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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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10 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

Congratulations.  You have just demonstrated exactly why this "feature" isn't needed.

That's exactly it. Gear inspect simply can't exist in a game where average players have such shallow understanding of game mechanics. Such a thing would be misused a significant amount of the time. If people want to 'police' their team mates ... they have options to do so already, with the associated reasonable 'effort cost' to go with it.

I'm almost at the point where if there is a gear inspect, then it would have to come at a cost of something to prevent adverse actions against the players inspected. For example, you can inspect a player ... but you can't kick them from your team if you do. Come to think of it ... forget it. The game doesn't need it if the intention is to 'check' players suitability for being in certain teams. Suitability is determined by people knowing the encounter and their build, not the gear they use. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I love this idea. Though I don't care about stat combinations and whatnot, I'm just interested in seeing cosmetic/layered armor skins and maybe color schemes that are equipped! Some people spend an awful lot of time with Fashion Wars 2 and I'd love to celebrate that by being able to review in detail what people did to look so good 🔥

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On 1/24/2023 at 12:06 AM, PolarBear.3961 said:

Inspecting for transmog yes please but not stats,runes,glyphs or rarity. That would make this game toxic as heck.

Oh no people might expect you to wear group builds in group content. the horror! What is more toxic? A player expecting a decent build in strikes/fractals or your average open world player joining in full cele boost gear expecting a carry?

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Just now, Nephalem.8921 said:

Oh no people might expect you to wear group builds in group content. the horror! What is more toxic? A player expecting a decent build in strikes/fractals or your average open world player joining in full cele boost gear expecting a carry?

You do realize not every person is like that in the open world.... There are a lot who follow the sites and builds from the meta ones and use that in the open world as well for when they do have to do stuff in instance. Not all open world are the same.

Your general attitude though from looking at your recent posts already puts you as a toxic person though. You type with a lot of negativity and anger in your responses which makes me wonder how you act in game. I am kind of glad they don't have the inspect feature to stop people with your type of mindset  to make the experience worse for everyone else. There is already enough toxicity as is in other forms, so I would like to see it not spread any further in this game with a feature like the gear check.

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Just now, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

You do realize not every person is like that in the open world.... There are a lot who follow the sites and builds from the meta ones and use that in the open world as well for when they do have to do stuff in instance. Not all open world are the same.

Your general attitude though from looking at your recent posts already puts you as a toxic person though. You type with a lot of negativity and anger in your responses which makes me wonder how you act in game. I am kind of glad they don't have the inspect feature to stop people with your type of mindset  to make the experience worse for everyone else. There is already enough toxicity as is in other forms, so I would like to see it not spread any further in this game with a feature like the gear check.

Anger is mostly coming from trying out ff14 and just realizing how hyper casuals have claimed this game while most of the mechanics are not casual at all.

I hate having to ask for obscene amounts of kp to get decent players while 1 is enough in other games. You know what happens when you try to help extremely underperforming players in a nice way? They insult you.

Some people here belief that they would get kicked for offmeta then and would not be able to showcase their homebrewed builds. Those builds are always bad unless its basically meta with minor changes.

It would have prevented me from having to play with that signet share hfb in fractals. well it was signet share 7months ago but got removed so he played with a completely useless traitline. Could only see that because of unique trait effects.


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3 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

Anger is mostly coming from trying out ff14 and just realizing how hyper casuals have claimed this game while most of the mechanics are not casual at all.

I hate having to ask for obscene amounts of kp to get decent players while 1 is enough in other games. You know what happens when you try to help extremely underperforming players in a nice way? They insult you.

Some people here belief that they would get kicked for offmeta then and would not be able to showcase their homebrewed builds. Those builds are always bad unless its basically meta with minor changes.

It would have prevented me from having to play with that signet share hfb in fractals. well it was signet share 7months ago but got removed so he played with a completely useless traitline. Could only see that because of unique trait effects.


I do get that. I really do. I play FF14 as well. I have for years now, so I know how it is over there. And I also get how you feel about need more than 1 KP. I also get why you think a lot of the homebrewed ones are bad for group play. 

But, having the gear inspect would make things a lot worse for people in general. Look at the example above with the person thinking only full zerker/vipers not realizing other specs use other gear pieces. There are a lot of people who don't do their research and would kick on site actual meta group builds because they don't know how it even looks because it is not a full something.

