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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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14 minutes ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

How would you suppose we "earn" this legendary set of glyphs and or tools? Your saying they should just be automatically upgraded to legendary?

Yes. In reality, the rarity doesn't matter to gathering tools. But it is easier for players to understand that if it's purple, then it'll work the same as legendary equipment in the legendary armory.


15 minutes ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

But it sound like you want this to just automatically happen?

Yes. Just as "automatic" as the legendary armory was. I believe the gem store gathering tools and glyphs should operate identically to how legendary equipment operates.


17 minutes ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

How does this earn more $$ if they no longer need transmutation stones?

You could ask the same question for why they made legendary armor, weapons, and back items free to transmute. I don't work at Anet, but I imagine they theorize that players are more likely to buy gems and convert it to gold to buy legendary gear than they are to buy transmutation charges with gems. In my suggestion, players might be more likely to buy gem store gathering tools than transmutation charges with the added convenience of free transmutations (also it's more so for the sake of consistency, to be consistent with how legendary gear works in the legendary armory).


20 minutes ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

Or if they no long want / need the first set of tools ( I think I have 3 or 4 sets of tools and most of the glyphs)?

I would love to see the statistic to confirm, but I imagine most players who own gem store tools only own one set. This update would not affect the market from those players at all because they'll continue to not buy any more tools. But for players who own multiple sets, like you and me, our population would continue to buy tools for the skins and for the attached glyphs. Now that a X/3 cap would be added to the armory for glyphs, collectors will be more enticed to cap out on their favorite glyphs. There are also some players who bought one set of tools for each alt and then stopped buying tools. You know how Anet responded? They added glyphs to the game. In the eyes of min-maxers, owning multiple sets of tools are useless if you only have one good set of glyphs. I would also love to see the statistic of how many players own 3x good glyphs for each alt on their account. I image that number is even lower than the 0.0008% number for how many players owned too many sets of legendaries.

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On 5/19/2019 at 9:55 AM, fizzypetal.7936 said:

Howdy...I'd like to request that corresponding materials storage slots be created for existing crafting mats currently in game and in future, are included with new crafting materials as they are added into the game.

Crafting materials I have currently without a materials storage spot: Wintersday Gifts, Mug of  Eggnog, Ascalonian Royal Irises, Shining Jade Orchid Petals, Kodas Blossom Petals, Krytan Spiderwort Blooms, Lumber Cores.



Edited by fizzypetal.7936
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Okay I guess we shall see what the future holds then!? I see there is another post like this up also so the point is being made and asked. It's good to see players of this form coming out, too often they are quiet and I like the feeling I'm not alone!


Good Luck lets hope it happens. But some times we regret what we asked for too.


Also there is a QoL forum that this can be placed on to ask for that Quality of Life update be made. If you didn't know?

Edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710
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Give us ability to set Basic Character Models for PvE ( kitten!!! )

With release of Armory there are even more eye-eating characters around you now.

PvP and WvW handles that very well, give it to PvE too.

Lowest Character Models setting is a joke, since it disable visuals only for Armor skins. Infusions, Weapons, Backpack still appear with full force with theirs nasty cosmetic effects.


Or even better give us new Character Models Limit options like:

-Target only




-No Limit


Edited by Aeon.4583
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I'd love if it was possible to trade back slumbering conflux and slumbering transcendence for a mystic tribute. I have no intention whatsoever to upgrade either to the full version (especially with a free legendary amulet on the horizon), and I am honestly feeling a bit cheated that I can't put the amulet on every character because the armory doesn't consider it legendary. So please;

allow us to trade Slumbering Transcendence and Slumbering Conflux for a Mystic Tribute each.

Edited by Adamixos.6785
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I made a post but I am not sure if that is a better place that devs are watching , so I will post my suggestion here too.
Rework block list . When we block someone they should NOT  be able to see our LFG/Join our squads/ Know our location and see our online/away/offline activity and AP.
This has been suggested a lot over the years but this time I am hopeful that it might really be addressed by dev team.

