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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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A few things:

1# Calendar/Event UI in which shows meta event timers and other information like rewards

2# Free cosmetic changes until level 10

3# When previewing armors and skins in the bank tab to show where can it be obtained

4# Better Enemy AOE indicator ( mostly cannot be seen by the visual noise from allies or because of visual effects from own class )

ex: Green hue from necromancer shroud form

5# Enemy bosses to show who are they targeting ( indicator above head )

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Fishing Skill 4's placement causes problems.

It's very easy to accidentally press it while pressing fishing skill 5 or 3.

I know we can use our strafe left and strafe right to replace fishing skill 2 and 3. It's just that, it's so much more convenient to press 2 and 3 right after pressing 1.

Edit to clarify why accidentally pressing 4 is a problem: 4 resets the fishing line. If we’re pressing 2 and 3, we’re already trying to reel a fish in. It’s very upsetting to almost catch a fish but then accidentally press 4 and prematurely end the fishing session.

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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The Raid Golum's pretty good, but you know what would be better? Having the ability to create a simulated fight of bosses with presets.


I know you can 'technically' do this, but this involves a lot of experience with the content already and a bit of set up. I'd love to still have custom layouts, but for people trying to learn a certain mechanic on a boss or to test a build on a boss in a stress free environment this would be a nice addition.


I'd prefer to have a testing ground for bosses instead of going to youtube or jumping into the fight blind.  What led me to think of this is having a friend recently join the game and while we have fun testing at the Golum testing in actual environments and 'comparing notes' doing that in a strike or raid environment is pretty intense. We want to break down each part of our build. Yeah you can download Arc, but as this is prone to crashes I tend to not use it. I haven't had many crashes, but the ones that did come always came at a a bad time.


It's a small addition but for a QoL, like learning about the chain mechanic in Whisper of Jormag, but at the Golum and other boss mechanics would be a dream.


Maybe you can already do this, but it's just not been obvious to me yet. Let me know what you think.


Have a great day :)

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On 4/29/2022 at 2:18 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Does this not work for you:  If desired, a commander can hide their icon from all but those inside of their squad by enabling the "Private Squad" setting in the squad UI. Conversely, any player can disable seeing commander tags outside of their squad via the general options menu.

Oh kitten, I didn't know that was how it worked. My bad.

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Being able to scribe waypoints in guild halls would be amazing... don't even necessarily have to work (though that'd be super cool if they did). Just being able to craft something that looks and more importantly, sounds like a waypoint, would be nice. Or buy, I would also buy that decoration.

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14 hours ago, SirRocket.3516 said:

A 'compendium' that stores all portal tome books into one item.


That'd be dope 

I second the motion!


While we’re at it, maybe a more intuitive way to select locations (with pictures?) compared to the current way of selecting that’s more like narrative dialogue

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1) NPE: early tutorial or story quest where the player learns how to do heal/boon support for NPCs? At the moment, only those that know where to look for trainer Discords can find safe spaces to take on heal/boon support roles without a lot of pressure and stakes.


2) While we’re at it, a staggered way to slowly learn the different types of support skills, boons, and condis?


Where this request comes from:

When I was new I had to spend hours off game to learn all these: several YouTube guides, wiki reference, and pestering the raid trainers in my guilds with questions (bless them, but not everyone has them).


When training people for fractals or strikes/raids we often need to explain why boons like 25 stacks of might (2x damage?), fury, alac, and quickness are important. We need to explain what CC is for and that some condis are soft CCs (for when we don’t want to break the bar).


EoD’s training ground is an awesome step in the right direction. ❤️ Since GW2 is preparing for a Steam launch, a lot of this tutorial also needs to be in the core game, when someone has just started. To ensure that the majority of players understand the game.

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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Stuff I'd like to see improved:

- Makeup separated from faces as its own option (I'm sure this has been requested before, but I'm gonna repeat it anyway)

- Bolder highlighting for which option you have selected in body/face/hair

- Automatically slide to where you have an option selected (e.g. if I have face 8 selected or whatever and I switch to face, it would be nice if face 8 started in view).

- Change the icon-based areas (body/face/hair) to vertical scroll instead of horizontal scroll (or add a horizontal scroll bar, but that's prob less familiar design to people). This would allow you to have some idea of how many options there are at a glance and where you are in them. With horizontal scroll as it is now, you're just clicking until you reach the end, which is... whenever.

- Brow thickness (I think that's the wording?) changed to something more accurate. It doesn't change the thickness of the brows at all, as far as I can tell. It changes how much they protrude from the head. Maybe this is some 3d modeling term lost in translation, I dunno, but I'd think it would mean how thick your eyebrows are the way it's worded and it doesn't do that.


What about you?

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This especially for the steam release.

Character creation:

- More options for everything currently in. Hair coloring with possible 2 colors, more face customization options... (recommend checking Lost Ark character creation for ideas).



Gear preview:

- Allow previewing infusions.

- Allow saving gear set previews for later usage.



Gear Styling:

- Add a second slot on your helmet slot for your face (Example: Glasses and Horns). It would add value to masks.

- Update old skins with no color slots like back wings.



Also, would it be possible to have weapon effects as a separate slot for weapons?

