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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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More points for more ways to convert useless items.


I'm talking mostly about Tomes of knowledge and Writs of experience. Teleport to friend, Repair canisters, Trading post express, Merchant express, Bank access express being others. Just adding the options to vendor them for few copper or karma would do. Next could be all the boosters. I rarely use all said, but I hoard them just in case and because I get nothing if I just destroy them.

Other items I have the same problem with are Ley Line Sparks, Auric Dust, Bottles of Airship Oil, Eyes of Kormir, Congealed Putrescences, Globs of Dark Matter and Hatched Chillis. They have their uses in crafting and collections, but they keep piling in large quantities when repeating the content I get them from. Milling Stones are similar in acquisition, but I can vendor them for few copper and therefore are not much of an issue. 

I have an issue with everything I can't vendor for something useful or exchange to another materials. Bloodstone dust? No issue, gobblers take them. Eternal Ice Shards? Genius solution, I can exchange them for very useful stuff. This other stuff? Ah.

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One thing that has baffled more over the years is the large amount of cinematic content that was created for the game but not included in it. A good example is the cinematic prologue for IceBrood Saga, as well as many other cinematics made in the in-game style (such as the amasing first anniversary trailer), but yet have never been included in the game for some reason, and which the majority of the player base doesn't even know about.


I did a count recently and found that at this point, there's been more trailers and cinematics not included in the game than those that were included, if you count those that were originally going to be in-game but were excluded at the last minute (such as the well-known cut Path of Fire cinematics).


Its nice that all of this historical content is still accessible on sites like YouTube, but most newer players never encounter any of it, and for the most part its existence has largely been forgotten. Even the End of Dragons expansion only had one prologue cinematic make it in game out of nearly half a dozen made.


One thing I'd like to see going forward, as part of ArenaNet's historical restoration of the game that started with LWS1, would be to re-introduce cut, external or otherwise lost cinematic and trailer content into the game itself, which would go a long way to bridge storylines and prepare players for what is to come, something that this content was originally meant to do when Living World was being actively released.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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it would be nice (great actually) if in the crafting window you could see not only what ingredients I have, but also whether I have a crafting result. especially if this result is up for sale at auction. in principle, it would be great when selecting an object to see if there is its presence. it is easy to track sales if it is 15 items. but what if it is 50 ? 150 ? id like to make even more but...

Edited by ashkaelius.3894
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A QoL improvement for the new feature of being able to favourite mount skins, outfits, miniatures, glider skins and mail carriers would be to have them at the top of the selection box - just like with dyes. There's not much point in favouriting them if I'm going to have to search for them again anyway.

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It is about time for Legendary Backpieces to be Dyeable. Gone are the days of their creation where you couldn't dye your backpiece. Why should all of the hard work put into getting them feel less rewarding the longer time goes on.  Because there has been a huge influx of new dyeable back piece skins, with amazing visuals and effects, that look better than the legendary ones do. So give us something that is a perfect, and doable QoL change. Let us dye the legendary back pieces! I'm not asking to let us dye legendary weapons. But backpieces need some love now that the gem store back pieces have taken over. 

Edited by BoAKaN.6052
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I apologize before hand if this may seem to some as a silly request or idea, but lately I've been thinking seriously about this. So my request is such: could there perhaps be a conversion recipe introduced to convert basic infusions purchased from a general laurel merchant, into WvW and/or Fractal Agony infusions. Even if it becomes a mystic forge recipe or a type of exchange purchase with either the Fractal or WvW laurel merchants. I see there is already a mystic forge recipe to change the stat's of an infusion, so would it really be that hard to introduce a recipe to change the type?

I started playing GW2 over 2 years ago, at the time I bought basic infusions from the Laurel Merchant  to better compliment my characters build. Only later on, literally 5 or 6 months later, did I realize that I could have just has well bought  Fractal agony or WvW infusions instead. Which also turned out that these happen to give a higher bonus to the chosen attribute stat (and other bonuses dependent on game mode) as opposed to the ones bought from the laurel merchant for the same amount of Laurels. Hindsight this is on me, I should have researched infusions more thoroughly at the time, but it was a lot of information to take in as a new player when you start playing GW2, if anything the awesomely extensive Wiki is an indication of this. I'm purely thinking of new players that may later on, or have recently discovered, that all those basic infusions they bought are wasted laurels when they could have bought the WvW or Fractal infusions that also happen to work in PVE. I apologize again if this seems like a silly request, but it would really be a great way for a now experienced player to fix a past mistake when they were new to the game and didn't know any better. I'd put money on it that new players are making the very same mistake as we speak. Just an idea, use it don't use it.