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I really have to second the request for permanent gathering tools to be added to at least SOME kind of armory.  I think adding them to the legendary armor as OP suggested is as good an idea as any, but it doesn't matter to me if it is the legendary armory or something else altogether.  I appreciate that it might seem different to Anet, but certainly from a player's perspective (or, at least, this player), they function in much the same way, in terms of how they are stored, used, and the frustrations of forever switching them between characters only to forget to take them off after and having to go back and forth, even when they are stored in the shared slots.  Actually, I'd love to see something like the material storage, combined with the armory; for non-permanent gathering tools, the number you put in is the number you can take out, but they don't have to be stored in each individual inventory or in the bank.  Though that may not be possible to code, of course, and I'll take whatever Anet might be willing to give us.

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On 7/13/2021 at 6:07 PM, Dayra.7405 said:

The new slot switch button is nice. (Even if keyboard is still faster)


But what I really would like to have is the possibility to bind an equipment and a skill slots together, e.g. fix equip slot 1 with skill slot 1 (deadeye build with rifle equip) and equip 2 with skill 2 (daredevil build with staff equip). Whenever I switch the skills the equipment changes automatically and whenever I change the equipment the skills change automatically.

Yes.  This. 


I also wish there was a toggle as well to set whether blank slots in the equipment slots show as blank, or whether they use what is in the previous or first tab.  Meaning, if I only want to add weapons to an equipment slot, I wish it would default to the armor from the previous slot, the way leaving an off hand or a main hand slot empty defaults to the main hand or off hand in the other weapon slot.  In many cases, I'll use the same armor in multiple places, but just want to swap out the weapons; I don't mind pinning it to multiple equipment slots, but then I have to remember to go through and update both (or all three) every time I upgrade.  Not a big deal for a level 80 main, but it's annoying with lower-level alts, or 80 alts when I'm just testing different builds.  And, frankly, I keep forgetting it does work differently from the weapon slots.

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On 7/13/2021 at 12:35 PM, Noobondrugs.8320 said:

make an actual legendary armoury tab for us to be able to see which legendaries we got collected or not regardless of wheter the class can use them or not. in this case u could just make an extra tab under H called Legendary armoury and make it a copy paste of the wardrobe but for legendaries only .

Or even just expand what shows up in the Wardrobe section of the bank, so I can search "Legendary" and see ALL of the ones I don't have, not just the one set.  Be nice if "Precurser" was a search thing, too.

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I think that instanced housing would be beneficial for ArenaNet. It could cause gemstore sales to skyrocket.

Housing would be mostly decorative, meaning that they can sell a plethora of shiny furniture in the gemstore.


Really, all I want is a tiny, customizable instanced apartment that I can call home... I personally would have a window with light coming through, a bed that I can lie in, a closet that I can open and look in (even if it's just a default set of clothes, maybe different per race), a table with a notebook on it (usable or not for personal notes), a chair that I can sit in, and a place to show off all of my musical instruments. It would be interesting if visitors could "borrow" my instruments inside of my home to try them out and have a mini private concert.


Of course, others would want a lot more. Luxurious furnishing that is fit for a noble. Gold-edged tables and leather couches and double beds with those fancy overhangs. Expensive plant houses with lovely aromas. Kitchenettes where you can have costume brawls with butcher knives. A room dedicated to their pets and mounts, complete with a bathtub and groomer.

Silly stuff, pretty stuff, fun stuff, useful stuff--these are all possible with housing.


Basic furniture should be craftable. Wooden chairs and benches that already exist in Tyria can be made by Huntsmen. Metal furnishing can be made by Armorsmiths. Exotic herbal house plants can be planted by Chefs. And so on. I think it's doable but of course it would take a lot of code and time, with no real benefit except aesthetics. But we players love our aesthetics.


It's all been suggested before, I know. But I am having a particular fever for GW2 housing right now.


The only problem is perhaps where to put the doors on the map. Perhaps there won't even need to be an explorable world for it. All of it is accessible through the Hero Panel, with a new Housing icon, where you can search for and visit others' houses if they're marked as Public. Then you spawn just inside their doorway and get to fool around in their house. Maybe there can even be a mailbox to leave gifts, a mailbox separate from the current mail so that it's like a treasure to be found every time. This would allow f2p players to leave gifts, too--but they can be restricted to perhaps 1 item at a time, needing to wait for the owner to pick up their gift before they can leave another.

Housing can bring about all sorts of new experiences.


Doesn't this all sound lovely? :3

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1 hour ago, Embered.5089 said:


Actually, I was told by a friend that housing would be impossible to implement with their current engine. They would need a new engine, meaning it would have to wait until Guild Wars 3.

In that case, I want Guild Wars 3!

