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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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1 hour ago, Erysium.4501 said:

Dear Guild Wars 2 Team,

I'm reaching out to you with a heartfelt wish that moves many of us who have been loyal to you since 2012. Through Pride of the Lion, we've gotten a glimpse of the "old Lion's Arch" that we miss so much. Old Lion's Arch was the soul of Guild Wars 2 for me, the city that transported me to a magical fantasy world. Your artistic world design, which makes Guild Wars 2 so unique, was especially evident in this city.

Please let us relive the "old Lion's Arch" as it once was. Please make this town attractive again by removing the glider and mount ban. It would be a small effort for you, but a great event for us players - we who long for it so much. It would fit in with the Season 1 update.

I hope and believe that you will listen to the Guild Wars 2 community and fulfill our wishes with just a few clicks. Sincerely, Eximius - with you from the beginning.

No. Absolutely not. Old Lion's Arch is a snapshot of that place in time. It does not need gliders nor does it need mounts. It needs to stay as it is.

The only thing we need to do is fix the Lion's Pride key.

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2 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

No. Absolutely not. Old Lion's Arch is a snapshot of that place in time. It does not need gliders nor does it need mounts. It needs to stay as it is.

The only thing we need to do is fix the Lion's Pride key.

No. Absolutely not. Lion's Pride key is a gimmick item. It does not need to function like a lounge.

The only thing we need to do is fix the litany of issues with the game. 

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No glider and mounts please. Makse sense to have it without them - as ShadowKatt explained, because it was set in the past where we did not have gliders and mounts yet. Already weird that the Marionett instance allows gliding.

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There are a few older semi-related threads, but nothing specific so I see no need to necro any of them.

I have loved the look of the Phantasm Weapons from the very first time I saw them, and decided I needed them for my Mesmer (at least the class-usable ones). Just like the Spirit Weapons were lifted from Guardian skills, with a few exceptions these clearly came from Mesmer Phantasm skills; the idea behind both obviously being that they would mainly appeal to players of those classes. I slowly ground out my first three way back in the early days of the game, got the uncraftable Urchin's Needles from some random drop ages ago, and after I returned years later I resumed building my collection.

Except for the fact that there is no Phantasm Weapons "Collection," even after all this time (not for Spirit Weapons either). It's technically not even a weapon set; they're all considered to be standalones. Also not helpful, some weapon types don't even exist in this style like staff, torch, rifle, warhorn, bows etc. Yet there are two different options each for pistol*, focus and spear; go figure. Holographic Dragon Bash and SAB Hardlight weapons can be semi-reasonable substitutes for the missing options, but since the Phantasm weapons are based on a mixture of the (complete) Royal Ascalonian, Pact and basic weapon models, why not just finish them out? If the truly hideous Abomination and Saryx weapons deserve full(ish) sets and collections with achievements, why not these classics?


Re pistols:  There is literally no reason other than an unhealthy lore obsession to craft both Lyss and Ilya because they’re visually identical and the wardrobe system made item-reskinning a trivial process a couple years after launch. At the time they were created that wasn’t the case, but Mesmers couldn’t equip dual pistols at the time and still can’t. At least the focus and spear options feature visually different designs.

I think it’s high time these got their own official “Collection” and the handful of missing items added. I have 9 out of a possible 13, and plan to stop at 10 because I’m only doing one each of the items with two options. However, if an official “Collection” existed with an achievement and title/item or somesuch, I might actually have an incentive to grind for the "duplicates" anyway. I farmed most of the mats myself over time so the cost isn’t exactly equivalent but for someone to duplicate my current collection starting today, it would add up to a total price of about 2325g in current materials costs (plus 45 Spirit Shards):

  • 9 Eldritch Scrolls
  • 20 Crystal Lodestones
  • 30 Giant Eyes
  • 600 Mystic Coins
  • 750 Ancient Wood Planks
  • 2250 Ectoplasm
  • 4000 Orichalcum Ingots

That roughly matches the average BLT sell price for a Gen1 or Gen3 Legendary, and that’s not even 75% of them! For that kind of investment, getting them all seems like it should be worth at least a wearable title. It’s far more time and effort than the “Gourmet Training” achievement, which gives qualifying characters both a title and a Legendary Kitchen (so to speak).

As it is now the weapon skins are their own reward; I guess I just can’t understand why such a unique and visually striking set of weapons (that were literally designed for use in Mesmer skills) isn’t actually a “set” at all, thus it cannot be officially “collected.”


