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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Here's some QoL I want to propose that I have been thinking about:


1. Junk items

Remove them completely. They are junk items! No use other then selling them for currency or to fill up your inventory. Just give us the currency instead of the junk items. I'm pretty sure everyone will agree with this being a major QoL change.


2. Chests with bags with chests with bags etc...a never ending "pop this chest" clicking trauma to my fingers

Please, stop with the chests that give out other chests or bags that then give other things you need to open to get to your item. It is incredibly annoying and unnecessary. My mouse does not like it. Instead if there should be a 1 level chest/bag. I open it, I get all the things in one go. In the end we all want the crafting items/gold/gear so why make us work so much just to get to our reward ?

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25 minutes ago, Seneca.6319 said:

Here's some QoL I want to propose that I have been thinking about:


1. Junk items

Remove them completely. They are junk items! No use other then selling them for currency or to fill up your inventory. Just give us the currency instead of the junk items. I'm pretty sure everyone will agree with this being a major QoL change.


2. Chests with bags with chests with bags etc...a never ending "pop this chest" clicking trauma to my fingers

Please, stop with the chests that give out other chests or bags that then give other things you need to open to get to your item. It is incredibly annoying and unnecessary. My mouse does not like it. Instead if there should be a 1 level chest/bag. I open it, I get all the things in one go. In the end we all want the crafting items/gold/gear so why make us work so much just to get to our reward ?

 Or give us an "OPEN ALL" chest button. 


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Give us a mystic forge recipe to use runes of the sunless / mini tequatls or whatever tequatyl flavored thing + an ascended weapon and some other junk to make Sunless weapons skin versions.  Do the same for Scion Weapons. And the Triple Trouble armor.

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I hope the developers expand the "Weapon Master" and "Slayer" achievements to higher numbers. 

Right now "Weapon Master" caps at 5000 and "Slayer" at a mere 1000.

I reached both fairly quickly as a casual player for a few different weapons/enemy types (on my first character). I think you could easily double/triple these tiers, or perhaps go even higher up. Otherwise people get little to no progression on alts.

I think upping tiers for achievements like this is an easy and cheap way to add "more content" to the game, as completionist players will spend more time playing to achieve the afromentioned goals. Then again I don't know if you perhaps don't want to up the amount of achievement points more, as you might have some system or "cap" for it. 

Edited by Migraine.5810
Rephrased a little better
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Action camera is a great option  for those using a controller, but sadly it has a severe issue. A target-based skill will fail if there is no crosshair while casting this skill.

Could we please consider adding such an option for the action camera mode to use skills despite not facing an enemy ? so we don't need to keep "disable action camera" button pressed while casting a skill, which requires a character to face their target? very much needed for those playing on a controller.


Edited by forgotten.7934
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2 hours ago, Migraine.5810 said:

I hope the developers expand the "Weapon Master" and "Slayer" achievements to higher numbers. 

Right now "Weapon Master" caps at 5000 and "Slayer" at a mere 1000.

I reached both fairly quickly as a casual player for a few different weapons/enemy types (on my first character). I think you could easily double/triple these tiers, or perhaps go even higher up. Otherwise people get little to no progression on alts.

I think upping tiers for achievements like this is an easy and cheap way to add "more content" to the game, as completionist players will spend more time playing to achieve the afromentioned goals. Then again I don't know if you perhaps don't want to up the amount of achievement points more, as you might have some system or "cap" for it. 

They do have a cap on APs; just so many for each release.  But, they could give a reward, instead...a title, a miniature, whatever. 

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Hi! I would like to suggest a new button that would allow a player to get the best graphic settings, then back to their previous settings when hit again.

I'm playing on an old computer, and I've spent some time finding good enough settings without melting my graphic card, but everytime I want to take a nice screenshot I have to put the graphics to the highest, and to remember my previous settings after that. I tend to give up taking screenshots most of the time, and a shortkey would definitely help me!

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I have plenty of WvW Infusions I no longer need, because I have replaced them with Fractal Infusions, as well as quite a few of those old +4 Infusions that are taking up Bank space.

It would be cool if we could do something with them, like having a vendor who will offer something useful in exchange.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Okay I have a very VERY hot take.

Do we even still need armor classes? I love playing a thief, but as a former mesmer and necro main I really do not want to grind out a second set of legendary armor (especially now that we're spoiled with the legendary armory that "gave" a set of legendary armor for my necro to use after having gotten it on my mesmer).

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2 hours ago, Wesuteru.9132 said:

Do we even still need armor classes?

Yes, we need them.

The different armour weights attach differently to their body models. That's why medium armour usually is split differently, when we get a set that's looks the same on all armour weights.

