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How are the Casual players doing with their Legendary PVE Armor?

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Hey all, just wanted to get some feedback from all of those casual players who are still working on their SOTO Obsidian Armor set...

As someone who doesn't particularly enjoy PVP or WvW, I decided to take the plunge even if it was going to less efficient than other modes... I'm now halfway through the first set... what's everyone's impression to date?  

While the sheer number of Essences to grind seemed intimidating, so far just running public Convergences (participating, and picking up 4-6 Essence nuggets) daily along with the weekly rift running has kept me ahead of the game to date...  And while ectos remain expensive and a potential bottleneck, if you're not inclined to purchase outright, you pick up enough of them running through the SOTO metas on a daily basis, as you also acquire the map currencies and arcane chest coins.  While ectos can be slow to accumulate, you can also take a break and grind for them in whatever game-mode appeals to you most...

But OMG my current pain and bottleneck are the Provisioner Tokens... 300 doesn't seem like a lot, and while I had enough reserves to burn through the first piece or two... what a pain it is to be crafting/purchasing/saving and then jumping all over the map on a daily basis to purchase/exchange a couple at a time... I didn't have the foresight to realize this in advance to start accumulating, and what an absolute slog now... Easily the most aggravating aspect of the collection, as ridiculous as it seems, for me to date...

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For the provisioner tokens, if you have some alt chars you can park around, it can help to just have one char standing at each HoT provisioner NPC with their inventory filled with the cheapest rares to trade in. That way you can just log into each char once a day for a quick trade in without teleporting around.

Alternatively or additionaly, you can do the one-per-day limited ecto refinement crafts if you have crafting professions at 500. There's 4, 1 for metal, wood, fabric and leather. Another 4 provisioner tokens per day (they can be traded in with no daily limit). Though does cost 1 ecto per craft + some very common mats.

Edited by Chyro.1462
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Easy peasy. 

Playing pretty casual the past year or so, normally just 2-4 hours a week, it'll take me a total of about 4 months to finish a set. About half way done now, and already completed all the metas for the currencies.
I'm used to the HoT provisioner token grind from doing raid armor way back when. Plus I've been regularly picking up the 1 for an obsidian shard in the Black Citadel for almost 2 years, which basically covered everything after a few cheap weapon crafts to trade in HoT maps. Definitely less effort needed than running weekly raids and seemed faster than PvP and I'm assuming WvW armor.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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Impression is that it's easily attainable for those who want to put in the time for it, as that's kind of all it requires.

I ...have not. I look at the essences, provisioner tokens, and research notes I need for a piece and haven't bothered to start yet. The SotO metas are OK but not something I want to do that much. Yet.

Edited by synk.6907
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I finished my second full set this weekend.  I completed the light set first, and wrapped up making the medium set yesterday.  I am not sure I want the heavy just yet.  I want to see what the variants end up like before I keep going.  I have a feeling there will be a lot more mats to collect, so I am busy hoarding up on those for now until we get more news. 

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Probably after 40 hours of rift farming and some gold dumping later, its finally within reach. Its decent when you have the time, but moreso still obtainable if you just chip away at it bit by bit each day.

It still made me want to eat someone's shoe tho. My sanity is gone. :(

Edited by KindredPhoenyx.8976
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It feels quite cozy to work on. A few convergences here, some rift hunting there. Doing a greater arcane chest trail each day for unusual coins. Jumping into some metas. Most of the stuff you do for farming the essences also gives you normal loot, which in turns lessens how many materials and ectos you have to get to finish a piece. And you can get the T6 mats and ectos through a variety of content (either through loot, conversions or just making gold), thus don't have to be stuck doing the same thing over and over all the time. And any PvE content you play contributes in some way to getting closer to finishing a legendary piece.

I'm on 4/6 pieces so far, but am being a bit weird. My first 3 pieces were heavy armor - legs, chest and gloves. Then I went on to make medium armor legs and now aiming for medium boots + gloves. Basically just the pieces that I like the skins for and intending to fill the rest with raid leggy armor.

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12 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

For the provisioner tokens, if you have some alt chars you can park around, it can help to just have one char standing at each HoT provisioner NPC with their inventory

you do realize all of these vendors are literally right beside a waypoint right. 

