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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Lets make all the mounts have a ranger pet vesion of each. 

they already have some attack annimations and it think we could make this work.


The reason.. I wanna use my gem store skins as pets. 

So if i'm using a fun raptor store skin it will also show on my raptor pet. 


I will buy everything. thank you

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9 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Please give us the option to disable revenant legends speech.

It gets to a point that we get fed up of hearing them repeat the same sentences over and over again.

You already can disable the random comments your character says which disables all of them including the revenant speech.

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I would like to have a toggle, or some recipe, or just additional skin unlocked, anything so legendary armor do not transform into it's "battle" version. I literally can't force myself to use it on my character, I am loving the medium armor vest skin but when it transforms into a enormous skirt making my charr twice as wide, I just... ehh. Please consider one of this ideas dear Devs.

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After having seen Preach's VoD in GW2 please make a dialougue for the first scout  a person speak with on the map that says, "I'll mark spots of particular interests on your map, you have to scoput them yourself though. Mouse over the Legend on the left of your map to see them."

New players have no way of figuring out that you can do that, they can only find the function by sheer luck or if someone tells them.

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Some of us have experienced having to buy or sell stacks and stacks of stuffs, and is not very pleasing selling or buying 250 units at time.

So, I suggest changing TP unit from 250 units (1stack) max, to X stack, X unit. 

This would be a time saver tbh

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Here's a suggestion that's been sitting in the back of my head for a while. We already know they can have settings that interact with combat status with the Dynamic HUD. Could we get cursor contrast moved into that category? I like the High contrast cursor for when I'm in combat, but it's terrible for things like inventory management. If we could have it automatically switch to one setting in combat, and back to default out of combat that would be fantastic

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here is my suggestion list for a revamp of the mailing system.

1. Expand the UI so that there are the following categories from now on: Personal, Guild, System

  1. Personal would be where all private emails end up
  2. Guild: From your guild members (leader, officers and such)
  3. System: From the developers - Events/Gem store & Patch notes could be fit in here as well. Not everyone reads the forums (almost no one does in fact)

2. Guild Rank Officials mailing others:

  1. Guild officers and up with *new* proper permission would be able to send mails to @all guild members and/or certain roles.
  2. Add a function where mails can be used as a poll. The receiver could answer with "Yes" or "No".

3. Add tags to mails, such as "important", "event", "notice"

4. Add the category "sent emails", so we can see what and when did we send to someone else.

5. Add a category "favourite" or "saved emails", where we can save emails we want to keep for some time (Up to 10-20)


This is basic stuff, that each game has to have from the start. If you are also planning to do alliances, guild mailing system HAS to be part of the game. Even if the majority use Discord.

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I disagree these are basic functions all games have to have because I've never played a game which had all of them and players always seem to manage, but some of them would be nice to have.

I don't really see the point in separating mail out, other than it might make it more obvious when you're being scammed by someone pretending to be Anet (but that's already covered by the disclaimer at the bottom). It's already possible to save mail, I have some which are years old, and if you want to save more than the mailbox will hold you can take screenshots but an increase in the mailbox capacity might be useful.

The ability to see your sent mail would definitely be useful, sometimes it takes a while for someone to respond (I mailed them instead of whispering because they were offline) and then I don't remember everything I said so if they just respond with "yeah I agree" or something it's confusing.

I can see why some guilds might find the mass mailing functions you suggested useful. I was going to ask if there would be a way for members to opt-out of mass mailings to the guild, but then I realised that already exists: leave the guild and find out that doesn't send all-member mails too often.

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RE:  Funerary Incense

Why am I being punished for having the other currency and can only swap out 5 a day, if I can buy unlimited ones? it's rather annoying I can do both but I have a surplus of the crystalline ingots and now it takes forever to swap them over. can we change this?

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Can we get a "change all armor" button, in the stat editor of armor, that changes all legendary armor and runes to the values shown in the current editor?

Maybe a simioar "change all jewelery" button in the stat editor of jewelery, that changes all legendary jewelery to the values shown in the current editor?

Edit: Ok, Done. Thanks for the hint, Linken.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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9 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Can we get a "change all armor" button, in the stat editor of armor, that changes all legendary armor and runes to the values shown in the current editor?

Maybe a simioar "change all jewelery" button in the stat editor of jewelery, that changes all legendary jewelery to the values shown in the current editor?

There already is a tick box that do all armor same as jewelery.

I think runes are separate so you might have one for those aswell, dont own any so cant really say.

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I love the fact that the game lets you create your own music lists for things like general combat, under water, boss battles, etc.  I use it myself and am very appreciative for it!


My suggestion is about how this feature is utilized in boss combat, especially ones that are scripted with phases.  Examples are the final bosses in the Nightmare, Siren's Reef and Molten Boss fractals.  Since the combat happens in phases, it segments my music playlist.  It seems that just as one of my songs is starting to get to a good part, a new phase happens and the next song on my list plays.