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This is not about the total number of decoration objects allowed in GH.

It's about the "Too many decorations in this area." message, problematic every time I design an area for a festival - and with that I mean creating immersive environments (encasing the whole node area, for example), not just placing tiny statuettes that don't match the surroundings and don't generate any immersion at all.

The problem with this "check" is, that it is:

  • buggy: After reloading the GH, you can often place several more objects in the area it previously claimed was stuffed up, so you constantly relog just to hope for another chance in placing your decoration.
  • nondeterministic: When you remove objects, you're often not allowed to place them again in the exact same spot, requiring you to redecorate surroundings, messing up an almost finished environment in a chain.
  • incorrect: It seems to not properly take the volume of large decorations into account and only checks their origin. This makes it impossible to visually determine where the limit will be hit.
  • extremely limited: It feels like you can place only 10 nearby objects which is often not enough to create full immersion (like Super Cliff Faces for a SAB environment) and then make it pretty with small decorations (like SAB Flowers).
  • unhelpful: Lighting up nearby decorations to tell the decorator "these are too close" isn't getting them anywhere. Nobody will remove those as then the whole area would no longer make any sense.
  • painful: To place decorations in air, a decorator would first place a larger decoration intersecting that point in mid-air to put them there, but since that increases the limit aswell, the decorator may not be able to place the actual decoration anymore.

What's the reason behind the limit anyway? I'm not asking for allowing 1000 objects at the same spot to lag out clients on purpose (guild leaders allowing decorators to do this would have to be blamed for this in first place) - I'm asking for relaxing it to make it feel like 25-35 nearby objects. On top of that, if your worries were performance, you've just introduced D3D11 which speeds up rendering a lot.

Please: It's time to revise and increase (or remove) this limit. Maybe before SAB starts so we can create our own W3 and W4 😉 It's such a fun killer and makes it hard if not impossible to create fully themed, fully immersive GHs.

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The limit exists because that’s what the game can handle smooth.y without notching up the minimum specs as per the last dev comment on this. 

If they do up the limit, it’s unlikely to happen at least until all these continued engine upgrades occur. It’s not just a case of “raise it”.

Edited by Randulf.7614
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I've pondered a while over the problem where players want to contact certain guilds, but do not know any members of that guild. There is currently no solution for this problem. The support blocks any requests which go into that direction, because of privacy and other rules. They cannot share user-data of other players. If the guild does not use any public channels or platforms it is in most cases a dead-end.

I think I found a way that can work without breaking any of the rules:

We need a special item on the gemstore, preferably a badge or a coin that costs 1-20 gems. The gem can be gifted. But opposite to any other gemstore-item, it can only be gifted to guilds as a decoration item.

I've taken a look at guilds and how GW2 keeps record of them. It is currently possible to access the database via the API feature. The data that is shared is rather limited and usually requires the API of the guild-leader, except for three entries:
- Guild Name
- Guild ID
- Guild Emblem
Those can be viewed by everybody. That means it should be rather easy to add a gift-option to the gemstore that uses the guild-database instead of the player-database. I would not even go as far and utilize the auto-fill-search. Either you know the correct name of the guild, or you do not - as a form of protection to prevent harassment/automated processes. In order to increase the security and limit the access for trolls, a player can only gift one token per guild per quarter-year. They can gift multiple guilds, but each guild only once per quarter.

How does that work? (explaining it for people who are not familiar with the guild-system)
When a player unlocks a decoration for the guild, it is listed in the guild's 'history'. That is a long list that records all activities that happen in a guild. For example: Invites, kicks, leaves, rank-changes, guild-missions start/complete/fails, decoration unlock, guild-message changes, ... etc.

The major conflict with the requests always is the privacy of the contacted user. In this case there would be a ping in the guild-history = not a single user is contacted. People who read the history can spot the entry.