Also: Phantasmal Infusion (this but Mesmer-colored) when?

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
for clarity after thread got merged
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1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

The only thing we need to do is fix the Lion's Pride key.

There's no "fix" needed to the key because it's not broken, literally works as intended and your request is baseless.

Even moreso when you just wrote this:

1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

No. Absolutely not. Old Lion's Arch is a snapshot of that place in time. It does not need gliders nor does it need mounts. It needs to stay as it is.

It's not a lounge pass so it has no reason to function like one.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

No, he's right. Why do you think there is a fee to place something for sale? If no fee, people could just throw stuff on the TP at prices nobody would pay, then cancel the sale when they want that item back in inventory. Not picking up everything you buy is similar, you are essentially buying stuff and storing it on the TP.

Maybe it is time to invest in more storage?

You are funny bro. Tell me more how I should invest more in storage space when I have it maxed on both accounts xDDD. You really have to believe I have bad intentions and aim for some shady shenanigans. It is quite sad that you just suspect people you do not know without any obvious reason.

But anyway, to be fair it was never my intention to do stuff you described. All I ask for is that if I have 10 slots in inventory and 15 stacks to pick up, make me choose which 10 I want to pick (I still can be forced to pick 10 just let me choose the order). Quite often items I need are left in the pickup box while my inventory gets full of stuff I do not need yet. It is quite often that I buy a lot of things I need to refine (wood logs/metal ore) before combining it with e.g. venom sacks. All I ask for is to be able to skip venom sacks whilst I do not need them and pick ores/logs.

Also two huge differences between bank functionality and selective pickup:

1. Bank/material storage offers you on-demand withdrawal and storing and acts both ways. Selective pickup is just a one-way process. 

2. Stuff stored in the bank can be used directly for crafting, mystic forge refinement, listing on the TP, etc. If you want to do anything with stuff in the pickup box of the TP you have to pick them up before doing anything.


Also quick question: Do you believe it should be considered a punishable abuse to intentionally not pick up items from TP? Because it expands your inventory space... As you described it "you are essentially buying stuff and storing it on the TP."

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12 minutes ago, Wojciech.8024 said:


You are funny bro. Tell me more how I should invest more in storage space when I have it maxed on both accounts xDDD. You really have to believe I have bad intentions and aim for some shady shenanigans. It is quite sad that you just suspect people you do not know without any obvious reason.

But anyway, to be fair it was never my intention to do stuff you described. All I ask for is that if I have 10 slots in inventory and 15 stacks to pick up, make me choose which 10 I want to pick (I still can be forced to pick 10 just let me choose the order). Quite often items I need are left in the pickup box while my inventory gets full of stuff I do not need yet. It is quite often that I buy a lot of things I need to refine (wood logs/metal ore) before combining it with e.g. venom sacks. All I ask for is to be able to skip venom sacks whilst I do not need them and pick ores/logs.

Also two huge differences between bank functionality and selective pickup:

1. Bank/material storage offers you on-demand withdrawal and storing and acts both ways. Selective pickup is just a one-way process. 

2. Stuff stored in the bank can be used directly for crafting, mystic forge refinement, listing on the TP, etc. If you want to do anything with stuff in the pickup box of the TP you have to pick them up before doing anything.


Also quick question: Do you believe it should be considered a punishable abuse to intentionally not pick up items from TP? Because it expands your inventory space... As you described it "you are essentially buying stuff and storing it on the TP."

Yes it already is since you have to pick them up to use them and you have to pick up everything that is said punishment.

If your way get implemented I could see Anet charge a tax on items per sec/min or even hour it is left in the trading post box to discurage said usage.

And yes Im a horder aswell got 3 fully level up guild banks and 2 alt account mails full with stuff aswell as my main account with max bank and very little storage on each character.

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22 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes it already is since you have to pick them up to use them 

Nothing changes in that matter.

22 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

you have to pick up everything that is said punishment.

As I said, keeping the requirement to fill up the inventory to 100% is fine. Just let players pick in the order they need the items, not the order they came into the pickup box.

Edited by Wojciech.8024
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Before August, all I wanted to be added was an activities NPC for when participating in an activity came up as a daily.

But since I don't do dailies anymore, I fully agree with absolutely no changes.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

There's no "fix" needed to the key because it's not broken, literally works as intended and your request is baseless.

Even moreso when you just wrote this:

It's not a lounge pass so it has no reason to function like one.

I'm not going to rehash what I've already explained in another thread. There are more travel items that function like lounge passes without being lounge passes. Your arguement is entirely baseless. It can and should be fixed to function as a return to position.