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1 minute ago, GBEW.5947 said:

you do realize all of these vendors are literally right beside a waypoint right. 

If you prefer porting around on a single char to do the trades - though that also requires more bag space on a single char or to not buy much rares on reserve and having to do more trips to a black lion trader. My suggestion is how I find it most convenient, and also 'if you have some alt chars you can park around' - so only if you have chars to spare that you aren't using much. I can have like 3x 20 cheap rares on a single char that is parked in verdant brink at the npc and just log in on it to trade for 20 days without having to do anything else with it, another in Auric Basin and one in Tangled Depths. I find that less bothersome than having to more regularly buy the rares and teleport around from map to map. Though it really depends how many rarely used alt chars you have available for that. And if you personally find another way to do it better or more convenient, nothing wrong with that. Am just sharing it as a suggestion that some may find helpful ^^

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I only got SoTO after the latest update came out and have had a ton of catching up to do (masteries, materials, story, etc), but I still have everything for at least one piece now. Convergences + weekly rifts = easy essences. Metas have been lots of XP and ectos.

Waiting for the T2 announcement to determine what set I get first out of med/heavy 😂

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I consider myself casual, but that doesn't mean I don't play a lot ... I do (when I do play). I don't do lots of cordinated group content (raids etc)  But content I can do while chilling with some youtube etc

Currently I'm rotating between SoTo meta's, Rifts and fishing

And I'm making good progress

Edited by jokke.6239
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I haven't even looked at what's required yet. I assume I've made some progress just by playing SotO but I don't know what exactly. I'm intending to do it sometime, but I've had too much else going on both in-game and in real life to put any time into it yet.

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10 hours ago, synk.6907 said:

Impression is that it's easily attainable for those who want to put in the time for it, as that's kind of all it requires.

I ...have not. I look at the essences, provisioner tokens, and research notes I need for a piece and haven't bothered to start yet. The SotO metas are OK but not something I want to do that much. Yet.

Hear me out. It all seems daunting but it's really Just a "Play the game normally while saving up resources" thing. You don't even have to actually grind for it, just save what you know you'll need. Little by little, day by day. 

I guarantee you that once you actually make some progress, it'll give you more confidence to keep going... and maybe even push harder like it did for me.

In about 4 or 6 months of doing that you'll probably have it. It's not even something you need to hard focus on or grind for.   Just making sure you at least have something resembling a daily routine for provisioner tokens and maybe a meta or two will be enough. The rest is just "save what you get and play as you like". As long as you're playing the Soto content of course. 


You could have The set in 4 to 6 months or you could be looking back 4 to 6 months later wishing you had started.


Edited by Eclipse.4758
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46 minutes ago, Eclipse.4758 said:

Hear me out. It all seems daunting but it's really Just a "Play the game normally while saving up resources" thing. You don't even have to actually grind for it, just save what you know you'll need. Little by little, day by day.

I wish that was the case, but it's not. Without grinding there's no way i'd ever have enough mats for that armor. Neither rifts, nor SotO in general are interesting enough to touch them more than the few initial times (and few more for achieves maybe) when "playing the game normally".

Thankfully i don't need another legendary set and it doesn't appeal to me visually all that much to put a lot of effort into it, so i'll manage.

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All my characters have full sets of Ascended armor, and I hardly ever change stats (in Mystic Forge). So for convenience it's not necessary for me to create Legendary Armor. As for the looks I don't care since I often change my looks and mostly prefer using outfits. Soo... I don't see why I should start with creating Legendary armor. Yes I would use it if it was for sale I suppose. But as for gameplay it's not worth my time.

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I already had 3 sets of legendary armor made due to enjoying wvw....  that said, I am an AP hunter,  so while working on the 100 convergences for the achiev, I ended up having far too many essences clogging up my bank.  So I made the medium set as it was the only one I liked.    Being the pack rat that I am, I pretty much had everything other then the map currency from the Soto maps.     Now that my armor is made... I really have no interest in going back to Soto maps because they just aren't all that fun.   I can almost guarantee you I will have no interest in the added grind that is coming when they release the Tier 2 visuals.   The insane amount of crap needed to make the 1st tier is a tad overboard and then having to grind all over again just for some extra flash?   yeah, no thank you to that. 

