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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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13 hours ago, Skiravor.1257 said:

Equipment templates doubled at least. I will happily pay.

yes, equipment, and build templates. id swipe for it aswell. basically almost every class now, even without the new specs, has 8-12 builds.
just an example:
Ele: Power/Condi Temp, Power/Condi Weaver, Hybrid Weaver, Healing Temp, and there will be Power/Condi Catalyst, Marauder/Cele/Traiblazier ele for wvw/open world. thats 11 build i wanna be able to play. let me waste my money pls.

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Add a "mastery" which allows players to instantly open Airship Cargo when interacted with - same for Noxious Pods in Dragons Stand, and the other 2 types in Auric Basin and Tangled Depths.


Add Airship Cargo icons on the map to show where they all are. Even if they're small icons with a colourful border around it so we can see where we're missing any - same for the other 3 maps, tangled depths, auric basin, and dragons stand. It would be nice to see the noxious pods as icons on the maps, and same for the others.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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Add all crafting materials to material storage, so that everything that can only be used in crafting could be stored there, and only stuff that can't be upgraded further would remain in our bags. Especially the basic things like coconut milk, but also insignias and things like oiled orichalcum chestplate panels. None of those things have any use outside of crafting, so all of them should go to material storage.

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Petition to remove complete invisibility from the game.


We have the mistward armour that changes colour tone according to the terrain and light we are currently in.

Why not use that instead in the whole armour as camouflage?


The majority of players don't like it nor want it.

It is an obvious statement, but there are pretty good reasons to remove it.


In my personal oppinion it is unecessary and should not exist in Guild Wars 2.

I feel that camouflage would be a lot more fun to use and would be challenging on both ends.

On the user: Sneak and blend in.

For the opponent: Hard to spot, but still a chance to see foes.


The mists armour is there.

You already have the tools, just need to convert it into thieves skills instead of full on invisibility.


I find it really cool that the mistward armour does this and want more of it.


Please ANet.

You could keep full invisible aside just for yourselves, in case you need it for something, but the majority of players don't like it and find it unecessary.

The game is about balance too, right?

100% invisibility is way too overpowered, especially when certain classes can sustain it indefinitely; and already have a ton of shadowsteps, teleports, blindness inflicting, etc...

Not even Tenchu, which is a ninja assassin dedicated game has full invisibility.

You need to use the background to blend in and stealth.


I don't understand, even after all these years why the decision to give any class full invisibility.


I love my Ranger(s), and I can say with all honesty that I would not be bothered if Long Bow Skill 3 had a different effect instead of invisibility; which fails most of the time anyways.

Rather it would be a always a critical hit skill.


Please consider.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
Added more stuff and edited misspellings
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On 9/24/2020 at 8:03 PM, Bolshie.6137 said:

Please, please, please make Green Medallions Salvageable, so we can nuke them out of our storage.


Still day dreaming of this, every day I log in. If it's too much work to figure out, no problem! Just remove them from 80 level maps all together! The myriad forms of "junk" we encounter are mostly tolerable, as we can sell them all at a vendor in one fell swoop.


Medallions? They're just tedious time sucks. The worst sort of drop. They're only of use to characters in the 65 to 80 level range. Limit them to Central Tyria! Don't replace them with another drop! Give us less loot, or a silver, or whatever it takes! Just make them go away. Please and thanks.

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7 minutes ago, Sarge shot Grif.6450 said:

They're not gonna give us that, just buy 3 shared slots and keep them empty and you basically have the same thing.

Dont keep them empty have 1 of each gem bought tool in them and then have copper-oricalcium tools on your characters 2 dubble click when entering and another 2 when exiting a character and you have your gem tools on all characters.

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5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No.  I'd rather Anet keep the servers running.  Players can't have everything be free.

1) you need to buy it to put it in the legendary wardrobr

2) I would be fine if it only works, if you bought all shared inv slots as well

but after years of doing so I am really tired of switching them in and out on char login/-out.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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17 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

But you'd only but it once.  I'm sure Anet would prefer players to purchase multiple sets?

i will never buy a set for every char, that’s why I have to rely on switching via shared slots. 

and when I have to switch anyway 1 set is enough.

I would even say, once I don’t have to care on which char they are, chances increase that I buy more sets for skin or glyphs 

Edited by Dayra.7405
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People saying this makes ANet money -  I'm skeptical.  I definitely would have bought them with gems years ago, had they been account wide unlocks.  As they weren't that I never did, and eventually got them with statuettes from map completions.  Of the people I've spoken to in guilds about it, they jut didn't buy them.


I don't see this as a "whale" item, where you're going to get more money from the few people willing spend a lot, than from the many who would be willing to buy them once.


For what it's worth, ANet could still get my money on these by making the existing tools account wide, then selling the skins as unlocks that could be used on any character.


Just refund anyone who decided to buy multiple sets, and let them keep the skins.

Edited by CrashTestAuto.9108
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It would be more convenient. I'm not planning to buy another when I can switch. It might actually push the sales of unlimited gathering tools. Buy one set and it's convenient for all characters. So if you don't have one  it's now more worth buying.

I have some unbreakables, I like the skins of some I don't have, if they were account wide I'd be more inclined to buy one for the skin. I'd get more use out of that one tool.

They aren't soul bound, can be unequipped and passed to the next character, feels like they are meant to be shared among characters. So would making tools more convenient with an unbreakable tool armory harm sales that much?

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46 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

But you'd only but it once.  I'm sure Anet would prefer players to purchase multiple sets?

I don't think most people buy 1 set for each of their characters given how expensive those tools are.

I personally only bought a second set because of the skin (which I would still need to even if they were account-wide), it was fitting for my Norn.

Edited by StarPT.7431
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