Arenanet isn't going to rework every piece of armour to be able to attach to the same body type, when they can use the resources to create cash shop items instead.

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When you introduced the key ring in the wallet, it was one of the best updates. But there’re still so many keys in the game, which aren’t in the wallet.

  1. Ornate rusted keys
  2. Keys of greater nightmares
  3. Tarnished keys
  4. Completed Aeatherkey
  5. Fractal encryption keys
  6. Tricolour keys

Maybe also …

  1. Keys to Noran’s secret chest
  2. Noran’s oiled chest keys
  3. and some others.

Could you please take a look at all the game’s keys again and add some, if not all to wallet?

Edited by AllNightPlayer.1286
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Controller Support
Hey recently joined GW2,
I'm a control user and yes I have gone through Steam to use it. But it's not menu friendly at all. 
Would be great to have this added to the game. I'm able to play FFXIV and ESO with joy as those both have full controller support. Can maneuver through menus with ease.
It's the only thing that is forcing me to stop playing after a few hours a day as it's hard work. Currently using a preset that still isn't to my liking (not sure how to go about changing layers) for skill usage. Sadly when it comes to using the menus, any of them, I have to keep leaning out of my chair, put the controller down, to use the mouse. It's a drag. 

The placement of the crosshair is weird in-comparison to your character too. If I want to zoom out so I can actually see aoes/mechs, it pushed the character to be in Narnia to the crosshair. So if I want to be zoomed out and have the cross hair just above my character then I have to position character wham in the center of the screen.

Also the font in the chat windows is way too small even on the max setting. Should be able to scale the font to a larger setting.

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Since we have no control on what we don't want to see, such as a hide other players' effects, it'd be cool if we had an option to toggle on some sort of Flanking indicator. A boss can become so cluttered in effects it's impossible to see where it's facing so something like a dagger icon that turns red when flanking could be helpful? Specifically; Dagger Deadeye.

Or you could go deeper into FFXIV influence and add the enemy-facing directional rings to everything you target client side like that game does. The Kaineng Overlook Strike seems to be an attempt at that though it still gets burried in effects so the UI icon route would probably be better. 

Edited by Doggie.3184
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Could we get a Golem Spawner guild hall decoration?

The Guild Hall Arena would be an excellent place to have a DPS target golem, and it would be nice to have more of a use for guild halls. The SFTA is instanced anyways, so this wouldn't steal player population away from the existing hubs/cities. Not to mention the guild hall is a lot more convenient to get to when you want to pop in and do some quick testing.


This could be introduced as an arena upgrade. The upgrade would add the Golem Spawner console outside the arena, which in turn could be used to spawn a golem in the center of the guild arena.

The Arena Console would naturally pair with it, providing the same functionality as it does in the SFTA. But if not that, then maybe a new category of arena obstacles for boons. They would be functionally the same as the current "Turret" obstacles, but called "Dispensers" instead and provide boons to players within their range.


This is the main thing I want to see right now. But honestly they could take the whole concept of guild hall decorations a lot further. All of the current guild hall NPCs could be placeable decorations. Guild NPCs would be a whole new category of cosmetics to pursue, breathing some new life into guild halls.

The cherry on top would be hostile NPC decorations (perhaps with placement restrictions around waypoints). It would be cool to set up our own gauntlets within our guild hall, in the same vein as guilds that make jumping puzzles and race tracks. Not to mention the potential game play implications of how we'd "acquire" these hostile NPCs. Going out to capture specific NPCs could be an activity on it's own (guild missions?).

Edited by Arewn.2368
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as we see cm strike content is dead for non kp people, and most players skip it nowadays if not start long time ago,

Who not start it - chance to start is minimal. May be time ti rework eod strike achivments, and make possibility compete it from normal as summarize run.

So if someone make cm - autocomplete whole, if normal, autocomplete 1/100 of it. Ir 1/250, or 1/1000. Nvm about number value.

Talk only about concept.

It will help make normal strike more attractive.

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I suggest to make a slight change on the 6th Bonus of the "Superior Rune of the Fireworks".

Please change the 6th Bonus, so the boons are ALSO granted to ALLIES (5 Allies similiar to "Superior Rune of the Pack"). This would make the Rune a lot more attractive in PvE and fill some gaps regarding boon-access 🙂



Edited by FreshF.5793
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Rare? It might be relatively rare but warrior, ele, mech can provide 50% uptime at 0 investment through weapon skill. DH can provide 100% from weapon at 0 investment. ranger and specter can provide through utility. rev can provide it through trait.

Most of the other classes have some way to give it to themself.  Necro is the only class with relatively weak access to vigor. Maybe they could do that for the next elite spec...

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