I fully admit the way things are right now are not perfect and bad stuff with builds can happen making people require more KP. It is better than the alternative though with people kicking out of ignorance because they don't know how actual builds and craft work.

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Inspecting gear isn't good for the "real primary game mode" wvw ;) Build+gear is usually regarded to as "non-public tactical information".

Knowing exactly what an opponent or a raidmember is using would just dampen everyone's excitement + surprises + entertainment imo. Almost defeats the game's primary purpose.


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On 1/23/2023 at 11:35 PM, nagoL.3701 said:

Oof you guys are quick with negative feedback, is their a reason why this wouldn't be implemented that I may not understand?

Because people expect to get carried through content and don't like when they are told that their gear is wrong and should fix it, of course you will get tons of negative feedback when the community has this mindset lmao

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The problem with inspection is it only provides a clue, similar to stuff like achivement points.


Gear quality has nothing to do with build quality or play quality, my Celestial Reaper out-DPSes most other Reapers (including those running full Berserker+Power/Ferocity food) in instanced content because they don't know how to play it to its maximum potential. Sometimes I see players doing half my damage while they're on full glass, and you can tell its full glass because of how often they go down.


Meanwhile on my Berserker power Reaper, I find myself out-DPSing other classes that have far higher benchmarks, again because they don't know how to play those builds to even half of their potential.


Getting your gear right is at most, 30-40% of what it takes to be a good player.


There's no gearcheck or inspect in the game because it does little good, it only saves a bit of time. Its like old tale, a professional with a rock can beat a novice with a gun, and the way this game is structured that applies here more than any other MMO I've seen, with experienced players able to attain up to 10x performance.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

my Celestial Reaper out-DPSes most other Reapers (including those running full Berserker+Power/Ferocity food) in instanced content because they don't know how to play it to its maximum potential.

Yeah that's because they have no clue of what they are doing and that's another issue, but if you're good why are you even using celestial reaper in the first place for instanced content? 

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16 minutes ago, Parpage.9867 said:

but if you're good why are you even using celestial reaper in the first place for instanced content? 

And here is another piece of proof why gear inspect would hurt the game, by reducing every class to one or two builds that are accepted by the ignorant elite and will not get you booted. 

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1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

The problem with inspection is it only provides a clue, similar to stuff like achivement points.


Gear quality has nothing to do with build quality or play quality, my Celestial Reaper out-DPSes most other Reapers (including those running full Berserker+Power/Ferocity food) in instanced content because they don't know how to play it to its maximum potential. Sometimes I see players doing half my damage while they're on full glass, and you can tell its full glass because of how often they go down.


Meanwhile on my Berserker power Reaper, I find myself out-DPSing other classes that have far higher benchmarks, again because they don't know how to play those builds to even half of their potential.


Getting your gear right is at most, 30-40% of what it takes to be a good player.


There's no gearcheck or inspect in the game because it does little good, it only saves a bit of time. Its like old tale, a professional with a rock can beat a novice with a gun, and the way this game is structured that applies here more than any other MMO I've seen, with experienced players able to attain up to 10x performance.

You would be bottom dps in squads where dps players have both working hands. The fact that you can outdps most classes (or so you claim) on a terrible build inside instanced content only shows the state for majority of the playerbase. Running inferior builds for the sake of build diversity when you could run a proper one and x2 your damage and be useful squad member is just *insert kitten here* 😅

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2 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

You would be bottom dps in squads where dps players have both working hands. The fact that you can outdps most classes (or so you claim) on a terrible build inside instanced content only shows the state for majority of the playerbase. Running inferior builds for the sake of build diversity when you could run a proper one and x2 your damage and be useful squad member is just *insert kitten here* 😅


Now to put into context:

the reason why certain celestial builds "work" is because you are essentially giving up part of the skill advantage you might have over other players (in some cases significantly) to run a sub-optimal build instead of bringing your A-game


There are cases where this can make sense (game play and performance wise):

- the group you are running with is weak or has issues with some parts of fights, composition, etc. Playing a tad safer (which is all that celestial mostly does, it provides a ton of stats at the expense of specializing for the role you are there to perform) can alleviate these issues. So does taking utility skills instead of damage skills (another way to forgo specialized performance in favor of potential group success)


