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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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The new elf ears item gives charr a new set of horns. The horns look cool, especially since their color changes according to the charr's fur color. Could we get these horns in the makeover kit, please? Both the version with and without jewelry? I'd like to be able to adjust their size and use them independent of the ear skin. 

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Legendary bags.

So if you are an altoholic, you can get alts set up more quickly and easily. Like most legendaries, I would expect these to be more expensive overall than you'd likely end up spending on the individual items themselves for different characters. The point here is convenience in the long-term, not cost-saving for the player (that's how most legendaries are).

You could use some of the existing 32 slot bags as precursors. Legendaries would still be 32 slots, but would be usable on any character at the same time, having their own kind of 'legendary armory.'

Imagine someone buying bag slots on every character so they can use every legendary bag slot they've unlocked in their armory on every character. I know you like gem purchases and you like people spending long hours in-game grinding gold keeping the game populated.

That is all.

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On 9/10/2022 at 3:34 PM, SkinnyT.5382 said:

The ability to delay or , preferably, completely turn off the skill description from the skill bar (when using a mouse to click on skills). They are fine when you are learning skills, but after that they are just a visual burden that clutters the screen.

People has been asking for this for years, and we still don't have it. It's frustrating.

I second that... I've been asking for this option since day 1,  FYI : I know repeat myself, but this option is available in GW1

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I love having different colour combos for my mounts depending on the map im on, and if i change my mount skin i have to also change the colours again.  or i just cannot pick between two beautiful colours . So an idea i would suggest to better improve the mount dye system is to make Saves or templates like the build templates to easily switch between colour combos,


For example. If i change the skins of and colours of 2 mounts each map,  The current dyes we have on now  can be saved in a dye template that can be named  and used later on, it could be just templates for each mount or one that includes all of the 9 mounts (and/or equipment) that have their assigned colours. That way it is easier to switch between a green forest looking mounts to your burning fire mounts depending on your map.

I know the Colour patterns and amount of dyes you can use on a mount differ depending on the skin you choose, so keeping the skin on the template as well as the colour is perfect 🙂


(This my first forum, Its not gonna looks as nice as the others)

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A suggestion about the Fishing Party Catches stacks.


Fishing Party catches stacks should kept their stacks at 99 whenever the map closes (The 1 hour volunter) by having the return to your boat debuff (Between 5-10 seconds). You will lose your stacks if you don't return to your boat in time after the maps closes. This would prevent people to go into tedious fishing power suffering again to put it back to 99.


Please forgive me for my english. English isn't my native speak so expect a lot of grammar errors from me.

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More of an art issue than a QoL issue, but it's not really big enough to warrant its own thread, so eh, I'm putting it here.


The Diviner Helm, part of the WvW light armor set. I really like this hood; one of the few hoods that actually looks good on Charr. The problem with it is that, for some reason, it has shoulder armor built into the model. Not only do I not particularly want that shoulder armor, but because it's there, you're not allowed to have your actual shoulder armor visible on your character.


Is there any way we could remove that extra shoulder piece from the hood? Or failing that, at least make it so we can choose to have our shoulder armor visible over it, and just let players deal with the potential clipping as they see fit?

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Wardrobe templates.

Equipment templates are good 'n all, but if you change your gear or even take out and put back in a legendary, you need to redo the skins. How about wardrobe templates that apply your pre-selected skins to the gear that you're wearing? Or perhaps, from the programming end, it wouldn't be applying it to our gear but is like putting on another layer of clothing. Like Outfits, except that it's made by us 😄 It should also be optional (checkmark box is simplest) so that if we want, we can toggle between our default gear skins and our wardrobe template. You may consider combining the Wardrobe tab with the Dyes tab in this scenario.

For me, I'd use this to plan my halloween costume in advance. With multiple wardrobe templates, I can fiddle with my halloween look and not worry about messing up my not-holiday look. I feel like fashion wars would be more intense with this, and people without a gazillion characters will have the option to join a contest with their current character and a new wardrobe template.

