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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Since this is a QoL thread, I hope this fits:


Some bags, such as the Reinforced 32 slot Olmakhan Bandolier, have special tags- consumables enter it first, and the items do not compact with the rest of your inventory, for the example above.


Please! Let us toggle these! I'd love to use one of my 32 slot bags as a normal bag, no bells, no whistles, just 32 slots. Please and thank you 🙂

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What's the point of having infusions as endgame rewards when everyone can just disable them 😂 

Shall we expect account upgrades as endgame rewards now that cosmetics are effectively worthless, or is afking in DR the only rewarding gamemode left?


Also. I was under the impression that this setting was meant to hide useless things like ally skill effects, pets, golems, clouds, summons, virtu daggers etc. so I can actually see where things are in combat. Well guess what,  all those things are still there, including the biggest offenders - massive green mechs and big AoE fields stacked on top of each other to the point where I can hardly see red telegraphs on the ground still.

Although I must say that it kinda does its job by... removing incentive to play endgame content altogether 🤡 At least in a year we'll still have 50g worth "super rare" drops to try for, I guess. And that one PoF map with piniata will finally die too XD

Edited by rune.9572
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Buried Insight - Find the Elder Dragon research

The NPC stops talking if you are too far away or something?  I don't want to stand around all day listening to them. 

[Feature request] Fast Forward dialogs.

Edited by Duligraws.8214
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  • Duligraws.8214 changed the title to [Feature] Buried Insight indicator

There are third party websites you can use to find locked skins/dyes, but what I'd love is a way to filter by locked skins/dyes so I don't have to do the manual work of looking them up and typing stuff in.

You can already filter by things that character can use (ie elementalist usable only) so I would think you could also use that same method to filter by locked skins. Obviously it would apply to equipment (not just literal skins). As someone who is trying to unlock the cheap skins before using my black lion wardrobe unlocks, I'd really appreciate this kind of quality of life upgrade.

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While I love that now action camera exists, unfortunately I still prefer using autohotkey for crosshair toggle and associated function because of two fairly significant things:

1. Automatic cursor centering when toggling crosshair on. This means when toggling off the cursor always starts from the crosshair point (roughly screen centre or wherever the crosshair position is set) and not wherever it last ended up on screen prior to enabling action camera. This allows more efficient use of toggling off/on for use of the cursor as you always know where the cursor is - either for ground targeting, target selection or other.

2. Binding right click to a skill while crosshair is on. It would be nice to have this option in game as you currently have to use autohotkey for this anyway on top of it.

I can fudge number 2 through rebinding mouse buttons but this is not ideal.

I would like to finally transition completely from having to run an autohotkey script to purely in game features, but these two points prevent from making the change. Is there a possibility that this could be implemented in a future patch?


Edit - for clarity on point 1, I believe it's most efficient to be toggling on and off during combat for use of the cursor as needed, and have been doing that for years. The current action camera function encourages either having always on or always off, which is limiting its potential.

Edited by Curunen.8729
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Hello Anet,

I would like to suggest if a checkbox could be added to 'lock the camera' when using 'About Face'.   Currently as it is designed right now, a player is required to hold down the left mouse button when using about face to lock the camera in place.  This left click requirement can be hard for some to pull off, especially in the heat of pvp or wvw combat.  

I personally would love it if we can have a check box option to remove this right click requirement to lock the camera, giving players a toggle-able choice between locking it or leaving it rotating with the character as it is today (for those that like it to rotate with the character).


Thanks for your consideration.

please move this to the proper forum if this is not the appropriate one(i did not see a suggestions/ideas forum)




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I am not sure how this would work. How long would the camera stay locked? This makes sense if you use it for a really fast 180° to couple it with a backward movement/leap ability to shoot it forward instead of backward. But if you use it for fast turning you want the camera to turn with you.

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That bar need a update/reform.

Actually boons are separataded from "consumables".

But the consumables bar, theres too many character passive skills icons, consumables buffs, jade tech stuff and map buffs.

Is some maps this clutter so much,, even behind minimap.

The main problem ins't long duration stuff, but short ones that require u do something(ex: filter in gyala dwelves) then u need keep "tracking".

Also they don't have a proper sort order, is just whos come first.



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Hair Style Rework Idea

We rarely get new hair styles and I believe the reason for that is they are not that profitable to make for Anet. So instead of using the Hair Style Kit to access exclusive styles, have the hair styles available to purchase individually or as sets. Similar to other cosmetics, the purchased style will be stored in the wardrobe system. You can the visit a barber npc, located in major cities, to apply any of your unlocked hair styles for a small fee or transmutation charge. I believe this change would benefit both players and Anet; giving players more freedom to change up their hair whenever they please and Anet more sales. 

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You do know you can drag mini map up to the top right corner right?

So no need to have buffs hidden by that anyhow.

1. is hard to get used to it, because in many games(ex: dragon age), minimaps is always on bottom right by default.

2. Im not talking about hidden buffs, but to reorganize, like the boons, in a separate line. because at current pace, not even a big screen will be enough.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

You do know you can drag mini map up to the top right corner right?

So no need to have buffs hidden by that anyhow.

Top side UI will always obstruct more space than bottom side UI due to the fact that the camera is behind the character and that the character walk on the ground. Due to that I believe that bottomside UI is always preferable for 3D cameras with gravity.

And regardless of that, I think OP is right, there are too many buffs and they're not well organized.

There could be different rows for food and boosters, boons and unique effects to dissolve clutter or alternatively there should be a system to how they are ordered for yourself and for allies so that you can have more of an idea WHERE to look to see if you have a certain boon/effect/food/booster.

Sometimes I'm doing raid trainings and I can't tell if I have a certain boon or not because it's out of vision range due to my numerous herald effects obstructing it. Sure, I can use arcdps boon table but come on...

There are multiple "extend boons on yourself and your allies" skills in this game, how are you supposed to utilize them well if you can't even tell if you or someone else has the boon you want to extend?

Edited by Endaris.1452
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