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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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ANet please read this.

Please do something about the leechers in WvW.

I'm standing by one right now, and there are several in this map alone.

But also in the other wvw maps.


They keep the walk key pressed against a wall, so they never get the idle warning and wont get logged off.


It's not the fact that they are getting freebies for doing nothing.


It is mostly that sometimes there are people queued to play and them leechers are taking the place of someone who can be an asset to the team.


Please do something about this.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Small suggestion to make Raid Legendary Armors a bit more accessible (only from 2nd set onwards):


So I've been playing GW2 since its launch and got to experience pretty much everything the game has to offer, including its raids. I've even managed to make the Medium and Heavy Raid Legendary Armor sets.


However since some time ago I've played the game mostly on and off, because for various reason like new games coming out, work, etc. etc.. Because of that I no longer have a dedicated raid group and am mostly using LFG to do raids.


With the release of Legendary Armory, one of my end-game goals is getting a full roster of Legendary Gear, as in 2 of each weapon types, all 6 Legendary Trinkets, enough Legendary Runes and Sigils to cover pretty much everything and as you might have guessed, 3 different Legendary Armor weights.


As most people know, getting a set of Raid Legendary Armor from the 2nd onwards takes DOUBLE the amount of total raid bosses/events that was required for the 1st set (thankfully it doesn't increase further than that). Considering how "hard" it is to get those Legendary Insights without a dedicated raid group, that last set of Raid Legendary Armor seems like an extremely far goal.


Therefore I've come up with a  minor suggestion to make it a bit easier for everyone that want to work on their 2nd or 3rd Raid Legendary Armor and make that (my) end-game goal seem a little more reachable.


The suggestion is as follows: after one had unlocked their first Raid Legendary Armor set, it will be possible to spend a certain amount of Raid Currency (Magnetite Shards or Gaeting Crystals) for 1 Legendary Insight (say 100 Shards or Crystals for 1 Legendary Insight?).


With the release of Legendary Armory and for those that make use of it, using Ascended gear has become an obsolete concept and the only use for those now is just getting their skins, which is a one time thing for any one item. Because of that the only real use for those Raid Currencies is just getting Minis for those unlucky enough to not get them to drop (need to be really unlucky to have it happen) and getting those Cosmetic Infusions to use or to just sell on TP for some extra gold.


What that suggestion does affect is it makes it easier to make Coalescence for the people that made their first Raid Legendary Armor set, compared to people that haven't. HOWEVER the more "easier" part is extremely minor considering it's already possible to exchange Legendary Insights with Legendary Divinations (and vice-versa), therefore at most it will be possible to make Coalescence a few weeks earlier, considering it requires the same amount of Legendary Divinations (which again can be exchanged to from Legendary Insights) as the 1st Raid Legendary Armor set.


What the suggestion does mostly is just give an extra short-term purpose to Raid Currencies for the people that want to get a decked out Legendary Armory, and to make it a bit easier for those people. And le'ts face it, those people kind of deserve it, consdering how hard, time consuming and expensive it is to reach that kind of goal. Also considering there is a weekly limit to how much of the Raid Currencies one can get, at most it shortens the time to get the needed amount of Legendary Insights/Divinations by a few weeks.


Now some people may ask: Why not go for WvW or PvP Legendary Armor for your 3rd set? My main reason is because I really like how the Raid Legendary Armors work with their non-battle to battle morphing modes, and I also like how they look in general.

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I wish it was even 12. Im nearly full legendary and i love creating own builds. Its annoying to spent 10 min to change builds because im already haveing 6 builds i often use...

I usually Min Max stuff and dont have the same stat on all things...its annoying to calculate everything again.

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Just idea. Should he have henchman?

Can hire ( active) only 1 at a time. Like miniature


it use same concept as pet.  So it can vary race, profession and skill in each henchman. 

But   Pls don’t put in gem store for sell like skin , miniature , novelty 

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I think that equipment template cap can be increased to 9 or 10. If you're playing Wvw and pve both with your character, probably 6 templates won't be enough. It can be a good option for those like me who mostly play with one or two characters, don't want to pay for extra character slots everytime. Also in Wvw, there are some situations that you need to swap your gear immediately, being able to do that would be so convenient.

Edited by usulyagmur.4092
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I had this random dream last night that GW2 introduced some new infusions, and they were called the 'Dandelion Infusion'. There were 4 colours, and they acted as 'footfalls' - similar to what legendary weapons do (rather than what infusions normally do). Having 1 wasn't very significant as it wouldn't be very noticeable, but having at least 3 or 4 different colours was very noticeable, as each infusion would add more Dandelions and colours obviously.


They were stackable, so if you had all 4 colours then it would make up the whole footfall effect (to create a perfect 'cluster' of Dandelion flowers) and look like a legendary footfall, and they were what I'd describe as 'electro' dye colours. They were the Dandelion flower itself, not the part which is blowable in the wind. They were cheap too - 15g each on the Trading Post!


They were: Electro Lemon Dandelion Infusion, Electro Peach Dandelion Infusion, and Electro Blue Dandelion Infusion and Electro Purple Dandelion Infusion, and they all had a slight permanent glow effect in the footfall effect. They were transparent too, so like a 'ghostly flower' look.


