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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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This is honestly starting to kitten me off.  When I buy a glider-backpack combo, I generally want to use both, and that means I want them to be colored the same.  It's pretty stupid when your glider-backpack spontaneously changes appearance because you can dye one but not the other.  It's pretty stupid that your backpack can't be made to match your armor.

I've run into this issue on three different glider-backpack sets now:
Citadel Assault Glider/Backpack Combo - The Backpack cannot be dyed

Forged Glider/Backpack Combo - The Backpack cannot be dyed

Dynamics Exosuit Glider/Backpack Combo - the Projector (backpack) cannot be dyed

There is absolutely no text or warning anywhere when purchasing these items in the Gem Store that the backpack cannot be dyed.

Please fix this, or start handing out refunds for these items because you couldn't be bothered to warn anyone about it before purchase.

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First of all I waht to say thank you for the new faces! They are awsome!

But, there are parts of character creation that has got no love at all since GW2 was released. It would be awsome if we could have:...

* New fur patterns for charr, (inspiration can be taken from oryx, cows, zebras, horses... u name it)

* New fur colors for charr, some of those that are in the exclusive total makeover kit (natural ones, not pink purple and blue.... I think u see what I mean). 

* New horns for charr, antler inspired, asian dragon inspired, with or without decoration, prhaps partially branded.... It would help create a true canthan feeling together with the new faces!

* The ability to choose colors on charr horns! Horns are such a distinct feature for charr so please let us choose among a pool of natural shade colors on our horns!

* More hairstyles where THE HAIR has 2 colors!  


I guess other people maining the other races have similar wishes for asuran ears, norn beards and tattoos and so on...

Whats your wishes? Please try to stay realistic and on topic.

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As mentioned in another discussion, one possibly fairly easy win would be to allow some of the hairstyles to be used on both male and female characters.


All my characters are either Charr or Asura, and I’d like more sensible hair and cosmetic options for Charr (some of the current hairstyles seem to be for comedy value only). I’d also like the mount scaling looked at. I’m actually avoiding making new Charr characters because they look silly sitting on the mounts. 

Asura I’d also like to see a greater variety of skin tones and hairs without massive bows or adornments. 

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14 hours ago, Joonmo.7523 said:


I am requesting more playlists, other than the ones that already exist.

Ambient music is limited in the way that if you are playing certain soft tracks around peaceful areas, then go to fireheart rise or Orr, the music doesn't fit the scene.


Areas like those need their own playlist, so you make a sinister or danger genre playlist... and vice versa.

Imagine adding songs such as The door to komale, but you're hanging around bettleton or just outside the Grove.

Hence the request for a few more playlists.


Thanks anyways.

I've been using them custom playlists since almost the beggining.


WvW needs its own playlist for the very same reason.

It gets annoying that everytime I go to WvW, would have to lower the game music volume to none and have my own music player playing in the background.


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Please put a banker NPC in Edge of The Mists starting zone. I don't understand why there isn't one - it's the starting zone area for crying out loud!!!

Allow Warclaws in Edge of The Mists

Display which "Order" your characters have chosen in the personal story, on the character select page with the corresponding order flag/banner.

Increase the size of the starter elementalist skins: Flame Eye, Glacial Eye, Stone Eye, Storm Eye. They are so tiny they're barely noticeable on the forehead.

WvW needs a legendary "accessory" (well, 2 different ones, eventually, one day, so WvW players can work towards completing their legendary trinkets), as well as another different legendary "ring" so that WvW players can complete their legendary trinket section.

It would also be nice to one day have unique WvW legendary armor SKINS (or even have it as a collection skin so that, once you've unlocked the WvW legendary armor piece, you can work towards a skin for it, using skirmish claim tickets and other things?!?!). Maybe the skins shouldn't be animated and flashy like the raid version, so as to keep the raid legendary armor special and different, but it would be nice to have just simple, stunning skins that all work well together. 

Please have more items we can purchase/spend our skirmish claim tickets on. I currently have 22,115 of them, and the only thing I'd probably buy with them is more +5% Power infusions for my characters, but other than that, there's literally nothing else that is worth any good value or use, to spend them on as I have the WvW legendary armor unlocked already.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
added more QOL suggestions
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A lot of people have been asking for proper housing in home instance.