If infusions and weapon effects/shaders were a separate slot (see it as a separated gear slot like how Terraria does its gear styles), it increases the value of Legendary and Black Lion weapons AND infusions would instead turn into a "skin" effect separated from the items and back.

Imagine using a basic sword with a Twilight Legendary effect. Any weapon piece could have a huge amount of possibilities and works as a replacement for the lack of Dyeing in Weapons.

To avoid decreasing value, unlike skins you would need to have the same amount of legionaries to use multiple effect, for example, if you want 2 weapons with the same effect as a Twilight Greatsword, you need to get 2 Twilight Legionaries.

Edited by silentstormpt.5170
Making it less confuse, i hope
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Just had a funny idea to make scavenger-hunt collections a little more engaging. Currently big collections like e. g. Rockstar or Skyscale (scales/fever/eggs) require players to visit a lot of locations. You can find many by exploration, but the most efficient way is to collect them one by one. This is mostly done with the use of 3rd party webistes/guides or TACO.

We already have a tool which is totally capable of assisting in those scavanger-hunts: Treasure Hunting Kits

If a collection gets unlocked, there usually is at least one NPC connected to it - plot wise. You could make this one a karma-vendor that sells a collection-specific Treasure Hunter Kit (account bound) for a little karma. The kit would work as the original one and detect the collection-objects one by one, according to the collection piroirty list. Skips the ones that have already been completed.

I think registrating more items/locations for the device should not require that much work. The system already exists in the game. Just needs a few minor modifications and duplications for the different collections. The mechanics give hints about all three dimmensions as well as a color-indicator about the distance. That is enough so people can enjoy the scavanger-hunts without using any 3rd party tool at all.

Would it make TACO obsolete? No. The Treasure Hunter Kit would go through the achievement list, one by one. TACO and the guides use optimized routes to be efficient. The kit would be an alternative, but not the best/fastest solution. 

Thanks for reading. 

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if you enter armistice bastion, home instance or mistlock sanctuary, you lose the remainder of your offensive/defensive protocoll buffs.

Can you change that?
I get it that you lose them in fractals or raids or pvp or wvw. But everyone uses mistlock sanctuary and armistice bastion and home instance for travelling, and it is really annoying to lose the buffs there...


Thanks for your consideration,


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On 5/2/2022 at 2:03 AM, Labjax.2465 said:


- Brow thickness (I think that's the wording?) changed to something more accurate. It doesn't change the thickness of the brows at all, as far as I can tell. It changes how much they protrude from the head. Maybe this is some 3d modeling term lost in translation, I dunno, but I'd think it would mean how thick your eyebrows are the way it's worded and it doesn't do that.


Your brow is the boney ridge over the top of your eyes. As in, "Wipe the sweat from your brow."

Your eyebrows are the hair over your eyes.

Hence "brow" thickness.

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Could you please add a Jade Bot Power Core that can be equipped at level 2. Maybe with 0 vitality?

I would like to use the personal waypoint, the revive and the artificial updraft on my lowlevel characters. As well as ziplines/teleporters you may add to core Tyria in the future.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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- Make characters on the character selection lockable in place

I am someone with a huge amount of characters on my main account and I want them to stay in a very specific order. Since you need to stay logged in with a character for over a minute for them to move to the front of the character selection, my daily login process takes up an unecessary amount of my time. A tickbox in the upper right corner of each character's preview seems like a good solution to me, where ticking and unticking switches between the character being locked in place and moving to the front of the selection.
I've had this issue for over nine years and I am begging you, please do something about it.


- Make weapons and back pieces no longer load in on default character models

I am photosensitive. I have my options set to not display detailed renders of other players' characters because most of them cause me headaches (looking at you, Permafrost people and bling stuff people). The problem with this is, all their fancy, blingy weapons, back pieces and infusions are being loaded anyway. I would love for these to not load in if the character model quality is set to lowest.


- Make the display of other players' miniatures toggleable through the game options

Mini Baby Aurene Funko POP!. Mini Mad King Head. Mini Ho-Ho-Tron. If you're playing the game with sounds enabled (and I'm not talking 5%, I'm talking loud) and you've stood next to these for an extended period of time before, you'll probably know my suffering. Moving away isn't always an option and even though I always try to ignore those nasty sounds for as long as possible, I will eventually snap and say mean things to their owner - not my fault, you were practically begging for it.
Since people don't seem very cooperative if you (kindly) tell them that their mini is annoying and as it stands, your only option is to either mute your game (that sucks) or move away (that's not always an option). I would like to have a checkbox that I can toggle on and off to either display or hide all minis around me. Not only would that prevent players that are unaware of their mini's annoyance to other players from getting insulted by annoyed me, it could also potentially decrease impact on lower end computers... and it would definitely help my photosensitivity (because there's quite an amount of incredibly eyesore-y minis out there).

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1 hour ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

- Make weapons and back pieces no longer load in on default character models

I am photosensitive. I have my options set to not display detailed renders of other players' characters because most of them cause me headaches (looking at you, Permafrost people and bling stuff people). The problem with this is, all their fancy, blingy weapons, back pieces and infusions are being loaded anyway. I would love for these to not load in if the character model quality is set to lowest.

These should be two separate options, not rolled into the default character model option.

Being able to hide others' back pieces has been asked for again and again over the years.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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