On a side note, this may also allow the chat links of gear and applied skins to be separated. If someone asks "what gear are you using"?, the link from our equipment panel would only show the gear info. If someone asks "who are you wearing?" (lol), the link from our wardrobe template will only show the skins (and maybe the dyes, too, if the wardrobe tab and dyes tab are combined!)

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The lfg's for big open world metas are very frustrating. When a map is full, commanders don't bother removing their group from the lfg, even when told that their map is full. This creates an issue where a lot of people will keep trying to join the most populated(most likely to success) map and treat the other ones as buffer maps that people are hesitant to commit to, even when 3, 4 tags are up. This gets very confusing when there are multiple maps in progress and people arent tagging their map ip.

Some things that could help imo

  1. Displaying number of players on current instance on lfg (like idk 50 out of 100 or whatever the map limit is)
  2. Force unlist group advertisement as soon as map becomes full, unable to relist when map is full. Idk make it affect only the map you are on and lfging as, this can get kinda weird i guess.
  3. Make a queue system

Players are already using /ip due to your shortcomings, you've done nothing with the bad lfg system, 1 is the easiest way to give players a visual representation of what's going on in each map. Like adding ip and map capacity wouldn't even be hard

Edited by Incurve Giidis.7829
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Please make Disciplines max level account wide.

For instance, once we reach max level of 400 or 500 on any Discipline; and we have a level 80 character, the Discipline we choose would be also max level.


Because some people use crafting as a way to level up characters to 80; this feature would only be available to level 80 characters.


So any level 80 character would automatically be at level 400 or 500 on any Discipline you choose, providing you already had reached max level on that specific Discipline.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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FIX Jade Bot Recycle already!!!
Make Jade bot to recycle junk items looted from loot-bags. Or at least add junk recycle sequence to Deposit Materials button, it will recycle all the junk in inventory which doesn't fall under recycle restrictions.


P.s. Yes, jade bot's recycle doesn't do anything for junk received from loot bags ( which players open from inventory ), recycle works only for junk from dead mobs.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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WvW rank gain is slow, inconsistent, and hard to come by if you are unlucky on server placement or times you play.

How bout when you get a pips tick, you get some WvW XP. That way you have a steady way to increase it no matter how you play the mode (as long as you are participating).

Right now, the only way I'm aware of to level it with any kind of speed is like...
- be on a server that wins a lot
- play at the right time of day
- follow around a commander who wins a lot
- commander also does objectives mostly

Like doing something akin to EotM karma train, which ain't exactly proving anything in terms of personal accomplishment anyway... so why not some from pips tick.

You might be tempted to tie it to the skirmish track and scale it, but then it's gonna suffer from the same problems other things do in that track, where casually playing the mode will get you almost nothing.

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Pet name "plates" or whatever you call them - the names of your pets that float above the summoned creature, often followed by a bracketed guild abbreviation. 


Fluffybutt [SLUG]

Bone Minion [SKUM]


To my knowledge - and I could be wrong about this which is why I'm asking - there are still no options to turn these off. You can turn off floating names for every other element, including your own character, NPCs, and objects, and instead have these identified on mouse hover - but not for any summoned pet.


Unless I'm missing the option somewhere in the menu. 


I and others have been asking for this QOL feature for ten years. Is this an option in the settings? Am I just being blind? 


These name plates look like trash on my screen- I don't need them to identify my own pets, and if I ever get confused, mouse hover should do the trick. 


I can barely play a lot of large group content now because the sheer amount of player spell effects and other visual garbage is so overwhelming. Being able to turn off all floating names would at least be a small improvement.


Any rate, I like to bring this topic up every couple of years. 


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The display options in this game are a little odd. No, there isn't a way to do this. We could use one! Probably also hide squad names and ALSO hide friendly spell effects. Some games give you the option to turn down friendly spell effects or turn them off completely except for "important" ones like ground targeted aoe heals you should stand in etc.


I don't intend to make this thread about friendly spell effects, my point is just that this game could use another pass over these graphical/display options.

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