My request is to have these types of fights play music without being broke up.  I realize many people probably don't use this music feature or may not even know it exists, however adding this will make the game more seamless and let you stay in the emotional zone the game creates.   Thanks. 🙂

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Hope this gets seen by a dev that does cosmetic programming
Being able to transplant legendary effects


For example, equipping a WvW Chestpiece, and reskinning it with Perfected Envoy Chestpiece would give a Perfected Envoy Chestpiece with the WvW "tendril" animation.

Equipping Perfected Envoy Tassets on a Charr, and reskinning it with Spearmarshal's Tassets would give Spearmarshal's Tassets with the tail armor animation from Perfected Envoy Tassets.


Equipping Kralkatorrik's Rending and applying Aurora Axe Skin would give it Kralk effects and override trail effects (so instead of aurora glitter trail, it gives Kralk trail, since that's part of the Kralkatorrik effect set).  When you pull out the "Aurora Axe", you get the Kralk lightning animation.


To disable Legendary effects, there would be a checkbox that can be ticked off.  For example, disabling it on the Aurora Axe would bring back the Aurora glitter trails, but there'd be no Kralk legendary effects.

If it's too much programming to make the full change, it'd be nice if it at least applied to Legendary stuff.  So, putting The Astralarium skin on Kralkatorrik's Rending would provide The Astralarium with Kralk effects.

Edited by manictiger.3481
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1) make silverwaste shovels less tedious to grind. I get that they are a vital part of the guild hall upgrades but the drop rate now is ridiculously low when you factor in how many shovels are needed. 

2) Speaking of guild halls, I think we should have ambient/friendly animals that are free to roam certain parts of guild halls as part of the decoration. 

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Long time player here, and avid WvW enjoyer.


More and more times now I am finding exploits/cheats happening in WvW that are ruing the overall enjoyment and competitiveness of the game mode.  One such exploit/example are Thief's glitching into the SW tower of Blue/Green Borderlands.  


It is beyond frustrating to witness, and even more so when the thief portals numerous allies into the tower and we cannot stop it.


You NEED to add options in the in-game report system for exploiting/cheating, because as it stands now these players have virtually nothing to stop them from continuing to do it.  At least by adding this option, we can report them with the hopes of them getting banned/penalized.  


Thank you for your time, and PLEASE consider this heavily.

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I propose, as a QoL change, that there be a separate option to merely 'follow' other players in the game rather than only to add them 'Friends' or to block them.  Yes, I know there is a list of individuals who have added you as a friend (your Followers list), but I want a separate option to merely follow other players whom you do not want to identify as friends in game.  This way, I and many other players do not have to have so many random users on our friends list mixed with our actual acquaintances in game whom we want to join in activities and so on.

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There is a workaround for your feature: you can give those you added to your list nicknames. Just enter their account name (I'd suggest to add their suffix numbers as well) and an additional keyword like Raid, PvP, or whatever you would need. You now are able to filter your contacts in your friendslist with those keywords when you search in the list, e.g. searching for Raid will only show those who you tagged accordingly.

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Seeing many mmorpgs with their "housing" system, I think a nice refresh for future gw2 updates would be a housing system.
Obviously created specifically to be "exclusive" for us players, some examples? For example when you enter your home the player will have some "buffs" such as bonuses on experience, attack, health, defense etcc, just like food.
And of course (in the background) the possibility of customizing your own home.
I think that would be a very nice and supportive request for old and new players.


What do you think?

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A few suggestions to benefit all players.


There are many old time players that by this time have managed to unlock Legendary gear for nearly every type of equipment in the game(Some have 1 of everything done).   This raises an issue for them that transmutation charges are now completely useless as all Legendary gear allows you to change look for free and this is a great perk for some truly expensive gear so I would not want to change that.  But my suggestion would be to allow them to trade the transmutation charges into an NPC and convert them to some other form of currency, (Karma, EOD, HoT, etc)


Next most Anniversary gifts come with an account bound dye kit.  While this is a great reward for most people, if a player is an alt-aholic like myself and has 55 characters or more characters then they quickly use up all choices of dyes and can do nothing with the kits but throw them away or hold them in storage hoping that they may get changes made to them down the road.  I propose that you add an item to the kit that allows the player to once again sell it or trade to an npc for some currency  that you decide upon that won't hurt the economy just so that players that have spent lots of gems in the game to buy so many characters still feel rewarded once their choices of dyes are all gone and the kits no longer go to waste.


Lastly isn't it about time that Ascended gear finally lose the account bound status.  As someone with most legendary gear unlocked I have almost no use for ascended gear I would love to be able to sell it.  Plus I'm sure newer players and players that don't like crafting would like the ability to just buy the top level gear.  Maybe not everything just stuff that can be crafted but being able to sell jewelry would be great as well.


Thank you ArenaNet for so many years of fun, I look forward to what the future has to offer in GW2.


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