- you need the buffer stats for personal survival. Taking additional vitality or toughness has only 2 goals, the first one being the primary one: make up for personal mistakes and make up for lack in group support from your supports. It adds no other benefit besides those 2 aspects and this usually is something which can be improved upon with skill (though say taking marauder over berserker is an acceptable trade-off for some, with a survival increase for a 10-12% performance loss)


- you need the additional boon duration to upkeep boons and as such increase squad performance


There are cases where this does not make sense (game play and performance wise):

- you want to run some personal hybrid build which doesn't result in similar or at least close to similar performance


- you enjoy running say celestial because the rest of the group is so bad, you will still outperform them. You are thus actively making the content harder on players who are already challenged



Running celestial over berserker will result in a strait 30-40% output loss on strait up power builds with some less loss for hybrid builds. That is NOT something to be taken lightly.


As to gear inspection, I'm personally torn on this. I fear the issues it might bring with it are rather large, even if I do believe it would be a net benefit to the games and players ability to learn and improve. I would much rather have a proper dps meter with valuable statistics than a gear inspect feature. In the end, I don't care what someone runs, as long as they bring the performance desired and that is absolutely reflected with a proper dps meter. If someone then feels comfortable to share their build, more power to them.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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1 hour ago, Parpage.9867 said:

Nobody forces you to play anything, unless you're doing specific instanced content of course you're expected to have the best of what your class can offer 

So, "Nobody forces you to do anything, until they do."?  What happens when someone only knows one or two "acceptable" builds, and is in charge of deciding who is or isn't allowed in the group?  We saw an example of that earlier in the thread with "If you're dps  you should be 'zerkers or viper", meaning someone playing a class that gets diminishing returns from that set, and would be better served stacking something else on top of that would be booted, even though they're playing the class as described by the people that actually make builds, as opposed to the people that simply copy/paste what someone else told them to use, and then tries to lead a raid group.

25 minutes ago, Parpage.9867 said:

Talking to a brick wall is more productive, how about you try to bring a bear bow build to HT CM and let's see how it work out, but sure keep ignoring the fact that i said you can literally play whatever the hell you want nobody cares until you get into INSTANCED CONTENT. It's not that hard to understand i promise 

This, ladies, gentlemen and others is the proof that this "feature" wouldn't add any toxicity to group content, at least, not until someone looked at your gear and didn't know you were running the optimal for your specific spec, and figured "kitten, only this and this work, so you're out, scrub"...

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1 hour ago, PolarBear.3961 said:

Great so you are ok with being forced to play builds that are boring and unfun for others. Good for you.

Versus impacting the other players experience when running a poor build? Why is your personal experience worth more than that of the other 4 (group) or 9 (squad) people you are playing with? How come this selfish attitude comes as such a natural assumption for some?

It also doesn't have to be either or. This is not a binary problem. Worst case it's a matter of finding the correct balance of what one personally wants to give up or enjoys in relation to what the other players are expecting. You can very well bring a decent, not perfect build to a lot of content without others having any issue with it.

Unfortunately the range of absolute garbage build, over decent, to absolutely "best" is a rather large one so it is advisable to be sure that the players you are playing with are fine with what you are running. You might run into issues with a merely "decent" build when speed-running with top tier speed-run players while attempting a record run, while that same build will most likely be perfectly fine in more relaxed groups.

It's called being a team player and sometimes that might require to adapt your play style to what the TEAM needs.

Now you can still be as selfish as you want, that is everyone's prerogative, you are simply going to have issues with finding players who want to play with you eventually. That's what this boils down to in the end: different players willingness (and in some cases ability, though this can easily be overcome in most cases) to play with others in a productive way for everyone involved.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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10 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

If you aren't running full zerkers/vipers as a DPS you shouldn't be signing up for groups. Defensive stats do nothing in instanced PVE.


2 minutes ago, Parpage.9867 said:

You guys are the masters of selective reading keep patting yourself on the back, good for you 

Yes, we're going to pretend that the first post here doesn't exist, and that someone didn't point out the flaw in their logic within just a few posts.  I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

So, how many meta builds have you produced, or are you just copy/pasting what someone else told you was good?  Is it your experience that these new meta builds just spring up out of the ground?  Or, do you suppose that someone broke away from the "you can only use x/y" mold, and created something new?  I know where my money is on this, how about yours?

No "selective reading" required to understand that some of the people that would be using this feature don't understand how the meta works and will be kicking viable builds because they don't know any better.  I'm not even sure if it would be the exception, or the rule, to be honest.  I'd be willing to bet there's a lot more copy/pasters than build innovators, making it all the more likely that someone will be in charge of recruitment that doesn't have a working knowledge of gear beyond what someone told them to use.

