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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Please complete the Citadel Assault backpack/glider animation, a very good skin for charr characters, but lacks opening the wings while moving back, or a simple jump, with characteristic voice acting. This effect was also included in the landing on the mount, for example, on the beetle. When I sit on a beetle, these wings open and hide, it looks and sounds very cool.     Everything I have written is extremely simple requests-I am sure of this, but ignored, so far. Why?-IDK.

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There are so many QoL things that has be added to the game that the game never informs new players about and it should.

Players get no info on the following things:

- That you can mouse over the legend on the map and the corresponding icons will flash as long as the subzone is unfogged.

- The /wiki <quarry> being integrated into the game. Knowing how this works would make the game a lot less arcane to come to understand.

- That you can sell things straight from your inventory by opening the selling interface on a vendor and then right-clicking the item and if it can be sold then a "sell" option will appear on the dropdown menu.

- That you can target an enemy by clicking their health bar on the left of the screen if they have one there.

I only learned that these things existed from watching Laranity videos where she went through unknown features that the players could use.

Basically use these two videos for "things the player should know." The game is 10+ years old a lot of features have been added, especially in recent years, that players are never informed about and they should be since they offer incredible QoL improvements.


Edited by Malus.2184
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There is a small issue in WvW where some classes can be either DPS or Support like Vindicator or Tempest or Scrapper etc...

When Commanders try to organise parties with Main Support, Secondary Support etc.. in a 50 people squad this can be difficult and confusing.

Maybe a color code on Squad Grid depending on Gear Stats will solve this problem and make our lives easier.

For example if the players Gear is DPS orienteded, a light Red overlay is on his name in the Squad Grid and if the Gear is more of Support, a light Green could be used.

This feature could be enabled/disabled with a simple checkbox.

Edited by MeskaLitO.9576
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The leviathan should be tweaked. Currently killing the uvula breaks the thick skin buff temporarily, but it's *very* temporary compared to breaking it with skiffs for some reason. Killing the uvula is much harder so it really should be the other way around. Then killing the uvula would become viable as a way for low population maps to kill the Leviathan when there aren't enough skiffs around, and it would make it a little less braindead for the big zergs if the debuff from the skiffs was shorter and had to be rebroken at least once during the fight.

Like, I was just on a map where only three of us were fighting the Leviathan and only two of us had skiffs, so it seemed like a good time to test out how the uvula mechanics work exactly. I killed it and got the debuff for like 5 seconds. It just needs to be longer like when you get the stacks down to zero with the skiffs, because it's a much less trivial thing to do.

Edited by Perihen the Thawk.9527
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CURSOR - bigger , flashier, more pointy please. 


I know there is a setting in option to make the cursor more contrasting, that doesn't work for me because when you set it to the high contrast cursor, it becomes "fat" and cannot even click a way point correctly. 

I hereby would like to request size, shape and color change for cursor. 

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Do you think it would be possible to add weather the outfit button is checked to the equipment templates, as when changing equipment templates on some of my builds to keep it consistent I have to manually turn the outfits on and off for it fit the equipment build.

If you can do that would it be possible to add all check markers for the clothing and trinkets.

Thank you.

Edited by skillze.7689
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Haven't seen this topic mentioned here for a few years, so here goes:  I'm crafting The Juggernaut and would love it if a permanent or at least longer-lasting version of the Mystic Chromatic Ooze was available.  It's currently only 5 minutes.  Please please please!  I don't have it yet but am working on the precursor, and I do think it should be tied to that, not available as something anyone could buy.  I love special gizmos that come from actually crafting an item.  Thank you!

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Iron commander character slots are meant for the players who want to play the game as though they have a new account, without needing a new account (and therefore needing to buy xpacs and lw seasons). 

Iron-commander slots do not benefit from account wide masteries, shared inventory slots, The legendary armory, account-wide bank space, account-wide home instance nodes, or account-shared currencies. Everything they do is from the ground up. 

Why? Some players enjoy a challenge, or also like to experience the game for the first time again, and this will give them that option. 

Meanwhile, I feel like offering these slots to players offers anet a little profit in terms of players using the gemstore a little more, as items bought in these slots also don't share with the rest of the account, ergo allowing redundant purchases, if the player so wills it. 

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It would be rather unfortunate to get a rare infusion drop while playing an iron commander character. You could sell it, but you wouldn't be able to pass it to your other characters. Mail shenanigans?  Materials storage sounds like another problem. 

For me at least, I would want a way to remove the iron mode from a character.  I would absolutely become tired of the restrictions once it became a high level character.

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If you think this would be fun I strongly recommend making a free account and trying it out. I know that means you won't have the expansions and LW seasons which is part of what you want, but get through the base game first and see if it's actually as fun as you think and something you'd stick with through all that content.

Also all the restrictions you listed can be done now just by not allowing yourself to use those things on that character. You do have to keep track of currencies somehow, and you'd have to disable auto-loot in the options menu., You can't disable the swiftness boost in cities (which is annoying, I'd turn it off entirely if I could), but that doesn't do anything useful anyway.

(Also as someone who does like various challenge/themed characters and makes them regularly I would never buy a gem store item I've already got just to use it on a restricted character.)