It looked pretty awesome IMO. I woke up this morning and was like oh dang it doesn't exist IRL 😞

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On 1/9/2022 at 12:32 AM, Blude.6812 said:

It's been asked many many many times since the game has launched. And has been completely ignored by Anet from the 1st time players requested cursor options. I believe there is a 3rd party program, which I have never tried, called Yolomouse that some use.

I stay away from 3rd party program for GW2 but that is another discussion.


Yolo mouse stopped working since a recent update that bugged out cursor swaps, at least its effecting some people (such as myself) I made a post in the bug thread about it. 

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● The Lions Arch Fanfare video sequence...

should be played once per account; then it's done!


I'm frankly starting to get tired of having to wait for it to load each and everytime I go there with a new character.



Norn tatoos...


There should be more of them, and we should be able to choose each body part individualy.


I just deleted a 2 year old human character, to make it Norn, just because of the tatoos, only to find that the only face tattoo that suits him has no body tats.

What am I gonna do now?

I just wasted an instant lvl 30 on it which I'm not going to get back, and neither the Age privileges.

I thought there would be more using a total makeover kit, but no more tattoos.

Nothing, zero...

Now I have a dilema again if to keep it or not.

I'm not exactly a fan of the Norn, but I am of the karacter it is role-playing.


Delete and start again...

So. Question:

Do I make him look like a clown or back to human?



Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Can we get a better living world season 1 history lesson, that introduces the new characters you encounter in living world season 2, like taimi? The characters are an important part of any story, and it's inconvenient and feels badly designed for people to have to go on the wiki or youtube  to learn who these guys are before we can start living world season 2 without being bored/confused.

Edited by Voltage.8027
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It would be nice to see ANY gay male characters/storylines included in GW2.


Sure, we have lesbian couple marjory and kasmeer, and from memory there was a transgender npc who transitioned from female to male, but I have yet to see any gay male characters - unless I'm missing something? Then please let me know.


I was doing one of the hearts in the Garden of Seborhin a day or two ago on my mesmer, and one of the hearts was basically about playing 'matchmaker' with npc's. Not one of them was a gay male. There were straight and lesbian matchmaking, but no gay males.


It really feels like the majority of gaming companies don't want to include gay males for some bizarre reason. Maybe it's to cater to the hetero male because it's considered fine to see lesbian characters, but instantly not ok to see gay male characters (yet both are gay, hetero guys aren't comfortable seeing 2 guys in love).


No I'm not playing the wrong game, and other games aren't for me, before the trolls tell me perhaps I should play something else then. This is about representation and reality. The fact is, gay males exist, I know, right? Shocker! And while every game caters to straight people, there aren't many that are inclusive of gay male characters. That's where I really appreciate it when games include gay male characters, because it's hard enough in the real world to find people from your own tribe, that when you see you're also non-existent and excluded in games, it feels really horrible, because it further proves to me that gay men are not welcome, and that weren't not important enough to be included in the rest of the world - not even in games.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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The guild hall arena needs to have an option to switch to WvW and PvP game modes so that skills work as they would in the associated game mode.

I am in a WvW guild and we do trainings in our guild hall but we always have to remind people that it's not quite the same. Not everyone can afford an Armistice Bastion pass to properly test or learn their skills.

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8 minutes ago, Spiral.3724 said:

The guild hall arena needs to have an option to switch to WvW and PvP game modes so that skills work as they would in the associated game mode.

I am in a WvW guild and we do trainings in our guild hall but we always have to remind people that it's not quite the same. Not everyone can afford an Armistice Bastion pass to properly test or learn their skills.

You aren’t alone in thinking this.  It’s been asked about multiple times (along with making the arena bigger).


Has something to do with where the Guild halls reside as they technically reside in PvE.  

Could it be changed?  Probably.


But very unlikely as the benefit likely is small to them for the amount of work likely involved (speculation as I am not an Anet dev lol)


But they DID give us the EoTM arena for WvW rules and sort of a GvG type space, where your guild can actually split into two teams to fight each other.    It’s a nice compromise and pretty effective.


Is it perfect?  Young cat no..  But it does work and it’s more than we expected lol.

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4 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:

It would be nice to see ANY gay male characters/storylines included in GW2.


Sure, we have lesbian couple marjory and kasmeer, and from memory there was a transgender npc who transitioned from female to male, but I have yet to see any gay male characters - unless I'm missing something? Then please let me know.


I was doing one of the hearts in the Garden of Seborhin a day or two ago on my mesmer, and one of the hearts was basically about playing 'matchmaker' with npc's. Not one of them was a gay male. There were straight and lesbian matchmaking, but no gay males.


It really feels like the majority of gaming companies don't want to include gay males for some bizarre reason. Maybe it's to cater to the hetero male because it's considered fine to see lesbian characters, but instantly not ok to see gay male characters (yet both are gay, hetero guys aren't comfortable seeing 2 guys in love).


No I'm not playing the wrong game, and other games aren't for me, before the trolls tell me perhaps I should play something else then. This is about representation and reality. The fact is, gay males exist, I know, right? Shocker! And while every game caters to straight people, there aren't many that are inclusive of gay male characters. That's where I really appreciate it when games include gay male characters, because it's hard enough in the real world to find people from your own tribe, that when you see you're also non-existent and excluded in games, it feels really horrible, because it further proves to me that gay men are not welcome, and that weren't not important enough to be included in the rest of the world - not even in games.

There is a gay male couple in the sylvari personal story.



But yea there are more the other way around.

Edited by Linken.6345
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