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5 hours ago, Eclipse.4758 said:

Hear me out. It all seems daunting but it's really Just a "Play the game normally while saving up resources" thing. You don't even have to actually grind for it, just save what you know you'll need. Little by little, day by day. 


For sure. I have several weapons and the trinkets. Once you get some momentum going, it works out. But unlike, say, doing the tiers of a gen 2 weapon collection or a trinket that had you re-visiting multiple maps this is ...do a lot of rifts and do the Convergence event? I may be missing something, but so far that has been more boring. I'll get around to it maybe probably 😉

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I have made 1 set (heavy obsidian armor) and on my way to make the 2 next.

I got all materials needed for both medium and light obsidian armor (at some point i got 1400 provisoner tokens, it was easy getting them at 20 each day), except kryptis essence.

Takes a looong time to farm those imo.

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I started on it, got distracted with the new skyscale skin - was very satisfying to get the raw chicken mount!
As for the legendary armor I got caught on the research notes; a system I deeply hate even though I understand it's value to the overall game's economy. The conundrum is: do I use my rare crafting materials to make a higher tier item to destroy for research even though I need those materials for the legendary item? It made me lose interest relatively quickly. 
I went back to playing personal story - also I got my second ever legendary precursor to drop in the 11 years I've been playing! 
...and then there's the precursors I purchased from the Wizard vault. 

Anyway I've been looking in to WvW. 
(I'm sort of joking. I play WvW for transmutes lol! ) 

Edited by Obfuscate.6430
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7 hours ago, Albadaran.1283 said:

All my characters have full sets of Ascended armor, and I hardly ever change stats (in Mystic Forge). So for convenience it's not necessary for me to create Legendary Armor. As for the looks I don't care since I often change my looks and mostly prefer using outfits. Soo... I don't see why I should start with creating Legendary armor. Yes I would use it if it was for sale I suppose. But as for gameplay it's not worth my time.

same lol, I already had a large set of ascedend armors and i rarely change stats, so i get it for cosmetics and some prestige.

I really like these warrior-like armors(heavy).

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On 4/14/2024 at 10:53 PM, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

But OMG my current pain and bottleneck are the Provisioner Tokens... 300 doesn't seem like a lot, and while I had enough reserves to burn through the first piece or two... what a pain it is to be crafting/purchasing/saving and then jumping all over the map on a daily basis to purchase/exchange a couple at a time... I didn't have the foresight to realize this in advance to start accumulating, and what an absolute slog now... Easily the most aggravating aspect of the collection, as ridiculous as it seems, for me to date...

U get some 25(i guess) from WvW weekly if u have Wvw currencies, i dont remind exactly the cost.

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I just suggest don't focus on everything at same time.

The schedule i followed to make my armor, focusing on each step:

- 1. Time gated items(provisioner tokens) +

- 1.a if need gold, then include gold meta farms(fractals, meta trains) in that run, because provisioner tokens don't take much time.

- 2. Essence grind. 

- 2a. optionally Soto map completion to get gifts if you have multiple alts.

- 3. reserve a day of week to craft/organize economy. i mean craft Exo luck if don't have it and research notes. Sell all mats you don't need, buy what you need.

- 4. SotO currencies. Daily Map Metas and event runs to collect map currencies.


If you notice in my roadp i try solve economy/time gated stuff first, so in later you don't have to stress about money, just focusing on chill stuff like mats and map completion.

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I was going pretty fast on it.  Full heavy soon after it could be made, several light pieces at a piece every week or two.  RL has gotten ugly, though, and after making the light head I've flagged.  Too low on resources, no oomph to run metas and exploration and convergences and weekly rifts to accumulate more.  Today's post about the fun stuff coming tomorrow got me jazzed up again, a bit, and I did a meta and one map's weekly rifts before breaking for dinner and guild rp.

But I don't know when I'll get the focus back I need.  Maybe when I finish my non-GW2 creative project that's been a helpful distraction from Bad Things.

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