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5 hours ago, Wojciech.8024 said:

Nothing changes in that matter.

As I said, keeping the requirement to fill up the inventory to 100% is fine. Just let players pick in the order they need the items, not the order they came into the pickup box.

Well that is not what we have now you have to pick up everything 15 stacks even if you only have 1 slot in inventory so just no your inability to manage your inventory dont mean the whole trading post box system need to change.

Just send some mails to your alt account before picking stuff up it can hold 60 mails while first 10 of those are visible.


This is if it  works like looting with an overflow bag since I never done it myself.

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5 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I'm not going to rehash what I've already explained in another thread. There are more travel items that function like lounge passes without being lounge passes. Your arguement is entirely baseless. It can and should be fixed to function as a return to position.

No as explained in your other thread.

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11 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I'm not going to rehash what I've already explained in another thread. There are more travel items that function like lounge passes without being lounge passes. Your arguement is entirely baseless. It can and should be fixed to function as a return to position.

You didn't explain much, it's more that you dropped out of it when it was proven that your comparisons were bad and your demands didn't match the complaint. It's not baseless, because whatever you claimed "also returned you to your old position" doesn't have any of the lounge/city utilities.
So without change there's still no reason for it to somehow "return you to position".


Here's the post talking about it in your thread:

And absolutely point me where you addressed anything about it. You didn't. You just quoted first sentence of that post and carefully avoided the rest of it. So don't claim you "explained" anything there, because that's false. What's "baseless" is your request, as explained in the post above as well as later in this one:


Edited by Sobx.1758
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The soul of Guil— what!? I liked that place for about 3 months when the game first launched, after that I was on record saying I absolutely hated it. After Scarlet destroyed old Lion's Arch I didn't even feel like killing her any more. Like, thank you! You could have evacuated all the innocents first but thank you!

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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It would be nice if old Lion's Arch could get its Halloween decorations back once a year.  I guess king Thorn doesn't have to be present.  Just a bit more nostalgia.  I don't remember old LA decorating for any other festival.  Hopefully the old LA Halloween map is floating around in storage somewhere.

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4 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

It would be nice if old Lion's Arch could get its Halloween decorations back once a year.  I guess king Thorn doesn't have to be present.  Just a bit more nostalgia.  I don't remember old LA decorating for any other festival.  Hopefully the old LA Halloween map is floating around in storage somewhere.

It did decorate for wintersday aswell te whole city instead of just 1 part of divinitys reach.

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Make the "Well Rested" possible by logging out in the Core cities as people are inorganically funneled toward Arborstone and The Wizard's Tower to get the "Well Rested" effect.

The "Pact Mentor" Mastery could give it, instead of, Swiftness as with the access to a level 10 Raptor the Boon is superfluous outside of Home Instances since it's faster to go around on a city with a mount rather than on foot.

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18 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Just send some mails to your alt account before picking stuff up it can hold 60 mails while first 10 of those are visible.


This is if it  works like looting with an overflow bag since I never done it myself.

It proves how little your game experience is. If you aim to pick up more than your inventory can hold the rest of the items remain in the pickup box.

It is also another fake accusation that I did not manage to clear my inventory.

The biggest issue is when you buy non-stackable items. it is easy to exceed any inventory space when you buy a lot (300? 500?) of items to salvage for research notes and then need something else like mats.

Also, if you are forced to use tricks such as sending emails to an alt account to achieve something it is clear that there is a space for functional QoL updates. Any action requiring more than one account is not something that is originally meant to be done as the game can never expect you to have more than one account.

Edited by Wojciech.8024
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1 hour ago, Wojciech.8024 said:

It proves how little your game experience is. If you aim to pick up more than your inventory can hold the rest of the items remain in the pickup box.

It is also another fake accusation that I did not manage to clear my inventory.

The biggest issue is when you buy non-stackable items. it is easy to exceed any inventory space when you buy a lot (300? 500?) of items to salvage for research notes and then need something else like mats.

Also, if you are forced to use tricks such as sending emails to an alt account to achieve something it is clear that there is a space for functional QoL updates. Any action requiring more than one account is not something that is originally meant to be done as the game can never expect you to have more than one account.

Nope only proves how little I buy from the tp I sell and pick up gold.

I was just telling you from one hoarder to another how  I deal with it mate.

You wanting infinite storage in the tp by picking and choseing what items of your 20+ you got in the trading post box to pick up do not help the game in anyway.

Edited by Linken.6345
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