Some asked for bookshelves for all books, the crafting stations to be in the house, etc etc...


Now; I never really gave it much thought until now.

I thought about it for a couple of minutes while hanging around Blazeridge Steppes with my male Weaver, and wishing ANet decided to finally give us Mercenaries once and for all, for those who want it...

Then it occured to me this brilliant idea.


So why not... ANet, combine the housing idea a ton of people have been asking for, and place all our characters there?


Of course, minus the one you're currently using.


This at least would do until the day you finally decide to give us a party of atleast 5 units of our own characters to command in battle.


Thank you guys.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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It's been asked many many many times since the game has launched. And has been completely ignored by Anet from the 1st time players requested cursor options. I believe there is a 3rd party program, which I have never tried, called Yolomouse that some use.

I stay away from 3rd party program for GW2 but that is another discussion.

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I agree, the other day I was thinking of looking up how to change my mouse cursor because I can't see it 99% of the time. I don't know how to change the colour or look of the cursor itself as I'm not a tech person, but it's extremely difficult to see my cursor because of the gold colour of it. It blends in with everything 😕

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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Can we please have an option to change the mouse cursor - by colour, size, and shape? It's literally impossible to see it during PvE fights for example with so many effects and visuals and various colours - even with graphic settings turned down. I usually have to put my mouse cursor all the way up into a corner of the screen just so that I can see it temporarily.

Home Instance Personalization and Decorating - can we please have home instances like Guild Halls where we can place nodes etc. where we want them (like you would with guild hall decorations), as well as be able to place guild hall decorations in our home instances, etc. - that way it's more personable and unique. Home should feel like home, and it would be neat to be able to place harvest nodes etc. where we want.

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Yes, the ability to change the cursor size and even something just like a high-contrast version would be greatly appreciated! I know there's a third party program that only changes the cursor appearance, but it would be nice to have these options baked-in to the game settings.

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Hi ANet. It would be great if we could change our Guild Name with a Gem Store item just like the player's identity change contract. I am sure that it can be done easily since I have often seen guilds being asked to change their name if they used an inappropriate one. Please consider.

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Apparently, you can actually already do this but a GM has to do it for you. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013021194-Policy-Guild-Ownership-and-Name-Changes


"As a guild leader, you may request a guild name or [tag] change by contacting support. Please be sure to include the following information in your ticket:

  • Five potential names for your guild, in order of preference, with your most desired name first.
  • The tag you’d like to use for each new guild name(s).

Upon review, a Game Master will try to update the name of your guild according to your preferences. If the first name you provided is already in use by another guild, then we will attempt to change the name to the second one on your list, and so forth. Once we are able to change the name—or if we need additional names because they are all in use—the Game Master will reply to your ticket with the results."

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I know that already but to go through the trouble of contacting Support and who knows how long it will take them to get back to you and after a long wait and then if it happened that the new name is taken, oh great , longer wait. I don't mind paying for better efficiency.

Edited by Mil.3562
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TACO (another 3rd party program) allows you to pinpoint your cursor location with 2 gridlines which you can change the colour and thickness off, as well as an edge highlight to those lines.

A workaround in-game is to choose fast-targetting with aoe skills so you can see a big green circle where your cursor is (up to the range of the aoe skill).

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I really need that feature too, just ajuting size and color would be already enough.

As far as I know, the 3rd party options are Yolomouse, Taco and Blish HUD (another Taco like overlay more customisable)

Edited by Bod.2146
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The problem with Guilds and the Gemstore is, that few people want to spend real life money for something, they can be kicked out of or that players don't own exclusively. Which is why, imho, guilds were mostly abandoned by ANet. You can't monetize them. People are willing to spen 30 bucks on mount sklins but are far harder to convince to pay 10 bucks for a guild decoration.


Also, what would prevent me from buying this item, then changing my guild's name to something offensive/stupidthen leaving the guild to never come back? Would it be fair, that now someone has to buy another name change contract just to counter my trolling?

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