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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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On 11/9/2023 at 12:15 AM, Umut.5471 said:

We should have storage for Relics (maybe also Runes, and Sigils). With SOTO expansion, we are getting rewarded many unique relics and they all waste a slot.
They are designed like collectibles but take valuable item slots in inventory.

We need similar relics to stack like runes and sigils do. 

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Going to bring this up again requesting two features for action camera that shouldn't require additional autohotkey script to function.

1. Centre cursor at crosshair when toggling action camera on (so toggling off would ensure the cursor always starts from the dot - allowing predictable use for ground targeting).

2. Enable right click as weapon skill 2 when action camera is on (toggling off returns to normal right click function).

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18 hours ago, Monchichi.9301 said:

Suggestion: I would love to see a list of clickable emotes we know. It's getting hard to remember them all.

Just letting you know that the in-game command "/emotelist" already exists which will bring up all the emotes in the game, and tell you which ones you have locked/unlocked. Unless your suggestion is only to be able to click them? You should always be able to remember them with that command though.

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Please allow us to consistently determine the order that multiple infusions stack in. Currently, certain infusions have the same priority as some other infusions. Primary examples are the Polysaturating Reverberating Infusions and Polyluminescent Undulating Infusions. This means that if you wear both at the same time, they will fight over having equal priority. This results in a random 50/50 chance when you load into a new map of the infusions showing in one of the two possible orders. It has been observed by players that the game determines which infusion takes priority by whichever one happened to load last when you enter a map.

I am asking for any kind of way it could be implemented where we have consistent stacking of infusion effects. The most ideal solution I can think of is allowing the player to choose which infusion effect takes priority simply by making it so that infusions in armour always take priority over infusions in trinkets, for example. But any kind of consistent set priority rules for competing infusions would be preferable to not knowing and having infusions just stacking in a random order and making your character look totally different when zoning into a new map and to other players.

Note: I found that the Wiki says "Prior to End of Dragons the effects from Polysaturating Reverberating Infusions, Hylek Potions, Polyluminescent Undulating Refractor, and Polyluminescent Undulating Infusions would only show the last applied effect and a random one upon zoning". Upon reading this I thought this may have been fixed in EoD. However I just tested it and the random order of infusions upon zoning still occurs, so the Wiki is incorrect.

I made a full post here for more details/links if interested: 


Edited by Ember.8510
Did some testing in-game
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- Add a chime/sound whenever a commander issues a ready check. Some people Alt+tab away from the game or are busy with another thing, its good to have something reminding them that there is a ready check sign happening.

-Related to the previous point, add a red icon or really anything that guides a player into pressing yes/no for the ready check. Sometimes players dont get a pop up indicating a ready check, many of those people dont really know how to click on squad UI and choose "I'm ready". Simply, if a ready check is up and the user clicked no or didnt get a pop up, there should be a small visible icon near the squad ui which directs the player.

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● Normal human hair for sylvari.

It's the only race that I do NOT have a character of; because, with all honesty, I really don't like their leafy heads for hair.

I did have a few Silva in the past, but always ended up deleting them, because this issue bothers me way too much.

Even charr and Asura have hair options.

Please consider this. I'd like to have a few sylvari characters and keep them.

Make money by makung it a GS item.

● Skins and colours for Engie Mechs.

The title alone speaks volumes.

There's money to be made here too aswell in GS.

● Engie turrets...

They are out of fashion and outdated.

Please really consider making these into small mechs using Mechanist Elite Spec that follow you just like minions and elementals. 

Then, sell skins for them too in GS.

● Ranger pet skins.



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I already wrote a topic about legendary food a while ago but i'll try to be more specific, in the hope it drags a bit more attention.

Legendary food is crafted once unlocking conditions are met.


required main ingredient for legendary food : legendary grade ingredients :

Legendary plants. They can grow  at the end of a jumping puzzle, or proc very rarely in some plant nodes. They may require a specific gathering tool being crafted through a mini questline just like there was one for ascended food and the kiln, maybe as a consumable legendary sickle that can be crafted again.

Legendary fish. We already have those. Why not make one or two of them specifically required for a legendary food, for example in a new map addition. These would require legendary crafted lures from the hunting profession for example and maybe some bait being loot from specific other fish (think fish eggs, but rarer)

Legendary meat. Acended food introduced the quality meat. Let's add an exquisite meat, dropped by some hard to beat mobs (elite mobs, maybe champions if they are soloable reasonably like some are)

Other components of legendary food crafts could be ascended food, regular food and ingredients, and so on.


