simple and easy to implement this type of content.

Edited by Therac.6431
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Selfish I know, but I’m sad that “Top-Tier Turtle Pilot” is such a minor achievement with no title. It’s so snappy-sounding, I’d probably use it on all my characters. I feel like there should be titles for achieving gold in all the Siege Stampedes (and Griffon courses), to go alongside Rolling Ace from the roller beetle courses.

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15 minutes ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

We currently have about 300 titles in the game, so how about a "Too many titles to choose from"-title, if you reach lets say 200 of them?

That's a fair idea, if we can get titles by achievement points why not titles by amount of titles? This will encourage achievement hunters to go far way in different contents to reach the top tier title among titles. I cant see in the horizon why this could be a negative implementation in the game, i can see only positive aspects, we are playing a 10 years old game, any new goal is valid.

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23 minutes ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

We currently have about 300 titles in the game, so how about a "Too many titles to choose from"-title, if you reach lets say 200 of them?

So GWAMM from GW1 basically.

Ill be honest, I don't really care much for titles in GW2, there just seems to be so little emphasis on them. GW1 titles provided bonuses in PvE and GWAMM was the most prestigious outside of the PvP achievements, which took literally years to max. I remember how big it was when someone maxed the Heroes' Ascent title and with that, finally revealed the dragon emote.

Maybe it's a community thing, maybe it's a me thing,  idk. Probably both.

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3 hours ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

We currently have about 300 titles in the game, so how about a "Too many titles to choose from"-title, if you reach lets say 200 of them?

I wonder if a workaround using tech that’s already in the game would be like gliders/mounts etc — give people the ability to favourite and randomise titles, so that your title is a random pick from a selection you choose each time you load in.

Probably trickier than with cosmetics though, the achievements UI is very old and probably quite limited in how it can be tweaked without breaking things.

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Thinking more on the topic, I think one of the reasons why I don't care for titles as much as GW1 is because there's no explanation on the title menu about what was accomplished to get any of them, not even so much as categorization. I care less to show off my titles because I don't know what I did to get 80% of them.

Maybe the lack of emphasis on them is by design so the community asks for specific titles less, no "LFM, r8+ only".

Excuse my shower thoughts.

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4 hours ago, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

So GWAMM from GW1 basically.

Ill be honest, I don't really care much for titles in GW2, there just seems to be so little emphasis on them. GW1 titles provided bonuses in PvE and GWAMM was the most prestigious outside of the PvP achievements, which took literally years to max. I remember how big it was when someone maxed the Heroes' Ascent title and with that, finally revealed the dragon emote.

Maybe it's a community thing, maybe it's a me thing,  idk. Probably both.

GSWAMM - God Still Walking Among Mere Mortals.

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2 hours ago, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

I care less to show off my titles because I don't know what I did to get 80% of them.


Is common, because while they ignore alot of achievs with considerable effort sometimes we get a title after fart at some point from the game and we never know why like "Primeval Scion"

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7 hours ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

We currently have about 300 titles in the game, so how about a "Too many titles to choose from"-title, if you reach lets say 200 of them?

I want one for alts...Many Alts, handle it! or To many alts im done,

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On 3/24/2024 at 1:17 PM, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

Thinking more on the topic, I think one of the reasons why I don't care for titles as much as GW1 is because there's no explanation on the title menu about what was accomplished to get any of them, not even so much as categorization. I care less to show off my titles because I don't know what I did to get 80% of them.

Maybe the lack of emphasis on them is by design so the community asks for specific titles less, no "LFM, r8+ only".

Excuse my shower thoughts.

This really is a problem with how trashy the game's search bar is for most windows. When you type a word and it includes lore, while the Trading Post doesn't prioritize the word you typed.

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