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And let's not forget: once the feature exists, it will be used for any kind of content, whether it makes sense or not, just because some sad nolifers can make themselves feel superior with it. 

Casual players hardly ever think "hey, I should do a speedrun of xy today" Even now there are beginner/casual friendy groups for instanced content that is part of a living story and therefore needs to be done, and casual players will prefer those when they are available. 

So what will gear inspection be used for? Kick people out of wvw groups, meta squads and other group stuff where really any build will do, and I'm saying that from the perspective of someone who regularly scrapes people off the floor because their survival skills are mediocre at best. I'm fine with that, and I enjoy to help people out. 


We do not need to add such a toxic tool to the game as a whole just because once every blue moon a mediocre player stumbles into whatever high end content. 

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24 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

Yes, we're going to pretend that the first post here doesn't exist

I know that you guys are going to do that, because otherwise making sense would be too much to handle 


25 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

So, how many meta builds have you produced, or are you just copy/pasting what someone else told you was good?  Is it your experience that these new meta builds just spring up out of the ground?  Or, do you suppose that someone broke away from the "you can only use x/y" mold, and created something new?  I know where my money is on this, how about yours?

This is such a daft argument, "you didn't create any meta build therefore your argument is invalid". And actually yes, i did create a meta build so what? I'm not here belittling others because of it, my point was that a tool for checking other player gear would be nice so that, let me repeat it again, IN END GAME CONTENT you know who to ask why are you using a full soldier gear in HT CM. And let me repeat it again since you people suffer of selective reading, nobody will care about your gear in open world or low-intensity content


32 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

No "selective reading" required to understand that some of the people that would be using this feature don't understand how the meta works and will be kicking viable builds because they don't know any better.  I'm not even sure if it would be the exception, or the rule, to be honest.  I'd be willing to bet there's a lot more copy/pasters than build innovators, making it all the more likely that someone will be in charge of recruitment that doesn't have a working knowledge of gear beyond what someone told them to use.

I understand that some power-hungry commander would kick on sight who doesn't use meta gear but let's not pretend that everyone is like that because it's a lie. It's like saying that they should ban whoever use the dps meter because some commander suffering from a power trip would kick anyone that doesn't meet his standards. The problem is not the tool, but how you use it

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58 minutes ago, Parpage.9867 said:

I know that you guys are going to do that, because otherwise making sense would be too much to handle 


This is such a daft argument, "you didn't create any meta build therefore your argument is invalid". And actually yes, i did create a meta build so what? I'm not here belittling others because of it, my point was that a tool for checking other player gear would be nice so that, let me repeat it again, IN END GAME CONTENT you know who to ask why are you using a full soldier gear in HT CM. And let me repeat it again since you people suffer of selective reading, nobody will care about your gear in open world or low-intensity content


I understand that some power-hungry commander would kick on sight who doesn't use meta gear but let's not pretend that everyone is like that because it's a lie. It's like saying that they should ban whoever use the dps meter because some commander suffering from a power trip would kick anyone that doesn't meet his standards. The problem is not the tool, but how you use it

Which is exactly my point, it's not the tool, but how it will be used.  Note:  I didn't say how it might be used, but how it will be used, and that's not a typo, or a guess.  It's a statement of fact based on about 7 years of progression raiding.  I retired from raiding before I ever even tried this game, and I know that gear checks will be abused in all content, not just instanced content. 

All one has to do is read threads like this one to pick out who those players are.  They're players that will claim "daft argument" about theory-crafting builds for the meta, while copy/pasting one of those builds to use.  It's people that will jump to "everyone will do that" when the person they quoted didn't say anything of the sort.  I did say a lot of people, and I did say it was more likely to be the rule than the exception, but that's a far cry from "everyone".  That's a strawman invented to make arguing against the position easier.

You see, the point was, someone that's making the builds for the meta has a much higher knowledge of how the game systems work than someone who copy/pastes those builds.  I guess you can run with "daft argument", if you want to dismiss the knowledge of the people that create the builds that a majority of the population use for group content, but, if it's so daft, why are those builds not only being used, but held up as the "standard"?  So, this system can be abused through a lack of solid foundational knowledge of the game, as much as "you're not using what my build guy says you need to use".

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