What these foods would do :

The best food you can ask for, but in specific ways.

- pumping up some numbers from ascended food if it's not gamebreaking (like huge buff to gold drop from monsters, magic find, buffing the stats that don't change much most of the time wouldn't hurt, or big XP buffs, like very big xp buffs, also WVWEXP)

- enable new specific drops. For example if the legendary food is a feast, make it so that the feast on the ground attracts mobs to get resources from, or insects to pick up directly in addition to the ingestion effects. Or maybe the insects are the food effect themselves ? It could be possible to add a minigame there, like a whack-a-mole session and so on.

- a sea feast could be thought of. Why not make a feast to use on the ocean ? Would be cool, either a feast that stays in the water and attracts fish and other marine creatures, or a floating feast.

- some personal legendary foods (non feasts) that grant a new combat/utility skill. Anything like the hulky strength skills (boulder throwing etc) , or an ability to drop some crumbs of the food on the ground to tame animal mobs temporarily, or summon/move neutral wildlife around you and so on.

- added exclusive skin effects (like infusions but with different unique looks)

- the legendary feast skins placed on the ground would be unique looking so that it adds flavour and allow players for quick recognition.

- new stats being specifically granted by these foods

- edit : also a food pinata, working like a static mob to attack for everyone around, giving random food to the players dealing damage to it, untill it's destroyed.


Thank you for your attention,




Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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Not sure if this is the thread for this feedback, but it would be a massive QOL update -- the bots in the game seem to be a bit out of control. I don't personally mind someone farming open world mobs for dust or whatever, but it's especially bad in specific maps/events, most notably Dragon's End.

Trying to get a full squad into the map only to see a stack of bots at Soo-Won's platform literally every single run is just the norm these days. Even organized groups that force a new map have bots infiltrating them. Add on the players that jump off the platform after Soo-Won phases the first time and leaves the squad so they can afk somewhere till it's done and still get full rewards, and the entire event has just become a frustrating mess. 

An anet employee response to one of my tickets confirmed that this was indeed against the TOS, but even after sending numerous tickets with the information that they request (time of event, name of players, screenshots, etc), I still see the same bots in their various farming timezones. 

I now just get the scripted response of "We understand that their behavior can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience as these investigations take time." Out of curiosity I checked the first time I reported some of these bots and it was back on June 9th, yet they still seem to just be allowed to take up space on the map.

I've mostly just given up on even bothering reporting this anymore and have just accepted this is what life is like in gw2 as I am sure many others have, but it was made especially frustrating today as my internet briefly crashed and I had to queue back into the map, only to be removed from queue when the map inevitably closed. Today we counted 10 bots on the boss platform when we got up top (all mechs named Chill), so even though my DC wasn't the games fault just knowing all that time I spent doing the prep and escorts has now gone to waste -- meanwhile someone multiboxing several accounts and literally doing nothing but tagging the boss -- just makes me not want to bother logging back in for now.

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No to adding new stats and pushing the numbers. The food would immidiatley become a "must have" item and this just isn't the game for that sort of thing. Also no to adding drops that you can only get with legendary food.

If at all, legendary food should be an item, that lets you select from the existing ascended foods and then places the tray in the world, just like ascended food. The legendary part would be that ithas unlimited uses.

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To me a food with max stats, stat selection and unlimited uses as you say would be the end to all the food in the game. That's way worse than buffing xp gain, gold from monsters, and giving cool gameplay effects.

About the loot, it mostly depends on what it is. It may as well be insect items with a food effect like the grasshoppers or just vendor items.

Your idea seems like being made for people who are not interested in game food and just want a no brainer to get rid of crafting. Doesn't add fun nor real gameplay value, rather kills a crafting profession instead.

What you really want are the 2nd and 10th birthday food items, that already exist, that are nearly max stats already, given for free with unlimited uses.

Now doing the same with maxed values and stat selection would just be over the top without adding value, making all food nodes useless on all the maps except for newbies (who must be rare these days) and some black lion items too (metabolic primer, garden plots, many home instance nodes etc) .


Now remove the unlimited uses, and i could add it to my list.

Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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Invisible Mounts

Maybe a weird idea at first, bear with me.