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I mean, what is the gameplay reason for them being there? Why can't I just switch my Jade Bot modules and chips on the fly whenever I want to?

Many years ago Anet took the need for paying to repair your armor out of the game with the official reason in the patch notes: "We believe that if you have to walk all the way again, that is punishment enough already".

Now, I get that, that in a dungeon (at least back then) it could be a challenge to rerun and was time consuming.

But all the Jade Bot stations are set up in "safe havens" where you cannot be attacked at all. So, what is the gameplay reason behind the need for Jade Bot Staions? Is "Teleporting Back" and "Teleporting Forth" worthwile Gameplay at all to just switch out your chips?

Also, I have quite a number of characters and for a while my cycle always was "Going online in GW2 -> Going to a Jade Bot Staion and putting in the chips -> Playing the Game -> After being done, back to the Jade Bot Station and putting the chips out again, since maybe tomorrow I want to play another character -> Logging off"

Two of these points are uneccessary extra steps that keep you from playing the game when you want to play the game, and after a while of the afforementioned cycle I felt so burned off that nowadays all I do, IF at all is just using the energy core, since you can switch that out on the fly, while all the modules I crafted are sleeping on my bank ever since.

It is a complete pointless mechanic that doesn't add anything to the gameplay, in my opinion it even takes away from it since it makes you to go through uneccessary extra steps that just don't do anything apart from keeping you away from what you actually want to play.

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On 5/24/2023 at 6:45 PM, skillze.7689 said:

Do you think it would be possible to add weather the outfit button is checked to the equipment templates, as when changing equipment templates on some of my builds to keep it consistent I have to manually turn the outfits on and off for it fit the equipment build.

If you can do that would it be possible to add all check markers for the clothing and trinkets.

Thank you.

This can be fix if we have a save to FAVOURITE under dye and outfits 

Edited by babana.7521
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I'd be surprised if it wasn't mentioned before, but update the loading screens to higher resolution ones. Some of them are glaringly low quality on a 1440p monitor, let alone on a 4K one.

Even an automated upscale pass in something like Gigapixel would do wonders without much effort, I think. That's what I did with the ones I liked enough to use as desktop wallpaper.

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I feel like a lot of the decisions of the added game mechanics in EoD were designed to simply troll the player base. The jade bot station you mention, the fact jade bot chips/arrays (perhaps keep cores being character based) aren't account bound, the abomination that is known as the research note system, and I'd also add fishing tackle taking up a zillion inventory spots on each character rather than having an account bound "tackle box" storage area like material storage you can easily access with any character. Also how you lose fishing stacks if you change instances (especially when the game forces a map close) or go to  different map. There should be a 3-5 minute timer to keep them if you change maps/instances or are away from your skiff in the same map. 

None of the above actually improves the gameplay but rather decreases it when having to deal with these things.

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Quality of Life means that I can run in max out gear and weapons in World vs World and not have to worry that I need to spend time away from my squad in World vs World to run around with my head spinning not know what I am doing to get 2 trinkets that I will only be using in World vs World.

Therefore I am formally requesting a World Vs World version of the trinket/accessory. It doesn't need to be fancy. Just let us use our surplus World vs World rank point and surplus etc etc to buy it, I know Anet can think of something, just please don't force me to play PvE and jumping puzzle that i 100% cannot do myself to get it. 

Just thinking of having to do PvE for trinkets that I am only going to be using in WvW makes my head dizzy. and very much no quality of life for me.

Thank you very much

Edited by babana.7521
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I finally acquired every Aurene Skin for the Legendary Hammer. Which is awesome, but a thought came to mind...

What if the Aurene Legendary Weapon can auto swap it's skin similar to Eternity based on the location you are in?

Obviously, there will be some people who hate this, so it can be done like Eternity where you can chose the version you want to keep it on or have a toggle option?


How it would work:

Similar to Eternity, except for being based on time it will be based on location and the Elder Dragon of that area.

Zhaitan = Kryta + Southsun Cove + Orr 

Mordemoth = Heart of Thorns maps basically everything west of Brisban and Rata Sum.

Primordus = Ring of Fire, Ember Bay, Thunderhead Peaks,  Mount Maelstrom

Jormag = Shiverpeak Mountains. Far Shiverpeaks, Drizzlewood Coast

Kralkatorrik = Path of Fire Maps, Ascalon maps, Dragonfall, Sandswept Isles, Isle of Istan

Soo-Won = End of Dragons Maps 

Aurene= Racial Capital Cities, Lions Arch, Eye of the North, PvP,  WVW, 


Raids would be based on location of the wing

Strikes based on location 

Dungeons based on location

Fractals: Based on location of the fractal or just purely random

Special Events could be thematic:  Halloween Instances (jumping puzzle etc) = Zhaitan      Wintersday Instances (jumping puzzle etc) = Jormag 


There's probably a better way of doing all of this and I'm sure there's missing maps and places that should be else where. But just an idea. 

I think it would be neat to see the weapon "channel the magic" of that area as well as get use out of all the Elder Dragon skins acquired for the Aurene Legendary Weapon. 

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