Upon unlocking a decoration, the player who unlocks it is listed as well with their name. So instead of contacting a specific user, the player literally flags themselves. = "Hello I am here!"

However, as it is a decoration-entry, there is a very high chance of being overwritten if they do it while a scribe is currently crafting a large amount of items. In addition, it is still possible to miss the entry. This requires a few special measurements:
1.) Opposite to the other decoration-unlock entries, this one has to be a roster-entry. Type has to be changed for this only.
Note: You can filter the history by type of entry. Roster entries (invites/kicks/leaves) remain significantly longer visible than decoration-entries.
2.) When such an entry is generated, there has to be a red ! at the guild-history icon on the guild board. But this should be only visible for members who have the checkbox "Admin lower ranks" active.
Note: That is everyone who can invite new players to the guild.

This is the concept. I do not expect this to be implemented, but I think the workaround is worth sharing. Once again a humble idea to solve a complicated problem with the limited resources we have. Moderators would have merged it with the QOL mega-thread anyway. Thanks for reading.

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Not sure if it can be easily done. I think the guild system could use allot of other things that might make halls generally more useful though in addition like Guild Missions could use an update and maybe add more uses for the guild grouping system, revamp mission rewards, let the gh arena use pvp or wvw stats or let u choose which stat mode for the gh map/arena to let people make better use of the arena. Lots of stuff that goes unused in halls. That said, I do wish I could do more deco close together too. I just feel like not many people visit the GH i the first place cause of the things Im trying to say could also use some attention.


Randulf is prob right about the limit.

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Most people who play gw2 are people like my best friend. Casuals who have mostly no idea of PC specs, neither do i. At least thats the majority of people i know, just a few even under the hardcore croud has a PC who can run gw2 smoothly on epic from the people i met in this game. Because of this strange phenomen that mmo's are so dependend on cpu or stuff and not try to be normal, like other games. But i have no idea about this, so i can't say if it's a good or bad thing. For me personally, PC-wise, it's bad.

I have a rather good PC, not the newest, but good enough that i can play most tripple A games which came out and will come out in high and i can't kittening move when i enter our guildhall for straight 30sec to 1min.... and i don't buy expensice parts, when my old parts work fine.

It's freaking annoying. So no. Ask for anet to work on their Performance, THAN ask for a increase, pls.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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I have a suggestion for a new way to handle fractal dailies that allows more player choice. Instead of tying dailies to specific fractals, assign a rating (stars, pips, tokens, etc) to a fractal relative to its difficulty. (1-3 stars? 1-5 stars?) Dailies are then completed by collecting enough pips along a tiered collection (think the way Misty Cape Scraps are handled, or the "reward tracks" in drizzlewood coast)


A hard fractal would progress the collection faster, but it would allow all fractals to still progress the collection at least a little.

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I hope their recent talk about working on existing systems includes a mass rework to guild halls to make them more engaging, more accessible, cheaper, and with more decoration tool options and decorations in general. 

I also really think existing decorations should convert to tokens to be sold on the trading post. 

guild missions in general haven’t been updated in…. Ever? 

guild halls missing expansion music past heart of thorns. 


it’s a mile long list and because of that and the fact that they’ve gone so long without adjustments I’m highly doubtful we will see any development on this front. 

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7 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

The limit exists because that’s what the game can handle smooth.y without notching up the minimum specs as per the last dev comment on this. 

If they do up the limit, it’s unlikely to happen at least until all these continued engine upgrades occur. It’s not just a case of “raise it”.

Please link me to that reply if I remember it incorrectly, but as I remember it, it was about the _total number_ of decorations, not the nearby decoration limit.

That said, you can still place a 1000 objects in a way they're rendered per frame in more or less tanky LoDs - just not a way that makes sense decoration-wise. So how does one measure the nearby limit / performance to begin with? Again, I believe it should be made up more to the guild leader and decorators to mind areas that can trash performance (which are, as said, already a thing, so I don't know what's attempted at being prevented here, making the current limit feel arbitrary or incorrect at best). On top of that, the min req. spec. _were_ raised just recently:


Edited by Ray Koopa.2354
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