I love my mounts and the various skins I have collected, but I also love the personal fantasy of my character being imbued with magic (or supernatural abilities, whatever you want to call it) and being able to perform extraordinary feats like leaping 80ft high (springer) or levitating over water (skimmer) or flying (skyscale, griffon).

I would love to buy invisible versions of all my mounts as well as my glider.
I personally think it would be epic to press my summon mount button only to have my character personally imbued with some sort of magic aura and be able to run at great speeds and leap chasms, or shadowstep, or jump really high, or take to the air under his own power.

Along these same lines, I wish the glider / jade bot had a setting to take off from a standstill up into the air and then begin a glide. I think that would be neat.

I have no idea if many other people would enjoy this as well, but I imagine I am not alone in saying that I would be happy to throw some cash at this were it an option.






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Thanks to a bug I've had invisible mounts a few times, always in crowded metas (eg Aetherblades, Amnytas).  It's actually harder to fly an invisible skyscale than I'd have thought, it makes maneuvering feel very guesswork clumsy.  Ditto with landbound ones, I can't tell where their feet are.

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2 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Thanks to a bug I've had invisible mounts a few times, always in crowded metas (eg Aetherblades, Amnytas).  It's actually harder to fly an invisible skyscale than I'd have thought, it makes maneuvering feel very guesswork clumsy.  Ditto with landbound ones, I can't tell where their feet are.

I dont actually think that making the mounts literally invisible would work. I guess I just wrote that as a sort of shorthand to paint a picture of the concept that is in my head.
I have learned from experience that it is not worth my time (or anyone else's) to write a 1000 word essay and fully explain an idea that no one wants to read.

I would think that Anet would need to change each mount model into an invisible entity that is summoned when Mount Summon is pressed and which in turn activates a set of animations for the character model to perform.
The idea is probably more work than Anet wants to put into this, but still, I think its worth suggesting the idea. I sure would love to see it implemented.


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5 hours ago, walkingstick.7319 said:

With Warrior's upcoming access to staves, can we get some actual spear skins in-game? Simple spears, ranseurs, halberds, naginata, and the like would be very appreciated!

Halberds and Naginata aren't spears though. Halberd is a word derived from the old German term Halmbarte and refers to axe on a stick. And Naginata are basically Japanese glaives.

But I'd like to see more of those skins, as well. Especially ones that aren't needlessly caked in particles or overly decorated like the white tiger one.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Food (and utilities) serve as a gold sink, so it's doubtful that anet would introduce a "best of slot" item with unlimited uses which effectively removes that gold sink.  The birthday cake is probably as close as we'll get to unlimited food, and as a side note it would be nice to get the equivalent of the birthday cake platter for utilities.

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Make background for Character Select screen to change with in which part of World (right now it only have one image for each expansion which is static or random depending on setting) that your character have been located when you logged out last time.

It would make it easier to know where your character are supposed to be instead of reading the small box for location and other limited information.

My suggestion would be to at least make use of those image that exist to instead change with which part of in game World one have left character instead of only having the same image for every character like now or have a random image which isn't related to characters location. 

While talking about info box for Character Select, maybe also add some information for each character about level in crafting and not only show that you have activated crafting would be helpful.

With several character that might have unlocked the same crafting discipline, but not fully levelled it up yet, it would make it much faster to find out which character that one would want to log into.


World (for WvW) in Character Select (which is displayed in info box) could just have been moved up to the larger info box in Character Select as that is the same for every character (at least before we get to Alliance where Guild would be more important to see when it will be depending on character for WvW).

I would also want to see in that smaller info box for selecting character on what stage one have character for story progression like some info about active chapter or episode.

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Idea about the Jade bot recyclers:

Why dont make it that players who have a jade bot recycler equipped can decide themselves which items are recycled and which not?

What i m talking about is that the junk items that are currently recycled keep getting recycled but additionally players who have a recylcer equipped can right click on any item and get an option if the jade bot recycler should recycle this item in future or not? According to the wiki (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Bot_Junk_Recyclers/research) you get 1 jade sliver (or 10 karma etc) up to 20 copper, so wouldnt it be nice if it calculates the vendor item-worth of it and gives materials based on that?

If you want an item to be not be recycled anymore, the jade recycler could get an option by right clicking on it that shows all items it currently salvages based on categories like green rarity, blue rarity and so on.

Well maybe thats too complicated and time-consuming to implement.
But if it would be possible i believe it would be pretty awesome.

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