I'm pretty much done with Guild Wars 2. I had a good run, but it's over. After 5 years, all I do now is chill in Queensdale helping newbies, chill in Divinity's Reach listening to 1-man concerts, and catch up with any updates or festivals. It's not very engaging anymore. I ran out of things that I want to do. I would like a new game now, Guild Wars 3 please 🙂 

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More ways to show off legendaries?

Since a lot of people want to turn off the sparkles for a variety of reasons (i still like my sparkles but i'm relatively new to having them and i understand the desire), perhaps some more titles like Twice-Told Legend as you make additions to the armory? For example titles for having a certain number (10 or more etc), or aquiring all Gen 1, etc.


Alternatively, what about a stacking buff that is the number of legendary items currently equipped? It could offer no benefit other than for people to be able to click on your toon and see "omg 34 stacks!!" or whatever? (7 armor, 5 trinkets, 1 back, 6 weapons, 7 runes, 8 sigets)

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Unless this has been added and im living under a rock id very much love to be able to favourite stat combos and particular rune and sigil effects as well as a filter by favourite option.


That way whenever i swap to a legenday weapon on the fly i can at least have my options at the top of the list.

Edited by zealex.9410
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  • zealex.9410 changed the title to A qol update i want to see for legendary equipment and runes/sigils.

I had a similar though; although I posted it to Reddit instead.

Favorite weapons could just be 1 slot equipment templates; and then Copy/Equip features that already exist for templates would make it easy to swap around weapons while preserving stat, sigil, infusion, and wardrobe settings.

Using the template functionality should also work with legendary weapons with regular sigils, and regular weapons with legendary sigils, since all of the components are staying within template slots instead of falling out into your inventory.





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I wrote a self contained post about this before but i heard the developers read this thread so I would like to post it here too.

I would love any improvement to the armoury that would save the skins, stats, sigils and infusions i had in my legendary prior to swapping the weapon out with another. As it is right now i cant comfortably swap my weapons as I have to set everything up from scratch. I dont think templates should be a fix to this as I use the 2 templates I have for my condi and power builds and paying 500 gems for one slot per character is a bit too much. The armoury update forces me to use ascended weapons more so than legendary because of the ease of swapping them. 

The armoury is great for pretty much everything else, you never need to swap out armor so that is a big QoL update, however for me it discourages me from using legendary weapons or crafting new ones knowing it will be annoying to have to set up everything from scratch.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

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It would be really nice, if the bank UI had an additional ledger for the legendary armory. A place where you can see all legendaries unlocked on your account at once.

INB4 "I'd rather have Anet spent resources on something else":
1) I know it's not very important and I can live in a Tyria where this isn't a thing

2) But they did mounts...

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Expanding on something I posted before.


Make Legendaries usable by lv 1 character and just have their stat grow with character level.


If not that


Adds leveling equipment (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Leveling_equipment) to leg armory or give us something similar to it to store them (like if you can upgrade them to leg version so they can be added to armory)

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Legendary armoury implementation is pretty dope, except one problem - a lot of builds actually require you to change weapons depending on encounter - and when there is no way to save the configuration of the weapon you are unequipping.  


Several examples: Boon chronos have several weapon sets, hfbs have an axe or a mace mainhand, DHs might swap between scepter and sword, pSlbs might have a dagger or a sword in one set and a LB or a GS in another, and so on. (+there's lots of more situational weapon choices some builds make)

If you play a build with multiple weapon choices, you want to be able to quickly swap weapons in and out between encounters. E.g between siax and enso you ideally want to be ready withing 3 seconds to go. 


If you use a legendary weapon, and you swap it for another - you have no way of saving the current setup besides copying it to another template. So if you change your weapons, then change it back... You need to re-select the attributes and upgrades, and if you are using legendary sigils you need to select the sigil as well.  

This is a. Time consuming (20-30 seconds of selecting things vs 2 seconds of swapping between ascended items) and b. Open to mistakes.  


As there already is a way to copy-paste leggies between templates, a way to copy-save a legendary with its selected configuration would be nice.  

Currently legendary weapons and sigils are worthless for most people who do endgame content because having a bunch of ascended items to swap between is much faster.

Edited by BlueSkies.9378
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This feature could be used as a double to share equipment templates by snappshotting current equipment rather than having to go to a third party website to share a build. 

Also might want to make the armor glyphs have the same small apply-to-all checkbox as the stats.



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